Jobfair Postcard Complete 3.indd

Solar Industry Job Fair 2015
Thursday, February 26th 10:00am-4:00pm
Enter a rapidly growing industry and secure a good green job!
Installation, Sales, Marketing, Design, Permitting and more!
According to the Solar Foundation, solar industry jobs grew by more
than 22 percent from 2013 to 2014. This was an addition of more than
31,000 new jobs nationally.
Join us for the First Annual GRID Alternatives Job Fair, Co-sponsored
by the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development, in Partnership with
Los Angeles Trade Technical College, and the Vernon-Central/LATTC
WorkSource Center.
Bring multiple copies of your resume and speak to representatives from
some of the leading solar companies in Southern California.
Location (North Tent)
Los Angeles Trade Technical College
Thursday, February 26th
400 West Washington Blvd
10:00am - 4:00pm
Los Angeles, CA 90015
The Vernon-Central/LATTC WorkSource Center will hold two resume
assistance sessions, on Los Angeles Trade Technical Campus, at the
WorkSource Center in Redwood Hall, Building C on the following dates:
Thursday 2/12 and Thursday 2/18 from 12:00pm-1:30pm.
Space is limited! To confirm your seat, please call 213-763-5954
For more information call (310) 735-9765 or email: [email protected]