The ECHO Volume 60, Issue 4 March 25, 2015 Aldersgate United Methodist Church “sharing the Living Christ through life -changing service and love” Three Days - One Story MAUNDY THURSDAY GOOD FRIDAY EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 2 7:00 PM APRIL 3 7:00 PM APRIL 5 6:30 AM A Service of Holy Communion A Tenebrae Service Sunrise Service in the Garden Together we will remember the We ponder Jesus’ last words on last meal Jesus shared with his the cross and their meaning for disciples and their time together us today. The Labyrinth will be in the John in prayer in the Garden. Wesley Center for personal prayer after the service. 8:30 AM & 9:45 AM Traditional Worship 11:00 AM Contemporary Worship Community-wide Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 28th at 10am. Come join us for this one of a kind EGGstravaganza!! Palm Sunday / Children’s Musical This Sunday, March 29 th ALL children are invited to join our Palm Processional as we celebrate Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Following the processional, our Primetime kids will be presenting Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet at both services. Don’t miss this special witness through music! Author Diane Markins writes about her childhood Easters: As a little girl I loved Easter. What's not to love? My sister and I always got a new "Easter outfit" which included a frilly dress of our choosing, lacy socks, shiny new patent leather mary janes, a hat and even little white gloves… Up at dawn, we'd marvel at the lovely loot bestowed upon us by the Easter Bunny and eat a few pieces of candy before breakfast. Church was fun because we got to showoff our new clothes and find out how much the Big Bunny liked the other kids ... oh, and there was something about Jesus. “Something about Jesus ….” Three years ago, Barna Research published some interesting information about a study they did to determine how much Americans know about Easter. Here's what they found out: 67% say there is religious significance to the holiday, although there's not much consistency about what the significance is. Some said it was a Christian holiday, some a celebration of Passover, and still others thought it was a special time to measure church attendance. Even more disconcerting is that less than half of those surveyed (46%) knew that Easter is a celebration of Jesus' resurrection and only 2% said Easter was the most important Christian holiday. So let’s be clear: Easter is the most important Christian holiday. On Easter, we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. When God raised Jesus, it was an emphatic, fist-pumping “YES!!” to all Jesus had taught, the way he lived and died, and the kingdom he came to initiate. Jesus’ resurrection marked a changed world. Because he lives, so will we. Sin, violence, and death no longer have the last word. God gets the last word, and that word is life: abundant, grace-filled, eternal life. Easter is the most important Christian holiday. So important, in fact, that its significance cannot be understood or contained in just one day. It will take us three. We begin on Thursday, April 2: Maundy Thursday. This is the night Jesus shared his last meal with his disciples, and then prayed with them in the garden until his arrest. Together we will share the meal, remembering the words spoken around the table, the events that came after, and the God who gives himself to us in such a way. The second day is Friday, April 3: Good Friday. This evening we will hear again Jesus’ words from the cross, remember his death, and ponder the meaning of both for our lives today. Then finally comes Easter morning, and we will celebrate all morning – from sunrise to Noon (see the service times on the front page)! The celebration of Easter begins as the first rays of sun light up the sky and will continue for 50 days — the Great Fifty Days, as the early church called it. Over and over we will tell the story of his resurrection, hearing from different perspectives how this one event changes everything. Easter is, indeed, the most important of Christian holidays. It is a day of resurrection, triumph and joy. But we can arrive at the joy of the resurrection only through suffering and death. Easter without the cross has little meaning. It is only as we remember his death and its meaning that we can celebrate the new life we have been given. Three Days. One Story. One amazing, life-transforming, world -changing story. Make plans now to be part of it with us and share the Life! Pray Without Ceasing Christian Condolences: Joe and Betty Calahan and Family in the passing of Joe’s mother. Family and