Sunday 19th April 2015 WELCOME - A very warm welcome to everyone today. If you are new to Aldridge Parish Church, we would love you to fill in a ‘Welcome’ card, which you will find at the back of church. We will be in touch to welcome you and let you know about events that might interest you. You can also pick up our ‘Welcome Pack’ from the information point or visit for a full picture of what we do or contact the church office if you have a specific query. Verse for the Year: ‘Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus. Colossians 3:17 Sunday 19th April 10.00am Morning Worship & Sunday Special – Luke 24: 13-35 6.30pm Holy Communion – Luke 24: 36-49 Sunday Special: Today - Sunday Special - families are invited to come straight to the centre for a session starting at 10.00 where the children will be looking at one of the resurrection stories. This time, as some of the Mum's will be away on the APC women's weekend we will be serving bacon butties from 9.15- 9.45. So come and have your breakfast at the Centre! Small donations appreciated for the food which will be cooked by our own chef, Gary North. THIS WEEK Parish Church AGM: Monday April 20th 8pm in church. Wednesday Worship – 22nd April at 10.30am in church. Alpha – Wednesday 22nd April – 7.30pm in church centre. (Session 2) please see Rob Cook for further information. Sunday 26th April 10.00am – Holy Communion – John 10:11-18 6.30pm – Evening Worship – John 6: 29.40 LOOKING AHEAD GLO Mission Focus for April – Straight after the morning service on Sunday 26th in the church centre there will be a chance to find out more about our local community outreach. Please come along and chat to those involved with Street Pastors, The Big Feed, The Thomas Project and others. Refreshments available. PCC AGM – Monday 27th April – 8pm in church. ART & CRAFT FAIR - KRASIF AID – Saturday 23rd May 2015 – 1pm till 4pm. We are holding this event at St. Thomas’ in support of our work in Bulgaria. There will be many items available to buy which are made at the Blue House Centre in Bulgaria, plus stalls from local Art & Crafters, including wood, glass, ceramics, felt, fabrics and more. Light refreshments available. Please put the date in your diary, and if you would like to help on the day please let us know. Many Blessings, Chris & Brian Clarke 01922 278322 / 07990 543406 Roughshod Riding Lights The Roughshod 2015 team, of five young actors will be based with the Parish of Aldridge from Sunday 28th June - Sun 5th July. They will be performing in local schools, church groups including Oasis, AYF and at the Hothouse. If you are able to offer hospitality / single room accommodation please get in touch with Liz & Roland Jones [email protected] or T 01922 458769 Official Opening of Church Centre: The Bishop of Lichfield will conduct the opening ceremony and dedication on Sunday 7th June at 3pm followed by refreshments. The evening service will also take place in the centre, starting at 5pm. Diary Note : Wednesday 17th June – Evening with Adrian Plass tickets £12 available on line or from the office. The Goodness of God Celebration – Saturday 4th September at Bethel Convention Centre in West Bromwich. An invitation from Bishop Jonathan to a day of learning, fun and thanksgiving to the Lord for His goodness and His abundant love. If you would like to attend this event, please put your details on the form at the back of church. The parish has been allocated a guaranteed number of places, so please complete your details before 1 st May to help with sorting the allocation. Thank you. OTHER NOTICES Giving Envelopes – Envelopes for 2015 are available at the back of church, if you make your regular giving this way please collect your new envelopes. Aldridge –Brownhills Voters – An opportunity for voters to find out about our General Election candidates. 24 th April 2015 at Aldridge Community Centre. Doors open at 7.15pm – questions start at 8pm. All candidates have been invited to participate in answering questions from the audience. No charge for entry any donations received will be passed to the Aldridge Central Community Assoc. To apply for a ticket please email [email protected] Notice Sheet Our notice sheet is available by email. Please email the church office if you would like to be on the distribution list. A limited number of copies are available for those who do not have email access or who would prefer to collect a copy in church. Our notices are also on our website and copies of the monthly notice sheet, with full details of our services, regular activities and contact information, are also available at the Information Point in church. Global and Local Outreach (GLO) Mission Focus for April is Walsall and Local Ministries Please pray for the following local ministries in Walsall and that the Lord will prompt folk to volunteer and actively join in with their work: The work of Walsall Street Pastors who go out on the streets of Walsall late at night at the weekends to reach out to young people who come out of the clubs and pubs and can be in distress. This is a real ministry to show the love and care of Jesus. Pray that others will be stirred to participate in this outreach which includes prayer ministry on the streets. - The work of Betel operating in Walsall through the ministry of St. Peter’s Church on Wednesday evenings. - The work of Street Teams in Walsall which is a more specialist Christian based service reaching out to vulnerable young people under the age of 18. Some of the problems they address are drug and alcohol misuse, broken homes, homelessness and exploitation. - The Big Feed and the good work done in providing meals for vulnerable people and empowering them cook and work to a simple budget. Pray for Chris Hill who started the cooking training programme, Pray for the many mums of children at Cooper and Jordan school who are engaged in this work that they will be blessed through this work and encouraged by our church folk. - Pray for the Thomas Project in Aldridge which is supported by our local churches and reaching out to the community in a variety of ways. - Pray for the Glebe Centre which reaches out to vulnerable people in Walsall and that the YMCA who has taken the project under its wing will enable it to have a much greater impact in the town. Prayer Diary 20th April 2015 MONDAY - Let’s thank God for those who have served our church as Wardens and APC members this last year and pray for our AGM tonight and the appointing of wardens and PCM members for the forthcoming year. Pray for the congregation to attend. Also pray for the future direction and priorities of the church. TUESDAY - Please pray for those who are providing pastoral care within our church from John and Maxine to the pastoral team and those in Small Groups caring for their fellow members. Pray for their gifting for this vital task and the time and energy to support those in need. Let’s pray for ourselves too that we may reach out and care for friends and neighbours. WEDNESDAY - Pray for the Alpha group that continues tonight and the speaker and discussion that follows. Pray that people may meet Christ and commit their lives to Him. Pray too for our own witness to those around us and for God’s guidance on whom we could invite on a future occasion. THURSDAY - Please pray for the general and local election. Pray for the right people to be elected and that perform their duties with integrity. Pray for a government and local Council that will adhere to God’s priorities including, for example, care for the weakest in our community. FRIDAY - Please pray that we and the church may grow deeper in our faith, and that discipleship may increase. Pray for larger proportions of us reading the Bible daily and praying, drawing closer to God day by day. SATURDAY - Beseech the Lord for the huge numbers of refugees fleeing war and persecution particularly our brothers and sisters in the persecuted church in Iraq, Syria and Libya. Pray for the agencies seeking to help, for the funding they need and for safety in the refugee camps. SUNDAY - Psalm 95 v6 says “Come let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the lord our Maker, for he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care”. Let’s do that today as a preparation for our worship together in church. Pray for the Lord’s anointing on those who will minister today whether it be, to adults or children, in word or deed. Also, through the week please pray for those who are unwell, including Keith Callear, Rob Cook, Clare Eveleigh, Elaine Fry, Lou Humphries, Tina Jones, Neil Margetts, Jill Sprason and Brian Trimmer. Pray too for those who have been bereaved recently, we remember the family and friends of Doreen Dudley and particularly we remember the family of Malcolm Hunt especially Linda, Dave and Dena.
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