Table of Contents Ardanroe Officers Harken Ye! This Month In History Fortnight Carriage Chatter: Winter Wonders Swamp Romp Kingdom Calendar of Events, Date & Location March 15-22: Gulf Wars- Kings Arrow Ranch April 11: Spring Coronation- Shire of Pilgrim’s Fount April 18: St. Bogdacious- Barony of Axemoor April 25: Beltain- Barony of Grey Niche May 2: Tournament of Champions XI- Shire of Pilgrim’s Fount May 7-10: Athenaeum- Shire of Coill Fhionnabhann May 16: Spring Crown List- Shire of Troll Fen May 30: Candlelight Camp- Barony of Small Grey Bear St. Sanity Medieval Joke This is the March 2015 issues of the Ardanrunes, a publication of the Shire of Ardanroe of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.) Ardanrunes is an electronic newsletter only, available on the Shire of Ardanroe website. It is not a corporate publication of SCA, Inc., and does not delineate SCA, Inc. policies. Copyright 2014 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting photographs, articles or artwork from the publication, please contact the Chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. The deadline for submissions is the 25th of the month for the issue coming out the 1st of the next month. If you have any submissions, please email them to [email protected]. Page 1 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Ardanroe Officers Seneshal: The Honorable Lady Kendra Dey Knight Marshal: Lord Akimoro no Moronaga Herald: The Honorable Lady Evlaliia Svenevicha Chatelaine: Aedan an Einigh Chronicler: Lady Cecilia Augustina Historian: (Available) Minister of Arts & Sciences: THL Marcilla le Despenseur Exchequer: The Honorable Lady Joya la Normande Web Minster: Lord Aki no Moronaga Minister of Children: Lady Bridie O Sullevan Chirurgeon: THL Mateo Lopez Quartermaster: THL Joya la Normande Constable: Lord Jurgis Bebra Page 2 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Harken YE! Below is a tentative schedule of Shire activities for the month of March: 2 2:00pm. (Sunday) Fighter Practice- A.C. Steere 4009 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA 71105 5 6:30pm. (Thursday) Fighter Practice/Project Night- Mangum Memorial United Methodist Church 8 2:00pm. (Sunday) Fighter Practice- A.C. Steere 4009 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA 71105 11 7:00pm. (Wednesday) Ardanroe Populace Meeting- Aulds Library- 3950 Wayne Avenue 12 6:30pm. (Thursday) Fighter Practice/Project Night- Mangum Memorial United Methodist Church 15 2:00pm. (Sunday) Fighter Practice- A.C. Steere 4009 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA 71105 19 6:30pm. (Thursday) Fighter Practice/Project Night- Mangum Memorial United Methodist Church 22 2:00pm. (Sunday) Fighter Practice- A.C. Steere 4009 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA 71105 25 7:00pm (Wednesday) Arts & Science Project Night- Aulds Library 26 6:30pm. (Thursday) Fighter Practice/Project Night- Mangum Memorial United Methodist Church 29 2:00pm. (Sunday) Fighter Practice- A.C. Steere 4009 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA 71105 (3939 Pines Rd., Shreveport, LA 71119) Bossier City, LA 71112 (3939 Pines Rd., Shreveport, LA 71119) (3939 Pines Rd., Shreveport, LA 71119) (3939 Pines Rd., Shreveport, LA 71119) Note: Fighter practice is held at the Duck Pond on King's Hwy on Sundays when raining. Page 3 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 This Month in History • March 4, 1461: Edward IV is proclaimed king of England. • March 11, 1152: The marriage of the king of France, Louis VII, to Eleanor of Aquitaine was annulled on this day. • March 12, 1339: The French attacked Gorey Castle, but the garrison inside the castle defended the invasion and were victorious. • March 18, 979: Edward, the English King, was assassinated under orders from his step-mother. • March 25, 1133: Henry II was born. • March 25, 1437: James II became King of the Scots after his father died. Page 4 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Town Faire On January 1st, fighter practice was cancelled. On the Thursday, January 4th fighter practice, the fighters were: Aki, Brandon, Alfred. January 8-18th fighter practices cancelled. On the Sunday, January 18 fighter practice, the fighters were: Aki, Brandon, Alfred, & Tralin. Fighter practices for January 29th- February 5th cancelled. On the Sunday, February 8th fighter practice, the fighters were: Aki, Alfred, Ethan, and Jarrett. Draven watched. On the Thursday, February 12th fighter practice, the fighters were: Aki, Alfred, Draven, Jarrett, & Josh. On the Sunday, February 15th fighter practice, the fighters were: Aki, Alfred, Draven, Chris, Ethan, & Jarrett. On February 21st, many shire members attended the Louisiana Comicon. The shire was given use of a booth to represent the SCA & our local shire. Many people brought items to show such as: beads, armor, scrollwork, & weaving. Everyone wore garb as well. Many shire members talked to several people that walked up out of curiosity, explaining what the SCA is all about. Others walked around in armor and met people that way. It was a very productive demo and several flyers were handed out to the public. Page 5 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Fortnight This edition of Fortnight covers the months of January & February. Master Rory un Riada took notes for these months. The January 2015 Shire Populace Meeting was held on Wednesday, January 14th at the Aulds Branch Library. The meeting was run by Kendra, Seneschal, and began shortly after seven o’clock. Sixteen adults (Mateo, Bride, Siggy, Evlaliia, Gilbert, Marcella, Primus, James, Akimoro, Ebrahim, Aedan, Amata, Joya, Jurgis, Rory, and Kendra) and one minor (Mateo and Bride’s son) attended. Officer Reports: Seneschal – Kendra reminded folks about due dates for officer reports. Knight Marshal – Aki has done an inventory of marshal stuff and is looking for the marshal staff last used at Coronation. There was one new fighter at Thursday’s fighter practice/project night at the church. There was no fighter practice on Sunday. Herald – Evlaliia reported that Aedan’s name and Cecilia’s name are on the December 10, 2014 Gleann Abhann LoI (Letter of Intent). Primus’ device resubmission that was in the same envelope with Aedan’s name has somehow gotten lost at Ruby. Evlaliia is recopying and coloring to resend it to Ruby. Evlaliia is looking for a deputy. Chatelaine – Aedan reported one new person during the past month. Chronicler – The January 2015 issue of The Ardanrunes was posted on the Shire’s website and an- nounced on the Shire’s Facebook page on December 31, 2014. A new issue of Ardanrunes is now up! Notice of the new issue was not posted on the Shire’s yahoo list and will be done so asap. Cecilia was not present due to school starting up again and many fun tests. The Ardanrunes will officially be a quarterly newsletter while she is in school. Both Primus and Rory took notes tonight from the meeting. Page 6 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Historian – A volunteer is needed to fill this office. If interested contact Kendra. A&S – Marcilla reported that the Kingdom’s website for A&S is still having major difficulties. Other- wise, all is well in A&S land. The January A&S night will be about “Silk Banner Prep Class”. A future A&S night will look at making Bed Curtains (possibly silk painted) for use for the royal bed(s) at Shire events. Exchequer – Joya reported that the Shire was in the black, the 2014 4th Quarter Report has been sub- mitted, and she is taking reservations for Winter Wonders. Web Minister – Aki is looking for a deputy. The website’s next bill/payment date should be in March. Minister of Children – Bride reported that all is good. Chirurgeon – Mateo reported that all is good. Quartermaster –The Finance Committee has not yet written a Lending Policy for Shire property. Pri- mus will be buying the locks that were approved at a prior Populace Meeting for the Shire’s trailer. Constable – Jurgis reported that all was well until all was not well. During the insanity that followed Bors Rat-a-chick on a stick a mobile unit was set a fire and pushed on to the King’s highway causing a 40-Ox-Cart pile up. Slick road conditions and speed were also thought to be a contributing factor. It was also reported that there was a raid on Helga’s Sventhepoledot- tirs’ Loins Are Us Smallclothes mercantile by 10 to 15 Cachectic Acolytes of the Sisters of Vegan, who took all of the Size 0 to 1 small clothes in the product line. On a sad note the partially skeletonized body of a Petof member was found amind thousands of chicken tracks. There were no other injuries reported and the investigation continues. This weekend was the 8th Annual Chicken Plucking Festival and Rat Wrangling Competition on the Red. All went well until midday