Accredited by North Central Association Algonac High School 5200 Taft Road Algonac, MI 48001 Muskrats I.B. World School (810) 794-4911 March 2015 Letter from the Principal Upcoming Events March 27 Half Day - Students - Every Class period will be held that day (shortened times) Dear Parents and Community, April 3-10 Spring Break—No School April 25 Prom—7:00-11:00 p.m. May 2 Muskrat Classic @ AHS May 14 Spring Choir Concert 7:00 p.m.—AMS Auditorium Hopefully we will start to feel the warmth of the sun as we enter the spring season. As we head toward the end of the year, don’t let ―Spring-itis‖ get a grip on your children! It is very important that the students stay focused. In fact, grades earned during the freshman year can eventually affect getting into the college or university of their choice. The better the grades, the better the options. Finish Strong! May 15 Track Regionals @ AHS May 18 Parent Advisory 9:30 a.m. May 21 Drama Production— ―Peter Pan‖ - 7:00 p.m. Algonquin MS Auditorium— Tickets: $4 each May 22 Last Senior TEC day May 25 Memorial Day— No School May 28 Band Spring Concert & Awards—7:00 p.m. May 27 Senior Exams—5, 6 May 28 Senior Exams—3, 4 Lastly, the juniors have just completed taking the ACT and Work Keys test. After spring break, the juniors will have to take the M-Step assessment that focuses on the Michigan specific standards and benchmarks. It is very important that the juniors take these assessments. The state requires that we test 95% of all of our testing student body. If the school fails to meet the 95% participation, it could lead to being labeled a priority school. The testing schedule will be as follows: May 29 Senior Exams—1, 2 Last Senior Day M-Step: June 4 Graduation Practice—1 pm Tuesday, April 14: Reading Assessment June 5 Senior Awards—8:00 a.m. Graduation—6:00 p.m. Last Junior TEC Day Thursday, April 16: Science Assessment June 10 1/2 day—Exams 6,5,4 June 11 1/2 day—Exams 3,2,1 Last day for Students/Staff As the end of the year approaches, it also means that we are already planning for next year. Many changes are happening due to the district consolidation. I truly believe in Dr. Strycker’s vision of an Algonac ―family‖. Moving to a 7-12 Junior/ Senior High will reduce the amount of transitions that our students will go through, increase the time for staff and students to build relationships, and provide more opportunities for staff to collaborate together to streamline curriculum and share successful strategies. We will continue to hold events during the evening and the day for students and parents to become more familiar with the building. We also will continue to share information as we get closer to the new school year. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas about the transition, please contact me at the school. I would love to hear your thoughts! Tuesday, April 21: Math Assessment Thursday, April 23: Social Studies Assessment School on all testing days will be full days. Hours will be adjusted during the day to accommodate the testing windows. If you have any questions about the testing, feel free to contact me. I wish everyone a wonderful and sunny spring. Your Principal, Ryan Melrose Algonac High School Counseling Center News Counseling Center News Community Foundation of St. Clair County scholarship applications are available at their website http:// The Community Foundation of St. Clair County administers a variety of scholarship funds. The scholarship funds were established by individuals and organizations wanting to assist students in obtaining a college or vocational education. Each scholarship fund has specific criteria defined by the donor when the fund was established. Criteria for each fund has been provided to your high school guidance counselor, career resource center, financial aid office, or the contact person listed for each scholarship. You can also view and/or print the criteria and application for many of these scholarship funds below by visiting the individual fund pages. Deadline for these was March 20, 2015. Scheduling - 9th - 11th grade students are currently working with Mrs. Karen Blair, HS Counselor, to select classes for the next school year (2015/16). The AHS Course Catalog and Course Offerings can be found at the school website. Parents will be able to view and make changes to student’s course requests through Family Access via Skyward. CAREER FAIR DAY May 20th will be a Career Fair Day at Algonac HS. All Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors will report during their English classes. Mrs. Shannon Kelly, AHS Career Advisor, is working hard to get a lot of different careers represented on that day. Representatives who will be coming will be speaking with our students about high school academics, college and what it's like to be in the career that they are working in. COLLEGE DAY May 21, 2015 is going to be College Day at AHS. Lexi Michalski, AHS College Advisor, is currently reaching out to colleges to come on that day and spend the day here to meet with our Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors. The