Electronic notice board (ENB) By Muzammil Hussain (09-arid-544) Umar Farooq (09-arid-538) Muhammad Bilal (09-arid-525) Supervised by Mr. Saif ur Rehman BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE BS (CS) UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RAWALPINIDI 2013 Contents INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................... 4 1.2 PROJECT SCOPE ................................................................................................................ 5 1.3 Proposed solutions: ............................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Module of proposed solution: ............................................................................................... 5 1.4.1 User’s Login: ................................................................................................................. 5 1.4.2 Manage user ................................................................................................................... 5 1.4.3 Maintain notices ............................................................................................................. 5 1.4.4 Upload notices ............................................................................................................... 5 1.4.5 Assign role to user ......................................................................................................... 6 1.4.6 Logout ............................................................................................................................ 6 1.5 Proposed system output: ..................................................................................................... 6 1.6 Main features of the proposed system: ............................................................................... 6 1.6.1 Efficient: ........................................................................................................................ 6 1.6.2 User Friendly interface: ................................................................................................. 6 1.6.3 Minimum redundancy: ................................................................................................... 6 1.6.4 Facilitate data input: ....................................................................................................... 6 1.6.5 Data security and integrity: ............................................................................................ 7 1.6.6 Adherence to standards: ................................................................................................. 7 1.7 Introduction to tools and technologies used: ........................................................................ 7 REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 8 Software Requirement Specification (SRS)................................................................................ 8 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 8 2.2 Purpose................................................................................................................................ 8 2.2.1 Proposed Solution overview .......................................................................................... 8 2.2.2 Modules of the Proposed Solution ................................................................................. 8 2.3 Specification Requirements .................................................................................................. 9 2.3.1 Functional Requirements ............................................................................................... 9 2.3.2 External Interface Requirements.................................................................................... 9 2.3.3 Performance Requirements ............................................................................................ 9 2.4 General Constraints ............................................................................................................. 10 2.4.1 The Product .................................................................................................................. 10 2.4.2 Hardware Constraints................................................................................................... 10 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................... 11 SOFTWARE DESIGN ................................................................................................................. 12 USECASES............................................................................................................................... 12 Case #01: ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Case #02 .................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Case #03: ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Case #04: ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Case #05 .................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Electronic Notice Board project was created to modernize the classic means of communication through the pin and paperboard based communication to the more efficient and dynamic communication of general information to the students of the University Institute of Information Technology. Student and faculty will get the timely information while they are walking in university. ENB will remind the student about the critical dates for the exams, social events, and warnings etc. It will positively affect the student behavior towards the academic excellence and time management. In the University, there are many problems, distinguish is between rumors and true information. At times dates are changed and change of plan is very poorly communicated to the students and faculty, which creates confusion. In case of an ENB students will have access to important announcements while walking around and have the benefit of being reminded several times a day. The ENB project was realized and envisaged based on the concept of improving the communication channels within the University campus among students and the faculty members. 