HYBRID SAR/ISAR FOR DISTRIBUTED ISAR IMAGING OF MOVING TARGETS Victor C. Chen and Baokun Liu Ancortek Inc Fairfax, VA, USA Abstract—The hybrid SAR/ISAR processing takes advantages of both SAR and ISAR to generate high-resolution imagery of moving targets. In this paper, we introduce the concept of hybrid SAR/ISAR, discuss how to reform a high-resolution imagery of moving targets and extract 3-D target feature through hybrid processing of the data taken by multiple arbitrarily distributed ISARs. Keywords—hybrid ISAR/SAR; distributed ISAR; 3-D SAR image; 3-D projection slice theorem I. mountain. In practice, multiple radars are usually arbitrarily distributed at different levels of height. A general configuration of arbitrarily distributed ground-based radars watching a moving target is illustrated in Figure 1, where each radar functions as an ISAR for imaging of the moving target. If all of the ISARs are time synchronized and collecting data at the same time frame, we should be able to coherently combine multiple individual ISAR data collected with different grazing angles and to synthesize a large aperture SAR data for optimally extracting target features. INTRODUCTION The concept of hybrid SAR/ISAR was first proposed in early 1990s [1]. SAR observes stationary targets through a moving radar platform. Any target motion can degrade SAR imagery. Conversely, ISAR is based on a stationary platform to observe moving targets. Any radar platform's motion can affect the ISAR imagery. As explained in [1], "it is desirable to construct a theory of hybrid SAR/ISAR imaging which treats target and platform motions on an equal footing, both to analyze the degradation of conventional SAR and ISAR images and to identify ways in which these hybrid images may be processed optimally." The hybrid SAR/ISAR processing (also called the combined SAR/ISAR processing) is such way to optimally process SAR or ISAR data. A. The Concept of Hybrid SAR/ISAR Hybrid SAR/ISAR configurations may have two ways in which radar data can be optimally processed to achieve highresolution and 3-D imagery of moving targets: (1) Refocus moving target in SAR imagery: to do this, ISAR processing is applied to SAR sub-apertures data and, then, coherently combines the processed sub-aperture data into a new SAR data to refocus moving targets. This hybrid SAR/ISAR processing takes the advantage of ISAR processing to generate focused imagery of a moving target in SAR [2,3]. (2) Coherently combining multiple ISAR data to a SAR data: SAR processing is applied to the combined data to achieve enhanced cross-range resolution and extract 3-D target feature. This hybrid SAR/ISAR processing takes the advantage of SAR processing for ISAR data. In this paper, we concentrate on the second way of the hybrid SAR/ISAR processing for applications of arbitrarily distributed multiple ISARs. B. Arbitrarily Distributed ISARs Arbitrary distributed radars are a number of nearby radars distributed within a limited area along coast, shore or Distributed ISARs for Imaging of Moving Targets Figure 1 – Illustration of distributed multiple ISARs to reform a highresolution SAR imagery of a moving target. Distributed ISARs located at different heights are similar to the configuration of trajectory-deviated SAR. As we know, serious trajectory deviation in a strip-map or spotlight SAR can cause not only image blurring, but also geometric distortion. In [4], airborne ISARs are assumed flying in formation along a row and viewing a target from separated azimuth angle, but at the same grazing angle. A combined SAR/ISAR processing scheme was proposed in [4] to coherently combine multiple ISARs into a SAR data for the enhancement of the cross-range resolution. In this paper, we extend the distributed multiple ISARs from linearly flying in formation to "arbitrary" distributed. The arbitrarily distributed multiple radars are more suitable to applications to ground-based surveillance, where the multiple ISARs are not necessarily arranged along a row and at the same heights. The actual distribution is based on the topography of the ground. The "trajectory" or "aperture path" of the distributed ISARs is similar to a serious deviated strip-map SAR or curved spotlight SAR. In Section II, we will revisit distributed ISARs at the same height, but not line-up on a row. We will discuss how to remove phase errors induced by different distances between radars and the target due to their "arbitrary" distribution and, thus, generate a combined SAR data for the enhancement