students will come down during their Math classes. By having college day right after career fair day, we hope to make it relevant for our students. The goal is to provide them with different careers and different colleges where they can pursue that career. If you have any questions about either event, please feel free to e-mail me or call me! Shannon Kelly [email protected] 810-794-4911 EXT: 1281 o has Page 2 Algonac High School Counseling Center News (Continued) FAFSA Frenzy! Has your Muskrat submitted their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) yet? As of March 1st, 58% of all Seniors had submitted their FAFSA. Every Senior should submit a FAFSA. Our school’s goal is to reach 70% by June 1st. FAFSA Facts and Myths Myth: I make too much money for my child to get any money. Fact: First, there is no income limit on who is eligible for FAFSA money. Second, income is not the only factor in deciding what types of aid might be offered to a student. Some other factors include how many people you have in your household, the number of people in college, and more. The only way to know exactly how much your student might qualify for in aid is to submit a FAFSA. Furthermore, grants, scholarships, work study, and loans are all considered to be financial aid. Even if your student only qualifies for loans, they do not have to accept those loans. Myth: If my student submits a FAFSA, they have to take the money. Fact: FAFSA money is offered to students. There is no requirement that they have to accept it. This means that a student can choose to reject any FAFSA money, including loans, with no consequence. Therefore, there is no downside to filing the FAFSA! Myth: My student will get more if I do not provide my tax information on the FAFSA. Fact: You are actually hurting your student if you refuse to provide your tax information on the FAFSA. Students who are not able to provide their parent’s tax information are offered only loans. These loans are uncapped and mostly unsubsidized. This means that almost all of the loans offered to your student would start accruing interest as soon as they are taken out. Myth: I need my 2014 tax information to file the FAFSA. Fact: You can use your 2013 tax return information as long as you go back and adjust the information provided on your FAFSA once you get the new information. Myth: My child is going into the military or an apprenticeship; therefore, I do not need to submit the FAFSA. Fact: Think of the FAFSA as a backup plan. Worst case scenario, if something goes wrong, your student is injured, does not get the job, or changes their mind, they are going to want to have filled out the FAFSA if they end up wanting or needing to go to college. Myth: My student is going to a technical school, and does not need the FAFSA. Fact: Technical schools accept FAFSA money. They are very expensive and would be difficult to pay for without FAFSA money. If you have any questions about or need help with the FAFSA, please feel free to contact the College Adviser, Ms. Michalski via email ([email protected]), phone (810-794-4911 ext 1277), or twitter @ahs_cac. Page 3 Algonac High School News around the School Applications being accepted for Pickerel Tournament Queen Competition The Algonac Lions have dropped off applications for the 2015 Pickerel Queen and Court! Registration forms for any interested female student currently in their junior year at AHS are on the counter in the Student Services Office. Registration forms are to be completed and turned in by Wednesday, March 25, 2015. All registrants are to participate in a brief introductory meeting at the Algonac Lions Club on April 15, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. This meeting will include dinner for all applicants (applicants only please, no family members). At the introductory meeting, the ladies should be prepared to give a brief speech about themselves and their future plans after graduation. Pickerel Tournament Queen & Court 2012 Prom 2015 Prom 2015will be held at The Memory Room, 20690 Hall Road, Clinton Township, Michigan. When: April 25, 2015 Time: Prom begins at 7:00 p.m. and will last until 11:00 p.m. Dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $35.00 a person and includes dinner. Last day to purchase tickets is Monday, April 20, 2015. Guest passes must be obtained before purchasing ticket. AHS TRIP TO PARIS & D-DAY BEACHES THIS SUMMER! French Teacher, Carol Bokhari, is organizing a trip to France in June 2015. Highlights of the 8-day trip include famous Parisian monuments such as the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe and the Cathedral of Notre Dame. The group will tour the Louvre museum, the famous Paris Opera House and the Palace of Versailles. Another highlight of the trip is 3 days in Normandy with visits to the D-Day Beaches and the American WWII Cemetery. The cost of the trip includes airfare, hotel, breakfast and dinner, all transportation in France and entrance fees to all sites included in the tour. The trip is open to all