Friends of Ina Johnston Miller. Joys: Faith, 2 yr. old from Uganda, successful heart surgery to patch the hole in her heart. Baptism of Reid James Necessary, son of Rustin and Ashley Reckert Necessary, grandson of Tom and Suzie Reckert. Baptism of Andrew Nathan Langford, son of James and Angelique Langford. Impending Tests/Surgery: Laura Gereighty, Casey Neight, Richard Schwem, Ann Keyes, Carol Overton, Judy Hunt prayer@aldersgate- Hospitalized: Martin Dailey, Betty Russel, John Occhipinti, Evelyn Posner, Alex Richards Recovering at Home: Carl Fuglein, Leyla Dumstorff, Our Care Team Jim Gerace, Vicki Frick, Barbara Johnson coordinators are: Prayers: Jeffery Arceneaux, Coy Faucheux, David Lock, Rhea Snyder, 643-3945; Mr. & Mrs. Cory Valentour, My Aunt who lives in and Charlotte Clifford, Tennessee, Marie Wagner’s Mom, Lori Vidrine, Teresa Proudfoot, Kimberly Pelas, Lisa & Norris Broussard, 847-0966. Family adopting a baby, Avery Watts, Carol Iennusa, Our church family is our best source for names of those persons in need of care. Please contact the pastors (641-5829) or a Care Team member when you know of a need. You can also email your prayer request to Andrew Hanson, Irene Caton, Karen & Joe Nations, Marcus & Arielle, Rachel Gares, Susan Grant, Terry Kodrin, Debbie & John Roberts, Jr., Sandy Gavin, Belize Mission Trip, Our Country and our Military, The Unemployed, Homebound Aldersgate Members, The whole world, Aldersgate UMC and Pastors Continuing Concerns: Rusti & Ryan Wilson, Debbie & John Hanlon, Jerry Unangst, Daryl Ricard, Barbara Fuglein, Pat Doyle, Mary Felder, Betty Madison, Ann Gampp, Stacey Iennusa, Don & Virginia Schaal, Helen Hughey, Camille Callais, Jack Thurston, Charlotte Parker, Greg Zelden, Vicki Charbonnet, Jackie Cameron Sharpe, Dot Hartmann, Helen Hodge, Tim Dunn, Molly Daigle, Loretta Moore, Zachary Cheek, Dr. Bill Nelson, Kathryn Milton, Edith Marquette, Jennifer Smith, Parents of Mack Wolcott, Mary Martin, Hermanie Garrett, Courtney Short, Ian Brennan and Family, Allen Little, Sharon Marshall, Bry and Blanche Copeland, Huey Gardner, Vivian Richard, Rachel Cochrane, Pat Mancuso, Sara Delaha, Marilyn Quimby, Bob and Barbara Walker, Bonnie Byrd, Rick Saluga, Kent Wasmuth What you need to know! Donations on Easter Sunday C ommunion will be served on S A This Easter Sunday, we will unday, pril 12th collect non-perishable food and hygiene items for Community Celebrate Communion with us in worship on Christian Concern (CCC), Sunday, April 12. Our Communion Rail Offering who will distribute them to will support Safe Harbor Women’s Shelter. This those in need. is a shelter for survivors of domestic violence. There will be bins outside the Sanctuary on EASTER Sunday, April 5th, for your donations. Safe Harbor provides legal advocacy and other services to those seeking escape from domestic violence and abuse. Budgeted offering for February $67,315 Actual offering from February $58,862 Actual Year-to-date Budget Year-to-date Variance to Budget $116,462 $134,629 -(18,167) March’s Communion Rail Offering supporting our Local Missions Fund, raised $739. Our nonperishable food collection in March for CCC weighed in at 78 lbs. Thank you for your generous gifts of time, talent & treasure. We Welcome Richard Seidler to the Aldersgate Community! Thanks for all of the WONDERFUL Treasures donated for the Garage Sale! And, special thanks to our FABULOUS Garage Sale Team!! We raised $3000 for Children’s Ministries!! Paper Newspaper & Magazines Cardboard Beverage Containers Plastic bottles Plastics #1- #7 Aluminum Tin & Steel Orange Juice type containers are ok Nails Pizza boxes are ok if not too messy Food waste Styrofoam Plastic grocery bags Black or White plastic garbage bags Glass Electronics Wood Adult Ministries Mary Stokes, Director [email protected] Transitioning With Grace and Dignity Reaching out to the Sandwich Generation; those who are caring for aging parents while caring for their own children. IDENTIFYING KEY LEGAL DOCUMENTS Thursday, April 16, 2015 7:00 p.m. Genesis Hall ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 360 ROBERT BOULEVARD • SLIDELL, LA 70458 • 985-641-5829 Aldersgate United Methodist Church is committed to providing solid, reputable guidance to the emotional, physical, financial and legal demands placed on the Sandwich Generation. The “Sandwich Generation” is defined as those who are caring for aging parents while still caring for their own children. In April we will address some of the legal issues which affect our families. These legal sessions will be led by Lydia Alford, L.L.M. Banking attorney/Partner with Alford & Alford, LLP Attorneys at Law. Ms. Alford