“All Saints Messenger.” Our vision: Becoming a Ministering Community in Mission. Welcome to all who attend services today. Visitors please make yourselves known to the clergy and pick up a welcome leaflet. Please join us for morning tea after both services. 22nd March, 2015. Fifth Sunday in Lent. 8.00a.m. Holy Communion. Hymns: 143, 428, 382, 781, 545. Presider: Rev. Annette Bourquin. Preacher: Rev. Annette Bourquin. 10.00a.m. Service from Data projector Presider: Rev. Kesh Govan Preacher: Rev. Annette Bourquin. ——————————————————————————————————————— Prayer of the Day. Let us pray to be received by God and proclaim his love. O God, our Redeemer in our weakness we have failed to be your messengers of forgiveness and hope: renew us by your Holy Spirit, that we may follow your commands and proclaim your reign of love; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. 1st Reading Psalm 2nd Reading Gospel Jeremiah 31: 31-34 (Lynne Whittingham) References to the failure of the knowledge of God in all strata of society lead to a promise of restored relationships. 119: 9-16 (PB350) Meditation on God’s law. Hebrews52: 5-14 (Bob Birrell) (Joanne Balsarini) Jesus, our high priest, shared human weakness and suffering in order to show how that makes him a source of salvation for human beings. John 12: 20-33 Some Greeks wish to see Jesus. Today’s Intercessions. Creator God, You formed us from the dust of the earth, and your fingerprints are on all creation. Teach us Your deep wisdom in the order and beauty of all that You have made. When our care for Your creation is found wanting, reprove and reform us, so that our footprints may be gentle on the earth. God of all life… Hear our prayer. God of diversity, Your creation works in harmony, forgive us when our actions and attitudes create discord. Help us to learn from the earth, what it is to live interdependently. May we, as the church in this place, value unity and inclusion. Help us to welcome newcomers, visitors and regulars alike. God of love… Hear our prayer. God of all peoples, the beauty of our home, Port Stevens, takes one’s breath away. We ask that You guide our Church working within the community, helping and showing Your never-ending love. God of all… Hear our prayer. God, who hears our cries, open our ears and move us to action. We pray for Your peace for all who are ill, lonely, and in despair. We ask for healing for all on our prayer list, namely, Peter McCleer, Roxy, Thomas, Leanne and Andrew McNeill, John Crump, Valda Lang, Colleen Mate, Simon, David Grant, Pat Missen, David Cunningham, Valda Munro, James Woodburn, Pat Sinclair and Alvira Magit as they battle with illness or need. God of all life… Hear our prayer. Compassionate God, we ask for Your loving arms to be around those who mourn; the family of Keith Laing, Laurie Ward, Lynne Martin and Sidney Cooper. Merciful God… Hear our prayer. God, we ask that You receive the prayers that we offer. Amen. Next Sunday, 29th March, 2015. Sixth Sunday in Lent. (Palm Sunday) Readings: 1st Reading Psalm 2nd Reading Gospel Isaiah 50: 4-9a 118: 1-2, 19-29 Philippians 2:5-11 Mark: 11: 1-11 Questions to ponder Isaiah: Have I this amount of faith in the Lord’s help? Philippians: Am I able to show such humility? Mark: What would my feelings have been in this crowd? Ministries for 29th March, 2015. Usher 8.00a.m —Colleen Furner. Welcomer 8.00a.m —-Harrie Furner. Usher 10.00a.m —-Paul Dorrity. Welcomer 10.00a.m —-Leonie Lund. Server/s 8.00a.m —Chris Larson Crucifer– Joan Larson. 10.00a.m —Piper McCleer. Readers 8.00a.m —1st reading + Psalm–Di Townsend 8.00a.m — 2nd reading + Intercessions—Yvonne Duffy. 10.00a.m — 2nd reading—. 10.00a.m.—-Intercessions—Stefani Brain. Chalice 8.00a.m —- Chris Larson, Joan Larson. 10.00a.m—- Dawn McKew, Jean Armstrong . Counting 8.00a.m.—- Paula Falzon, Lois Laing. 10.00a.m.—-Vicki McCleer, Stefani Brain. Morning tea 8.00a.m —Robyn Wein, Nikki Birrell. 10.00a.m —Beryl Howard, Marie Dunn. Brass Merril Judd. Weekday services at All Saints. All services at All Saints are public acts of worship open to everyone. Tuesday Evening 5.00p.m. Prayer for Healing Service. Wednesday Morning. Holy Communion 10.00a.m. A simple service with hymns only if a musician is present. Prayer Requests Thank you for your care and your faithfulness to prayer. A reminder that if continued prayer is needed for any person or circumstance, it is important that the request is written in the Prayer Request Book for April. Prayers for those in need.... Peter McCleer, Roxy, Pat Sinclair, Antony and Liz, Aviva Magit, David Cunningham, John Crump, Rev Trish Caddis, Jenny Way, Kay Gray, Husband of Heather White, Valda Munro (in Regis), James Woodburn (in Chester UK), Thomas, Leanne and Andrew McNeill, Valda Lang, Val, Colleen Mate, Pat Missen, David Grant, and Simon (faces an uncertain future). Jenny Way and Julia Lang thank you for you prayers. Prayers for those who mourn.... We pray for the families of Keith Laing, Laurie Ward, Catherine Bray, Edith Le Mesurier and Sydney Cooper. We also pray for those who mourn Lynne Martin. Prayers for our Parish and Ministry and Mission We pray for the Bereavement Support Group Clergy contact 4981 1839 Rev’d Kesh Govan: [email protected] Office: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 10a.m.