1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW Currently university administration is using a Paper based notice board. A printed black and white poster is pasted on the notice board to announce university events. The method indeed consumes the administrative and clerical time of the university. Sometimes the change of dates is not timely announced, which provokes frustration among the students of the concerned disciplines. The project ENB aims to develop and implement application software that will disseminate the academic information in the network environment among the students and faculty members. The project ENB will open the new powerful channel of communication between university management and students. The solution will consist of a page server and client PCs as the notice boards. In the design phase I will focus on to simplifying the end user experience of using the ENB. End users will probably include members of admin staff. For the administrator it will be hassle free to upload the different formats of multimedia. There will be some quick templates to quickly upload the announcements. The ENB system first time configuration will be automatic therefore very easy. There must be server software on one end therefore the client side will automatically detect the server. In case of multiple page servers the ENB system will give options to connect. The ENB system will be Database driven hence it will take the minimal amount of network bandwidth. The ENB system will be network based therefore additional network optimization technology will be deployed to make it as fast as possible The system will be operated by Administrator and other staff to assist them in scheduling tasks for messages in the near future. Also an aim of the project is to develop the framework so that it is easy to extend in the future. 1.2 PROJECT SCOPE The ENB will cover the required module like important notices and announcements. The result of all the notices and announcements are displayed on the Electronic notice board. Furthermore non-academic notices are also displayed here. In order to satisfy the aim the following objectives need to be achieved: Deploying a software engineering methodology relevant to the ENB project. Design a data model for ENB. Design and develop an integrated system to query the data model. Test and Evaluate the ENB against the requirements. 1.3 Proposed solutions: In this project We intended to develop a complete database which will maintain all the record and information of notices, as well as all the notices are updated timely from their relevant tables. It will reduce the time of clerical staff to maintain the information of notices and announcements and the result reduce the effort of student for searching the notices. 1.4 Module of proposed solution: Following will be component of the system 1.4.1 User’s Login: Program would have its own user login ID and password. It is necessary for any user to give proper login and password for accessing the system in order to perform the functionality. 1.4.2 Manage user Administrator will maintain all the information of user(staff and student) in database. He will add user, update the existing record of the user and can delete the specific record. 1.4.3 Maintain notices Administrator will maintain all the notices and announcements in database. He will add update and can delete the specific notices. 1.4.4 Upload notices Administrator can upload notices for user. Notices like attendance, result, timetable, datasheet and exam can b upload for user. 1.4.5 Assign role to user Administrator will assign role to the user and that particular user have assign different roles. Mainly our system has three roles: student, staff and admin. 1.4.6 Logout User will exit from the system by using the logout option from the application. 1.5 Proposed system output: Our system will provide reports of the functionality which it provides as: When a registration form is been filled up a quick review of the data entered is displayed to the user before storing it so as to prevent any mistake and if the information is submitted the student get registered. When any of the tasks is successfully completed a report is generated that describe that the task has been done. 1.6 Main features of the proposed system: With the aim to facilitate user as well as to maintain the time saving environment our system when fully implemented will provide the following features: 1.6.1 Efficient: Our goal is to provide an easy access of student towards their notice, so as to save the effective time and efforts. This system will reduce the time of administration to keep the student and staff notices. It reduces the time and hectic effort of manual finding of notice and announcements 1.6.2 User Friendly interface: The interface of the system is user friendly. The data retrieval, insertion, editing and deletion will be made easy and simple so that the common user can handle database efficiently. 1.6.3 Minimum redundancy: In the proposed system all the master data store in unique tables and other tables can access this data through list of values so there is minimum chance of redundancy. 1.6.4 Facilitate data input: The simple to use data entry form will be provided to facilitate the user to enter the data in database. The powerful data entry controls have been provided to view, add, modify and delete the fields of record. 1.6.5 Data security and integrity: Every user can access the system if he/she have the right to do so. If the username and password is validated only then the system components can be accessed, viewed and modified. So, the system is fully secured from the unauthenticated data entry or corrupt usage. 