of the cross-range resolution. In Section III, we will discuss arbitrarily distributed ISARs with different grazing angles for extraction of 3-D target feature. As we know, an ISAR imagery of a target is the projection of a 3-D target onto a 2-D image projection plane (IPP), which is determined by the radar grazing angle as well as other factors [5,2]. Therefore, 2-D ISAR images of a 3-D rotating target taken at different grazing angles will have different scales in the range domain, i.e., the elevated scatterers appear closer in range, called the image layover phenomena as illustrated in Figure 2. If we apply hybrid SAR/ISAR processing to it, by combining multiple ISAR range profiles taken at different grazing angles, the resulting SAR imagery of a 3-D target has artifacts caused by these layover features. 3-D Target Model 2-D ISAR Image Cross-Range Layover phenomena Figure 3 is a generalized distributed ISAR configuration including N radar platforms and a target composed of K scattering centers. The target is simply defined by a 3-D RCS reflectivity density function characterized by the pointscatterer model. The origin of the reference coordinates, O, is located at the rotation center of the target. Ri , ξi and φi (i = 1, 2, … , N) are the range, azimuth angle, and grazing angle of the ISAR-i, respectively. We assume that the target has only rotations about its center of rotation at the origin and the translational motion has been compensated. For simplicity, the target has only yaw motion with rotation rate about the Z-axis. The k-th scatterer of the target is represented by a range vector Pk from the origin and an elevation angle k,. The rotation angle is a function of time: , where is the initial rotation angle. The azimuth angle for the i-th ISAR ξi is measured counter clockwise from the Y-axis. For monostatic ISARs, the signal transmitted from the ISAR-i, reflected by the k-th scatterer, and received at the ISAR-i is expressed by , (1) where , and . The distance between i and k is Image Projection Plan Slant-Range Figure 2 - Layover phenomena after 3-D target projected on 2-D ISAR image projection plane. To deal with the problem caused by ISAR data collected at different grazing angles, we will take the advantage of the spotlight SAR with a curved aperture path to extract 3-D target feature [6-9]. II. ARBITRARILY DISTRIBUTED ISARS AT THE SAME HEIGHT Before dealing with arbitrarily distributed multiple ISARs at different heights and, thus, grazing viewing angles, we first take a look at how to combine arbitrarily distributed multiple ISARs at the same height or with nearly a constant grazing angle. ISAR-i Z (t ) k0 t Pk Ri sin i Ri,k Scatterer k Y Ri φi ϕk . Because (2) , for small t, . Thus, . (3) After removing the extra constant phase term and add a different additional phase term to each ISAR, such that the distributed ISARs are rearranged along a preselected a virtual circular-trajectory with their azimuth angles ξi (i=1,2,...N) unchanged as illustrated in Figure 4, thus, the residual phase term is a function of time that corresponds to the Doppler shift of the scatterer k: ξi , θk0 o . For nearly constant grazing angles, φi ≈ φ, we have X Figure 3 - Configuration of distributed ISARs and a target. (4) where , which is determined by the rotation rate , the distance |Pk| of scatterer k from the origin, the grazing angle of ISAR-i i ≈ , the elevation angle of the scatterer k, and the azimuth angle of ISAR-i platform ξi . Then, the total received signal of the ISAR-i from the target becomes , (5) where i = 1, 2,…, N. Thus, an ISAR image can be generated through standard ISAR image formation processing of the total received signal of the ISAR-i. Actual Distributed ISARs 0 Scatterer k ISAR-i Ri,k Pk θk0 Ri ξi Rj Rj,k Y ISAR-j Circular Virtually-Distributed ISARs X Figure 4 - Rearranging to a circular virtually-distributed ISARs.. A. Combining View Angles of Multiple ISARs In the configuration of distributed ISARs, each ISAR can only see the target within a small view angle. By correctly combining multiple small view angles, a large view angle can be synthesized. However, because of overlapping, the combined view angle is smaller than the sum of individual ISARs view angles. Figure 5 shows these angles as functions of time. As known, during the observation time T, the total view angle of each ISAR is T and, thus, the cross-range resolution is , where λ is the wavelength. In a distributed multiple ISARs, the way to increase the total crossrange resolution is to