Connecticut Valley Chapter Newsletter March 2015 Spring Dinner on Thursday, April 23 — Kay Salvino, PSAA President e Save h t ! Date Our annual spring dinner will take place on Thursday, April 23 at 6:30 pm at the Wethersfield Country Club in Wethersfield, CT. The keynote speaker will be Kay Salvino, PSU class of 1969 and current president of the Penn State Alumni Association. Kay has served on Alumni Council since 2002, first as president of the College of Health and Human Development (HHD) Alumni Society and then as an alumni elected member. She has served on the Association’s Executive Board since 2008 and has been active in student mentoring programs, the Association’s committee on excessive drinking, and is a past chair of HHD’s communications committee. Professionally, Kay is the former practice administrator for Heimer Eye Care Associates in State College and previously held various positions in Philadelphia-area healthcare facilities. Kay and her husband, Ernie, also PSU class of 1969, have two children. The cost of the event is $35 per person, discounted to $25 for those who graduated from PSU since 2010. The event will include a silent auction for the benefit of our freshman scholarship fund. Please register on the enclosed membership form and e-mail Greg Malone (gmalonepsu@yahoo. com) if you have any auction items you would like to donate. We hope you will be able to join us. Young alum view: “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Happy Valley anymore” Pratt & Whitney named PSU corporate partner of the year So you did it. You finally graduated, left State College, and said goodbye to an amazing 4 (or 5) years of your life. And then you moved to Connecticut. A state where blue and white are the colors of the UCONN Huskies and yelling “We Are” as you walk around will only get you blank stares. In 2011, after working for over 30 years at UTC division Pratt & Whitney, I was offered an opportunity to lead the engineering department’s recruiting and branding team as a ‘fun’ part of my structural engineering job. I never dreamed that four years later I would be shaking hands with PSU President Eric Barron and his wife Molly as part of the team being celebrated for contributions to the university. by Jessica Tucker (PSU ’13) When I moved to Connecticut I only knew a handful of people. I was starting a new job, working and living in a new state, and trying to figure out how to get my new Connecticut drivers license (the DMV and I did not get along). Then one sunny August morning I ended up at Damon’s in Hartford along with 60 other Penn State fans watching a game that was taking place in Ireland of all places. There were breakfast sandwiches, nachos, Penn State Diner grilled sticky buns, plenty of “We Are” chants and even some free t-shirts. I finally felt at home. Meeting and getting involved with the Penn State Alumni chapter gave me something outside of work to look forward to and allowed me to stay involved with my alma mater. The great thing is that your involvement can truly be what you want it to be. Whether you want to watch games at Damon’s or participate in recruiting a new group of Nittany Lions, or even meet new people during periodic community service events that the chapter organizes, there really is something for everyone. WE ARE….and always will be. No matter where we reside. by Tom Cap UTC was honored at a luncheon as Corporate Partner of the Year for our role in three areas: research, outreach, and education. Over ten years ago, the PW turbine design group established a research relationship which has grown from a few research projects to a partnership in a one-of-a-kind facility for the study of complex heat transfer challenges. Dr. Karen Thole, head of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, highlighted UTC‘s support of the Engineering Ambassador initiative that brings PSU engineering students to PA secondary schools to introduce students to engineering and recognized the heightened focus the recruiting team has brought to educating and inspiring engineers through on-campus projects and events focused around jet engine technology. The weekend’s festivities ended with great food and entertainment at the President’s tailgate followed by an invitation to watch the Temple game from the president’s box. Nice digs, a front row seat, warmth!, different food each quarter, and very interesting people with whom to talk and cheer home the victory! It is all of those interesting people – the students, the administrators, the alumni – at Penn State that make my recruiting role the most fun part of my job…and to then be recognized for doing what I enjoy so much was a blessing beyond words! Executive Board Members 2014–2015 President Greg Malone (’95) South Windsor [email protected] Vice President Kathryn Williams (’06) Glastonbury [email protected] Treasurer Nina Webb (’77) Rocky Hill [email protected] Alumni Admissions Lisa Sands (’83) West Hartford [email protected] Board Members Gwen Ashbaugh (’88) New Hartford [email protected] Harry Best (‘71) Middletown [email protected] Dean Delach (’76) Farmington [email protected] Jeff Gartman (’08) South Windsor [email protected] Deb Morck (‘74) Cheshire [email protected] Tom Morck (‘75) Cheshire [email protected] Steve Putterman (‘78) West Hartford [email protected] Terry Schnure (’63) Windsor [email protected] Penny Trick (’74) Newington [email protected] Jessica Tucker (‘13) Manchester [email protected] Craig Zinn (‘77) South Windsor [email protected] Stay Informed