will be addressing common misconceptions and dispelling some beliefs concerning wills, power of attorney, healthcare power of attorney, DNRs, living wills, and basic Medicaid funding. Although these sessions are provided free of charge, for planning purposes registrations are needed by Wednesday, April 15th. Contact Mary Stokes, 985.641.5829 or [email protected] to register. Adult Ministries Mary Stokes, Director [email protected] Coffee & Conversation C ONNECT THIS W EEK… Thursday, April 23rd Something’s Brewing… 10:00 a.m. Genesis Hall A time of Bible study and fellowship for Women Tuesday mornings at 9am in Genesis Hall A Gathering of Men Men learning to follow Jesus through conversation, scripture and current events. Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm in Genesis Hall Prayer Shawl Ministry Crocheting shawls and baby blankets for those who are suffering illness and loss or celebrating new life. We welcome Ellen LaMarque and other members of the Slidell Civic Women’s Club. They will identify activities and other community groups that they sponsor in our Slidell area. Bring a friend and join us! Wednesday evenings at 6pm in The New Room Sunday Discipleship Classes Sunday Mornings at 9:45am For more information about these and other opportunities, contact Mary Stokes 985-641-5829 [email protected] Coming This Summer! Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Grown Ups (For seniors 55+) First Monday Matinee— 2:00 pm in Genesis Hall Monday, April 6—To Kill a Mockingbird Monday, May 4—Singin’ in the Rain GriefShare is a 13-week support group that meets weekly and will be led by Craig Horn and Mary Stokes. The sessions are designed to help you rebuild your life and to offer help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. We know it hurts, and we want to help. Wednesday Evenings through May 20 6:00-8:00pm Cokesbury Building, Room 206 To register, e-mail us at [email protected] Aldersgate Prepares for Family Promise Kick-Off Family Promise is a comprehensive network of churches which work together to help families in need. Their dream is that no child has to worry about where they will sleep or eat each day, and that all families can find and sustain affordable, safe housing. makeshift bedrooms in the John Wesley Center. The cornerstone for the success of Family Promise will be you, the volunteer. Without faithful, dedicated volunteers not one ministry on this campus would be sustainable; Family Promise will be no different. Mark, Jill and Donna will be asking for your help as they work to complete the various tasks that will lead to changing the lives of those in the program and those serving the program. This ministry offers service opportunities to individuals, entire families, Sunday School classes and small groups alike. As our Aldersgate family opens up our home campus to those families with no home, blessings will be poured out abundantly and the presence of God will be felt. To accomplish this, Family Promise coordinates with local churches to provide ongoing housing for low-income families who are living on the street. The family will spend nights at one of the churches in the network each week . During the day, the children will attend school and As Aldersgate once again parents will receive takes a leadership role in assistance in finding addressing one of our jobs, learning critical budgeting and economic skills, Parish’s most urgent needs, etc. Aldersgate is pleased to announce that we are don’t be left wondering if one of 13 churches who will be hosting families. God is calling you to serve. He is. You only need to take a small step of faith and respond to the requests th Aldersgate will host our first families May 10 – of Mark, Jill and Donna as they follow God’s lead in th 16 . Mark and Jill Senn and Donna Lew have this new ministry. If you have questions, want to get stepped forward and volunteered to be the involved, or have a donation, please contact the coordinators for the ministry. Already we have church office and they will put you in contact with received a lot of support for this ministry. Thank the leadership team. You may also contact them you for your donations and commitments to be part directly at [email protected] or of the team of hosts! However, there is still much to [email protected]. do. Tasks will range from collecting startup supplies (see list on next page), providing meals, and God Bless, tutoring a child, to setting up and decorating the Dale Kimball Family Promise Supply List Thank you in advance for your prayers and support of this new ministry on our campus. The following list of items will be needed as we