AHS students and their families. If you are interested, please contact Carol Bokhari AS SOON AS POSSIBLE at: [email protected] or 810-794-4911, Ext. 3232. YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS ONCE-IN-A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY! Page 4 Algonac High School AHS Choir News AHS Concert Choir at MSVMA District Solo & Ensemble Festival On January 28, 2015, Algonac High School Concert Choir participated in the Michigan School Vocal Music Association District Solo & Ensemble Festival held at Chippewa Valley High School. Choirs from various high schools, as well as soloists, perform pieces for adjudicators and then are given a rating that possibly allows them to proceed to the State level. Students are judged based upon six categories; tonal beauty, breath, musical elements, language elements, interpretation and presentation. State Solo & Ensemble will be held this month and will be hosted by Avondale High School. State level competition offers the extra challenge of requiring singers to sight-read as part of their overall score. The results of Algonac High School’s vocal entries are as follows: Alana McKeown, solo performance, State Festival qualified Sondra Tercha, solo performance, State Festival qualified Congratulations to all who participated and good luck at States on Saturday, March 28th! News from the Office Requesting Student Homework Parents should call to request a student’s homework if the student has missed two or more days. Students are always given as many days that they were absent to make up assignments missed while they were out. When requesting work for a student, please ask for it as early as possible in the beginning of the day so that teachers have sufficient time to get it ready for pick-up in the afternoon. Reminder: We do not interrupt teaching time to give students items that they have left at home or to give them food or drinks. We will call them down at the end of the hour, after the bell rings to give them these items. If parents bring in medication to give to their child, we will call into the classroom so that the parent can administer it. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Page 5 Algonac High School National Honor Society News National Honor Society students have been volunteering to coach elementary science Olympiad teams (see back page for picture); babysitting at the elementary parent advisory meetings; volunteering to help rotary prepare and deliver meals to the elderly in our community (see pictures this page). Jon Moreton and Mike Vernier (background) help with Rotary meals. Our second American Red Cross blood drive of the 2014-15 school year was held on Tuesday, March 17, 2015. IB Students Visit Holocaust Memorial IB Students Visit Holocaust Memorial On March 19th, members of the IB world history and psychology classes attended a field trip to the Holocaust Memorial located in Farmington Hills. While there, students took a guided tour in which they learned more about the holocaust and the Jewish religion. One of the displays which really grabbed the students’ attention was a box car from one of the trains that was used to ship Jewish prisoners to the death camps. After the tour, students were able to hear a holocaust survivor tell his story of how he and his family were able to escape the death camps. Page 6 (L-R): Jason Moehlman, Katie Kracht and Jon Moreton dishing out salads Algonac High School SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) SADD Sponsors “5th Quarter Event” On March 5th, after the boys’ basketball game, AHS held a 5th Quarter event, which lasted until 10:45 p.m. The event was sponsored by AHS SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) group. The event was organized by Lisa Burns (AHS Teacher & SADD Advisor) and Hannah Levise (AHS Senior & SADD President). There was a $2 admission which included tickets for pizza, pop, and a cake walk. Events included: corn toss, Just Dance, poker room, various card and board games and Jumbo Jenga (see pictures below.) 78 students, 9 teachers (Ms. Burns, Mr. Viney, Mr. Simms, Ms. Urban, Mr. Lucka, Mr. Kiehler, Mr. Corbat, Mrs. Derra, and Mrs. Blair) and one parent attended the event. Students asked Ms. Burns when the next event is planned. SADD is planning a similar event in May that will be held outdoors once the weather cooperates. Everyone had a great time! Students and teachers all agreed that it was a very entertaining event. Students show off their dance moves with Just Dance Mr. Simms and Mr. Viney playing poker with a group of students Pizza and Pop - Refreshments for the evening Trying their skill at Jumbo ―Jenga‖ Page 7 Algonac High School News from the Athletic Department Competitive Cheer - Strong Finish The Algonac Varsity Competitive Cheerleaders finished their record-breaking season in February. The girls finished 3rd overall in the BWAC. This is the best finish in the history of competitive cheer at AHS. The girls also placed first at the Capac Invitational and the Shorian Invitational. They scored higher than