-—.__ m ,— — iwmmmmm^r BUP1 ALO COURIEREXPRESS, Sunday. January 1, 1*50 There'sMoreTo Resort Fashions Than Swim Suits UJear QSrinyd ^/rdveutee Spring. Zradniond for Southern 7-A lA/ear By HONOR McGRATH Courier-Express Fashion KOLACKY b festive to jerre lor holiday breakfasts. (See Alice Partridges column for recipe.) K U V A L K I m reeme to serve tor nouoay nreaatascs. t»ee Alice rartnage s column tor recipe; f I I / Make Good Breakfasts 1950 Resolution Editor Sun followers are fortunate in more ways than one. First of all, it's a wonderful feeling to be rid of your overshoes and other encumbrances of the Winter season, but, too, the lucky woman heading for a warm resort has first choice of the season's fashions. Smart "women have learned that there's a great deal more to resort fashion news than bathing suits. Increasingly, the clothes designers introduce for places in the sun hints of what's to be for Spring and Summer. Fashions the experts are already talking about for Southern wear include the low cut or strapless dress with cover-up jacket for around-theclock . . . the sleeveless dress, often softly-collared . . . straighter, trimmer shorts . . . the separate beach skirt, full for active wear . . . the costume coat of suede, linen oY fleece . . . simple afternoon dresses with interesting detail . . . the street length evening dress. » Invariably, if the costume itself isn't strictly news, the fabric it comes in contributes to resort headlines. Happily plentiful are linens and silks, cottons from heavy crash types to smooth Egyptian, many new nylons used in everything from instant-drying bathing suits to the coolest of dresses and fine rayons. Colors that have brightness in common with the sun, others that blend with the sea and sands, and "whites'* in all tones are favored for points South. In addition, many designers feature creamy variations flattering to all complexions. Yellows, oranges into terra cotta, strawberry pink, violets, and blues from delphinium to royal are popular. Knee-length or shorter is the rule for golf as well as for tennis shorts, and, in some instances, for playdresses. Tops for all- are often sleeveless or cap-shouldered, but necklines are high and scooped by turns. THIS SMART RESORT DRESS has four matching pockets surprisingly set straight across the front of the skirt It Is made of celanese crepe and has flat pearly buttons fasteningright^ up to the little-boy collar. %. 5 : A COAT WITH MANY LIVES Is this full-length coat made in a glove suede fabric Waistline darts, a deep back pleat and front slot pockets make this an easy-to-wear, goover-every thing coat. ••'•% MM completed with bananas glazed in a foods in a copl, dry place, nut meats in jan airtight container. Look after bright-colored jelly. tha food you buy until your family The start of the New Year is the To cook the sausage to a well-done time to make resolutions. One of the state, place links in a frying pan and eats it. resolutions that I'm making, and that add a small amount of water. Cover And, fifth, note this: Save food I think more people should make, is and steam five minutes, then drain values by careful preparation. Cook to serve better breakfasts. any remaining water. Cook over slow vegetables quickly in little water. Breakfast is the start of the day heat turning sausages frequently until Don't peel or cut them till you're and it should provide one-third of brown. For a crowd, cook the saus- refdy to use them. Don't overcook vegetables. Cook potatoes in their the day's food requirements. A good ages in the oven. breakfast means the difference beTo prepare the bananas, cut into jackets. Don't add soda when you tween going around all day with a two-inch chunks. Sprinkle with lemon cobk green vegetables. haggard face and a dim outlook, and juice. Place in shallow buttered bakJBixth. use leftovers. Put extra vegeoperating at top efficiency in an opti- ing dish. Spread with currant jelly. ubles in soups, in omelets, in creamed mistic frame of mind. Yep, I'm really Bake in a moderately hot oven (400 dishes. Dry bread is an asset for convinced of it degrees F.) for 15 minutes. stuffing. Bits of cheese seivt as a flavor accent for soups and salads, The two suggestions for breakfast Baked or Shirred E ggs illustrated today axe not what I would Heat oven to 350 degrees F. But- an! ingredient for biscuits and muffins. recommend on a busy weekday, but ter custard cups or ramekins. Pour Odd egg yolks and egg whites wait during the holidays or on Sundays one tablespoon top milk or cream in for use in custards, cakes, and dresswhen breakfast is a meal that is re- each. Carefully break an egg into ings. laxed and unhurried, kolacky, that each. