Do IT with us Innovation based on IT research IT research and innovation that add value to your business The Alexandra Institute is engaged in applied research, development and innovation in the field of information technology. We are a nonprofit company with a mission to create value, growth and welfare in society. We help public and private organisations to develop innovative, IT-based products and services based on cutting-edge IT research. Your strongest IT card We have a team of specialists who design innovative IT-based products and services. We help companies boost their business by applying our expertise in software, user involvement and innovation methods to deliver commercially relevant technological solutions. By collaborating with us, you will gain access to cutting-edge research and technology and stay ahead of the competition. We provide knowledge and advice based on the latest research in information technology, userdriven innovation and business development Mobile solutions User involvement IT business development and evaluation Interactive design Advanced computer graphics IT-based infrastructures Wireless sensor technologies Security and privacy Software solutions and efficient computations CONTACT Frank Allan Hansen Principal Mobile Systems Architect, PhD Interactive Spaces Lab [email protected] Mobile solutions are not just for entertainment and information search. The technology in smart phones and tablets has much more potential. If you need professional, customised mobile solutions and advice on how to choose the right platform, we can design a solution that will enable your users to interact with their surroundings in completely new ways. We have developed advanced mobile solutions in collaboration with e.g. Arla, Systematic and B&O. Mobile solutions Build your business with innovative mobile solutions ‘The Alexandra Institute came up with some smart, innovative solutions to our challenges. They applied state-of-theart technology – not for the sake of technology itself but because it makes sense’. – Søren Schmidt Josefsen, special consultant, healthcare and prevention, Municipality of Aabenraa. App gets the city moving/case PROJECT: The Municipality of Aabenraa wanted to develop and implement a digital platform for their healthcare promotion project ‘Aabenraa on the Move’. Their motivation for launching the project was to create a common identity among citizens in the municipality. SOLUTION: We have designed and developed a dynamic platform that engages its users. The development work took place in a collaborative process, and the Municipality of Aabenraa received both financial and technology advice. Mobile solutions „ CONTACT Anne Bøgh Fangel Senior User Innovation Specialist New Ways of Working Lab [email protected] Users often experience unexpected challenges when implementing a new IT system. Incorrect use, reduction in efficiency, frustration and time-consuming corrections are common consequences of not systematically involving end users. If you want to be able to see the short-term effects of your new IT system in your bottom line figures, we can help you get started. If you are to develop a new IT system from scratch or modify an existing one, we also provide technology advice in the scoping and design phases. User involvement Get it right with userdriven innovation „ ‘The STRUKTUR app has given us a completely new basis for helping our course participants manage their everyday lives. It is an engaging, cognitive tool that helps us help them think and act differently - also in their spare time.’ – Kristin Arnoey Larsen, Consultant, CSU-Slagelse PROJECT: During the past 15 years , the number of citizens diagnosed with ADHD has increased drastically. Investigations suggest that people with ADHD do less well than the average population. If we provide adequate support to these people, we can all benefit socially and economically. The Centre for Special Education in Slagelse wanted to develop a new training course for social security recipients with ADHD. SOLUTION: We have evaluated the training course and developed the STRUKTUR app in collaboration with mentors and course participants. STRUKTUR is a strong pedagogical support tool that helps the participants organise their everyday lives. User involvement App for adults with ADHD/case CONTACT Camilla Kølsen Area Manager Business and Processes Lab [email protected] Even if your organisation does not work with IT, you can develop new business by integrating IT into your products or processes. And if digital solutions are already part of your business model, we can advise you on how to boost your business further with IT. Uncertainty about the possibilities of digital business development is a challenge that many organisations are facing. We provide consultancy on innovation management, business modelling and effectiveness evaluations to ensure the best possible framework for a successful innovation process. IT business development and evaluation IT business development and evaluation ‘The workshops ‘Business development and growth via mobile platforms’ made us see our digital potential from a different perspective, and we received feedback on our ideas. We use the knowledge and methods acquired at the workshops to look for opportunities to digitise touch points with our consumers and to concretise and challenge new ideas’. – Line Bering, B2C E-Commerce Coordinator, hummel Digital business strategy/case PROJECT: Mobile technologies are revolutionising the consumer market. New technologies change the demand for products and services. But how can digital solutions add value to your business? SOLUTION: We have developed the tool ‘Mobile Business Model Framework’ that facilitates business development by means of digital solutions. With this tool, you can develop digital solutions that add value to your or your customers’ business. IT business development and evaluation „ CONTACT Kaj Grønbæk Area Manager, Professor, PhD Interactive Spaces Lab [email protected] Success with IT requires good interaction design IT enriches our world and adds that