1.6.6 Adherence to standards: Our aim is to develop install and support the globally acknowledged technologies that also go with the university institute of information technology’s standards of Implementation. 1.7 Introduction to tools and technologies used: To develop Electronic notice board using oracle 10g with database and form builder. Oracle Developer Suite is the most complete and integrated development environment, combining the power of application development and business intelligence tools in a single suite that is based on the latest industry standards. Most of the multinational and large companies are to use oracle because the product that can make by this is more secure and reliable language is used for development is PL/SQL. CHAPTER 2 REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS Software Requirement Specification (SRS) 2.1 Introduction The Electronic notice board is an exciting new innovative way to send information to visitors, staff and students. Replace paper notice board with an electronic notice board to speed up the process of communication to an instant. We will implement an electronic notice board for UIIT, which will be connected to the university management office. He will be able to display messages or notices on that computer screen by typing them in the software. After that this message or notice send to the Electronic notice board. 2.2 Purpose The purpose of electronic notice board to eliminate the paper work from the university environment, Due to this innovative technology everybody in the university will be timely updated from important announcements and notices. 2.2.1 Proposed Solution overview The proposed solution of the electronic notice board to reduce the paper work or workload on the university management. Paper notice board is managed and update is very difficult task and printing or paper cost is high. When developing, this project will eliminate the cost of printing or paper that used in notice board. 2.2.2 Modules of the Proposed Solution ELECTRONIC NOTICE BOARD 2.3 Specification Requirements 2.3.1 Functional Requirements Functional requirements capture the intended behavior of the system. This behavior may be expressed as services, tasks or functions the system is required to perform. In product development, it is useful to distinguish between the baseline functionality necessary for any system to compete in that product domain, and features that differentiate the system from competitors’ products, and from variants in your company’s own product line/family. Features may be additional functionality, or differ from the basic functionality along some quality attribute (such as performance or memory utilization). One strategy for quickly penetrating a market, is to produce the core, or stripped down, basic product, adding features to variants of the product to be released shortly thereafter. This release strategy is obviously also beneficial in information systems development, staging core functionality for early releases and adding features over the course of several subsequent releases. Add and edit tasks. Add and edit scheduled tasks. Add and remove tasks. Schedule tasks Display reports of tasks. Non Functional Requirements System must be easy to use and navigate. System should have a consistent interface. 2.3.2 External Interface Requirements Electronic notice board is deploying on the 52 inch LCD/LED screen which will be provided by the university. 2.3.3 Performance Requirements Response Time The response time of Electronic notice board system is much faster because it can fetch data from the database and then display to the user. 2.4 General Constraints 2.4.1 The Product ENB project was created to modernize the classic means of communication through the pin and paperboard based communication to the more efficient and dynamic communication of general information to the students of the University. Student and faculty will get the timely information while they are walking around School office or in Labs. ENB will remind the student about the critical dates for the exams, social events, and warnings etc. It will positively affect the student behavior towards the academic excellence and time management. ENB will decrease the rate of late assignments submission and absents among the students. ENB will decrease the workload of university management for printing and pasting the traditional paper based notice boards. ENB system will not require any additional hardware and it will be developed in the oracle hence low cost of development and implementation. ENB will bring forth a positive change in the university environment. 2.4.2 Hardware Constraints for Server: The server Machine in which this system will be deployed, have following hardware specifications Processor speed is minimum 2GHZ. Ram minimum 1GB. Hard disk minimum 40GB. Operating system windows XP with internet explorer browser. for Client: The client machine which can access this system will be have following hardware specifications Processor speed is minimum 1GHZ. Ram minimum 512MB. Hard disk minimum 20GB. Operating system windows XP with internet explorer browser. PROJECT OBJECTIVES The project ENB aims to develop and implement application software that will disseminate the academic information in the network environment among the students and faculty members. The project ENB will open the new powerful channel of communication between university management and students. The proposed system is required to fulfill the following objectives. To assure the availability of the right information at the right time. Deploying a software engineering methodology relevant to the ENB project Design a data model for ENB. Design and develop an integrated system to query the data model. To provide a system with a user-friendly interface which is simple to understand and efficient to use. CHAPTER 3 SOFTWARE DESIGN USECASES Name Staff Signup Teacher ID Account created Email ID Ph# Designation ID: ENB-01 Title: Sign up of a staff Description: If there is any staff member who had not sign up in to the university Electronic NOTICE Board system, then he/she should have to sign up first. Primary Actor: Staff Preconditions: He/she should have staff member of the University Post conditions: He/she should have a valid registration number Main Success 1. Staff selects “sign up" from the menu. Scenario: 2. System displays sign up form. 3. User fills the form. 4. User clicks "Submit" button. 