Website: Facebook: php?gid=180306560343, group page name is PSU CT Valley alumni chapter Linked In: ack=%2Egmp_4146008 This is our annual newsletter mailing to PSU alumni in the CT Valley chapter area. Part of the mailing is paid for by the Penn State Alumni Association. We keep members informed about our activities by e-mail the rest of the year, so please send your e-mail address to Greg Malone ([email protected]) if you’d like to be on the distribution and are not already. Our website and/or Facebook pages contain a chapter membership form, officer contact information, news about upcoming events and the student bus service, and more. Costs for many of our events such as the football TV parties and freshmen sendoff are supported by annual dues from members, so please continue to support the chapter! Many thanks to Angelina Kendra, a Penn State alum who has donated her time to serve as our newsletter layout editor. We very much appreciate your help and expertise! Year in Review: Letter from the President by Greg Malone This year, the Penn State Alumni Association established new criteria to identify chapters of distinction and I was pleased to report that the CT Valley chapter partook in activities in 13 of the 15 categories as we received a notice of distinction for the 10th consecutive year. Do we support PSU students? Yes – the bus service we coordinate continues to be one of the best programs any chapter is involved with and profits we make from it are rolled right back into our scholarship endowment. Last year, we committed to funding a new endowment with the university that will have its interest matched two-to-one by PSU and allow us to support even more students from our region. In 2014, six students from the Connecticut Valley received scholarships adding up to almost $13,000 and our combined endowments rank at the top among all PSU chapters, which is quite remarkable considering we are nowhere near the largest chapter in terms of membership. In addition to these areas of support, we also hold an annual freshman sendoff and represent PSU at various high school fairs. Do we support our alumni? Yes – from the spring dinner to football TV viewing parties, apple picking to Tanglewood concerts, Homecoming at PSU to hiking Heublein Tower, we strive to schedule a variety of group events that will spark interest across a spectrum of tastes and generations. This year we had outstanding attendance at our football TV parties, from the season opener (which started at 8:30 am local time with PSU playing in Ireland!) to the bowl game in New York City, both of which ended with giant cheers as Sam Ficken split the uprights to win the games…has anyone better epitomized the resiliency of the PSU community since 2012 than Sam Ficken? What a great way for him and the team to finish the year. Do we support the community? Yes – we spent a morning weeding at Elizabeth Park in Hartford and support the PSU Dance Marathon, which continues to be a shining example of generosity and outreach among Penn Staters everywhere. We will be gathering at Elizabeth Park again this year again this year on May 16 so please mark the membership form if you are interested in attending. And do we have fun? Yes – we have a wonderful group of dedicated volunteers who serve on our board and plan the many activities we have each year. Any PSU alum is welcome to attend our board meetings, so consider this an open invitation to join us; we would love to hear your ideas and hope you will participate in our events. 2015 PSU Football Sept 5 Sept 12 Sept 19 Sept 26 Oct 3 Oct 10 Oct 17 Oct 24 Oct 31 Nov 7 Nov 21 Nov 28 at Temple BUFFALO RUTGERS SAN DIEGO STATE ARMY INDIANA (Homecoming) at Ohio State at Maryland ILLINOIS at Nothwestern MICHIGAN at Michigan State Tailgate / Tickets The chapter will again be applying for tickets to a 2015 PSU football game. Our top choice is nearly always the Homecoming game, which we’ve received for the past 10+ years. Chapter members will receive first priority to purchase tickets, so please be sure to send in your membership form to become (or remain) a chapter member and remember to check the box on the membership form indicating your interest in the Homecoming events. Football TV parties During the football season, our chapter gathers at Damon’s Tavern on the Hartford / West Hartford town line to watch the Penn State games. We had outstanding attendance this past season starting with the UCF game in Dublin and ending with the bowl game in New York City. With numerous big screen TVs, interaction with fellow alumni, and 10% discounts on all of our food and drink purchases during the games, it’s a great time to mingle with fellow Penn Staters. Please join us during the 2015 season! Connecticut Valley Chapter Penn State Alumni Association 2015–2016 Membership Dues Name: Class Year: Spouse/Guest: Class Year: Street Address: City: Home Phone: ( ) – State: ZIP: Are you a member of the PSAA? yes no E-mail: Occupation (optional): 2015–16 Membership Year Dues (July 2015–June 2016) @ $15 per household $_______________ Spring Dinner (April 23, 2015): ___ attendees @ $35 per person + PSU grads since 2010: ___ attendees @ $25 per person $_______________ Contribution to the Penn State, Connecticut Valley Chapter Scholarship Fund $_______________ Total Remittance: $_________________ I’m/We’re interested in the following: Board of Directors (planning and organizing Chapter events and activities) Alumni Admissions (providing Penn State information and recruiting high school