PRASASRBIIARATI @ROADCASTING CORPORATTON OF INDrA) NEWS SERVICES DIVISION: ALL INIDA RADIo: NEw DELHI \ \/' ${gqr"nDtsT/2ots/ Y il lr* o,r"",o. Generar. DAVP, Soochna Bhawan, Dated:28-4-2015 2 9 APR 2015 NewDelhi ll000l. Subject: Regarding Publication of Notice for supply, Installation Testing and Commissioning of CCTV at NSD, AIR, NBH, New Delhi. Sir, I am directed to forward herewith a notice for publication in two leading Newspaper (one in Hindi and in English) on the above cited subject. It is requested that the same may please be pubrished by 05.5.2015 and a copy the notice published may be forwarded to this Division along with of ror releasing payment. Encl. : As above. Copy to Sr. Administrative Officer For Director General (News) : t-{ Bq ' -r/ r-'{. The DDG(Engg.)'{+-t&zisi€,q+&}u*it, All India Radio, Akashwani Bhawan. New Delhi with the request to give due publicity by up loading the'tender document on the website "tendersallilndiaradio.',. 2. The Director General, NIC, A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi _ 110 003 along with a copy of this Division's Tender No.NSD/ID /s7/20t5/ dated 286 April'2015 (enclosed) with the request to give due publicity by up loading the Tencler document on the central Public Purchase portal, immediately. 3. Website Cell, NSD, AIR, New_ Delhi along *ith a copy oithG5iroision's Tender No. NsD/ID/57l201 dated 28o April'2015 (enclosed) with the request ro up load the tender on the NSD Website "" immediatelv. 1/ ANNEXURE.I Letter for Submission of tender Dated /2015 The Director GeneralQ.lews), (Smt. Anupama Bhatnagar, Director) News Services Division, All India Radio, Room No.205, New Broadcasting House, New Delhi - 110 001. Ref. : Supplying, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CCTV at NSD, AIR, New Delhi. Dear Sir. Having examined the tender document reiating to the Supply and Installation of ccrv. we hereby submit our ofler for the suppry of the proposed iiems in accordance with terms and conditions and confirm ow acceptance to execute the order within the time period"a in the tender document, at the rates quoted by us in the accompanyin! a Commercial Bid. r".t.iiJ If, after the tender document is accepted, we fail to comprete the supply of the items as per the order. we agree that, DG(News) shall have fuil authoiity to rorreiitrre ,non"y and cancel our order with no obligation on their part. "a-"st we confirm having deposited eamest money of Rs.10,000i- (Rupees Ten Thousaad onry) by Demand Draft No. dated Bank to, and general information required as as per anne**e utta.t eA drawn on branch attached here We further confirm that : we have successfully executed orders of similar nature and we have sufficient D experience and financial strength in handling orders of this value. iD we have sufficient qualified manpower and necessary materials and after sales support to execute the order efficiently in the specified time schedule. iiD The quoted rates shall be valid till the completion of the order but not less than 90 days. iv) v) we further confirm that all chapters of the tender documents have been read, understood and signed and there is no deviation/discrepancv {e agree to accept the extension order up to 100%o qu-tity within three months ofthe.issue of the order. Signature ofthe Bidder With stamp and date NEWS SERVICES DIVISION : ALL INDIA RADIO : NEw DELHI ANNEXURE-II : subject supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning for Ip BASED ccrv Surveillance System at News Services Division, All India Radio, NBH, New Delhi. 1. GENERAL l. The ccrv system shall be used to monitor and record the moment of persons in and around NBH building. 2. The contract covers the Supply, Installation and commissioning of ccrv system. The ccrV system will be in operation on 24x7 basis. The vendor is required to quote for operation on annual basis as a separate item. The operator wilr be responsible for the smooth operation and maintenance of the system and scan the recorded data on daily basis during office hours. 