begin hosting families this May. If you need clarification about a particular item please feel free to contact Mark and Jill Senn at [email protected] or Donna Lew at [email protected]. Twin Sized Sheets Twin Sized Mattress Pads (white only) Infant Bathtub Highchair Alarm Clocks (6) Supplies and Equipment Booster Chair Baby Bottles Baby Wipes First Aid Kit Brown Lunch Bags Disposable Diapers Pillowcases Ironing Board Games Baby Playpen Ziplock Sandwich Bags Iron Crib Towels (white only) Spiral Notebooks Facial Tissue Pens Pencils Infant Soap Baby Shampoo Paper Towels Washcloths (white only) Twin size Blankets (white only) Children’s Toys Food Staples Bottled Water Rice Red Beans Jelly Mayo Peanut Butter Jambalaya Mix Pancake Mix Pancake Syrup Spaghetti Spaghetti Sauce Breakfast Cereal Napkins Capri Sun Drinks Macaroni and Cheese All donated items can be dropped off at the church office and should be identified for the Family Promise ministry. Thank you, Mark & Jill Senn and Donna Lew. Trustee’s Commemorative Brick Fundraiser The trustees are selling commemorative bricks. The Trustee’s committee is currently selling commemorative bricks to raise funds for our mortgage debt. The bricks will be installed in the Chapel Courtyard. Each commemorative brick is $100.00; or you can purchase two for $150.00. This is a wonderful way to honor your children or parents, remember a loved one who has passed away, remember a marriage or baptism, or share your favorite Bible verse. The order forms are available in the church office and will be in the bulletin this Sunday. Please turn in your order form by April 6th to the church office. We have collected $276,321 towards paying off the sanctuary mortgage and permanently removing this debt from Aldersgate’s operating budget. We currently need to raise $45,089 to pay off our mortgage. Music Ministry Scott Clausen, Director [email protected] Welcome our Guests to worship! Easter Sunday, April 5 at the 8:30 & 9:45 service We welcome the Chilton High School Touring Choir from Chilton, WI! And Sunday April 26th at the 8:30 service The Treble Choir from St. James Episcopal in Baton Rouge! SPRING FLING! We resume our Prime-Time schedule on Sunday, April 12 starting at 5pm. Great Job!!! We will be focusing our last few weeks on our Spring Fling, which is our Mother’s Day program. We want to thank all the children participating in our Children’s Musical. What an outstanding job you all are doing! We are so proud of you! Thank you for sharing your talents and gifts! Mark Your Calendars and JOIN us!! We also want to thank ALL the leaders who have helped make this presentation a success! Apple Tree News! 2015-2016 Registration is still ongoing. There are a few spots remaining for next year and if you know of anyone who may be interested in registering for the Fall, please have them stop by or call the school office for more information, 985-641-0184. Your referral is the best compliment and we appreciate your support! Cheryl Mann, Director & Marsha Hubbard, Administrative Assistant Apple Tree will have a team walking in Relay for Life this year. If you would like to be a part of this team on the day of the event as a walker or volunteer please contact the school office. For more information about future fundraisers, team t-shirts, and event details can be found on the Apple Tree Relay Team Facebook page. Apple Tree Day at Texas Roadhouse Monday, April 13th from 4-8 PM Mention Apple Tree and Texas Roadhouse makes a donation. It’s win-win! Enjoy an evening out and support our preschool! Youth Ministry- AUMY! Eric O’Quinn, Director [email protected] Children’s Ministry Vicki Frick, Director [email protected] FAITH FRIENDS For 3rd-6th Graders Wednesdays 6:00-7:30pm In Susanna Wesley Together, we hope to learn a little more about who we are and what God’s plan may be for each of us. It’s an hour-and-a-half each week of learning and growing and laughing. We would LOVE for you to join us! We can never have too many Faith Friends! March 28 - Easter Egg Hunt, 10am & Dress Rehearsal for Musical, 11:30am March 29 - Children’s Musical at Both Services, 8:30am & 11:00am April 5 - Easter Sunday April 24-26 - Confirmation Spring Retreat May 10 - Children’s Mother’s Day Concert, 9:45am May 16 - Confirmation Family Dinner, 5:30pm Sundays 5:00-6:30pm For 3’s thru 6th grade May 17 - Confirmation Sunday May 27 - Faith Friends Reunion, 5:30pm June 2 - Summer SONshine begins 9am Sunday Nights are a PrimeTime for kids here at Aldersgate! All children age 3 through 6th grade are invited to join us for Children’s Choir and Prime Time Fun! Join us now and you’ll get to participate in our SPRING