- 2.00p.m. email: [email protected] Website: www.allsaintsnelsonbay.com.au. Phone/Fax 4981 4839 Saintly Messenger Contributions to: [email protected] Please email items in Microsoft Word or Publisher-Arial Font 18 by 12 noon Wednesdays. Thank you for your generosity Offerings for the 15th March 2015 Offerings $ Direct Giving $ 1,788.60 Missions 480.00 Candle Offerings $ 105.00 $ 5.50 (Average) Total Offerings $ 2,274.10 Direct Giving to All Saints It is a simple matter to set up a regular direct transfer from your bank to All Saints account, rather than by the plate. All Saints bank is Westpac and the Branch number is 032533. All Saints Account Number is 110487. Usually this is all the information that is needed by your bank or building society to begin direct giving. You don’t have to give your name but please indicate as “Direct Giving”. Have you considered remembering All Saints In your will? What’s on @ All Saints and in the Community? Dates for your Diary. March Thursday Sunday Sunday 26 29 29 Playtime 10am-12noon Palm Sunday FROG kids & Aftershock Mission Morning April Thursday Friday Sunday Wednesday Friday Friday 2 3 5 8 10 10 Saturday 11 Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunday Legal Aid 11am Mothers Union 9.30am Salamander Aged Care Singing Service10am Aftershock 6-8pm tea All Saints Church 2nd Wednesday each month 11.00a.m Dates for the next few months: 8th April 13th May 10th June Contact-Val 0408630911 There are two options for Lenten studies. 1. Rev’d Annette Bourquin is leading a daytime study on Tour of the Bible 3 more sessions TOUR THE BIBLE DURING LENT Every Tuesday morning during Lent, from 10.30am until 12.00 noon. Meeting at All Saints Church. Come as often as you can DAY 5: 24 March The Good News Jesus’ Life, Death and Resurrection DAY 6: Letters to early Christians 2. Ed Parker is presenting an evening series of weekly Lenten Studies entitled LIVING WITH HOPE: BIBLICAL STUDIES FOR LENT Wednesday each week of Lent (Time 7 pm) Week 5 March 25 GOSPEL OF JOHN: SO SIMPLE YET SO PROFOUND Week 6 April 1 YET THERE IS A BRIGHT SIDE Crazy Whist 2015 Fun Afternoon for ALL All Saints Parish Hall Held on every 4th Saturday NOTE: Changes due to the State Election & ANZAC DAY ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH CRAZY WHIST DATES 2015 Held 1.30pm SATURDAY 2nd MAY 23rd MAY 27th JUNE 25TH JULY 22nd AUGUST 26th SEPTEMBER 24TH OCTOBER 21st NOVEMBER Come along & have a fun afternoon with delicious afternoon tea. New players welcome......All Welcome There are four positions available on the 10am counters roster. Contact Christine Lilly on 0414826636 or 4981 1680 for a job description. FROG Kids and Aftershock Mission Morning Tea 29 March On 29 March, FROG kids and the Aftershock group, plus leaders and helpers will prepare the first Mission morning tea for this year. We will cook up special treats for morning tea to raise money for our World Vision sponsor child, Saw Kyaw Htoo in Myanmar (Burma). Saw is now over 14 years old. The sponsorship helps Saw’s whole family with health, education, clothing etc, and helps the whole village with clean water, growing food and vocational training. The Morning Tea will be after the 10:00 am service, with all donations going towards the sponsorship. Do come and enjoy! FROG kids and Aftershock leaders and helpers Easter Services 2015 Maundy Thursday April 2nd7pm Simple meal, Holy Communion Good Friday April 3rd8am Worship 10am Family Service 3pm Healing Service Easter Day April 5th 8am &10am Holy Communion Easter services worship ministries are listed on the notice board. Please add your name if you can help! 10am Monday April 13th, (and every 2nd Monday of the month) All Saints Church Facilitated by Hazel Oliver an experienced pastoral and bereavement carer. Call 4984 4773 or 4981 1839 A TAKE A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE DISPLAY OF PHOTOS & MEMORABILIA & STORIES 1939 to 1945 ALL SAINTS CHURCH SATURDAY — APRIL 18TH at 2pm to 4pm AFTERNOON TEA So far, photos, memorabilia and stories have been lent by Don & June Howard, Vicki McCleer, & Laurie Ward’s family & Thelma Job and two other folk have promised items. However, 50% of our parishioners were alive during these years so how about you ? Can you please let me know if you can contribute ? Contact: MAGGIE DOMINEY 49811466 or 0429810057 Poppies As you are aware we made a wonderful display of poppies for Remembrance Day. Well ANZAC Day is fast approaching and we had considered carrying on with our display. Heather King has agreed to co-ordinate the making of poppies for ANZAC Day. Now you have an opportunity to knit or crochet more circles! There are patterns are at the back of the church along with some