Name: ____________________________________________ UCI ID#: _______________ Midterm – MAE10 Spring 2015 Section 1: Short Answer. (2 points each) What is the command to clear the variables stored in memory? clear What is the command to find information on the variables stored in memory? whos Consider the following matrix: A = [ 1 2 3 ; 4 5 6 ]; If B = numel(A) and C = size(A), What is the value of B? 6 What is the value of C? [ 2 3] Section 2: Identify ALL the programming errors in the following commands (3 points each) 1. 2. 3. 4. A = [ 0:3 ; 2:5 ]; D=[1 2; 1 2]; 2DA=2*D; 2DA is an invalid variable name a = 10; b = a*2; c = b*3; disp(a,b,c); invalid arguments for disp city = 'Irvine' switch Irvine case {'city'} disp(city) end for i=1:0.5:2; A(i)=i.^2; disp('A(i)'); end 5. Numb(1) = [ 1 2 ]; Numb(2) = [ 2 3 ]; disp([Numb(1) Numb(2)]) 6. hi = 'bye'; bye = 'hi'; x = 7; if(bye = 'hi' | x > 8) disp(bye) end Irvine is not a defined variable index for array A(i) must be integer or logical mismatch in the number of elements mismatch in the number of elements two ‘=’ signs required in logical expressions Name: ____________________________________________ UCI ID#: _______________ Section 3: State what is the exact output that will be produced by each of the following programs. Assume that there are no errors. If you are given specific formatting instructions, use underscores to indicate blank spaces. In addition, carriage returns (newline) should be clear. (4 points each) 1. for i = 1:3 for j = i:3 if(i<j) disp([ num2str(i) ' is greater than ' num2str(j) ]) end end end 1 is greater than 2 1 is greater than 3 2 is greater than 3 2. x = 2; while(x<=5) x=x+2; disp('Hello') end Hello Hello 3. for i=1:3 for j=3:i disp('This is an endless loop') end disp(['not quite ' num2str(i)]) end not quite 1 not quite 2 This is an endless loop not quite 3 4. Matt = 'Name'; name = 'Matt'; switch name case Matt disp('no quotes') case 'Matt' disp('quotes') end quotes Name: ____________________________________________ 5. A=[7:-2:1]; B(2,1:4)=2; disp(A(3)+B(8)) 5 6. for i=1:2:5 C(i)=i; disp(C) end 1 1 0 3 1 0 3 0 5 UCI ID#: _______________ Name: ____________________________________________ 7. time=[0:0.5:2]; dist=3*time; fprintf('%5.2f %5.2f\n', time, dist) 8. time=[0:0.5:2]; vel=time/2; fprintf('%5.2f %5.2f\n',[time ; vel ]) 9. x = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]; fprintf('%i%i%i',x) fprintf('\nHello %6.4f or %g\n',x(1,1),x(3,3)) fprintf('Here is a free point \n') disp('But only if you get it right') 10. invalid3_variable2_name1 = 'fprintf?'; fprintf('Studied %s',invalid3_variable2_name1) num1 = 4.56; num2 = 6.54; fprintf('num2=%4.1f and num1=%1.4f\n',num1,num1) fprintf('Now the value is: %12.3e \n',-(num1+num2)) 7. 0 1 2 1 4 . . . . . 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 6 . . . . . 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8. 0 0 1 1 2 . . . . . 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 . . . . . 0 2 5 7 0 0 5 0 5 0 4 7 e l e r u t 2 l e 5 8 3 6 o 1 . i s o n l y 9 0 0 a i 0 0 o r 9 f r e e p o i n t f y o u g e t i t i t f p v a r l 9. 10. 1 H H B UCI ID#: _______________ S t u d N o w e d h e r i g h t i n t f ? n u m 2 = 4 . 6 a n d n u m 1 = u e i s : - 1 . 1 1 0 e + 0 0 1 4 . 5 6 0 0 Name: ____________________________________________ UCI ID#: _______________ Section 4: Write a code to complete the following tasks. You do not have to write the output of the code. (4.1) Write a Matlab/Octave program that calculates the chapeau (‘hat’) function. Chapeau function is as follows: For 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, Chapeau(x) = 1; For x<0 or x>1, Chapeau(x) = 0; The program should request x as input, and display the value of Chapeau(x) (8 pts). x = input('Enter x to calculate chapeau(x): '); if(0<=x && x<=1) fprintf('Chapeau(%6.2f)= %6.2f\n',x,1); else fprintf('Chapeau(%6.2f)= %6.2f\n',x,0); end Name: ____________________________________________ UCI ID#: _______________ (4.2) The Taylor Series Expansion of ln(1+x) is as follows: where the i-th term is: Write a Matlab/Octave program that requests inputs x and N from the user, with N being the total number of elements in the taylor expansion to be computed. The function should output the value of ln(1+x) if x is within the valid range -1< x ≤1. If x is outside that range, the program should display the warning message: ‘Out of bounds!’ (12 pts). x=input('Enter the value of x to calculate ln(x+1): '); N=input('Enter the number of elements to be computed in the Taylor Series Expansion: '); if(-1<x && x<=1) fun=0; fprintf('%3s %8s\n','i','ln(1-x)') for i=1:N fun=fun+(-1)^(i+1)*x^i/i; fprintf('%3i %8.3f\n',i,fun) end fprintf('ln(1-%8.3f)= %8.3f\n',x,fun) else disp('Out of bounds!') end Name: ____________________________________________ UCI ID#: _______________ (4.3) Write a program that asks the user to enter a number, N, that is smaller than 100. The program should calculate the sum of the multiples of N that are smaller than 100. The program should output a table in a file called table.txt that includes two columns: first column shows the multiples of N and the second column shows the cumulative sum. The last line in the file should say “END OF FILE”. (12 pts). For example, below is the table for N=16: i Sum -----16 16 32 48 48 96 64 160 80 240 96 336 END OF FILE N=input('Enter a number smaller than 100 '); Sum=0; ID=fopen('table.txt','w'); fprintf(ID,'i Sum \n'); fprintf(ID,'------\n'); for i = N:N:99 Sum=Sum+i; fprintf(ID,'%3i end %6i\n',i,Sum); fprintf(ID,'END OF FILE'); fclose(ID);
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