combine the received signals si(t), i = 1,2,...,N, such that the combined view angle can become a large angle. It is easy to verify that the variation of this synthesized view angle can be extended to . The overlapped angle from the adjacent ISARs is B. Synthesizing SAR from Distributed ISARs Similar to the discussion in [4], with arbitrarily distributed multiple ISARs with nearly same grazing angles, we use three steps to synthesize a large SAR data. (1) Time-Shifting of Received Signals: To coherently combine received signals si(t) (i=1,2,...,N) from the distributed ISARs, we must smoothly and correctly connect these signals without time breaking and view angle jumping. To extend the view angle continuously as a function of time, the signals must be properly time-shifted to t1, t2, ... tN. Actually, the time shifts for signals are related to the ISAR platform locations and are determined by the parameters ξi. It is sufficient to show from Figure 5 that . (2) Time-Windowing of Received Signals: To achieve enhanced cross-range resolution in the distributed ISARs, received ISAR signals must be coherently combined to extend the view angles. It is seen in Figure 5 that, due to the time shifts of signals, the view angles and hence the receiving ISAR signals may be overlapped or piece-wisely connected in the best case during the combining process.The overlapped angles (or times) of adjacent signals are generally not the same since the radar platforms may not be equally spaced. Therefore, received signals need to be time-windowing so that a continuously extended view angle is formed. (3) Coherent Combination of ISAR Signals: To combine these signals in the sense of extending the view angle, without loss of generality, we consider a single scatterer scenario. After substituting the individual signal along with parameters derived earlier into scomb(t), the resulting combined signal becomes . (6) After summing the N-dependent windows, the combined signal is further reduced to . Distributed Multiple ISARs N In fact, the distributed ISARs must be appropriately placed such that the synthesized combining angle is continuously extended to a maximal one. This implies that , or . We can see that, if , then and the maximum cross-range resolution is achieved, that is , which is N times improved resolution of a single ISAR. Overlapped T5 ISAR-5 ISAR-4 T4 ISAR-3 . (7) T3 T2 ISAR-2 N T T1 ISAR-1 t1 t2 T ξ1 T1 n n 1 t3 T ξ2 T2 t4 T ξ3 T 3 t5 T ξ4 T 4 NT Integration Time T ξ5 T 5 N View Angle Tn NT n 1 Figure 5 - Combined view angle and integration time. The combined signal is piecewise continuous in time and has an extended viewing angle: . The combining view angle must be linearly extended without time breaking and angle jumping. This implies that the overlapped viewing angles from the adjacent platforms, have to be greater or equal to 0. D. Example of Arbitrarily Distributed ISARs with the Same Height The geometry of arbitrarily distributed ISARs with the same height looking at a target is illustrated in Figure 6. Each ISAR is operating at X-band 10 GHz with range resolution of 0.1 m. The observation time is 2 sec and the number of transmitted pulses is 64. For simplicity, the total number of ISARs is N = 5. The locations of each ISAR are: ISAR no.1 at (9.3, -1.6, 0.7); ISAR no.2 at (11.8, -1.2, 0.7); ISAR no. 3 at (11.9, 0.0, 0.7); ISAR no. 4 at (10.4, 0.7, 0.7); and ISAR no. 5 o at (11.2, 2.0, 0.7). Thus, the radar azimuth angles are at -10 , o o o o -6 ,0 ,4 , and 10 , respectively. Because of ISARs are distributed, the same height does not mean the same grazing angle. Their grazing angles are 3.0º, 2.4º, 2.4º, 2.7º, and 2.5º, respectively. The target consists of 16 scatterers and sits at the origin and rotates at 3º/sec anti-clockwise around the z-axis. 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 Range (meter) Generally speaking, to generate an non-smeared ISAR imagery, the observation time of ISAR should be less than 2 seconds for a target’s rotation rate < 3º/sec. Thus, any two adjacent ISARs cannot be located too far away to have large difference between their view angles. However, the distance between each individual ISAR to the target center can be different. The range differences are compensated when combining them. (b) Combined full aperture range-Doppler image (a) Range-Doppler image of ISAR no.3 2 0.5 0 -0.5 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1 -1.5 -1.5 -2 -2 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Doppler (Hz) Doppler (Hz) Figure 7 – (a) Range-Doppler image of ISAR-no.3, and (b) combined full aperture range-Doppler image. Doppler Resolution 0 Combined ISARs ISAR no.3 -10 -20 Intensity (dB) . target rotation center. We can see that the Doppler resolution can be improved about 5 times by using the full aperture hybrid SAR/ISAR processing. Range (meter) C. Restriction on the Distribution of Multiple ISARs As we discussed earlier, the distribution of ISARs is restricted by the effective rotation rate of the target, , and the difference of view angles between two adjacent ISARs . During the observation time T, the view angles of two adjacent ISARs must satisfy: -30 -40 -50 -60 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Doppler (Hz) Figure 8 - Comparison of Doppler resolution at the range cell of the peak point near the target rotation center. III. ARBITRARILY DISTRIBUTED ISARS WITH DIFFERENT GRAZING ANGLES Geometry of Arbitrarily Distributed ISARs and Target Center ISAR no.1 0.8 ISAR no.5 ISAR no.4 Z 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Target 15 -4 (a) -2 0 10 X 2 5 0 Range-Doppler Image of (b)combined ISARs with different grazing angles Range-Doppler image of combined ISARs with same grazing angles 2 2 1.5 1.5 Y 4 Figure 6 - Configuration of the distributed ISARs in the simulations. Range (meter) After coherently combining signals from all ISARs and compensating for the phase terms incurred by the different distances between each ISAR and the target center, the rangeDoppler imagery of the ISAR-no.3 is shown in Figure 7(a) by taking FFT along pulses. The range-Doppler imagery of the combined distributed ISARs is shown in Figure 7(b), where enhanced Doppler resolution can be easily seen. Figure 8 compares the Doppler resolution at the peak point near the 1 1 Range (meter) ISAR no.2 ISAR no.3 1 Arbitrarily distributed ISARs usually may not have the same height. If we apply the same procedure in Section II to combine the multiple ISAR data and produce an enhanced 2-D range-Doppler imagery of a 3-D target, the resulting 2-D image suffers from layover phenomena and becomes unclear by artifacts due to displaying 3-D features in 2-D, as shown in Figure 9. To deal with the situation, we should take the advantage of processing a spotlight SAR with curved aperture path to construct a 3-D SAR image and extract 3-D target feature. 0.5 0 -0.5 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1 -1.5 -1.5 -2 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Doppler (Hz) 2 3 -2 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Doppler (Hz) Figure 9 - Combined ISAR image: (a) the same as in the figure 8(b) and (b) with different grazing angles. A. Spotlight SAR with Curved Aperture Path In [6], radar tomography method for generation of 3-D radar image was proposed. Generally speaking, radar EM wave reflected from a target can be processed to produce an image which maps the target's radar RCS density into an image plane. Each observation provides a 1-D projection of the RCS density. Based on the projection slice theorem, the Fourier transform (FT) of each projection is equal to the functional value of the 2-D FT of the RCS density along a related projection. By accumulating the FT of many 1-D projections, it is possible to accumulate a sample representation of the FT of the RCS density as shown in Figure 10. Then, image can be reconstructed using the backprojection algorithm by taking the inverse FT of the sampled transform function. . (8) However, in practice, only a limited number of projections can be taken with limited samples of G(kx,ky,kz). Thus, only limited samples of the target RCS density function can be reconstructed. Figure 12 shows a curved aperture path can generate data that reconstructs 3-D samples of target RCS density from 3-D surface in Fourier space. (a) CURVED APERTURE PATH Elevation (b) DATA FREQUENCY SPACE (a) APERTURE PATH Elevation According to [6], by taking the FT of projections at an infinite number of angles, the value of the 3-D FT of the g(x,y,z), defined by G(kx,ky,kz), can be obtained at all points in the Fourier space. Then, the target RCS density function can be reconstructed by taking 3-D inverse Fourier transform (IFT): (b) DATA FREQUENCY SPACE Spotlight SAR 2-D SAR Image 3-D Data in Frequency Space SAR Azimuth Azimuth Elevation Elevation 3-D Target 3-D Target 2-D SAR Image Plane 3D SAR Data Surface Azimuth Azimuth Figure 10 - SAR with leveled linear aperture path. (a) SAR aperture path; (b) 2-D image plane in data frequency space. 