3. The vendor shall study the specification and satiss himself thoroughty and shall take full responsibility of the smooth, reliable and safe working. 4' All items of supply shall be compreted in arr respects and any item not covered in the specification but essential for proper installation, operation and maintenance of the instrument shall be quoted by the vendor in his offer and the reasons for such inclusion shall be clearly stated. 5. The aim of the system is to monitor entry of the person till it exits from the building except few locations like toilets, ladies room and officer,s cabins. 6' system should record activities outside the building completely minimum to the distance 30 meters. 7. System's equipments should be capable enough to record activities clearly; installed camera (one or more) shourd record activity so crearly that identification ofperson is easy and can be used as evidence. 8' System should be capabre of storing 45 days video recording of each and every camera. 9. It should be possible to search camera and its recording in the ccrv control room. 10. vendor has to mention, name number of number of standards and certifications along with documentary proof to which his equipments are designed and manufactured. SCOPE OF WORK 1. The scope of work includes sITC of system as specified in this specification. 2. Supply ofnecessary spares to made the system in unintem,rpted operation. 3. Packaging, forw3rding, transport, insurance, Ioading, unloading, precaution ccrv against damage during transit etc. NEWS SERVICES DIVISION : ALL INDIA RADIO : NEW DELHI 4. Performance Guarantee. 5. Two sets of operation and maintenance manuals. 6. Test certificate: Vendor shall provide all necessary test certificates. 7. The system would be installed in phased ma*er. All six floor and around tne 8. 9. 3. building would covered at different time. Each time fresh offers would be invited. vendor has to submit wiring diagram and location / layout of the camera positions along with camera type with the proposal document. All cabling should be properly wired in a concealed structued way and arso take care of the building esthetic look at studio and office comolex. POWERSUPPLY Electric power will be available in the installation site at 230v AC, I phase, 50H2. If the vendor requires any other voltage, tlen he shall provide the'necessary equipment. 4. SAFETY All items shall be complete.with approved safety devices, wherever a potential hazard to personnel exists, and with provision for safe access to personnel to and around the instrument for operational and maintenance functions. 5. TIMEF'ORCOMPLETION The.vendor shalr complete supply, and commissioning of the instrument within Three weeks from the placement of order 6. IESTANDINSPECTION 1. 2' 3' Vendor shall brings all the equipments before start of installation. The vendor shall demonstrate aI the features ofthe equipment claimed by him. The vendor is solery responsible for insta'ation, commissioning and making the complete system operational at user,s site. All equipment shall be designed for smooth, efficient and troubre free operation in the climate of Delhi. Ambient temperature may take as 45 Degree cersius and humidity of 90Yo In cases where the to l5o/o. offer deviates liom the specification, the vendor shall indicate clearly in his offer the specification proposed by him arong with details thereof and the reasons for the deviation. Each exception to the specification or other parts of the tender document shall be listed separately by the vendor. If exceptions are not crearly listed they will not be considered by the purchaser later. NEWS SERVICES 8. DIVISI'N : ALL INDIA RADI. : NEw DELHI DOCUMENTS l The vendor shalr suppry. the hard and soft copy of operation and maintenance maruar in dupricate' All necessary literature giving complete t..r,rri.i a.Lr, shall be provided. He should also provide the test certificate given by manufacturer. 