when the Holy Sisters of the Temple of Vegan arrived with 20 of their acolytes in tow. The Sisters marched in and split the festival in two, when they surrounded Bor’s Rat-a-Chick on a Stick Mobile Emporium and loudly chanted, “Beaks and squeaks no more!” This spectacle allowed members of Local 125 of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Fowl (PETOF) to sneak into the stock pens and release 1200 chickens and thousands of rats into the festival grounds. The report ended there. Presumably everyone was eaten by the rats and chickens. Old Business Winter Wonders: This event is the weekend of January 16-18, 2015. Aedan and Akimoro are busy completing items for the event. Crests for the helmets for the crest tourney will have streamers on magnetic tubes. Page 7 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Melisant is unable to attend and Aedan may have to get a hitch from someone to bring the Shire trailer out on Friday. Akimoro plans to be on site by noon Friday. Mateo will be setting up the kitchen Friday afternoon as Bride has to work. Due to the weather this week, the fighting field will probably be muddy. Someone may be setting up the kingdom pavilion on Friday. The Bazaar will be small as the weather has intimidated many of the merchants. However the weather for this weekend should be warmer and drier. Entertainment is good and classes are still a go, despite some cancellations. Bride needs two heating units (roasters or such) to use with her two for keeping foods warm. Bride and Mateo will not be using the grills this weekend. A&S set up (Regional Fair) is Saturday morning. Marcella will be assisting James. Aedan will oversee Nastycrat. James has plans for chess Friday night. ComicCon: Bossier Civic Center on February 21, 2015 The Bio and Picture for the Shire has been submitted and may appear in the near future on the website and/or Facebook page for the Con. No word yet on fighting demos. 10th Year Celebration: The joint Ardanroe/Iron Ox bid was submitted. No decisions have been made/announced yet. New Business Church Demo: The Church is having a special dinner one Sunday evening in late February or early March and would like the Shire to do a demo at it. Based on discussion, Sunday, February 22 seemed the best date. The dinner would be at 5:30 pm. A fighter practice could be held at the church starting at 3:00 and go into demo time. Local Holiday Schedule: Due to Gulf Wars in March, the March populace meeting was combined with the March A&S night after Gulf Wars. Due to Winter Wonders this weekend, Thursday’s fighter practice on January 15th is cancelled. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 8 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 The February 2015 Shire Populace Meeting was held on Wednesday, February 11th at the Aulds Branch Library. The meeting was run by Kendra, Seneschal, and began around a quarter past seven o’clock. Eleven adults (Aedan, Marcella, Gilbert, James, Jurgis, Joya, Evlaliia, Amata, Rory, Ebrahim, and Kendra) attended. Officer Reports Seneschal – Kendra reminded folks about due dates for officer reports. Knight Marshal – Aki sent in report that new fighters may be coming out on Thursday. His report will be done this weekend. Web Minister – Aki sent in report that he is working on the website to fix any confusion. Herald – Evlaliia reported that Aedan’s name and Cecilia’s name are on the December 10, 2014 Gleann Abhann LoI (Letter of Intent). Evlaliia has re-sent Primus’ device resubmission along with Aedan’s device to Ruby. Chatelaine – Aedan reported that Caddo Middle Magnet is asking if we will come out again this year to do a demo at the school – April 24 (Friday) from 12:30 – 2:30. Please let Aedan know if you are available to help with this demo. ComicCon is Saturday, February 21. UMMC has a demo on Sunday, February 22 at 5 PM (fighting starting at 3 pm with demo/meal at 5 pm). Aedan is looking for a deputy due to his school work. Chronicler – Cecilia was absent due to school work and Rory took notes tonight. Historian – Kendra as Seneschal is doing the report. A&S – Marcilla sent around paper for folks to write down what they have done in January and Febru- ary for her report. Due to Valentine’s Day, there will not be banner making this Thursday (12th). Banner mak- ing will resume on Wednesday, February 18th at the flower shop. Please get your drawings to James. Gilbert