3-D observation space Z Projection Observation (observed direction radar return) w ky Fourier transform of the projection v Target RCS density g(x,y,z) 3-D Fourier space pξ(u) 0 u Pξ(ku) Y p (u) g[ x(u, v, w), y(u, v, w), z (u, v, w)] dvdw ky 0 ξ X ku ξ kx P (ku ) p (u ) e jku u du g ( x, y, z)dvdwe jku u du Figure 11 - 3-D observation space and Fourier space. The projection slice theorem can be extended the tomographic technique to the generation of 3-D images. As discussed in [6], 3-D observation space and corresponding 3D Fourier space is shown in Figure 11. The observation direction is along the u-axis and the radar return at any range is the integral of the target RCS density g(x,y,z) in a plane that parallel to the (v,w) plane and perpendicular to the u-axis. The u-axis direction is defined by the azimuth angle ξ and the elevation angle . The observed radar return pξ(u) and corresponding Pξ(ku), which is 3-D FT of the g(x,y,z) evaluated at spatial frequencies along the radial line defined by ξ and , are all shown in Figure 11. Figure 12 - SAR with curved aperture path. (a) curved spotlight SAR aperture path; (b) 3-D image plane in data frequency space. B. 3-D Feature Extraction Using Curved Aperture Path In the case of arbitrarily distributed ISARs with different heights, the combined SAR data is equivalent to radar data generated by a spotlight SAR with curved aperture path. 3-D SAR data surface as indicated in Figure 12(b) can be used to extract 3-D locations of the target scatterers. Therefore, in this case, we should take the advantage of the spotlight SAR with curved aperture path to extract 3-D target feature instead of simply enhancing the cross-range resolution as discussed in [4]. Similarly, in [7-9], a single SAR aperture with curved flight path, called a curvilinear SAR, has been demonstrated to extract 3-D target features. However, the spotlight SAR with curved aperture path suffers from severe high sidelobes after using the Fourier transform to form 3-D imagery. To reduce sidelobes, the RELAX algorithm was proposed [7,10]. To illustrate how 3-D target feature can be extracted by using spotlight SAR with a curved aperture path, we use an experimental example given in [7] specially designed for this purpose. Data set was collected using a radar carried on a helicopter flying along a curved aperture as shown in Figure 13, where 64 viewing (azimuth and elevation) angles and 64 pulses during each view angle were taken. This collected field data is very similar to our situation. The target is on the ground and consists of 13 corner reflectors on the ground plane and 7 corner reflectors mounted on a tripod of 2.65m tall. Figure 14(a) is the true 3-D locations of the 20 scatterers, where the squares represent locations of the scatterers and the size of each square is proportional to the RCS of the scatterer. The triangles are projections of the scatterer locations onto the ground plane with their sizes proportional to RCSs. Figure 14(b) is the calculated 3-D scatterer locations of the target by using the 3-D projection slice theorem and 3-D backprojection algorithm with the RELAX. Compared with the true 3-D target in Figure 14(a), we can see that 18 of 20 scatterers are approximately correct. The last two missing scatterers could be in the shadows. optimally. Therefore, if the arbitrarily distributed ISAR platforms have the same height, the combined SAR can largely enhance the cross-range resolution in 2-D imagery. Otherwise, when ISAR platforms have different heights, the combined SAR data is equivalent to the data generated by SAR with curved aperture path. In this case, we should take the advantage of the curved aperture path to capture 3-D feature of the target. Although the combined full aperture can largely enhance the cross-range resolution in 2-D imagery, due to different grazing view angles make 2-D image blurring and geometric distortion, it is not necessary to take this advantage of 2-D imagery. There are also other algorithms to reconstruct radar image in 3-D: interferometric ISAR algorithm [11] and SAR stereo algorithm [12]. However, both of them cannot not take the advantage from the combined full aperture SAR data. REFERENCES [1] Figure 13 - Curved SAR aperture path in the field data [7]. (a) True 3-D distribution of scatterers (b) Target 3-D feature extracted by 3-D SAR Figure 14 - (a) True 3-D distribution of scatterers [7]; (b) 3-D scatterers extracted using 3-D SAR with curved aperture path [7]. IV. 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