March 20, 2015 Weekly Political Update Alabama Contractors Association PO Box 2354 Montgomery, AL 36101 Alabama Contractors Association An Independent Association of Concerned Contractors and Subcontractors Fighting to Preserve Our Competitive Bid Laws 2015 Alabama Legislative Session Thursday, March 19, completed the 8th day of the legislative session. There are 30 days in a legislative session - so we have 22 days to go. CM@Risk Update HB275 by Tuggle, CM@Risk Legislation, was on the agenda in the House State Government Committee on Wednesday, March 18. I called a Public Hearing on the bill on Thursday of the previous week. Prior to the Public Hearing ABC drafted an Amendment to the bill to remove the Design-Build section of the legislation and AIA then endorsed the legislation. Tuggle promptly cancelled the Public Hearing and I spent the early morning reinstating the Public Hearing on the bill. The Amendment to the Bill was easily adopted. This Amendment does not make the bill any better. HB275 Amended is still as bad as it was before. Nothing was changed to make the bill any better. The entire CM@Risk legislation was left in the bill. Over 100 people attended the Public Hearing. Three Advocates and three Opponents were allowed to speak the bill. Those who spoke on behalf of ACA in opposition to the bill did a fabulous job. Additionally, Katherine Lynn with the Alabama Building Commission was called on 1 March 20, 2015 Weekly Political Update to speak by Rep. Tuggle Chair of the Committee (who is also the bill sponsor). She spoke in favor of the legislation. Tuggle also called on a representative of the University of Alabama who, amazingly, was not at the meeting. Tuggle did not call for a vote on Wednesday, indicating he did not have the votes to pass the bill out of committee. He called another House State Government Committee meeting for Thursday immediately upon adjournment of the House. Again, he did not have the votes to pass the legislation out of the committee. The Senate Companion bill was introduce on Tuesday, March 17. SB239 by Sanford was assigned to the Senate Financial Responsibility and Economic Development Committee which is Chaired by Sen. Phil Williams. I have already called a Public Hearing on this bill. I will let you know when it will go before the Committee. Members of ACA have been working hard, calling legislators and walking the halls of the State House, to kill this legislation. ACA is the only entity fighting to kill this legislation which risks the future of every contractor and subcontractor in Alabama. ABC and AGC will probably draft another substitute or amendment to this legislation so that they can tell legislators they have worked out all of the problems with this legislation (as they have done before). ABC has 7 lobbyists (9 if you include the AGC lobbyists) working hard to pass this legislation. Many legislators have told me that they have not heard from constituents on the legislation. They want to hear from you. We must continue to call legislators to tell them to oppose the CM@Risk legislation. Tell them that this legislation will eliminate every local contractor and subcontractor from work on public works projects. This legislation is bad for contractors, subcontractors, and tax payers. Tell them that this bill picks winners and losers. The winners are the mega contractors and the losers are all of the local contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. We need contractors from across the state to join ACA in walking the halls March 30, April 1 and April 2 to help kill this damaging legislation. Every legislator needs to hear from a constituent. If you have any connection to any legislator please call them. If you know contractors or subcontractors who don’t yet know about the bill please call them. 2 March 20, 2015 Weekly Political Update SB178: Alabama Department of Transportation CM@Risk Legislation ALDOT introduced a piece of legislation that would make it legal for them to use CM@Risk on building projects and roads projects. I met with ALDOT last week and they agreed to amend the bill to remove the section that allowed for the use of CM@Risk on the construction of buildings. SB178 was in committee last week and was amended to remove any provisions allowing the use of CM@Risk on building projects. This bill has not been reported out of committee and has not received its second reading in the Senate. SB233: State Licensing Board for General Contractors Senator Bussman has introduced a piece of legislation to amend the Section of the Code relating to the State Licensing Board for General Contractors. This bill would require at least one member of the board as a larger part of his or her business to be a subcontractor. This bill has been assigned to the Senate Committee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Development and awaits a committee hearing. Other Bills of Interest Unemployment Compensation Bill HB19 by Rep. Jack Williams (R-Birmingham) would alter the formula for calculating the individual weekly benefit payment. It would provide that an eligible individual who is unemployed or partially unemployed in any week shall be paid an amount equal to his or her weekly benefit amount that is reduced by a certain amount of wages payable to the individual for that week. This bill passed through the House on Tuesday and will now move to the Senate Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Development Committee. Career-Tech/Apprenticeship/Education Bills HB38 by Rep. Alan Baker (R-Brewton) would appropriate $5,000,000 to the Alabama Community College System for the purpose of providing student scholarships in the careertechnical dual enrollment programs. *No movement yet* SB109 by Sen. Arthur Orr (R-Decatur) is the apprenticeship bill that would give a $1,000 tax credit to any company that employs an apprentice. *No movement yet* ALDOT Competitive Bid SB50 by Sen. Allen (R-Tuscaloosa) : Under existing law, a bidder on a public works project for the Department of Transportation or other awarding authority is required to file a bid guarantee in the form of either a cashier's check or a bond payable to the awarding authority but in no event to exceed $10,000. This bill raises the maximum amount of the bid guarantee to not more than $50,000. * No movement yet* Craft Training Program HB227 by Representative Boothe (R-Troy): To create the construction industry Craft Training Program and the Craft Training Board to be administered within the existing Alabama Building Commission, or successor agency or department; to establish a fee in the amount of one dollar 3 March 20, 2015 Weekly Political Update ($1) per each one thousand dollars ($1,000) of construction authorized on the issuance of any nonresidential construction building permit in order to implement the program; and to establish and define the powers and duties of the Craft Training Board. COMMITTEE ON BOARDS, AGENCIES AND COMMISSIONS This week in the Alabama Legislature Three of the five bills in the Governor’s Made in Alabama Jobs Incentive Package—HB57, HB58 and HB59—moved quickly through the House last week. On Thursday, HB59 passed through the Senate and is now headed to Gov. Bentley, while both HB57 and HB58 are expected to soon see a vote on the Senate floor. The fourth bill in the package, HB304—also known as the Alabama Innovation Act—was recently referred to the House Technology and Research Committee and will see a committee vote in two weeks. These bills were created specifically for economic development and retention efforts. Economic Development bills direct impact construction in Alabama and are important to the construction industry. 4 March 20, 2015 Weekly Political Update ___________ If you would like information about ACA or CM@Risk legislation or if you have any questions on these bills or others that you have heard about please contact Heather Davis at [email protected]. Like to join ACA? Click Here 5
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