students for PSU) Homecoming parade / Football tickets (circle the ones in which you have interest) Community service events (Elizabeth Park, May 16) “People’s Joe” group event with Southern CT chapter in or near New Haven / Waterbury / Hartford (circle the ones in which you have interest) Red Sox game group event with Boston chapter Other suggestions for events, activities, etc. — including donation of auction items: Make checks payable to “Penn State Chapter of CT Valley” Mail this form with check to Nina Webb, 98 Rosewood Drive, Rocky Hill, CT 06067-1071 Chapter Scholarship Recipients: Where Are They Now? Six Penn Staters from the CT Valley region received chapter based scholarships in 2014. Three -- Leslie Rowland (Ledyard), Ben Galinas (Guilford) and Steven Gaspar (Meriden) – were recipients of the chapter endowment for freshmen while three – Noah Bergren (Berlin), Jasmine Hall (West Hartford) and Tyler Lange (Canton) – were selected by the University from our soon to be endowed Trustee Scholarship. Since 2004, we have awarded 27 regional students over $50,000 in scholarships and wanted to see how this year’s students were doing: Q: What are some of the main differences between your college experience so far and high school? TL: The freedom is the biggest difference between college and high school. I am pretty much entirely independent here and I am responsible for myself. It is a big difference at first, but learning how to manage time and be successful in and out of the classroom is a rewarding experience to have. Q: How is your first year going at PSU? Dorm life? Food? New friends? NB: From the very first day on campus, I was astonished with how welcoming everyone was, from the RA’s, professors, and faculty. I would tell an incoming freshman these three things: Pack half as many clothes as you think you’ll need, it will just be that much more laundry you have to do. Don’t be shy, make plenty of friends during your first week on campus. Lastly, use your college experience to the fullest. Go to class every single day and keep up with your homework Q: Has anything surprised you about college life overall? What advice would you give to an incoming freshman? JH: Penn State continues to surprise me. There are so many fun things to do here that I didn’t expect to be at college. Usually when you think of college, you think of adults and boring work. PSU has plenty to do in the commons or at the HUB. It is great to see that everyone has found their niche, whether it be in Greek life or sports or some other type of club. Q: What classes have you taken? Which are the most interesting? What is your planned major? NB: Being a meteorology major, I’m taking plenty of Calculus and Physics. While I am by no means a mathematician, it can be enjoyable at times understanding the real bond between math and science. However, my meteorology classes by far will be my most enjoyable. I can’t wait to really get into learning about the weather at the nations’ top meteorology institution. Q: How do you spend your time when you are not attending classes/studying? Activities? Sports? Clubs? Which one(s) is/are your favorites and why? JH: When I am not studying or going to class I am spending my time with DCF, which is DiscipleMakers Christian Fellowship. I am on the Care Team and we help people within the community with Toys For Tots or cleaning people’s snow or raking leaves. This is by far my favorite club because the people are really nice and I have made so many friends from this group. There are also a good amount of people from different years there, so I know some more freshmen and also upperclassmen. Q: Do you have any outside jobs at school? JH: I do not have any jobs outside of school because I feel that it is really important for me to get a good GPA for freshman year. With whatever free time I have, I can experience what fun things Penn State has to offer. Many seniors have told me that freshman year is the easiest year to get involved with things like THON and different clubs. Q: How have you made use of the CT Valley chapter scholarship? TL: I have used it to help pay for my out-of-state tuition (which is not cheap) and it has been a great boost in paying for my education. Q: What is your favorite ice cream flavor at the Creamery? NB: Hands down it’s Peachy Paterno. While not overly strong of a flavor, small chunks of peaches in the ice-cream certainly give the sweet treat an enjoyable tangy flavor. annual freshman sendoff was held at Northwest Park in The Windsor a week before school started. Board Bios: Tom & Deb Morck – Penn State Forever & Penn State Together! Tom and Deb Morck are active members of our chapter often seen at Damon’s football viewing parties, the student send-off, our annual spring dinner, Tanglewood outings and other seasonal events in addition to being regulars at monthly board meetings. Tom has a long history with Penn State and it is truly a family affair. His mother’s father was the head of the Mechanical Engineering department, and his mother grew up in State College before earning a Masters degree in 1937. Although Tom grew up in NJ, he visited State College for winter school breaks. His older brother also graduated from PSU and his niece is currently a professor. Tom earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering in 1975 from the University Park campus and an MBA in 1988 from Capitol Campus. While at Penn State, Tom was a member of the Acacia fraternity and has fond memories that include participating in Spring Week