U- TT qr{ff /"RASAR BHARTI qSI*f/BROADCASTING CORPORATION OF INDIA No.DEL-5(8)20 I 5-l 6/CoPier/G fffq-(r 3rTqur dddffq, h A J tg trdd( ftrer* t, fo-s s; srffi6;*. q.t l4AY 2OI5 lerd d urt d q}r ridr{6-l oqn lcer d " 3il6nrfi!fr Rd +{ qrfi qFiBd t al /5FR tg fiftKr t tuc t'-d-qd dnrgl S fttrsI ! for Comprehensive Registered Firms kindly tumish there sealed!uotations with the text "Quotation AnnexureJ. in Ph"otocopier Machines at AIR, Delhi" superscribed on envelop as mentioned AMC/Repairs of q|Torfr d ftR qToRIsrTfi o1 tssrfd 3q6iqi d srffi.6 {s.{gIE alre, dr.rar qr+qw, ftqq s rrd d fttrfl cq-C anm v sDdI ! Thedetails of,hard)var: t: http://wrrw.allindiaradio,eovt.inflnformation/Tenders ''T( ftft-<T qc ri RE t t tingthequotations,termsandconditionsofAMCcanbedownloaded froin AIR's official website http://rrrvw.allindiaradio.sovt.in/Information/Tenders. * { d DDo' All India to IOOOO/- 6sri <s rwt rra) +^q* d S"qr tuS ff $*{qa to qir rftnw-J dRI rflwl c+t d qro si argv, d Wl* t'trdr( f{'-ff{r d tru dir*€, Ed Radio, Dethi, t in ii tq q t$/srd w roff t I The properly sealed quotation with the Earnest it-et lsn Frff<t tE d; €flDorft d om co ,ts, tpFt"1a India t tj Bank Draft in favour ofDDO' All Money Deposit of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) in the form of in Broadcasting House in the Radio, Delhi from any nationalised bank should be sent/submitted in Tender Box situated posvby hand, chamber ofDDO, Room No. 46, l"tFloor, AIR Deihi by speed post/registered ol lfiir 14.05.2015 dc{r 1 qd il6 fi fr6w frqT slsfl | The Tenders will to01.00P'M.on14'05.2015inthemannerasspecifredinthetenderdocuments 1. ftfre ftfffl 2. ftfr.r qcd qrd o) Tender will be accepted up qr s-c-fi {iq{n,/F{ d sfrfttrdt oT Bcfurft it gtdr or the be opened on the same day at 3.00 P.M. in the presence of such tenderers, tr{i{ 14.05.2015 atrfl a cd ftffirit qt\'fl | representative of the firms 3. - ffi or lsrn ! Place ofopening ofTender Bids fttrEt qt$ 46, 1't Floor, AIR, in the chamber of The Drawing A bisUrirsing Offrcer (DDO), Room No. Broadcasting House, New Delhi-1 10001. 4. qffid received ,rgf ftfrEl/sq$wid qrq ftft{r erd-qe ot beyond the date/time notified above will be rejected' R-i,/s{q d qrS fi q1q'ft | Incomplete tenders/tenders fifrEr dr trrT oi{ 6R!r qflq frffi $ qqq {E 6{i 61 3rfuolr 6lqi-dq d vrw therefore' reserves the right to reject any quotation without assigning any reason frtfr fi gftn rtrn ! This ?er\({'{ (ento qnr o-r\fuur ,z Ashok Kumar Kanojia) cfisfro 3{ffi /Administrative Officer gi ar rofthro (oo)for Dy. Director General (P) KqN/Tel: 011-23421244 qft ifrd,,copy to 4.ooc(e),NriH, alR, Delhi with the request to uploading the NIT in AIR website 2. Notice Board BHABH, AIR Delhi -l - office DETAILS Of'FAX Machine AMC Toshibe E Studio 160 Toshibe E Studio 200 Toshibe E Studio 202 Toshibe E Studio 225 Toshibe E Studio 167 & ;"1T.*" Total Machine 12 Nos. charges shall include of consumables items i.e. cartridges, Toners, parts except 4t6vnt\151titr€t(t qr +r.#q qF,r6rt <i , i.i:,,.,.r0g Cfilcd q, r ili,i dl,r - :, , .G..i {ll lrli:ra iia.i.i{," i\11, !:ri},, Drawirrit -2- frfffion or Ivame otBiloingliM6nffi/Bidder's Illl,laa."ss---lr Firm/Company frilrur rne_-- Name of the Authoris-ed3@a6[ Bidder's p"oFosal- oumU"" ana date Name & aoariss whom all references shali be made oilniJiloi-to b. X'ax No. PAN/TIN/VAT No. Service Tax Number Attached Incomi Tax-Riiiillait f Anached EMD 6iRs. 10,"00% Date & Banker Bidders Sign:tureBidders Nami Seul of --T"--TenOering r trm/uompany ,^ <Z*qYit\I{ ST:: .,,'i",,,; in<+rq*+' ' ''I' ..,,1.,: ". -3- t ILc{:t :;:-.:;, . --. l. ftqq s lrdZ TERMS AND coNDITIoNs The AMC will be comprehensive includes preventive main Machines and / or replacen Machines il";;ffi 2' 3' t "rl"*$ il{lTli1'ffiLT':f !il:i.ff lllyfifilf'ffH.;,T To assess the quantum of work, f'rn may visit site on any working day between I 100 hrs to 1s00 hrs. brgagh of anv condirions(s) [#x]x";:li#lT:{:t shall be initiated against '*"' ' rules"u1d,.i1 5. 