any other AHS competitive cheer team and continually improved their scores throughout the season. Several times throughout the season they had a top 10 score on the Michigan Competitive Cheerleading website. This means they were in the top 10 out of every Division 3 school. Shown L-R: Coach Julia McKee, Megan Mytinger, Kayla Hopkins, Coach Minna Turrell, Alyssa Pickard, Megan Thomas, and Danielle Saums The team was led by 5 seniors who had a tremendous impact on the success of the team this season. They are Kayla Hopkins, Megan Mytinger, Alyssa Pickard, Danielle Saums, and Megan Thomas. The Varsity Competitive Cheer Team is coached by Minna Turrell and Julia McKee. Congratulations on an outstanding season, ladies! College-Bound Athletes Parents of athletes that are considering participation in college athletics are strongly encouraged to visit the NCAA Clearing House web-site for rules and regulations regarding eligibility. The web-site is NCAA_EMS/NCAA.jsp . Please note…it is vital that prospective athletes pass all of their core classes. If an athlete is in jeopardy of not passing a core class Page 8 they should immediately make contact with the athletic director or school counselor to begin a course of action. Failing a core class may jeopardize an athlete’s ability to be able to participate in college athletics. The NCAA Clearing House (necessary for participation at the DI and DII levels) has strict guidelines on the format of credit recovery courses. Traditional credit recovery formats may not be ac- cepted by the NCAA Clearing House, making it essential for a customized plan to be developed in the case of core course failures. Algonac High School News from the Athletic Department Muskrats Complete Successful Wrestling Season Algonac’s wrestling team completed their most successful season in recent years. The team finished in 3rd place in the extremely tough BWAC conference, which is their best finish in years. They also placed near the top at every tournament they wrestled in this year, including winning the Shepherd Bluejay Brawl. 5 Wrestlers who qualified for Regionals: Casey Pruitt Andre Bourlier Shane Asselin Nick Sanford Josh Poole The Muskrats capped off their season by winning another district title (their 2nd in 3 years) before being eliminated at regionals by the state champion Richmond Blue Devils. Individually, a lot of the Muskrats enjoyed really successful seasons. Five of our Muskrats placed in the top 4 at Districts, to qualify for Regionals. See box at right for their names. Brian Ranger Head Varsity Wrestling Coach Great job, Muskrats! We also had 7 wrestlers named all-conference: Shane Asselin Andre Bourlier Robert Jewell Keagen Ludowese Paine Marchwinski Casey Pruitt Nick Sanford Check out the AHS Athletic Department Website: Algonac High School Athletic Department Page 9 Algonac High School AHS Alumnus—Samantha Russell Samantha Russell Receives Grant for Creativity Samantha Russell, whose hand is pictured at left on the cover of Wayne State University’s Winter 2015 Newsletter, was selected to participate in the Wayne State University Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), a grant-based program for either a research or creative project. “I was the only awarded art student in a sea of scientists and engineers.” — Samantha Russell Samantha was granted $2,300 for her proposed project Neo-Plastic: A Reenvisioning of Materials Past. In her project, she experimented with new plasticbased materials and also with materials with which she had previously worked and was familiar. grant recipient could apply for a chance to present their research project at the Wayne State University UROP Conference which took place at the McGregor Memorial Conference Center on November 14, 2014. Samantha’s ―poster presentation‖ was a display of sculptures she produced as part of her research. Requirements for the presentation were to display and explain their research to those inquiring, which included the judge who was rating the presentations. She not only was awarded one of the six awards offered to those who presented, but scored the highest overall. Once the grant project was completed, each UROP Samantha’s work was included in the Members Only exhibition at Whitdel Arts from July 11 thru August 9, 2014, and the exhibition If You Build It, They Will Come at the Detroit Artists Market held August 1st thru 29th. Her piece, Because, was selected and displayed at the 6th Street Bridge Park during ArtPrize 2014, in Grand Rapids, Michigan (September 24—October 12, 2014). Samantha Russell graduated from Algonac High School in 2002 and will graduate from Wayne State University in May 2015 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. She will be pursuing a Masters of Fine Arts degree from the University of Minnesota. Senior All Night Party 2015 SANP meetings for April and May are as follows: Monday, April 20; Tuesdays, May 5, 12, 19, and 26. Meetings are in the media center (library) at AHS at 7:00 p.m. Please come to help plan this quickly upcoming party! The senior all