activities and, most especially, meeting Deb who was a Little Sister at the fraternity. Tom & Deb Morck For her part, Deb is a true ‘townie’ having grown up in State College. Penn State is ‘all in the family’ for her clan as well with all of her siblings attending Penn State and her father earning his PhD from PSU. Being from State College, her parents would always take the family to campus events. They would visit the cow barns on Sunday when company was in town, frequent the ice rink on high school weekends and were regulars at the pool during the summer. After graduation, Tom worked at Three Mile Island where his team wrote the start-up and operating procedures for all the equipment. He next went to work for Hershey Foods as a Project Engineer in both PA and Oakdale, CA. Tom then came back east as the Engineering Manager at the Peter Paul plant in Naugatuck which made Almond Joy and Mounds bars. When that plant closed, he worked for several years as a Facility Manager for Philips and then Jones Lang LaSalle before retiring in 2013. Deb earned a BS in Elementary Education in 1974 along with a Reading Specialist Certification. After graduation she taught in Steelton, PA and in 1981, took a break from teaching to raise their family. Once the children started school, Deb was active in the Cheshire (CT) PTA. In 1991, Deb began substitute teaching before going back to full time teaching in 1999 and retiring in 2013. As active alumni, Deb and Tom attend games in State College, travel back for the Arts Festival, attended the 2009 Rose Bowl, and this past year traveled across the pond to Ireland for the Croke Park Classic! Both Deb and Tom are proud of Penn State’s academic reputation and excellence in sports along with the many contributions made by our impressive alumni from all walks of life. ‘WE ARE’ means much to this Happy (Valley) couple! It reminds them of their family ties, lasting friendships, life achievements and fond memories. ‘Penn State Forever’ means a life filled with future adventures and a continued commitment to helping Penn State and Penn Staters – past, present and future – swell thy fame. John Dufford 1921-2015 CT Valley chapter attended a Boston Pops concert The at Tanglewood in early August. The chapter lost a dear member and friend on January 29 when John Dufford of South Glastonbury passed away at the age of 93. John was born in Pennsylvania but he and his family moved to Connecticut in 1923. An engineering major at Penn State, John served in World War II and in Korea and later worked at Pratt and Whitney before founding Dufford Drilling Company. He was best known among our chapter members for having been captain of the PSU men’s varsity hockey team in the early 1940s and for being a staunch supporter of the program that regained varsity status just a couple years ago – and he was on hand at PSU for the opening game at the Pegula arena. John attended several chapter events in recent years, including our annual spring banquet and the PSU-UConn hockey game in Storrs in 2013, and we will miss him. Paterno Movie Event The CT Valley and Southern CT chapters are considering holding a joint event that would be a theatrical showing of “The People’s Joe”, a documentary about the life of Joe Paterno. Please indicate on the membership form whether you would be interested in attending this event if it were to be held in / near New Haven, Waterbury, or Hartford. Homecoming parade About a dozen CT Valley members and friends marched in the 2014 PSU Homecoming parade. This year’s theme was “Honor the Purpose, Carry the Pride”. To celebrate the chapter’s longrunning bus service and many years of “carrying the pride home for the holidays”, we marched along with a bus donated by Fullington Trailways. The following day, despite a loss to Northwestern, about 60 alumni and friends had a great time at our annual New England chapters tailgate. Our alumni admissions team continues to support high school career fairs, offer receptions, a freshman sendoff in August for PSU students from our area, and LionsROAR, a program that has alumni contact local students who have offers from PSU to answer questions or just say hello. It is a nice, easy, and flexible way to get involved in the recruiting process. Please visit the Alumni Admissions website (https://www.admissions.psu. edu/Recruitment/Volunteers/index.cfm) for more information. If you would like to become a part of our chapter’s Alumni Admissions team, please check the box on the membership form or contact Lisa Sands ([email protected]). Community Service This year we are planning again to participate in a community service event at Elizabeth Park on May 16. We hope you will come out and join us; please check the box on the enclosed membership form if you would like to be contacted about this opportunity. Stephanie Ashbaugh and Bob Ball carried the chapter banner at the 2014 Homecoming parade. Connecticut Valley Chapter Penn State Alumni Association Terry Schnure 34 Broadleaf Circle Windsor, CT 06095 Bringing a bit of Happy Valley If you would like to join the over 300 alumni and friends with official Connecticut Penn State license plates, please contact Steve Putterman ([email protected], 860.231.7710) to receive an application. The vanity plates feature a PSU shield and “WE ARE PENN STATE” slogan; a portion of the proceeds generated go towards our freshman scholarship fund. Alumni Admissions to the Connecticut Valley Penn State CT License Plates
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