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and jRinaUy, join your efforts with those favorite Bohemian delicacy, or sau- paprika; dot with butter. Arrange off bur farmers and tradespeople to Ay ALICE HUGHES promises 1950 holds for this brave sages, served with baked eggs and cups in shallow baking pan. Bake in m|ke full use of foods in*good supply, New York, Dec 31—The churches new world. moderate oven of 350 degrees 12 to n foods are produced in unusual were full last night on New Year's bananas, would be wonderful 18 minutes or until of desired firm- abundance, under law our government Eve. New York's first 1950 good is Kolacky Dough WONT LEND EARS—New Yorkness. Serve from dishes. often buys, stores, and distributes the r e s t l e s s . The % cup milk ers have the privacy of goldfish. We surplus to save it from waste. Uncle same sense of « Resolve to Be Thrifty *4 cup sugar meekly accept intrusions of every kind. Among other New Year's resolu- Sapn channels large quantities of these insecurity t h a t 1 teaspoon salt But we balg when our ears are astions which I think we, as homemale- fop|U to young Americans eating at drives people to Vx cup shortening saulted by commercials disguised as ers, might do well to make, is the the school lunch table, and to persons silent prayer in Vi cup lukewarm water messages. Long ago police stopped 3 cakes yeast, dry or compressed resolution of thrift. This applies to in| ion-profit institutions all over the the House of airplanes from trumpeting advertisealmost everything we do with food— ccjjuntry. -, God l i k e wise 3 eggs, beaten ments from the sky. Radio and phonobuying, preparing, serving. Of course urges them to 6 cups sifted all-purpose flour graph music stores may not emit it's not limited to the ritual of the our flashy Gay sound beyond their doors. But the Scald the milk. Put into it #vhfle shopping bag and serving plate. It's White Way for Grarfd Central Terminal decided that hot one-half cup sugar, the salt and a time-honored principle you can exraucous escape. the ears of the public tnat passes to FOR AFTER-FTVE, an unusual shortening. While it cools to luke- tend as far as you like. Wherever People look upand from trains belong to them and glove suede dress. The "pocket top" warm, dissolve the other one-quarter you apply it, it will pay dividends, not ward for release, -Jai t y j could be fofeed to listen to whatever has easy fullness which falls into cup of sugar and the yeast in the luke- only in cash, but in personal satisfacglance downward commercial paid the price from being soft bat straight lines. The wrapped warm water. It will require five to tion in the feeling that you are doing Susan Parker will be glad to help for relief at not boomed through the echoing rafters blouse has a flattering boat neckten minutes for the yeasL When your job efficiently. with any question on house- finding t h e m of our huge-Grand Central Station. line and brief sleeves. The blouse the yeast has dissolved and the milk Alice Hughes hold problems, etiquette, and per- • selves alone. This Thrift in food does not mean buycan be worn, too, with slacks for One of our weekly magazines whose cooled to lukewarm, combine the two ing less food—it may even result in sonal appearance. Address queries to is no time for solitude. Get together; commuting editors have touchy ears evenings at home. mixtures and stir in the beaten eggs. buying more. Thrift in food means SSsan Parker, The Courier-Express, get in the groove. Get on the beam! launched a complaint against these unStir in about three cups of flour making your food dollars supply t£e Buf «alo 5, N. Y. A stamped, selfsolicited commercials through its ediModern and quite in keeping with and beat until smooth. Put in the re- fullest nutritional satisfaction for your aidressed envelope should accomtorial columns; even went so far as to the garish spirit of 1950, the most, maining flour to make a dough. Knead family. pany each enquiry. call the Puolic Service Commission brilliant message beamed at the New the dough on a lightly floured board. into the fracas. It, in turn, called the Next year, let's resolve to make York public last night got its force Put in a greased bowl and brush the Flower Arrangement railroad to task. At present everyone full use of our assets. So far as food top with melted