got a gold star for turning his in tonight. The Dharma order was 55 yards (after the meeting was cut into the proper sizes and will be washed). If you do have projects to work on for Gulf Wars, come to the church tomorrow (Thursday)! Exchequer – Joya reported that the Shire was in the black, after paying all bills and making the deposit for the 10th year site ($750). House Conroi did a lunch fundraiser at Swamp Romp to raise money to assist in the costs of 10th Year Event. Minister of Children – Bride was not present. Chirurgeon – Mateo was not present. Everyone was reminded that the Chirurgeon Office has not been decided upon yet by the Board and to write the Board if you have an opinion. Quartermaster –The Finance Committee has not yet written a Lending Policy for Shire property. Joya will be getting the locks for the Shire trailer from Aki tomorrow. Constable – Jurgis reported the following: First, a follow-up from my last report; some of the members of PWAP (People without a purpose) that loosed Sir Hirsute the Bald’s gerbils, have been caught and are awaiting trial. Page 9 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Second, all of the emus have been found. Two of which were hiding in a turkey pen. Third, most of PETOF (People for the Ethical treatment of fowl) mem- bers are still at large. Two were arrested while having their wounds tended by a sympathetic kyurgan (from Kyurga). Fourth, all of the holy sisters of the Temple of Vegan have fled the kingdom. But all kingdoms are on the alert as more and more broccoli plantations report the ravaging of their fields by haughty women in robes (fortu- nately the brussel sprout plantations are doing well so Uther can have some at 10th Year). Fifth, on a sad note two oxen and three drovers were killed in the shocking high speed ox cart pile up. Sixth, the King’s Highway is now open and is being patrolled by the RDPS (royal donkey pursuit) patrol, whose presence has had the effect of slowing down the ox cart traffic. That is all for me. Old Business Winter Wonders: This event made roughly $100 in profit. Aedan was asked to keep a record of the winners of the activities and turn that in to Cecilia, or to write up a report about the event in his spare time. ComicCon: Bossier Civic Center on February 21, 2015 The doors open at 10 am on Saturday, but there is exhibit set up times Friday evening and Sat- urday morning. Saturday morning is 7 – 9:30 am for set up. It looks like the booth will be in the hallway just outside the doors to the huge civic center area. Folks should dress in garb. Items should be brought for the table(s). The Shire’s banner (used at fighter practices) should be able to be hung on the wall behind the booth/table. Aedan will send out more information regarding set up and entrance fees ($10 or possible half-price tickets) next week. Burning Ram II: Lake Bistineau State Park Group Camp One, August 7 – 9, 2015 The autocrats would like to change this into a one-day event at the UMMC church, making it a simpler event, since the Shire is co-hosting 10th year the next month. The group present was in favor of the change. A lunch fundraiser would be held. Cost to attend would be small ($5 estimated). Joya will be able to release the date next week of Burning Ram II with the state park, and re- serve the date for Winter Wonders 2016 with the deposit already made with the state park. Page 10 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 New Business 10th Year Celebration: Sarah and Ariadne are the autocrats. Medb is reservations. Kendra is food – social style. The date is now September 18 – 20, 2015 which is the third weekend of September (Kingdom A&S weekend). The site is the YMCA camp in Fort Gibson, MS, which has 150 beds and plenty of tenting area. Scottish Tartan Festival: The Shire has been asked to come and participate at the Scottish Tartan Festival in Minden, LA. It will be the last Saturday of March this year, March 28, 2015. Kendar will post to the list to see if there are fighters able to do it. Without fighters it is not worth doing as a demo. Bossier Parish Library Expo/Spring Fest: This would be the first Saturday of May from 1 – 4 PM at the Central Library on Beckett Street. The library holds this annually and besides each branch library being present, local organizations also are there. It is free. Tables and chairs and pop-up pavilions are provided. This year a form