night party is Saturday, June 6th, in the evening at Algonac High School. (Graduation is Friday, June 5 th at 6:00 p.m.) Upcoming fundraiser information: Chuck & Dave’s Salsa, Dips, Hummus and Chips - This fundraiser has officially started with order forms and money due on April 13, the first day back after Spring Break. We decided to start it early so that selling could begin before many leave for Spring Break vacation. The latest day the forms and money may be turned in is Wednesday, April 15, 2015. Delivery date will be Thursday, April 23 at AHS – time to be determined. Orders must be picked up at this time as the salsa, etc. must be refrigerated. ANY SENIOR WHO WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THE SANP AND DID NOT SELL LOTTERY RAFFLE TICKETS TO HELP PAY FOR THEIR $125 PARTY FEE, WILL BE ABLE TO HAVE 50% OF THEIR CHIPS AND SALSA PROFIT HELP PAY FOR THEIR FEE (i.e. sell $100, $50 will go towards your $125; sell $200, $100 will go towards your $125). This stuff is delicious and is very easy to sell! Chuck & Dave’s order forms and information are attached to the AHS morning announcements. Mother’s Day Flower Sale – Late April, early May. This is a local sale through Treasured Gardens in Algonac. Porch pots and hanging baskets will be ordered and delivered in time for Mother’s Day on May 10. Please send in your student’s admission ticket/permission slip (attached to AHS announcements) and the $25 deposit (cash or check made payable to AHS SANP) as soon as possible, if you have not done so already. We must have these to determine how many students are planning to attend the SANP. Any questions, please contact any of the following senior parents: Judy Vernier (586)206-7163, Tonya Musson (810)278-8084, Wanda Graham (810)531-2375, Renee Wilson (810)240-2435, Karen Van Buren Abbott (586)-291-2289 or Julie Mytinger (810) 335-4388. Please visit our Facebook page, ―Algonac Class of 2015 Senior All Night Party‖, for up-to-date information. Page 10 Algonac High School Need a Job During the Summer? Temporary Summer Employment for The following positions will be available for summer employment with the Algonac Community Schools: Moving Crew—Must be work permit eligible—4 positions Cleaning Crew—Must be work permit eligible—4 positions Grass Crew—Must be at least 18 years old—2 positions Grass crew will cut grass and trim around the district buildings. In the event of rain, grass crew will join the cleaning crew at a site to be determined or will assist with moving as determined. Please complete an employment application (available online at the District website: and return by April 2, 2015 to: Moving/Cleaning crews will move materials or clean rooms and equipment as directed. Algonac Community Schools Central Office Pay rate: $8.15 per hour 1216 St. Clair Blvd. Algonac, MI 48004 Attention: Summer Employment Algonac State Park—A Great Place to Work Algonac State Park has 1,450 beautiful acres with 296 campsites and a halfmile of St. Clair River frontage. The park is open all year for a variety of activities. The park features both an archery range and trap shooting range, and also has 4-1/2 miles of hiking trails. They maintain five boating access sites. Summer employment is available with an opportunity to work up to 1,040 hours. These are great jobs for college students or recent high school graduates looking to earn tuition money. Individuals who are looking to re-enter the workforce, and seniors/ retirees looking to be more active during the warmer months are welcome to apply as well. Enjoy the outdoors and promote positive interaction with visitors. Job responsibilities may include: interaction with the general public, handling permit sales in the visitor contact booth, performing campground duties, mowing, trail maintenance, landscaping, and janitorial duties. Candidates should be 18 years of age and older. And willing to work weekends, evenings and holidays. Why is Algonac State Park a Great Place to Work? Opportunity for skill development Dynamic people Team-oriented environment Beautiful location Customer service opportunities Applications are taken year -round. Wages start at $8.20/hour. For more information on Summer Worker positions or to submit your resume, please call 810-765-5605. Page 11 Algonac High School News from Algonac Bands MSBOA District 16 Band & Orchestra Festival On Saturday, March 14th the AHS Symphonic Band performed at Anchor Bay High School. The performance was during the MSBOA District 16 Band & Orchestra Festival, which is held annually. Bands perform three songs on stage for a panel of three judges. One song must be a march, one must come from a list of songs for the class the band is entered in by school size, and one can be freely chosen by the director. After performing on stage, the band goes to a different room and participates in the sightreading portion: the band is given a piece of music that they have not seen before and has 5 minutes to prepare it by talking, singing, etc. but without playing their instruments. At the end of the 5 minutes the band