butter or margarine. ar Mrs. M. C: There's no need and direction from a man known as at the hearing is in the name-calling is concerned, here are some of the the "Blimp Baron." Douglas Leigh is Cover with a cloth. Let rise in a to feel embarrassed because you don't our most brilliant illuminator. He stage. If I may stick my neck out to warm place, free from draft until things it may mean: "instinctively" arrange flowers welL blazons neon messages over Broad- guess the outcome of this invasion on Buy Only What You Need about double in bulk (50 to 60 minFirst shop for the thing you really I know it's supposed to be a feminine way's, skies every night For out-of- our privacy I'm betting the Grand utes). Central Station will soon clap down trait like intuition, but it has to be By JOSEPHINE LOWMAN Punch down and turn out on a light- need. The unintended purchase may learned like anything else. Here are town visitors Leigh provides New on loud-speakered commercials. York's No. 1 attraction. On New I am writing about a subject'this look like a bright idea on the grocery ly floured board. One-half of the Year's Eve, Mr. Mazda out-did himsoma simple rules that will help you: shelf. But it's an item for red ink in week which is delightful to women aldough will make 15 rolls. To make NO MORE SOFT WATCHES— J-Assemble your working mater- self. However foggy everything the 15 rolls shape half of the dough your cash book unless you make it though h may sometimes be puzinto a roll about 15 inches long. Cut pay its way on the table. That ap- :ais—container, knife, scissors, stern seemed to reveler's eyes last night Salvadore Dali, black - moustacbed zling, frustrating or harassing! I am into 15 pieces. Form into very smooth plies, too, to the quantity you pur- holder, and flowers sorted according they could not help but feel the eye- Spanish surrealist painter, has seen the bite in the 26-foot flashlight, 800-mil- light Back from Europe where hi writing about men. balls. Place on greased baking sheets chase. If you buy more of a product to kinds, colors, sizes. lion candlepower symbol designed by was received by the Pope at the VatP Some of them may be hard to live about two inches apart Flatten out than you need, the surplus may go to 2—Insert stems which form basis the "Blimp Baron" for a well-known can, Dali shrugs off modern art as with, but most women find it harder waste. with the palm of the hand and cover of design into the stem holder. A Second, don't Ignore foods merely triangular arrangement is adaptable to maker of batteries. So penetrating is being "merely decorative." He brought to live without them. I hope the subwith a towel. this assault of light it can be seen back with him his five latest paintings, Let rise in a warm place until because they are not top quality. In aknost any type of flower. This ratio from Philadelphia and New Haven. all with a feligious theme. Not en- ject may be interesting to the men doubled in bulk. Press down center fresh fruits and vegetables, blemishes may be used for the longest stem Musfv make a man feel like God to tirely hopeless as to modern art, Dali who read this column and to the of each ball with fingers or the bot- may detract from appearance without lengths—one and one-half to two, be <aWe to say, "Let there be light says it caj| be regenerated through women who are interested in them. There has always been much distom of a small glass, leaving a rim affecting quality at all In canned times the diameter of a IQW container for hundreds of mUes." modern tednique plus spiritual treatfruits and vegetables, in eggs, and cussion as to whether men or women or Jthe height of a tall vase. Place around the edge. Fill the center with The sermons preached last night ment meats, the same reasoning applies. lead the harder life. As a matter of small light flowers at outermost urge the world to look to religion for a cooked fruit mixture. Bake in a He was willing to pose with his sur- fact, polls have shown that the maTop grade products usually offer the points of the design, large dark ones moderate oven (350 to 375 degrees) survival and peace. Many of us dp. realist Madonna, a figure of the Virgin about one-half hour. Cool. Sift con- finest in appearance or flavor or tex- lowest the others at in-between places But it must be admitted that the new with Renaissance features, but with a jority of people, men and women, fectioner's sugar over the top, if de- ture, but the food value in the lower to lull in sides of the triangle. AU