2' 3' The vendor shall provide the original DVD/.D of the software's used for operating the system. The vendor shall fumish a rist of users in India to whom the sim'ar equipment was supplied. tt'uiifif,iffitallation and commissioning 'gul,' or the ::::: ::-ffa u"'""::"^o auxiliaries' and anv ::::"'?:1,L11 ""of the CCTV system shall be included *d.;;i;i;ti,. - The sunnl., rJlt -^+ L^ 'r^^-- . 2, ;;;;..J;;" u"naor. o:"r"d.complete ,"til th" *:,:rr"*:'u,:ol is carried out by the vendor at ";;;;rsroning trial of the b". tvil;;,"Liff',,T :::::":T::- successfully. 10. All necessary tests shall be canied l,:T::':"j:,:::lf:i f,to*T.e ort standards and specifications and meets specification. AI& DELHI srte by the vendor to of 'gH, the i"u*In* ,""nrms to be rerevant tr,. ruo.tionlil"r;"t"n1";, #ilT"ffj 11. The, successfili bidder is required to submit performance Security il;;;;"count for an amount of orconhact in payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipr fiom a Comme..r"is""r"^;;"d##j?H Commercial bank, in favour of ,.DIRECTOR CBN-jnar,CNnWS), NEWS SERVICE DIVISION, ALL INDIA RADIO, NtW nnlHfr ro ensure due performance of the purchase order/contract. perfbrmance security should remain valid for a period of 60 days b"y"rd of completion of all contractual obligations incruding warranty / guarantee ourrgurion.. No interest will be paid on such deposit. l*9,:::*:3.'J1': d;;, lJ ;;;;; 12. WARRANTY l ' 2' The vendor shalr provide wananty/guarantee ror the entire system for a period of l2 months from the date of commissioning. The ve'dor shalr be responsible for routine Jnd breakdown maintenance of the equipment during waranty period. NEWS SERVICES 13. DIVISI.N : ALL INDIA RADI' : NEw DELHI PAYMENT TERMS The payment will be only released after receipt, satisfactory _ installation'/commissioning of the equipment in question and in good condition. 14. TRAINING vendor shall provide one week training about the working of the relevant software. 15. ccrV system and DISPATCH CLEARANCES The vendor shall deliver the instrument to NSD, AIR onry after obtaining applicable clearance. 16. PENALTY CLAUSE 1. 2' Any violation of the statutory requirement will not only be a ground for initiation oflegal action but also ior termination-Jf te contract o, I ana imposition of penalty e.g. forfeiting of the p*f"rmance "."""i "i Security In case your Technician/- operator is not attending complaint within 4 (four) hrs., the penalty for Technician/Operator is aouti. oitf," quoted rates by the agency per day as per decided by the NSD, AIR and deducLA from tne difof the agency. 17. The vendor shall hav;ex;r;;; Ieast two (2) similar kind of work within last 3 atongtt riril". *orr.. l",lrj: lT,:.:l*:.shau.submit Offers received without the reference list" ,nay be ,"je"teJ. 18. or"ifl,","i",*"liiioit" PENALTY CLAUSE All tenderers must be accompanied by eamest money deposit (EMD) for an amount ofRs.l0,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "DIRECTOR GENERAL(NEWS), NEWS SERVICES DIVISION, ALL INDIA RADIO, NEW DELHfi The EMD will liable to be forfeited, if the tenderer withdraw, amend, impair the tender in any respect. No interest wilr be paid on EMD. EMD w'r be refunded of the tenderers as soon as decision is taken in the matter. 19. will be not be accepted if they are received after the due date and time as specified in rhe tender notice on 25.5.2015 up ro 1500 hrs. 20. NSD RESERVE THE R]GHT The right of acceptance of tender(s) will rest with Competent Authority. Also, NSD, AIR is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the righf to reject or partially accept any or all the tender(s) received without assigning any reasons. Tender ANNEXURE.III NSD : AIR : NEW DELHI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR CCTV SYSTEM S.N. Description of Item I IP CCTV Camera 2 Network Video Recorder Make 1/3 progressive CMOS, IC& 0.0tlixrF 1.2,1280*960:25fos(p)/30f ps(N) 4rnmF2 lens H.264/MJPEG, dual stream IP66, DC12V &PoE, DWDR,3D DNR" BLC EXIR range u pto 30m Third-party network cameras supported Up to 5 Megapixels resolution recording HDMI and VGA output at up to 1920x1080P resolution HDD quota and group management 4 independent network interfaces for buihin-switch Crisp view, Full HD, 26" with LED backlit. 