is being used due to the limited space and popularity of organizations participating. Deadline to send in the form is in April. GA Social at Gulf Wars: Baroness Brigida is in charge of the GA Social at Gulf Wars this year. Groups are being asked to donate food for 150 people. James will check with Dana about making cookies. GA Auxillary at Gulf Wars: The Auxiliary is asking for donations of Wright’s Bits and Pieces (baconish thing) for sand- wiches for the fighters at Gulf Wars. The meeting was adjourned. Notes as taken by Rory. Page 11 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Carriage Chatter Winter Wonders, Shire of Ardanroe, January 17, 2015 A.S. XLIX Autocrat: Aki no Moronaga. Co:Autocrat: Aedan. Feastocrat: Bridie Shire attendants: Bridie, Mateo, Ariel, Aki, Aedan, Jera, Curt, Gaius, Cecilia, Marcilla, Gilbert, Ebrahim, James, Medb, Paul, Harmony, Eida, Bert, Sarah, Kendra, Johannes, Barbara, Rory, Harpe, Jordan, Siggi. Anno Societatis XLIX brought a Winter Wonders with a “Silk Road” theme. It was a unique theme that inspired many unique and fun activities for attendants. 138 people traveled from far and wide to attend, including TRMs Caillin Macleod and Danielle de la Roche, as well as TRHs Joane of Ook and James the Holy. Among all of those that attended, 17 participated in the Crest Tournament with Paul the Small emerging as victor. Gwynn Bleyne won the bridesmaid tourney. The team of Gwynn, Swete, and Sir Grimbaldus won the melee tournament. Master Erik won the archery Page 12 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 tournament. During Court that afternoon, interesting and wonderful announcements were made, many regarding the people of the shire of Ardanroe. In the beginning of court, HRM Caillin announced news of the beginning of a new kingdom forming in the An Tir region. After that, one person swore fealty, and 11 children were present and called forward to receive items from the Crowns. Harmony the Harpist from Ardanroe received an AOA that was created by Countess Morganna. Miles DeWarwick received a Combattant Ram. Mistress Ariel & Master James spoke about the Regional A&S tournament that they ran. Six items were for the competition, and six were for display, totaling 12 items made and brought by various people. THL Isabel Winterbourne won the competition and received a map that was created by Master James. Siobhan of Trollfen received an AOA that was created by Lady Ariana. After that, THL Conall spoke about the archery tournament that he ran. There were 9 participants total and Master Erik was the victor. Galliana received her AOA as well. The autocrats announced the winner of the youth combat as Ishee Goblin, as well as some of the other winners of various tournaments mentioned earlier. Aedan from Ardanroe received his AOA which was created by Lady Cecilia. Lord Gaius, also from Ardanroe, received an Onyx Chalice for his hard work. A grand announcement of THL Gilbert & Countess Emma was their soon-tobe elevation to Pelicans! Ebrahim provided the pictures for this event. Page 13 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Page 14 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Page 15 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Swamp Romp, Shire of Trollfen, January 31, 2015 A.S. XLIX Those that attended this event from the shire of Ardanroe were: Cecilia, Gaius, Joya, Sarah, Gilbert, Marcilla, Aedan, Aki, Eida, James. A total of 143 people attended this event. Several classes were held at this event, with quite a few of them geared towards scribes. One class was about calligraphy, one about scroll borders, and one about scribal work in general. Other classes were held as well, such as one for banner making. There were heavy & light fighting tournaments, and even a chess tournament! Court was held at 4:30 pm. Mistress Sarah announced the 10 Year Event will be run by Iron Ox & the Shire of Ardanroe in a centrally located place near Vicksburg, MS. Mistress Barbara announced the winner of her guessing game. She brought red hots in a jar, which amounted to 275. The winner was a lady named Danielle, who also won Mistress Barbara’s guessing challenge in 2009 at her very first event, ever! Lord Stephen of Wyrmgeist won the shire defender tournament. Robierre Dubois won the light fighter tournament and also became the holder of the Iron Ring. Those that won received scrolls by Mistress Bailey