Name: ____________________________________________ UCI ID#: _______________ MIDTERM 2B – MAE10 Spring 2015 Section 1: Provide a short answer to each of the following questions (2 pts each, no partial credit). What should be the name of the function stored in function file testfun.m? testfun What is the minimum number of inputs required in a user-defined function? 0 What is the maximum number of outputs allowed in a user-defined function? No maximum What values are stored in x, y: [x,y] = size([1:2:7; 2, 4, 6, 8; -1:3:9]); x=3 What values are stored in y: y = numel([1:2:7; 2, 4, 6, 8; -1:3:9]) y=12 y=4 Section 2: Identify any and all errors that would prevent the code from executing in the following MATLAB/Octave statements. Warnings and "bad programming" are acceptable. Those would not prevent the code from running. If you believe there are no errors, write Ok. (3 pts each, no partial credit) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D=[1 2; 1 2]; D(3,2)=2*D(2); a = 10; a(2)=a; a(2)=a(2,1); one=1; two=2; three = two + one; for = 2*one + two; class = ‘MAE10’ switch class case {MAE10} disp(class) end for x=0:0.5:10; f(x)=x.^2-2*x+1; disp(‘f(x)’); end Ok a(2,1) is not defined for is a key word MAE10 is not defined x is not an integer Name: ____________________________________________ UCI ID#: _______________ These problems contain a function program and the “main” program that calls the function, each stored in a different m-file. Identify all errors in the “main” or function programs, if any exist. 6. In the “main” program: x = [3, 4, 5, 6 ; 7, 8, 9, 10]; h = pig( x(3,:) ) * pig( x(:,3) ) x does not have 3 rows In pig.m: function [ x ] = pig(y) x = -10; x = x + mean(y); results = 10; end 7. In the “main” program: x = [3, 4, 5, 6 ; 7, 8, 9, 10]; h = dog(x(1,:)) + b b is not defined In dog.m: function [ x ] = pig(b) x = -10; x = x + mean(b); b = (10-x); results = 10; end 8. function name mismatches file name In the “main” program: x = [3, 4, 5, 5]; y = [6, 7]; [a] = cheese(x, y); In cheese.m: function [ results ] = cheese(y, x) results = y + x y and x have different dimensions return end Name: ____________________________________________ UCI ID#: _______________ Section 3: Write the output displayed by the following codes (3 pts each) 1. a = 0; b = 2; c = 3; d = a == b | b > c; e = c < b & c < a; if (~d) disp('d is true') elseif(~e) disp('e is true') else disp('none are true') end 2. k=3; while (k<8) k=k+4; for i = k:8; kpi = k+i; disp([k,i,kpi]) end end 3. for i=2:-2:-2 j = 2 - i; for k=3:j A(j,k)=i; end end disp(A); Consider these values and functions: x=3; y=1; z = @(y,x) 2*y-x; function [y1] = f1(x,y) y1=x-y; end function [y2] = f2(x,y) y2=2*f1(x,y)-1 end Name: ____________________________________________ 4. for i=2:-1:0 for j=i:2 disp(f1(i,j)); end end 5. f2(f1(x,y),y) 6. z(f2(f1(x,y),y),y) Section 3 Solutions 3.1 d is true 3.2 7 7 7 14 8 15 3.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 -2 3.4 0 0 -1 0 -1 -2 3.5 1 3.6 1 UCI ID#: _______________ Name: ____________________________________________ UCI ID#: _______________ Section 4: Write the exact output displayed by the following codes (3 pts each) A=[1:0.5:2.50]; B=[1; 2; 3; 4]; C=[1 2 ; 3 4]; E=['MAE10','great','course']; F=char('Tim','Tom','Pat'); fprintf('A=%5.2f B=%5.2f\n', [A ; B']') fprintf('C=%5.2f%5.0f\n', C) fprintf('How was %s? \n%s, of %s!\n', E(1:5),E(6:10),E(11:end)) fprintf('F=%3s\n', F(1:3:9), F(2:3:9), F(3:3:9)) 4.1 A= 1.00 B= 1.50 A= 2.00 B= 2.50 A= 1.00 B= 2.00 A= 3.00 B= 4.00 4.2 C= 1.00 3 C= 2.00 4 4.3 How was MAE10? great, of course! 4.4 F=Tim F=Tom F=Pat Name: ____________________________________________ UCI ID#: _______________ Section 5: Write a program to complete the following tasks. You do not have to write the output of the code. (5.1) Write a program that calculates the sum of all integers that are smaller than 100 and that are multiple of 2 and 9. Output the results in a file called table.txt. First column should have the multiples of 2 and 9, and the second should have the cumulative sum. You don’t need to display headers of the table (8 pts). (5.2) Write a function that returns the logical variable TRUE (which is 1) if its three integer arguments form a Pythagorean triple. Note that a Pythagorean triple consists of three positive integers a, b, and c, such that a2 + b2 = c2. Do not assume that the arguments are entered in increasing order. Example: f(3,4,5) should return TRUE; f(13,12,5) should return TRUE; f(1,2,3) should return FALSE (0) (8 pts). (5.3) Write a function that approximates the square root of a real number, A. The algorithm is as follows. First choose an initial guess xi=G. Then refine the guess using the following relation: 𝑥𝑛𝑒𝑤 = 1 𝐴 ( + 𝑥𝑖 ) 2 𝑥𝑖 If xnew is sufficiently close to xi, stop. Otherwise, set xi = xnew and continue refining the guess. The function should also contain as input the initial guess, G. Your function should be accurate to five decimal places (10 pts). Name: ____________________________________________ UCI ID#: _______________ Section 5 Solutions Problem 5.1 clc; clear; id=fopen('table.txt'); Sum=0; for i=3*7:3*7:99; Sum=Sum+i; fprintf(id,'%3i %5i\n',i,Sum); fprintf('%3i %5i\n',i,Sum); end fclose(id); Problem 5.2 function pyth=prob5_2(a,b,c) pyth = a^2+b^2==c^2 | a^2+c^2==b^2 | c^2+b^2==a^2; Problem 5.3 function res=prob5_3b(A,G) error = 1000; xi = G; while error > 0.00001 xnew = 1/2*(A/xi+xi); error=abs(xnew-xi); fprintf('%10.5f \n',xnew); xi=xnew; end res=xnew;
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