Fungicide Fungicide AzoxyStar™ ™ AzoxyStar One formula3on for use on a wide range of crops and diseases… AzoxyStar™ Ac3ve FRAC • • Convenient SC formula0on and label that provides a wide use pa7ern in mul0ple crops and diseases. Ingredient Group Azoxystrobin 11 # of AI per Gallon Provides effec0ve “systemic” disease control with both foliar and soil applica0ons. • Provides control of over 60 diseases in over 40 crops groups. • Ac0vity on all four fungal groups – with strengths of ac0vity on Rhizoctonia, Anthracnose and Pythium. 2.08 Mode of ac3on Qol Inhibitor that inhibits respira0on leading to fungal cell death Packaging 2x2.5 Cases AzoxyStar™ Provides broad spectrum systemic disease control in a wide range of crops. Refer to the AzoxyStar™ Refer to the AzoxyStar™ product label for complete product label for complete use directions and use directions and instructions instructions LLC Always use and follow label directions Always use and follow EPA Reg. No. 42750-261 label directions AD070214 EPA Reg. No. 42750-261 ALB-101-2015 AD070214 ALB-101-2015 Fungicide Fungicide AzoxyStar™ AzoxyStar™ AzoxyStar™can be applied either as a foliar or in-‐furrow applica3on. • • • • • For best results apply preven0vely prior to disease development. Applica0ons can be made via ground, air or chemiga0on. AOer applica0on AzoxyStar translocates throughout the plant via vascular 0ssue moving upward and outward in the plant 0ssue. Tank-‐mix or rotate to fungicides with a different mode of ac0on to manage resistance. Extreme care should be taken when using Azoxystrobin based fungicides around apple trees due to varietal sensi3vi3es. AzoxyStar™ Use rates: 5.0 fl oz/acre to 15.5 fl oz/acre Refer to label for use rates by crop and targeted disease AzoxyStar™ provides systemic fungicide activity on a wide range of crops and diseases. Refer to the AzoxyStar™ Refer to the AzoxyStar™ product label for complete product label for complete use directions and use directions and instructions instructions LLC Always use and follow label directions Always use and follow EPA Reg. No. 42750-261 label directions AD070214 EPA Reg. No. 42750-261 ALB-101-2015 AD070214 ALB-101-2015
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