Rose. Sebastian was given an Onyx Chalice for his hard work. Master James announced Brennian O’Connall as the winner of the chess tournament. THL Johildr & THL Conall received Silver Lamps for their amazing and beautiful scribal work for the Kingdom. Griffin Fitzwize was inducted into the Order of the Aries. Some pictures were provided by myself and Lady Siobhan. Page 16 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Page 17 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Page 18 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 The Search for St. Sanity 2: Trials and Tribulations, Shire of Pilgrim’s Fount, February 14, 2015 A.S. XLIX Autocrats: Lord Ranulf & Lord Jamys. Feastocrats: Countess Emma and THL Myra. Those that attended this event from the shire of Ardanroe were: Cecilia, Joya, Aedan, Gilbert, Marcilla, and Jera. This event was held in a unique, historical area. Not only was there a blacksmith shop, but also the biggest magnolia tree in country! When people arrived to the event, they were greeted by a large troll. Also, various “Saint” charms were put in different places all over the site. When one person collected all the charms, they could put them on the bracelet they received at troll and have a cute charm bracelet. Also, various vendors were stationed in different areas of the event site. They sold various items such as: jewelry, trim, and even bows. A largesse tournament, A&S tournament, archery, heavy fighting & light fighting also took place throughout the day. Page 19 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Several classes took place at St. Sanity. Some of the first classes were of cheese making and cats. The cheese making class was taught by Lady Anastasia, who showed a very interesting and simple technique that incorporated organic yogurt and sea salt to make cheese. The cat class was quite fascinating, taught by Lady Sara May Heryngton. It incorporated various facts about how cats left their “tracks” in history. The Egyptians respected how cats rescued their young, even in a burning fire. This turned into worshiping the cat-like god of Bastet. This worship traveled, and when Christianity was introduced, much if that worship was stamped out. Unfortunately, it also came at the cost of killing cats as well. Many other classes took place, such as making a pilgrim satchel, blacksmithing, and paternoster making. The paternoster class was a fun and interesting class, focused on an item that was the rosary’s predecessor. Originally it contained 150 beads, with a large “gall” bead placed in between every 10 beads. This represented the book of Psalms in the Bible. Mistress Jennet taught this class and provided a large container of beads for people to make their own paternoster. Court was held that afternoon. Several children received largesse. One young girl was inducted into the Order of the Lamb. Other awards were given out by HRH Joane of Ook, as well as the autocrat, Jamys. Lady Cecilia from Ardanroe won the A&S tournament. One of the most interesting things about that Court was that it was 11 peoples’ first event! Also, everyone from Pilgrim’s Fount was called up. Up to that point, Pilgrim’s Fount was an incipient shire. THL Gilbert, Kingdom Seneshal, announced that all requirements had been met and that Pilgrim’s Fount was now, officially, a shire! After Court, the hall was used for feast. Music was played by a group from Ansteorra, and belly dancers entertained as well. It was an amazing feast. Every remove was unique, delicious, and flavorful. Some of the food items were: venison stew (my personal favorite), chicken with orange glaze on the side, rice, cabbage with bacon, bread, with various types of butter. During feast, everyone was given a boiled egg and played a fun game. The game consisted of smacking the eggs against another person’s; if your egg cracked, you lost. The winners of each table went to other tables until only two remained. The victor was Master Fred! After feast, a large cake was brought in to celebrate the induction of the new shire and the revelry commenced. Page 20 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Page 21 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Page 22 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Page 23 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015 Page 24 Ardanrunes, March issue 2015
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