ally tox intro - Ally Clinical Diagnostics

At Ally Clinical Diagnostics, we pride ourselves on utilizing the
latest technology and collaborating with the sharpest minds in
clinical toxicology. Our urine drug testing is performed on the
ABSciEX platform, 5500 triple quad LC/MS/MS with a capacity
of 4000 confirmations daily and ample room to grow.
Urine drug screening and confirmation testing is extremely
important in the field of clinical toxicology for any doctor
prescribing medication to a patient.
• It is well known that the mixing of multiple prescription drugs as well as
with illicit drugs can be extremely harmful to a patient.
• It is important to understand the physiology of the patient, and have
assurance that the patient is taking said medication in the prescribed dose.
• There are numerous accounts of patients either selling medications, or
taking multiples from numerous doctors.
In today’s world of growing drug use and prescription drug abuse physicians
need to protect themselves from what has become a real possibility regarding
patients. One simple unknown action on the side of a patient could very well
result in a doctor losing his license or facing a courtroom.
Ally Clinical Diagnostics would love to be this security blanket, we expect nothing more than the
highest quality and we strive to deliver this quality to our physicians. We have a turnaround time set
at 48 hours or less for all confirmation testing from the minute they reach our door, in most cases
you will see results in the same day, which is unheard of in toxicology confirmation testing.
Ally Clinical Diagnostics • 2099 Valley View Ln. Suite 180 • Farmers Branch, TX 75234 •
Phone: 1-972-630-6850, (toll-free) 1-844-214-4444 • Fax: 1-972-630-6858, (toll-free) 1-844-227-7777