year's promise in terms of electronics rectangular cavity from chest to waist think that woman has the most diffigrades can often provide economical stetti lengths should vary to make the tired. makes more exciting reading. Engi- in which floats the Infant Jesus. The cult time. It seems men have been nourishment for your family. Comarrangement interesting. There should Kolacky Filling neers from Wcstmghouse say 1950 Christ Child shows the same cavity sold on this idea too. pare differences in quality with difbe no overlapping of stems, leaves, or It is true that most women work 1 cup prunes may be the year when we shaU have which symbolizes, according td Dali, ferences in prices, and choose accord- flowers to cause visual confusion. aU day and part of the night and 1 cup figs or apricots "bottled sunlight" for brilliant night- the absence of materialism and the ing to the way you intend to use the every Sunday, at least their responsiVi cup chopped nuts $f-Cut stem ends diagonally so time lighting, needing np electricity. presence of spirituality in these holy commodity. bUities never stop except when they 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind A radar-like remote control system Two. The Pope looked at the Dali thejH may absorb the most water. Cut Third, make full use of your gro- oft leaves which may come below will hold stoves down to a tempera- works; shoved extraordinary compre- are asleep. WhUe a woman may not 1 teaspoon lemon juice cery purchases. Many of our vege- water level to prevent their decaying, ture that can't burn food. Electric hension of the artist's execution. So have such big responsibilities as a V4 to ¥* cup sugar man, yet she has more smaU, wearing Cook the prunes and figs or fpri- tables are double-duty items. You can making the water stagnant and short- motors wUl be self-renewing; never says Dali. eots until tender. Chop the fruits often use the tops as well as the roots ening the lives of the flowers. wear out These are some of the Copyright, 2S|9, King Featur** Synd., Inc. duties. She can't get away from her responsibilities at all. Women often and mix in lemon rind and juice. Add of beets. You can prepare an appetis"0 4— Your completed arrangement shoulder the responsibiUties of the sugar to sweeten. The amount de- ing dish of braised celery of outer should have unity, proper proportion, home and have to work, too. pends on the sweetness of the fruit stalks too tough for the salad dish. balance, rhythm, center of interest and personal taste. YObr meat or poultry purchase often and! color harmony. You wiU find Women iue so conscious of these carries extranet to be rendered for thai u your balance is not quite exact truths and* have made men so conSawsage and Eggs Brunch scious of them, that we sometimes The just-right seasoning of fine your purposes. you will have a more pleasing effect Store Food Carefully forget or underestimate the heavy bursausage makes this a year-round selecThis can be done by letting a small Fourth, store your food where the object balance a larger mass. Fig- By MYRTLE MEYER ELDRED can who have been steeped in the dens most men carry. With our tration for appetite appeal. The platter shown wiU have eye-appeal, too, since bugs can't get it where it has the urines are often used with flower arWe have a feeling, on this New subject for a generation or more, it ditional division of labor, the man the well-browned sausage links are a proper temperature, and the degree of rangements to suggest a theme and Year's Day that it might be timely to is obvious that baby care is easier making the living and the woman carperfect foil for the golden and white dryness or dampness it requires. Put help give a feeling of balance.' look at what has happened to child today than It once was. When pedia- ing for the house and chUdren— trics was a new branch of medicine, women who have not worked often of the shirred eggs. The platter is your eggs in the refrigerator, canned_ care practices now and in the past parents had to be so self-conscious. faU to understand the pressure under You hear parEverything they did was by rule. It which their husbands Uve. It would ents say t h e s e aU ran counter to what past genera- be a good idea, if it were possible, days, "Oh taking tions had dene and they were being for men and women to exchange jobs care of children challenged by everyone. for a few weeks. It would probably is done just as Those days have passed. We are end by each one wanting his old they did a in my all