Arthropod Management Tests 2014, Vol. 39 doi: 10.4182/amt.2014.F55 (F55) SOYBEAN: Glycine max (L.) Merrill, ‘P 4510 RY’ EVALUATION OF JUSTICE AND BRIGADE FOR REDBANDED STINK BUG CONTROL IN SOYBEANS, 2013 S. A. Brown LSU AgCenter 212-B Macon Ridge Rd Winnsboro, LA 71295 Phone: (318) 435-2903 Fax: (318) 435-2902 Email: [email protected] D. L. Kerns Email: [email protected] T. S. Williams Email: [email protected] K. Emfinger Email: [email protected] N. Jones Email: [email protected] Redbanded stink bug (RBSB): Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood) This test was conducted at the Macon Ridge Research Station (MRRS) near Winnsboro, Louisiana in 2013. The field was planted 2 May on 40 inch rows and was irrigated using polypipe furrow irrigation. The test was a RCB design with four replications. Plots were 4 rows wide x 50 ft in length. Insecticides were applied using a John Deere 6000 series high clearance sprayer calibrated to deliver 10 gpa at 3.5 mph with Tee Jet TX-8 hollow cone nozzles (2/row) to all four rows of each plot on 23 Aug. Treatments were evaluated by sweeping the middle two rows of each plot 25 times with a standard 15 inch diameter sweep net counting adults and immature RBSBs. A pre-treatment evaluation was made on 23 Aug and posttreatment evaluations on 28 Aug and 2 Sep. Data were analyzed using an ANOVA and means were separated using an Fprotected LSD (P ≤ 0.05). Before the insecticide applications on 23 Aug, there were no significant differences in total RBSB numbers among treatments (Table 1). At this time, adult stink bugs were the predominate stage indicating early colonization. Prior to application the RBSB populations was averaging 5.05 per 25 sweeps; exceeding our action threshold of 4 per 25 sweeps. At 5 DAT, we detected significant differences between treatments for immature RBSB; however, no significant differences were detected for adult or total RBSBs between treatments (Table 1). All of the insecticide treatments had fewer immature RBBS than the untreated check except Brigade applied alone. By 10 DAT, adult and total RBSBs were found to be significantly different among treatments, while immature RBSBs did not significantly differ between treatments. Brigade appeared to be less effective towards RBSBs at 10 DAT than Justice alone or Justice + Brigade. No phytotoxicity was observed in this test. This research was supported by industry gifts of products and/or research funding. 1 Arthropod Management Tests 2014, Vol. 39 doi: 10.4182/amt.2014.F55 Table 1. Number of RBSB per 25 sweeps 23 Aug (pre-treatment) Treatment/ formulation Untreated check Justice 1.8E Justice 1.8E + Brigade 2E +MSO Justice 1.8E +Brigade 2EC +MSO Justice 1.8E +Brigade 2EC +MSO Brigade 2EC Rate amt product/acre --5.0 fl-oz 5.0 fl-oz + 1.5 fl-oz + 1.0 pt 5.0 fl-oz + 3.0 fl-oz + 1.0 pt 5.0 fl-oz + 4.5 fl-oz + 1.0 pt 6.4 fl-oz adult immature total 29 Aug (5 DAT) adult immature total 3 Sep (10 DAT) adult immature total 3.3a 4.5a 2.8a 0.3a 0.6a 0.3a 3.6a 5.1a 3.1a 0.9a 0.4a 0.4a 1.8a 0.5bc 0.3bc 2.9a 0.6a 0.5a 5.0a 0.0c 0.0c 2.0a 0.2a 0.0a 7.3a 0.2c 0.0c 5.3a 0.7a 6a 0.3a 0.0c 0.3a 0.4bc 0.0a 0.6bc 4.5a 0.1a 4.6a 0.1a 0.0c 0.1a 0.3c 0.0a 0.4c 6.8a 1.1a 7.9a 0.1a 1.0ab 0.6a 1.9b 0.3a 2.1b Values in a column followed by the same letter are not different based on ANOVA and a protected LSD (P ≤ 0.05). 2
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