5 V mili second response time 8-Port Desktop Switch rvith 4 PoE Ports Surveillance Optimised Storage 2 TB HDD . MAKE Panasonic/ Pelco / Sony / Honeywell Panasonic/ Pelco / Sony / Honeywell o . r 3 26'' LCD Monitor 4 POE switch 5 Surveillance Optimised Storage 2 TB HDD CAT 6 UTP cable 6 7 PVC Conduit + Accessories CAT 6 UTP Enhanced performance cable for transmission of high speed data, digital and analogue voice and video (RGB) signals on LANs PVC Conduit + Accessories Adaptable to standard concealed wiring system as per IS: & BS: Virgin Suspension grade K-67 PVC Panasonic/ Samsung Sony / LG / Reputed brand Seagate, WD, LG Reputed brand Reputed brand Signature of Bidder With seal & date ANNEXUR.E-IV NSD: AIR: NEWDELHI. Proforma for Technical Bid Sl.No. Particulars Details of EMD I 1 I i) ii) Amount Draft No./PPO No. iii) iv) Date Issuing Bank 2 Name and Address of the Bidder J Contact : I eleDnones 4 To be filled by the Tenderer : 6 7 8 9 10 Mobile No. : Category of the nidder lWhettrer companll Partnership firm or Proprietary concem, Name of Chief Executive Officer andTelephone No. | Year of Establishment _l I1 Sales - Tax / Commercial Tax / CST - Noi 12 lncome Tax PAN/GIR No. 13 Yearly Tum over ofthe tast 2 years 14 Name and Address ofthe Banker l5 List ofmajor Clients and the size of orders exedrted NOTE : Separate sheets may be attached wherever necessary. - Signature ofthe Bidder with stamp and date ANNEXURE-V MANUFACTURERS AUTHORIZATION FORM.V The Director General(News), News Services Division, All India Radio. Room No.206, New Broadcasting House, New Delhi - 110 001. Ref. : Supplying, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CCTV at NSD, AIR, New Delhi. Tender No. Due Date Dear Sir, We Manufactures of At ,_who are established and reputed having factories Address of factorv) do hereby authorize IWs (Name & Address of agent) to submit a bid, and subsequently negotiate and sign the contract with you against the above tender. we hereby extend our full guarantee, warranty and support and also in meeting warranty obligations by providing necessary spares in time for the goods & service offered by the above frrm against this tender, as per standard as well as NSD, AIR warranty terms. Yours faithfully, (Name) (Name of the manufacturer) Note : This letter of authority should be on the letter head of the manufacturer and should be signed by a person competent and having power of attomey to bind the manufacturer. The bidder in its bid should include it. ANNEXURE-VI NSD: AIR: NEWDELHI PROFORMA FOR FINANCIAL BID S.N. I Item rr LL.t v \,allcra 2 Network Video Recorder -t 26" LCD Monitor POE switch Description of Item r/r progresslve uMult, luR, 0.011ix/F 1.2,1280*960:25fps(p)/30fps(N) 4mmJF2 lens H.264/I\,IJPEG, dual stream IP66, DC12V &PoE, DWDR,3D DNR BLC EXIR range u pto 30m Third-party network cameras supported . Up to 5 Megapixels resolution recording o HDMI and VGA output at up to 1920x1080p resolution o HDD quota and group management . 4 independent network interfaces for built-in-switch Lrrsp vtew> irut ftu, zo,, wrth LbI) backlit. 5 V mili second resDonse time d-ron uesktop swltch with 4 poE ports o 7 Surveillance Ontimised Stor4ge CAT 6 UTP PVC Conduit + Accessories Panasonic/ Pelco / Sony / Honey"well Qg. in Nos. 8 Nos. Panasonic/ Pelco / Sony / Honeywell 2 Nos. Panasonic/ Samsung / Sony / LG Reputed brand 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 2 TB HDD Seagate, WD, LG 2 Dnnancec perrormance cable fbr transmission of high speed data, digital and analogue voice and video (RGB) signals on LANs AqapTaDle to standard concealed wirins system as per lS: & BS: Virgin Suspen-sion grade K-67 PVC Reputed brand As per actual Reputed brand As per actual Reputed brand 5 Make No" Rate Each,Meter Amount In Rs.
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