wool. Please consider spending some time on this project and inviting anyone else who may be interested to join in the more poppies the better it will look! Thanks Heather for accepting this project. Barb Hayes Are you new to All Saints? If you have joined All Saints in the last twelve months and not yet been invited to one of our special welcome lunches for new members or if you know someone who is new please contact me or any member of the ministry team. Our welcomers on the door try to get to know all new people and visitors but sometimes people ‘slip through the net’. Thank you for choosing to worship at All Saints and we look forward to getting to know you! Love and blessings, Helen Helen Wright, team leader for welcoming and belonging Ph 4981-5726 [email protected] All Saints Hall. For many years the Hall has been the subject of much discussion with many ideas having been put forward as to its use and what we should do with it. To replace it with a more modern structure, as part of a larger church complex, is out of the question for the immediate future so we must look at ways to utilise this valuable asset to suit the requirements of the Church of today. The structure of the Hall is very sound but it needs work on it to make it a friendlier and more usable space. Currently, we are installing a disabled toilet within the confines of the Hall which meets all the current plethora of requirements for such a facility. The cost is considerable but was considered necessary for the conduct of the various youth activities currently taking place in the hall. The existing toilets at the rear of the Church are unsatisfactory for this purpose. At the recent Annual General Meeting it was resolved that we should open a special account to enable donations to be made in support of renovations to the hall. Such future works might include the removal of the stage to provide a larger floor area; provision of more storage facilities; improvements in the kitchen (including a servery window into the hall where the stage is now); general painting, etc. This would be in addition to the construction of the Disabled Toilet which has already commenced. The new account is at Westpac Bank, Nelson Bay. BSB 032 533, Account No. 267644. Account name All Saints Anglican Church Nelson Bay, Hall Restoration Fund. Donations to the “Fund” can be made directly to this account and may be made anonymously if you wish. Alternatively, you may leave your donation in an envelope marked “Hall Restoration Fund” on the plate at any church service or with Chris Palmer in the Church office. We’ll keep you informed of progress as the Fund increases. Bob Grant -Treasurer Mission News Thank you to those who have brought in their BCA boxes. There are two More Sunday's in March to place your box in the red container in the church foyer. The following week you can pick up the box in the foyer. In the foyer there are prayer notes from both ABM and BCA please feel free to take one of these if you wish. ABM has requested donations to the Vanuatu disaster. At the Resource meeting last Monday a motion was passed to donate $2000 to this Relief Fund. The money has come from the Op Shop account. Liz Burns has now arrived in Tanzania and taken up her new position. She was delayed due to visa complications. Please continue to pray for Liz as she takes the word of God with her to her new role. For those who wonder who Liz is, All Saints supports Liz in her work through CMS. Yvonne Those elected at AGM Sunday 8th March 2015 Chris Larson Resource team Bob Grant Resource team Val Morris Resource team Yvonne Duffy Mission Secretary Bob Birrell Church warden Warrick Lilly Church warden Rev Kesh’s appointments Toni Wein Resource team Richard Wiltshire Resource team Peter Rallings Church warden PORT STEPHENS SOCIAL JUSTICE GROUP INVITATION Come and meet Debbie Carstens, Guest Speaker at the next meeting of the Port Stephens Social Justice Group to be held at the Uniting Church, Salamander Bay on the 25th March at 7pm Debbie is currently Convener of the Hunter Presbytery Social Justice Committee and Newcastle Programs Co-ordinator with Settlement Services International. For 15 years she was Chairperson of the FairWear Campaign in NSW and Co-ordinator of Asian Women at Work, working with migrant women in precarious employment and assisting them to raise their voices with decision makers. She is committed to working with coalitions of people and organisations to seek to bring about change, and to assist people at the grassroots to find a way to speak out about their issues and concerns. She looks forward to sharing stories and what she has learnt about campaigning with interested people, as a launch pad for others to consider how they might be further involved in campaign activity on issues they are passionate about. Everybody welcome, bring a friend along. For more details please contact Peter Botha at the Uniting Church on 49820436 or Jean Armstrong on 4920849
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