relatively familiar with the usual responsibilities back. great -grandmothways of caring for babies; we have A man not only must meet keen er's day, only now practiced those ways for a long time. competition constantly but he feels you get o r d e r s Now the "new" ways; the self-demand the emotional, impact of having his from the doctor!" schedules: the responsibility of doing family entirely dependent on his This is o n l y what needs to be done for a baby so earning power for food and shelter, superficially true. he won't cry; the days when we can education, pleasure, safety and adWe don't feed a cuddle and rock and walk, all the vantages of all sorts. With prices as child anything he uatural things a mother likes to do. they are and the demands of a family can c h e w and swallow or choo; Myrtl* Meyer Eldred In addition parents have discov- an unending torrent, it is no wonder it from the famered that they are not just instruments that many men are dropping off in ily table, as they once did. We don't to bathe, feed, air and sleep a baby; the prime of life because of heart weight babies with lengthy, clumsy they are his emotional background, trouble. garments under which they haven't the too. And that background must be There are many wise women who strength to wiggle a toe. right so the baby will feel secure and know their husbands are workfnfc, We don't take babies out for so- happy and flourish and grow up with themselves to death and these women celled airinp and cover their faces sound emotional health. would settle for much less luxury and with veils. And we defn't dress them So, we can see that we borrow from more years with their husbands and in woolens whatever the season or the old and add to its responsibilities more time during those years in which put a band of wool on their abdo- something that is peculiarly modern. to enjoy one another. mens, however hot it is, on the pre- We advance three steps up and two It's heady to become successful and mise that their abdomens must be back, like the frog in the well. And it is almost impossible to let go once kept warm or they'll not be able to all of it is in the interest of better, you start to climb the ladder of sucdigest their food. healthier, happier children. No one cess, but often the result is stomach We have, it is true, revived the can quarrel with that ulcers, heart trouble, fatigue, a baynice practice of cuddling, rocking and window, loss of romance and children And a fine happy, 1950 to you all. walking, which was frowned out of who are strangers. existence by*Watson, the behaviorist If you men live to be old, through We don't actually offer the baby SCOOP HAS MANY USES some miracle, you will have your his thumb, in the belief that "thumbIf you have an ice cream scoop ulcers and your money—and what sucking babies are good babies," but you've been using all Summer don't have you? You went through the we don't snatch it away from him if put it away now that cold weather vibrant rich years like a lawn mower he wants it nor tie up or plaster it is here. It's an excellent tool to keep through a clover patch and you will with nauseous tasting drugs to discour- around the kitchen with which to not be able to repeat You can mow age him from sucking it serve mashed potatoes, tuna fish or the lawn of success aU right WUl it Taking the long view, as some of us I salmon salad, or cottage cheese. matt yon truly happy? COLORFUL BRUNCH PLATTER consists of sausages flanked by shfcTed eggs and jelly-glazed bananas. By ALICE PARTRIDGE Whistle at Hubby To Stop Snoring Two Major Hopes for' 1950 Are Religion and Electronics A very simple trick wiU bring relief to the distressed wife who is disturbed and upset by her sleeping husband's snoring. If she will whistle quietly—not loud enough to waken him—the high frequency sounds will filter through his subconscious mind and he wiU usually stop snoring and roll over, off his back. . Sleep Is Revealing A person who sleeps on his back, stretched out like a soldier at attention, wants to be as great as possible. The sleeper who curls up like a hedgehog, with the sheet puffed over his head, probably lacks cour« age and ambitiqp in everyday affairs. He who sleeps on his stomach is stubborn and negative, while the pessimist curls himself up into the smallest possible space and then often draws the covers over his head, too. So says Professor Alfred Adler, well-known psychologist iUSAN PARKER Do Women Or Men Lead Harder Lives? Today's Child Care Ideas Are Good Combination