MUSICAL, Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet, to be presented at both worship services on Palm Sunday (March 29th). June 7 - Summer Sunday School begins June 15-19 - Vacation Bible School July 16 - Summer SONshine ends August 7 - 1st Day of Public School August 9 - Promotion Sunday Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 28th Don’t forget our GIANT COMMUNITY-WIDE EGGSTRAVAGANZA! TONS of FUN (and treat-filled eggs!) 10am Children’s Ministry Vicki Frick, Director [email protected] Palm Processional Sunday, March 29th At Both Services The children are invited to join our Palm Processional as we celebrate Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Fifteen minutes prior to each service, we’ll meet in the courtyard to the left of the Sanctuary to hand out the palm branches. Birth of Barrett Hollier (Born February 9th) Congratulations to his Mommy & Daddy: Katie & Brian Hollier Baptism of Adelynn Rose Laskos (on March 8th) Daughter of Stan & Alison Laskos Baptism of Reid James Necessary (on March 15th) Son of Rustin & Ashley Reckert Necessary Baptism of Andrew Nathan Langford (on March 15th) Son of James & Angelique Langford SUMMER SONshine! For Preschoolers thru Exiting 1st Graders Vacation Bible School June 15-19, 9am-12noon Calling All 3-yr olds thru 5th Graders!! Get ready to see God’s Love in Action! Non Refundable Registration Fee: Early Bird (By May 15th): $15/child ($40/family max) Late Registration (After May 15th): $20/child (no max) *Preschoolers must be 3 and potty-trained in order to participate; however, we will have a nursery and a 2-year old class available to Volunteers—and, we do need LOTS of Volunteers to PUT God’s Love in Action! June 2 - July 16 Tues/Wed/Thurs 9am—12noon (excluding VBS week-June 15th) This 5-week summer program is designed specifically for our younger friends. Our mornings will be filled with Chapel, crafts, music, play and lots of adventure. We’ll even have some in-house “field trips.” We want them to know that, no matter how young or small, they are loved and they, too, can put God’s Love in Action! Program Cost: $150 per child (family discount: $125/each additional child) *Children must be 3 and potty-trained at the start of the program. The family discount is available for siblings only. THE ECHO ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH [email protected] Pub. No. 023968 Published bi-weekly Periodical-Paid Slidell, LA 70458 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 360 Robert Blvd, Slidell, LA 70458. Return Service Requested Flowering the Easter Cross Bring fresh cut flowers on Easter morning to flower the cross in front of the Sanctuary. Sunday Worship Times AND NOW A WORD FROM OUR SPONSORS... Cindy Alberts, Realtor Coldwell Banker TEC Realtors ~ 2040 E. Gause, #4 “I’ll Go The Extra Mile For You!” C: 707-7676 W: 649-6300 x208 Homes, Vacant Land, Commercial Michael Guevara, DDS Specialist in Orthodontics “Achieving a healthy, beautiful smile together” 1251 7th Street, 641-3587 Peffley Constuction, LLC Andrew Peffley, 504-512-0276/fax 985-649-3851 Email: [email protected] Honaker Funeral Home Forest Lawn Cemetery “Dedicated To Those We Serve” 641-1900 ~ Hwy 190 West Terry Tranchina and Kevin Tranchina Lowry-Dunham, Case, and Vivien Group Insurance since 1901 643-1234 ~ 1-800-200-1258 ACCU-TEMP Air Conditioning~Heating~Refrigeration “We guarantee your comfort!” 985-726-9984 Mike Rich Pontchartrain Investment Management Financial Services and Insurance 2242 Carey St., Olde Towne, Slidell 985-605-5064 ~ [email protected] Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC CHRIS WHITTY CONSTRUCTION Residential New Homes Commercial Renovations 985-960-1484 ~ 985-847-9417 See our FB page ~ We are looking for a new sponsor to fill this space. Is your company the “MISSING PIECE” that Aldersgate needs to help support our church? Please call or email our office for more information. 8:30 am • Traditional Worship 9:45 am-10:45 am • Sunday School (for all ages) 11:00 am • Contemporary Worship Staff Email: Pastor Nancy Wofford: [email protected] Pastor Mike Palermo: [email protected] Music Ministry: [email protected] Children’s Ministry: [email protected] Youth Ministry [email protected] Adult Ministry: [email protected] Facilities: [email protected] Membership/Finance: [email protected] Church Secretary: [email protected] Office Information: [email protected] Prayer Concerns: [email protected] Louisiana Conference Website: Apple Tree Preschool Director: [email protected] General Information: Church Website: Church office: [email protected] 985-641-5829
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