extra dimension to it that enables us to interact with our surroundings in new ways. New forms of interaction can motivate children and adults to learn, play and exercise. And modern citizens put great demands on technology. We have the experience and the expertise to develop exciting, innovative products in collaboration with you – from concept development and user involvement to hardware and software development. Interactive design Interaction design, experiences and IT ‘We wanted more people in the urban space - and this was achieved with these fantastic interactive swings that attract people of all ages. Now we have a vibrant city centre with more trade and more satisfied citizens who enjoy being here’. - Peter Sørensen, Mayor, Horsens SEE VIDEO (in Danish) New life to Horsens/case PROJECT: The Municipality of Horsens has made a targeted effort to create a modern, dynamic city of experiences. They wanted to change a deserted square in the city into a vibrant and dynamic shopping area with interactive light and sound. SOLUTION: Our interaction designers created the interactive city installation ‘Northern Lights’ for one of Horsens’ city squares. Northern Lights is a sound and light installation designed to create a quiet at relaxing atmosphere. The installation is made up of five swings that activate sound and light when people use them. Interactive design „ CONTACT Jesper Mosegaard Lab Manager Computer Graphics Lab [email protected] Computer visualisation can be used for many purposes – for example teaching, construction, healthcare, culture, communication, entertainment and computer games. Our knowledge about computer visualisation software is based on the latest IT research, and our solutions are ahead of the market. We are not limited by existing framwork tools but use our own to develop innovative products and generate value to our customers. Advanced computer graphics New opportunities with advanced computer graphics ‘With this tool we can speed up the process of creating visual effects. We can focus on the creative work instead of having to start up a long process like we did before. Ultimately, we will be able to take on more and larger projects’. - Christian Esbo Agergaard, Sunday Studio Easy design of clouds in real time/case PROJECT: Small producers of animations and 3D films need a template for e.g. clouds to allow the designer to focus on the creative process and not on technical details. SOLUTION: We have developed the plug-in Elementacular, which makes it fast and easy to design and render clouds in real time in the 3D program Autodesk Maya. As a result, some of the more time-consuming processes can be skipped. Advanced computer graphics „ CONTACT Morten Kyng Area Manager, Professor Pervasive Healthcare Lab [email protected] A well-functioning software architecture is paramount for the performance, robustness, scaleability and security of your IT systems. We develop tools and technologies that make it easier for companies to create new products. Do you need impartial advice before you decide on a particular technology? We provide advice on software architecture and open source technologies. IT-based infrastructures Infrastructure for robust, stable and secure IT ‘Health authorities must weigh costs, while at the same time take into account what citizens need. That’s why we opted for Open Source, which enables others to build on the technology’. - Olav Bjørn Petersen, chief physician, gynecological-obstetrical department at Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby Telemedical ecosystem/case PROJECT: Telemedicine is undergoing rapid developments. However, we still lack common standards for telemedical systems. Coherent IT systems across the health care system will strengthen the development of this emerging market. SOLUTION: We have developed an open source platform in collaboration with Aarhus University that makes it attractive to develop applications for the telemedicine market. The platform is based on open source technologies, and common technical interfaces are based on international standards. IT-based infrastructures „ CONTACT Tejs Scharling Lab Manager Pervasive Positioning Lab [email protected] New business opportunities with wireless sensor technologies iBeacons, Bluetooth 4.1, appsessories, RFID tags. You know they exist, you know they have potential, but how do you make money on them? We help all types of businesses discover and reap the potential of collecting and using data from wireless technologies. Wireless sensor technologies Wireless sensor technologies can leverage your business I knew there was a basic technology. But the technology was not up-todate, and certain things needed to be done that had not been done before. Once the Alexandra Institute had encouraged me to go on with the idea, it became totally innovative. When you believe in your own project, they do everything in their power to help’. - Jack Fridthjof, Entrepreneur Mesh network saves lives/case PROJECT: Each year, the Philippines is hit by more than 30 natural disasters that destroy mobile phone base stations and make them inoperable. Two engineering students and the Red Cross wanted knowledge about technologies that can be used in emergency situations and act as a ‘missing link’ between the Philippine Red Cross and the approx. 