Minutes of Mid-Winter Conference

Minutes of Council of Administration Meeting
Janurary 22, 2015 - Mid-Winter Conference
Birmingham, Alabama
The meeting was called to order at 9 AM by Department President, Tammy Johansen. Chaplain
Teresa Lindsey offered the opening Prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Patriotic
Instructor Brenda Brandon. Secretary Joni Dougherty called the roll of council members which
reflected the following absent: Patsy Cole, Chief of Staff, Jennifer Banbury, District 3 President
(Sr, Vice President Anita Sanders answered roll call for District 3) Mae Parden, District 6
President and Brenda Fulkerson and Joyce James Past Department Presidents on the Council.
Department President welcomed our National Representative Sandi Kriebel who is National
Conductress as well as our visitors, Past National Council Member, Patsy Cates and Kim Lewis,
Past Department President of Department of Georgia.
Department Secretary, Joni Dougherty moved that minutes of the Fall Conference be approved
as printed and mailed, seconded by Jr. Vice President, Sandra Brunton. Motion carried.
OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS: Official Receipt from UAB in appreciation for our
donation to Breast Cancer Research of $2,927.85 that was presented for Joyce James’ year, and
letter from UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Director Edward Partridge, thanking us for the
above donation and a letter of thanks for the Christmas Ornaments presented to the Veteran’s
Home in Pell City. District 4 President Mary Ann Dial stated that we had several trees and the
Veterans loved them very much. She relayed the story of one Veteran that loved an ornament so
much that he offered to buy it. He was told by Mary Ann that he had paid for the ornament with
his service to our Country and please accept the ornament as a gift from the Department of
Alabama Ladies Auxiliary to VFW.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Department Treasurer, Sandy Germany presented the Treasurer’s
report. She moved that it be accepted as presented and filed for audit. Seconded by Sandra
Brunton, Jr. Vice President. Motion carried.
2014-15 BUDGET UPDATE : Budget Chairman, Sherry Jiles, Committee members Kathy
Rowe and Teresa Lindsey presented the budget update. Since Chairman Jiles is not on the
Council, motion to accept the budget was made by Kathy Rowe and seconded by Teresa
Lindsey. Motion carried.
AUDIT REPORT: Audit report was given by Chairman Sandra Brunton, and committee
members Donna Howell and Nancy Connolly. Motion by committee to accept. Motion carried.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Treasurer, Sandy Germany reported that the alter cloth that we had
in our supplies of defunct Auxiliaries was in no better shape than the one we were using. She
moved that she be allowed to order a new Altar Cloth. Seconded by Chaplain, Teresa Lindsey.
Motion carried.
NEW BUSINESS: Conductress Donna Howell stated that the Flag cases were mildewed and
smelled so bad that you could not stand to leave them in the car from meeting to meeting.
Motion by Kathy Rowe, seconded by Jack St. John, District 2 President to allow the Conductress
to purchase new bags for all Flags including the POW/MIA Flag. During discussion we were
made aware of the fact that we definitely need bags with zipper handles in order to properly store
and carry the Flags. We also determined that we do not know a dollar amount so the motion was
amended by Sandy Germany, seconded by Kathy Rowe to authorize the Conductress to spend
up to $500 for zippered bags for all Flags and if it goes over the $500 we will address the
overage at the June Convention. Motion carried. Treasurer Germany explained that if we
identify ourselves as members of the Department of Alabama when we order supplies from
National that the Department gets a percentage back. Senior Vice President, Kathy Rowe said
that we are really low on the Ways and Means allocation we need to pay expenses for next year’s
budget. We are nearly $5,000 dollars short at this time. We will address this further at June
Convention when we will have final figures from ticket sales.
Sandi Kriebel expressed joy and
happiness at being our Representative this conference. She complimented all officers on the
beautiful Cross of Malta march that was done at the beginning of the conference and all the
officers . Chairmen and members on the work that has been done so far as reflected by the
reports she heard this conference.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: There were no further announcements and no further remarks by the
Secretary or Treasurer.
Council meeting adjourned after closing Prayer to reconvene at June Convention in Birmingham
in June.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joni Dougherty
Department Secretary