5. System displays a confirmation message. Extensions: May be User give wrong information then given error. Frequency of Use: Each User used only first time Status: Pending Review Non-functional requirements: Priority: Maximum priority Name Student Signup REG# Email ID Account created Section Shift Degree ID: ENB-02 Title: Sign up of a student Description: If there is any student who had not sign up in to the university Electronic NOTICE Board system, then he should have to sign up first. Primary Actor: User Preconditions: He should have to be the student of the University Post conditions: He should have a valid registration number Main Success 1. Student selects “sign up" from the menu. Scenario: 2. System displays sign up form. 3. Student fills the form. 4. User clicks "Submit" button. 5. System displays a confirmation message. Extensions: May be User give wrong information then given error. Frequency of Use: Each User used only first time Status: Pending Review Non-functional requirements: Priority: Maximum priority <<include>> UserName User Validity Signin Account Opend Invalid <<include>> <<extend>> Passward ID: ENB-03 Title: Login of a User Description: A User who is signed up already, log in to his/her Account to see Notice Board. Primary Actor: User Preconditions: He should have sign up Post conditions: He should have a valid registration number Main Success 1. User clicks on “sign in" button. Scenario: 2. System displays “username” and “password” field. 3. User fills these fields. 4. User clicks "Submit" button. 5. System displays a student detail. Extensions: May be User give wrong username and password then given error. Frequency of Use: Each User used every time to see notices Status: Pending Review Non-functional requirements: Priority: Maximum priority View Notice Request student View Notices ID: ENB-04 Title: Student view notice Description: A User who is signed up already, log in to his/her Account to see Notices on the Electronic Notice board(ENB) Primary Actor: student Preconditions: He should have sign in . Post conditions: Student can view the notices on the system. Main Success 1. User clicks on “Notices" button. Scenario: 2. System displays all the window which shows notices.. 3. User select the notice. 5. System displays a detail.of the notice. Extensions: May be User click on that notice is not available then given error. Frequency of Use: Each User used every time to see notices Status: Pending Review Non-functional requirements: Priority: Maximum priority View Notice request staff View notices ID: ENB-05 Title: Staff member view notice Description: A user who is signed up already, log in to his/her Account to see Notices on the Electronic Notice board(ENB) Primary Actor: Staff Preconditions: He/she should have sign in . Post conditions: Staff can view the notices on the system. Main Success 1. User clicks on “Notices" button. Scenario: 2. System displays all the window which shows notices.. 3. User select the notice. 5. System displays a detail.of the notice. Extensions: May be User click on that notice is not available then given error. Frequency of Use: Each User used every time to see notices Status: Pending Review Non-functional requirements: Priority: Maximum priority Post notice request staff post notices ID: ENB-06 Title: Staff member post notice Description: A user who is signed up already, log in to his/her Account to see Notices on the Electronic Notice board(ENB) Primary Actor: Staff Preconditions: He/she should have sign in . Post conditions: Staff can view the notices on the system. Main Success 1. User clicks on “Post" button. Scenario: 2. System displays post notice form. 3. User fill the form.. 5. System displays a notice that stored in database. Extensions: May be User put wrong values in form then given error. Frequency of Use: Staff members used every time to post notices Status: Pending Review Non-functional requirements: Priority: Maximum priority Edit notice request staff Edit notices ID: ENB-07 Title: Staff member Edit notice Description: A user who is signed up already, log in to his/her Account to see Notices on the Electronic Notice board(ENB) Primary Actor: Staff Preconditions: He/she should have sign in . Post conditions: Staff can view the notices on the system. Main Success 1. User clicks on “Search" button that notice he/she want edit. Scenario: 2. System displays the notice. 3. User Edit the Notice 4. Press “submit” button 5. System displays message “Edited successfully” Extensions: May be User put wrong values in form then given error. Frequency of Use: Staff members used every time to post notices Status: Pending Review Non-functional requirements: Priority: Maximum priority Manage Notices Administrator ID: ENB-08 Title: Manage Notices Description: He/she is the person who can manage the data. Primary Actor: Administrator (male or female) Preconditions: Any person who is higher by the university Post conditions: A person who is higher by the university can be entering, deleting and updating the data from the system Main Success 1. Administrator first sign in Scenario: 2. System displays list of notice types. 3. Administrator Manage the notice from that notices list. 4. Administrator clicks "Submit" button. 