SEYMOUR ALGWA 2015 Australian Local Government Women’s Association cess ays le, P op : Pe d e an os urp on si Pas - hw Pat uc to S ine g Ima MITCHELL SHIRE COUNCIL Australian Local Government Women’s Association Day One Friday 22 May 2015 8.30am 9am 9.10am 9.20am 9.25am 9.30am Registration and coffee Conference Opening Welcome by Mitchell Shire Council Mayor Cr Rodney Parker North East ALGWA President Cr Marg Attley (Mansfield Shire) Victorian ALGWA President Mayor Cr Coral Ross (Boroondara City) KEYNOTE SPEAKER Imagine: People, Purpose and Passion – Pathways to Success The Hon. Natalie Hutchins MP, Victorian Minister for Local Government, Industrial Relations and Aboriginal Affairs 10amDr Ron Ben-David Chair, Essential Services Commission Towards a Fairer Rating System 10.30am Morning Tea (sponsored by Danielle Green MP) with Health Expo 11am Susanna Sheed MP How to run a successful grass roots campaign 11.30am Professor Jill Keeffe OAM Celebrated for her achievements in the field of eye research Jill will discuss career successes and challenges 11.45am Col. Jan McCarthy ARRC (Ret.) A former Director of Army Nursing, Jan served in Vietnam and has a unique perspective on the army’s ability to produce female leaders 12noon Joann Formosa OAM A gold medallist at the 2012 London Paralympics, Joann will speak about her journey 12.15pm Wendy Kelly Winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2014 Victorian Disability Awards, Wendy is a passionate disability advocate 12.30pm Facilitated panel discussion 12.45pm Door prizes 1pm Lunch – with Health Expo 2.10pm Katie Williams ALGWA 2014 Bursary Winner How the bursary has supported her Pathway to Success 2.25pm Ideas Marketplace A place to trade ideas, knowledge and experiences Topics Include: Participatory budgeting, Role of Social Media in tackling social isolation and Implications of Rate Capping and how we manage it 3.25pm Marketplace Outcomes presentations and discussion Q&A 3.35pm Afternoon Tea (sponsored by Steph Ryan MP) 4pm Audrey Flannery – Think Pink Young Citizen of the Year 2015, Audrey presents a weekly radio show on two local radio stations. She’ll be speaking about her Real Freaks Think Pink campaign for the National Breast Cancer Foundation 4.30pm ALGWA AGM 5pm-6.30pm Free Time 6.15pm Optional walking tour of Vietnam Veterans Commemorative Walk with expert commentary 6.30pm Guests are collected by coach 6.45pm Pre-dinner drinks from 6.45pm 7.10pmDinner 7.15pm Victorian ALGWA President Cr Coral Ross (Boroondara) 7.20pmEntree Keynote Speaker: Moira Kelly International humanitarian Moira Kelly will speak about her inspiration and leadership that have supported some of the world’s most disadvantaged children 7.25pm Main Course Dessert and Coffee 10pm Coaches to accommodation Day Two Saturday 23 May 2015 8.45am Registration and coffee 9am Day Two Opening Welcome by Mayor Cr Coral Ross (Boroondara City) 9.05am Politicians Panel Danielle Green MP, Steph Ryan MP, Jaclyn Symes MP, Wendy Lovell MP Thriving in the political arena 10.05am Pam McDonald – Tackling Tough Issues Workshop Covering bullying, and how to deal with challenging situations and conversations at work 11.05am Morning Tea Celebration of Jeanette Powell’s retirement 11.30am Jenny Gray CEO of Zoos Victoria With a background in transportation, engineering and ethics Jenny will speak about the challenges of transforming three zoos 12.15pm Cr Helen Harris (City of Whitehorse) 100 Years of Women in Local Government 12.45pm Hon. David Davis MP, Victorian Shadow Minister for Local Government 1pm Lunch and conference close e: Peo Imagin ALGWA 2015 Australian Local Government Women’s Association Conference, Seymour 22-23 May 2015 io nd Pass pose a ple, Pur ss o Succe ways t n - Path MITCHELL SHIRE COUNCIL Australian Local Government Women’s Association Guest Speakers and Panellists Wendy Lovell MP Member for Northern Victoria Region – Opposition Whip (Legislative Council) Wendy Lovell was elected to the Legislative Council as the Member for North Eastern Province in 2002 and has held a number of Ministerial and Shadow Ministerial roles including Deputy Leader. Prior to her election to Parliament, Wendy was a successful small business woman and has a passion for the development and support of small business. She is also committed to fighting for a fair go for country Victoria. Steph Ryan MP State Member for Euroa Formerly a journalist and senior adviser to the Nationals party Leader and Premier Ted Baiilleu, Steph Ryan was elected in 2014 and chosen as Deputy Leader of The Nationals with the Shadow Portfolios of Training, Skills and Apprenticeships and Youth Affairs. Steph is pushing hard to hold the new Labor Government to account and ensure that rural and regional Victoria receives its fair share. Suzanna Sheed MP State Member of Parliament for Shepparton District Suzanna Sheed is an Independent Member, elected after a short but hugely successful 2014 campaign. Having practised law in Shepparton for more than 30 years, Suzanna decided to run for election after becoming increasingly frustrated with the major parties and their lack of investment in the region. Danielle Green MP State Member for Yan Yean Prior to election Danielle worked in the public sector in Departments of taxation, transport, housing, consumer affairs and rural affairs. She was first elected to Parliament in November 2002. The Yan Yean electorate is one of the most populous and fastest growing in Victoria so this keeps Danielle busier than ever advocating for jobs, infrastructure and services like hospitals and schools. Currently Danielle is a Parliamentary Secretary with responsibilities for Tourism, Major Events and Regional Victoria. Moira Kelly AO International Humanitarian and Global Peace Maker Inspired by a video of Mother Theresa at the age of 7, Moira Kelly has devoted her life to others. Her insight, determination and positive attitude have made Moira an extraordinary role model. Her innovative thinking and leadership have supported some of the world’s most disadvantaged children from an early age through the Children First Foundation and Global Gardens of Peace. No longer directly involved in Children First Foundation, Moira’s latest humanitarian effort is well under way through her initiative to create a children’s garden and safe area for families in Gaza, Palestine. The 2015 ALGWA (Australian Local Government Women’s Association) Victorian Conference will take place on Friday 22 May and Saturday 23 May at the Seymour GOTAFE Campus, Wallis Street, Seymour, VIC 3660. To book go to: Full conference incl dinner: members $300 Day one only: members $135 Day two only: members $95 Dinner: members $95 non members $375 non members $155 non members $115 non members $115 ALGWA 2015 Australian Local Government Women’s Association Conference, Mitchell Shire Council 1-2 May 2015 ss o Succe ways t n - Path io nd Pass pose a ple, Pur e: Peo Imagin concession $350 concession $145 concession $105 concession $105 MITCHELL SHIRE COUNCIL ALGWA 2015 We would like to thank you for your attendance and participation we hope you enjoyed our 2015 ALGWA Conference in Seymour. Working together with our community we would like to thank our supporters. MITCHELL SHIRE COUNCIL
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