Young Shire Council FOR PUBLIC COMMENT LIQUID TRADE WASTE POLICY PLANNING & ASSESSMENT ACT 1979 DEVELOPMENT CONSENTS ISSUED In accordance with the provisions of section 101 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and section 74 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, notification is given that the developments and/or modifications mentioned below have recently been granted consent. The development consents are available for public inspection, during ordinary office, at Council Offices, Boorowa Street, Young. Council is currently considering amendments to its Liquid Trade Waste Policy in accordance with the NSW Office of Water (NOW) model trade waste policy as per the Liquid Trade Waste Regulation Guidelines. Council would like to invite the community to submit any comments or feedback for consideration in relation to the following proposed changes. 1 Sizing of shared grease arrestors, e.g. the 60% capacity rule for shared grease arrestors is no longer applicable. 2 Prohibition of wastewater from a water based cremation for discharge to the sewerage system. 3 Amendments to Exempt activities, e.g. some food preparation activities have been removed from the exemption list. In addition, Funeral Parlour has been removed. Young Shire Council is seeking tenders from suitable companies to undertake the collection of kerbside green waste within the shire. 4 Additional 3 companies manufacturing grease arrestors are included in the list of Acceptable Pre-treatment Products. Additional information can be found in the tender information document. 5 Use of bio-additives and enzymes in grease arrestors are prohibited. Interested parties are required to register via the E-tendering Portal to download documents. Please address all correspondence for any submission, to The General Manager and forward to Young Shire Council, Locked Bag 5, YOUNG NSW 2594 or [email protected] before 2nd February 2015. 2014/DA-00079 REV01 – Lot 7301 DP 1141638, 52 Bendick Murrell Rd, Bendick Murrell - MODIFICATION - Change location of Dwelling and Shed. TENDER NO: 236 OF 2015 Green Waste Kerbside Collection If you experience difficulties accessing the above website please call the Tenderlink helpdesk on 1800 233 533. The closing date and time for tender submissions is 12pm Wednesday 11 February 2015. HERBICIDE USE NOTIFICATION Commencing 9th January, 2015 Council will be utilising Round Up, Brush Off, Pulse, Dicamba, Grazon on: • all roads in Young Shire, Shire Parks, Ovals, Laneways and some town areas. Wednesday 11 February 2015 at 10.00am • All Villages and Reserves Town Hall, Boorowa Street, Young • Old General Cemetery SALE OF LAND FOR UNPAID RATES th Public Auction – Sale of Land for Unpaid Rates – 6 lots being at Koorawatha, Murringo, Monteagle and Young. These blocks are for genuine sale subject to outstanding rates and charges being paid prior to the auction. Catalogues are available for collection from Council’s Customer Service Department, Town Hall, Boorowa Street, Young; telephone 6380 1200; by email at [email protected] or by visiting Council’s website PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT This is to advise that Council is in receipt of the following Development Application No. 2010/DA-00102 REV02. In accordance with Council’s Herbicide Use Notification Plan, signs will be provided on the vehicle applying the pesticide and signs will remain on-site to inform the public for 24 hours after spraying. WATER METER READING STARTS MONDAY 19TH JANUARY 2015 During this time, Young Shire Council officers will need to gain access to your property to read your water meter. However many are difficult to find due to an overgrowth of weeds and bushes around the meter. Young Shire Council asks for safety and ease of reading, that property owners clear the area around and above the meters. NAME OF APPLICANT: McKinnon Design Property owners should ensure that a space of at least 300mm around and 1200mm above the water meter is kept clear. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 & 2 DP 324356 125 - 127 Main St YOUNG NSW 2594 If the property is being rented, tenants should check with their Real Estate Agent about clearing the meter site. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: MODIFICATION - Alteration of the external facade of the proposed motel extension, installation of a passenger lift, and internal alterations to the rooms. The proposed development is not a designated development, and Young Shire Council is the consent authority for this application. The development application referred to in this notice and the documents accompanying the application, may be inspected at Young Shire Council offices, Boorowa Street, Young, Monday to Friday 8.30a.m. to 5.00p.m., until Friday 23 January 2015. Any person may make a written submission to Council about the development application during this period. If a submission is made by way of objection, the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission. [email protected] Finance and Administration 6380 1200 Young Shire Council asks that animals, particularly dogs, should be secured away from the meter area. Young Shire Council also respects your right to safeguard your property by locking entrance gates but sometimes, meters are in the backyards or down the side of a house, depending on where the water main is located. If no-one is at home, we will leave a card asking the householder to call and make suitable alternative access arrangements.” Without an accurate water meter reading, any leaks on your property are not easily detected which may cause unexpected high water bills. It is important to read your water meter to find out how much water you use and investigate any unexpected increases in use. If you have any queries regarding the water meter reading, please contact Council on 6380 1200. Submissions on the proposal must be lodged in writing with Council prior to the close of business on Monday 26 January 2015. Planning and Environment 6380 1203 TENDER 235 OF 2015 Refurbishment of existing amenities block Operations and Utility Services 6380 1215 Fax Number 6380 1299 Quotations are invited from organisations capable of providing the following goods & services: Supply of all building materials for completion of works; Supply of all labour for completion of works; Supply of all waste removal for completion of works; Supply of all plumbing fixtures and fittings for completion of works Supply of all related trades (electrical, plumbing) for completion of works Plumber on call for WATER, SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE Sewerage Treatment Plant Complaints, reporting of sewer overflows, mobile 0419 275 991 if no answer ring 6383 3232 ROAD HAZARDS mobile 0417 245 558 or 0417 417 623 • • • WAX CARDBOARD PLASTIC TOYS MILK & JUICE CARTONS POLYSTYRENE BOXES/PACKING COLOURED PLASTIC BOTTLES ANY CERAMIC MATERIAL If you experience difficulties accessing the above website please call the Tenderlink helpdesk on 1800 233 533. PLAS. ICE CREAM CONTAINERS CUPS, SAUCERS, PLATES The following works are underway: • PAPER & MAGAZINES SOFT DRINK BOTTLES PLANNED ROADWORKS FOR WEEK ENDING FRIDAY 23RD JANUARY 2015 RANGER 0408 298 413 ALL CARDBOARD (Except Waxed) DON’T RECYCLE Interested parties are required to register via the E-tendering Portal to download documents. The closing date & time for submissions is 12 noon on 3rd February 2015. SES 132 500 DO RECYCLE Gravel resheeting at Scenic Road, Monteagle Stock Route East and Murringo Stock Route. Maintenance grading at Rosewood Lane. Please contact Young Shire Council to arrange quotation and payment of all private works in these areas. Culvert repairs at Bribbaree Road, Bribbaree. Bribbaree Road shoulder widening and heavy patching, west of Cudgell Creek. MARGARINE/BUTTER TUBS CORDIAL BOTTLES WALL & FLOOR TILES GLASS BOTTLES PYREX GLASS JARS - NO LIDS WINDSCREEN GLASS ALUMINIUM CANS WOOD/TIMBER MILK & FRUIT JUICE BOTTLES GREEN WASTE (NOT IN BIN) STEEL CANS PLASTIC BAGS (at Landfill only) MIXED GARBAGE Help us by your bin is facing the correct way to the kerb edge and not overloaded. Please ensure that your recycling bin is secure in its place on the front footpath on the correct night, for the next days pick up. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION Speed restrictions will be in place and minor delays may be experienced. The planned roadworks are subject to change due to Council resources and weather conditions. RM2218468 Motorists are advised Roadwork Speed Limits are enforceable by the NSW Police. Caution should be exercised when travelling through roadwork sites.
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