5. System displays a confirmation message. Extensions: May be some notices are not available in the list. Frequency of Use: Most of the time used Status: Pending Review Non-functional requirements: Priority: Maximum priority Update Notices Administrator ID: ENB-09 Title: Update Notices Description: He/she is the person who can Update the Notices. Primary Actor: Administrator (male or female) Preconditions: Any person who is higher by the university Post conditions: A person who is higher by the university can be entering, deleting and updating the data from the system Main Success 1. Administrator first sign in Scenario: 2. System displays list of notice types. 3. Administrator filled the notice form that will select. 4. Administrator clicks "Submit" button. 5. System displays a confirmation message. Extensions: May be Admin put some wrong values system shows error. Frequency of Use: Most of the time used Status: Pending Review Non-functional requirements: Priority: Maximum priority Edit Notices Administrator ID: ENB-10 Title: Edit Notices Description: He/she is the person who can Edit the Notices. Primary Actor: Administrator (male or female) Preconditions: Any person who is higher by the university Post conditions: A person who is higher by the university can be entering, deleting and updating the data from the system Main Success 1. Administrator first sign in Scenario: 2. Admin clicks on “Search" button that notice he/she want edit.. 3. System displays the notice. 4. Admin Edit the Notice 5. Press “submit” button 6. System displays message “Edited successfully” Extensions: May be some notices are not available in the list. Frequency of Use: Most of the time used Status: Pending Review Non-functional requirements: Priority: Maximum priority Administrator Delete Notices ID: ENB-11 Title: Delete Notices Description: He/she is the person who can Delete the Notices. Primary Actor: Administrator (male or female) Preconditions: Any person who is higher by the university Post conditions: A person who is higher by the university can be entering, deleting and updating the data from the system Main Success 1. Administrator first sign in Scenario: 2. Admin clicks on “Search" button that notice he/she want Delete. 3. System displays the notice. 4. Admin Delete the Notice 5. Press “submit” button 6. System displays message “Deleted successfully” Extensions: May be some notices are not available in the list. Frequency of Use: Most of the time used Status: Pending Review Non-functional requirements: Priority: Maximum priority Assign Roles Administrator ID: ENB-12 Title: Assign Roles Description: He/she is the person who can Assign the Roles to the User. Primary Actor: Administrator (male or female) Preconditions: Any person who is higher by the university Post conditions: A person who is higher by the university can be entering, deleting and updating the data and assigning the roles from the system Main Success 1. Administrator first sign in Scenario: 2. Admin clicks on “Roles" button. 3. System displays the all user. 4. Admin Assign the roles to the user. 5. Press “submit” button 6. System displays a confirmation message. Extensions: May be user not exist. Frequency of Use: Most of the time used Status: Pending Review Non-functional requirements: Priority: Maximum priority User Logout ID: ENB-13 Title: Logout Description: A User after using the services must logout to the system. Primary Actor: student Preconditions: He should have sign in . Post conditions: Then logout to the system. Main Success 1. User clicks on “Logout" button. Scenario: 2. System displays the sign in window to the user. Extensions: May be User cannot be login in the system . Frequency of Use: Each User used every time to see notices Status: Pending Review Non-functional requirements: Priority: Maximum priority Full System Use case: Administrator <<Actor>> Database Edit Manage Delete Update Check register <<include>> Signup <<extend>> Student Password invalid Login STAFF Notices UserName Sequence Diagrams: Login : User Request login Database Validate check username/Password Success/Failure Success User Login Sequence diagram Student:view notices :Student View Request Database View Notices Responce Success Student View Notices Sequence Diagram Staff:post notices :Staff Post Request Database Post Notices Insert Success Responce Staff post notices sequence Diagram Staff:Edit notices :Staff Edit Request Database Search Notices Display Edit Return Success Staff Edit notices sequence Diagram :Administrator Administrator:Update notices Update Request Database Update notice return Success Admin Update notices Sequencs Diagram :Administrator Administrator:Ed it notices Edit Request Database Search Notices Display Edit Return Success Admin Edit notices Sequencs Diagram :Administrator Administrator:Delete notices Delete Request Database Search Notices Display Delete Success Admin Delete notices Sequencs Diagram Activity Diagrams: Take Input Validate NO Yes Login Login Activity diagram Login NO User exist Yes View Notice View Notices Activity diagram enter record NO is updated Yes Record Updated Update Notices Activity diagram Yes enter record Search record NO if found Yes Edit Record Edit another record NO Edit Notices Activity diagram Yes enter record Search record NO if found Yes Record Deleted Delete another record NO Delete Notices Activity diagram Logout Session close Logout Activity diagram Deployment Diagram: <<device>> Application server <<Execuation Envoirnment>> OS XP <<login>> user <<Process>> authentication <<Device>> database server <<Database system>> Oracle after verifying the user <<JDBC>> <<User data>> Notices <<view Notices>> Notice Component Diagram: Update Administrator Edit Staff Delete Student Login Verifying View Notices Database Class Diagram:
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