7. the, tender./ asreement at any stase, the _of me agency and security money deposited shall be The entire machine must be .u.hin;.r;;;;;#'ffi;J,#::'":l:ff":!tfrl1l,;'":f:** l"tlrl*""1#fitil" i;i"rillri; The payrnent will rhe agency wlr provide r uiout-ii;H,i,il.T,Jr;ff 1"fi.f,"1J5,l3::if,:Tj:f,*: be made to the agency on quarterly basis after satisfactory completion of service. shall.submit a Demand Draft as a performance guara Il:, O1n lotal value of the contract, from *:p:T, *r,i"r, .r,uiil" liets'.ate1 tne contract. the award of uil;,i,."#';:1#J###,f:",TTp:i,ii,'ffXf'ilf,f:til'rffii'l; of compl.etion of the coniract, within three tt,;r *;rr l"'io.i"ii#;"H.:"1: No. lnterest "oni*"t. will b compretion orail conrractuarobr,'^l-1ly" "" ,r" Igatrons and on providing tt adequate standby attendins wirhin 24 hours, fa'ing which penarty for not attendins the The AMC rates mentioned in this contract will be valid for a bj successtur uiuae. i,liiiXT;"1ltrLi?.aised 9. ;ffffi fi :: The AMC charges shat incrude of consumabres items i.e. cartridges, Toners except papers. forteited. t :ff ',iJ",""1;T##H:"tll,'1il[5]:T.ffi::1f.?ir'j satisfactory service. ::tfffiliuthoritv' DDG(P), AIR, Delhi reserves arr right to reject or accept any or a' quoatrons without ll. ABOVE SHALL BE REJEC '' fiff;'"*:::x;,'d:1::ff"j#"u;;tisractov, l3' Rate shall be quoted by the firm on l4 AIl types oftaxes tt the DDG(P), ArR, New Derhi reserves the risht to terminate tre scope ofwork along with signature ofthe contractor. as applicable shall be deducted from the bin right ofthe contractor as per rures amended time to time. to extend maintenance contract on its discrerion fior a period lf.:fffrtn:Tt"the of one year on the same ,6'Jl:^::i,l*.r shall be whoily responsibte for breakdown o BII BH' AIR shall u. r""o"'"1j?i",n mischief done by their stafl and any toss of from the il#:'#:Yl,or-anY immediate bill ot tre conoactor, otherwise to be paid barance if o, """,."lilrl any from securities or , "-1 z- ?'aw\ri\\ (Ashok Kumdr Kanoiia) Administrative Offiier for Dy. Director General (p) rYo; orr-sltyzo I s_ I 6/c Dated COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT I i . l. 4. Notice for invitation of tender tenders (Annexure _ r & rr) :::3:rl?,1of or work and terms and conditions oieUC :coqe " Total Pages including the tender letter is i-l '- Last date and tinre Date and for-- ti-. oropEni4iF*,-fiffi# Place ofopening Egqqr. oiT+rojizu opening of Tender 1530 Bid. ilrs-nl4/05/t5- fIH:';Tfl,;M ofEiG AddressforCommunication- 3=j,1,J5,r""?m 911"*t"rr1""@ of DDo, ail l:T S p"'! ?r"ft in favour India Radio, Delhi from any nationalize bank L,rcrnl must accompany with each tender. -rrr No tender be u...jt.a *itt ort .u_esi money, .shall will be refundea to the -oi unsuccessful bidders after finalization tender.. Eamest money deposited which will bear no rnterest ls.fSran@ rtt Sansad Marg, i'""'tlt Alt India Radio, New Dehij ."lTl*9,f,;fn n:t ;u Note: Bids will be opened in presence ofthe bidderls representative who chooses to attend. (] 'yh' ^w\fli \\v r rtl€i"e nr ;i'{{'q qtt$m ,L ' r-'bi.rt;tng Offccr q;-.:;rwa'rT'r ait t<iiii lll io(1i. Ka{uo. t\cv Lrolll Drawtr,g -)-
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