performs that piece for the sight reading judge who grades them simi- Page 12 larly to the concert judges but also factors in the quality of their preparation time. Each judge uses a rubriclike report card to grade each band in the areas Tone Quality, Intonation, Rhythm, Technique, and Interpretation. Each category is given a letter grade from A to E. The five letter grades are then averaged into a final grade which is converted into a roman numeral. An average grade of A or Aconverts to a “I”, an average grade of B+, B, or Bconverts to a “II” and so on. The three concert judges’ grades are averaged together to give a Final Concert Rating, and this rating is averaged with the Sight Reading rating to provide an overall Final Rating. Bands can earn a Final Rating as low as a 5 and as high as a 1. Bands earning a Final Rating of 2 receive red medals and a wall plaque. Bands earning a Final Rating of 1 receive blue medals, a wall plaque, and are qualified to participate in the State Band and Orchestra Festival in late April. After Algonac’s scores were totaled up, the Symphonic Band received a 2 rating in concert performance and a 1 rating in sight-reading, averaging out to an overall 2 Final Rating. Congratulations to the members of the AHS Symphonic Band on their fine performance! “Congratulations to our outstanding musicians!” - - Mr. Robert Gras, Algonac School Bands Director Algonac High School News from Algonac Bands (Continued) MSBOA District 16 High School Honors Band On Saturday, March 28th thru Tuesday March 31st two Algonac HS Symphonic Band members will participate in the annual MSBOA District 16 High School Honors Band. Directors from over 100 schools nominate students for this group and students are chosen based on director recommendation, experience, and solo & ensemble festival participation. There are two bands formed that will rehearse over the weekend and then give a performance on Tuesday evening: a band of 9th and 10th grade students, and a band of 11th and 12th grade students. The 9/10 band will be conducted by Andrea Brown from the University of Michigan and the 11/12 band will be conducted by Jeff Gershman from State Solo & Ensemble Festival Capitol University (formerly from IU). Representing Algonac in the 9th/10th grade band this year will be Yvette Zewatski, a freshman baritone player. Representing Algonac in the 11th/12th grade band will be Kaitlyn Fuhrman, a junior tenor saxophonist. Congratulations on being chosen to represent the Muskrats. Students are chosen based on director recommendation, experience, and solo & ensemble festival participation. On Saturday, March 21st four Algonac HS band students participated in the MSBOA State Solo & Ensemble Festival. These students earned this honor by receiving a First Division Rating on their events at the District 16 Solo & Ensemble Festival held in late January. The students and their results are as follows: Madeline Meldrum: snare drum solo – First Division/ blue medal Yvonne Tirakian and Abigail Nutter: clarinet duet – First Division rating/blue medal Yvonne Tirakian, Abigail Nutter, Faith White: clarinet trio – First Division rating/blue medal Yvonne Tirakioan, Faith White, Abigail Nutter—at MSBOA State Solo & Ensemble Festival Yvonne Tirakian: clarinet proficiency level 1 (solo) – Second Division rating/red medal Congratulations to our outstanding musicians! Page 14 Algonac High School Other News National Honor Society—1st Annual Color Out Cancer Run Algonac High School National Honor Society will be hosting the 1st Annual Color Out Cancer Run on Saturday, May 16, 2015. Registration will take place at the high school on the following dates: Saturday, March 21st Saturday, March 28th Saturday, April 18th Saturday, April 25th All registration times are from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Price: $25.00 per person (includes: T-shirt, bandana and personal pack of powder). This is planned to be a fun family event! Bring the kids! One child (age 4-14) free per family. No need to run; you can walk if you choose. Individuals 18 or younger will need parental consent. There will be a Party in the Park at the finish line in Clay Township Park, which includes food, drinks, music, raffle tickets and HUGE prizes! There will be guest speakers there to tell their cancer story. All proceeds will go to C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Questions? Contact Jonathan Moreton at [email protected] NHS Students Coach Science Olympiad National Honor Society Students help to coach elementary students with Science Olympiad. Pictured at right is Samantha Pruitt, helping C.J. Strickland, a student at Algonac Elementary School, prepare for Science Olympiad competitions. Page 14 Attendance Line Dial Algonac High School at (810) 794-4911, and PRESS OPTION 1, which is the Attendance Line. Please leave the following information when reporting your student absent and be sure to speak clearly: 1. Name of student 2. Reason student is absent 3. Parent/Guardian name
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