2 million relief workers in the country. SOLUTION: We have taken part in developing the communications device ‘Reachi’ that uses mesh technology to enable users to communicate from device to device without needing access to a mobile network or Wi-Fi. Wireless sensor technologies „ CONTACT Jakob Illeborg Pagter Area Manager Security Lab [email protected] In many organisations, data security is a major threat to business. Organisations are also facing challenges and requirements in relation to identity and login services. If you want to protect your business and your customers against intruders, we provide cutting-edge knowledge about security and privacy. By collaborating with us, you can offer the best solutions to your customers, while meeting both national and international personal data protection laws. Security and privacy Security and privacy for your business and customers ‘Nobody wants to wait 10 seconds for the file to appear on the screen. With Sepior’s solution, we can decrypt data so fast that the user will not notice any significant difference. We are the first in the world to do so’. – Nicolaj Højer Nielsen, Sepior Secure Dropbox/case PROJECT: Sepior needed advice on how to develop their first product that protects cloud data against hacking by means of advanced cryptography. SOLUTION: Together with our encryption experts, Sepior has developed the first product that protects data in file-sharing services, such as Dropbox. The product makes it easy to manage the cryptographic keys that are necessary for encrypting data. The solution is based on secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC). The Alexandra Institute and Aarhus University are world leaders in this technique. Security and privacy „ CONTACT Peter Andersen Lab Manager Software Infrastructure Lab [email protected] Accelerate your online sale with the right IT solution! High-performance software solutions are vital to businesses and public institutions. We help you and your customers optimise data analysis processes and identify patterns in big data. We also provide impartial advice. We use the latest software technolgies and open source programming. We have experience of state-of-the-art software solutions, cloud-based computation, data mining and efficient processing of big data. Software solutions and computation We help you develop efficient software solutions ‘The Alexandra Institute has a major share in this success. They are highly professional and skilled at designing solutions from a user perspective. They are not only experts in the technology but also in how to apply it’. – Jens Winther Wullf, Partner in Logiva Bottom-line success/case PROJECT: How do you make the right technology choices and build the right architecture? This was the challenge that the IT company Logiva was facing when they were to develop an entirely web-based version of their digital invoicing solution SignFlow. SOLUTION: We advised Logiva on the use of advanced technologies and helped define the architectural design. As a result of our collaboration, Logiva has made a suitable technology choice and got a ‘Proof of Concept’, meaning that it is actually part of their future SignFlow platform. They have also verified that SignFlow works both in a browser and on tablets and smart phones. Software solutions and computation „ CONSULTANCY – strategic advice on cutting-edge technologies and innovation INNOVATION – user-driven innovation and effectiveness evaluation We tailor our collaboration to maximise your business! IT AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT – in all our areas of expertise QUALITY ASSURANCE – test, performance evaluation and software review SUB-CONSULTANCY – contracts with businesses PROJECTS – from problem scoping to solution COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT – courses, talks and innovation networks You can collaborate with us through research projects You can collaborate with us by buying consultancy You can collaborate with us by joining one of our networks G TS The Alexandra Institute is a member of GTS – Advanced Technology Group – a network of nine independent Danish research and technology organisations with a mission to translate research into value.* Our main focus is pervasive computing. We have an obligation to translate research into societal value* * We have been assigned by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science to help companies apply state-of-the-art research and technology in their products and services with the aim of creating economic and societal value. We have 15 years’ experience of bringing researchers, businesses and users together around IT innovation. We are proud of offering research, development and innovation within IT that creates value in society and sets the direction for Danish industry. – Ole Lehrmann Madsen, CEO, the Alexandra Institute Use knowledge to break habits CONTACT Eva Bjerrum Head of Research and Innovation New Ways of Working Lab [email protected] WORK PROCESSES ORGANISATION STRATEGY TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS Are you facing major changes? We bring our expertise into play and help you focus your efforts. We advise public and private organisations on how to achieve a dynamic interplay among corporate strategy, work processes, organisation and technology solutions. Contact Eva Bjerrum who, for 20 years, has worked as a consultant on user behaviour, customer attitudes, work processes, technology solutions and physical spaces. Get big BUSINESS out of BIG data CONTACT Jan Neerbek Senior IT Solutions Architect Software Infrastructure Lab [email protected] Big data affects us all. Those who will benefit the most from big data are organisations and start-ups that are able to translate massive data into actual value. But what does that mean for your organisation? What do you need to do? And how do you get started? Maybe you do not know what your data means or what value is hidden in it. In that case you may profit from our expertise. Visit our website and read about the latest trends and themes we are engaged in to solve social challenges and create growth. Scan the code to read more. All our ‘off-the-shelf’ solutions can be tailored Read more at THE ALEXANDRA INSTITUTE Aabogade 34 · DK-8200 Aarhus N · +45 7027 7012 Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 5B · DK-2300 Copenhagen S · +45 7027 7091 Volumetric clouds - in no time! / Maya plugin Intuitive tool for dynamic planning! World-leading 3D simulator for ear surgery! [email protected] Award-winning interactive floor! The first tool for evaluating welfare technology! The Alexandra Institute is engaged in applied research, development and innovation within information technology. We are a nonprofit company with a mission to create VALUE, GROWTH and WELFARE in society.
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