of Old, New i 4 • r^ Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com > SHIRRS AND BRAIDS unite in this cotton cruise ensemble. The barberpole striped seersucker blouse LACING BECOMING POPULAR is shirred ail over, and tiny sleeves "Lacing" is entering the picture drop off the shoulder for a cool again in Hollywood, replacing slide effect The high-waisted skirt, fea- fasteners, hooks and eyes and snaps, turing an inverted center pleat and a movie company says. One black braid-edged pockets, is created from velvet evening dress has side lacings sturdy denim. of pale pink*velvet isser I m B UY-LINES + byNancy Sasser jL_J A Wt«fclr AtfwrtWnf Catww •* Ifctaf* Htm M 4 NEW YORK, N. Y„ Jan. let—It's a aad awakening when New Year's morning finds you suffering from acid stomach, headache or heartburn from rich food and drink. But yon can help yourself to quick relief. Simply drink % glass of water with % tap. ARM A HAMMER or COW BRAND Baking Soda . . . for this wonderful alkalizer helps correct excess acidity. That'* why I always take it several times a day when I feel a cold coming on, too . . . just hk tap. with the juice of 1 lemon in a glass of water does the trick! So get a box of ARM a- HAMMER or COW BRAND Baking Soda today . . . keep it handy on your bathroom shelf. Welcome fo 1950 and welcome to CAVALIER . . . for this dfatiaa* tive new King-Size cigarette is made to order for you. Q» That's because it has all the qualities you've always j^_ ^Jrj wanted In a cigarette . . . mildneta and smooth, mellow flavor. One puff and you'll notice they're mild . „ . extremely mild. Then you'll discover that CAVALIERS are a fresh flavor treat too . . . giving you cool smoking and an extra measure of enjoyment But that's only natural . . . for CAVALIERS are a modern blend of fine, light Colonial type tobaccos. Still, they are priced no more than other popular brands . . . so treat yourself to the best today . . . a smart white pack of CAVALIERS. Doa'f tsVow srwtry those broken Chriatmaa toys . . . "ScotchM^llophane Tape will fix them up good aa new! Cracked doll heads, broken crayons, shattered airplanes and balsa models—they're all easy to fix with a few strips of transparent cellophane tape. Keep a roll of this sticks-at-atouch tape In every room for aeallng, holding, mending and protecting. Look for "Scotch" Brand Tape In the gay plaid dispenser at stores everywhere. Get several handy rolhi—they're 1H and 25c, or buy the big moneysaving roll at 39*. Be sure to aak for -Scotch" Brand Tape. 0 r—of often to be mora cheerful is one thing . . . but If yon really want to live up to it you can't afford annoying corn*. And you don't have to . . . provided you use BLUE-JAY Corn Plasters. The minute you wrap the soft Dura-felt pad around your troubled toe, shoe pressure is \nttantly relieved ... , and pain-curbing Nupercaine (exclusive with BLUE-J AY) sooth ea away surface pain. Then gentle medication loosens the hard core of the corn . . . all you do is Uft It out in a few days. So get BLUE-JAY Corn Piasters at any Drug Counter today . . . see how easy It is to be cheerful when you're "free" of pesky corns. f v s boost "browsing** through photograph albums,.. and It's clear as day which pictures were taken before and after I switched from shampoos with drying ingredients to new KREML Shampoo. Yon see, KREML with its natural oil base was just what my dry, brittle hair needed , . . for it pampers each lock into behaving like a perfect angel. But besides leaving my hair soft as satin, KREML Shampoo's marvelous new ingredl_ ent "Foll&an"® makes it fairly glow with natural glossy sheen . . . because It has special cleansing qualities that reveal all the hidden highlights! So do try new KREML Shampoo soon . . . sea what a picture of loveliness It makes your hair! Greeting thm Now Yoor with a smile . . . or has an annoying chest cold wlm its miserable aches and pains "got yon down"? If it has, then here's a way to get fait, comforting relief. Just use MUSTEROLE . . . for this ' soothing rub actually helps CHECK the irritation^ That's because MUSTEROLE contains such wonderful pain-relieving agents as methyl salicylate, menthol, oil of mustard and camphor . . . which is why it's equally effective for prompt relief of lumbago, rheumatic and neuritis pains, too! So get Mild MUSTEROLE for the youngsters, Regular or Extra-Strong for grown-ups . . . and keep your whole family, feeling "tip top" throughout the cold "season" ahead! J
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