ANGIER BAPTIST CHURCH Non-Profit Organization U. S. Postage Angier, N. C. 27501 Permit # 5 The Beam ANGIER BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER May 10-23, 2015 Download our new Mobile App: -May 10-23, 2015 Volume 50 Mother’s Day Angier Baptist Church May 10, 2015 P. O. Box 130 Angier, North Carolina 27501 Phone: 919-639-6114 Fax: 919-639-7009 Email: [email protected] Day Care Email: [email protected] Website: Follow us on Facebook & Twitter Grover K. Blackburn, Jr., Senior Pastor Allison Collier, Associate Pastor/Youth Minister Lynne Wilkerson, Administrative Assistant Tom Cochrane, Custodian/Grounds Keeper Kim East, Children’s Minister Nancy Oakes, Organist Chris Hockaday, “Overcomers” Director Barbara Hudson, Music Minister Sonnie Matthews, Financial Officer Glenda Johnson, Office Assistant Christy Wilson, Pianist Kitty Stanfield, Daycare Director Kristy Tew, Assistant Daycare Director ANGIER BAPTIST’S MISSION STATEMENT : “To lead religious and non-religious people to become fully devoted followers of Christ through teaching, worship and service.” FAMILY OF FAITH SUMMER MISSIONS—JUNE 22-25, 2015 IN WARSAW, NC. Calling all men, women, families and grandparents!! Mission opportunity to share your faith. Brochure on bulletin board. For questions call Cheryl Cruickshank (919-639-0197). Mother's Love There is no love, like a mother's love, no stronger bond on earth... like the precious bond that comes from God, to a mother, when she gives birth. A mother's love is forever strong, never changing for all time... and when her children need her most, a mother's love will shine. God bless these special mothers, God bless them every one... for all the tears and heartache, and for the special work they've done. When her days on earth are over, a mother's love lives on... through many generations, with God's blessings on each one. WORSHIP ASSISTANTS / ACTIVITIES MAY 10, 2015 Lock-up Deacon: Del Stewart (639-5982) Deacons on call: Keith Blalock (639-4958) Don Harrop (639-8000) Sunday School Hosts: Butch Jones, Robert & Libby Smith, Donald & Patricia Young, Sammy & Lee McLean Oak Hill Ministry: Carol Langdon, Delores Stephenson & Sharon Waicus Ushers: Nicholas Dupree, Roger Dupree, Huey Johnson & Glenda McLeod Screen Operator Linda Young Sound: Tyler Bullock Camera Operator Mitchell Blalock Nursery Workers: Mother’s Day-Hired Children’s Church: 4 yrs to 2nd Grade Cancelled-Mother’s Day Youth Sunday School Teachers Linda Young Busy Bags: Julia Owen & Clara Young Number 9 Return Service Requested SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015 9:45 am: Sunday School 11:00 am: Morning Worship/ Mother’s Day/ParentChild Dedication TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2015 6:30 pm: Special Prayer Time at Brookie Cotton’s Home 7:00 pm: Wiley Currin Group WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2015 6:00 pm: Time of Prayer 6:00 pm: Family Fellowship Meal 7:00 pm: Adult Bible Study; Youth Bible Study; RAs, GAs & MFs 8:00 pm: Chancel Choir Wednesday Night Nursery Stephanie Fox Wednesday Night Meal Host Men’s Bible Study THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2015 9:00 am: LRBA Fun Day at Trinity 11:00 am: Golden Threadsss Spring Party 7:30 pm: “Overcomer’s Class” SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2015 11:00 am: Kid, Community & Christ (KCC) MAY 17, 2015 Lock-up Deacon: Del Stewart (639-5982) Deacons on call: Brenda Blalock (639-7308) Betty Jo Spivey (639-4798) Sunday School Hosts: Butch Jones, Robert & Libby Smith, Donald & Patricia Young, Sammy & Lee McLean Oak Hill Ministry: Wayne Oakes & Rita Gregory Ushers: Dick Cruickshank, Willis Gregory, Max Henries & Sammy McLean Screen Operator: Gerald Tripp Sound: Eddie Wimberly Camera Operator Coleman Harrelson Nursery Workers: Danny & Glenda Honeycutt Children’s Church: 4 yrs to 2nd Grade Nick & Kimberly Dupree Youth Sunday School Teachers Kathy Wallat Busy Bags: Julia Owen & Clara Young SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 9:45 am: Sunday School 11:00 am: Morning Worship/Golden Gems Sunday 5:30 pm: Deacons Meeting 5:45 pm: Bible Drills 6:00 pm: Time of Prayer; Youth Dinner at MiCasita 6:15 pm: KFC 7:00 pm: Men’s Bible Study TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 11:30 am: Golden Gems Luncheon 6:30 pm: Special Prayer Time at Brookie Cotton’s Home WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 6:00 pm: Time of Prayer 6:00 pm: Family Fellowship Meal 7:00 pm: Adult Bible Study; Youth Bible Study 8:00 pm: Chancel Choir Wednesday Night Nursery Paula Stewart Wednesday Night Meal Host Golden Threadsss Group THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015 2:00 pm: Stage Coach Birthday Party 7:30 pm: “Overcomer’s Class” . Be thankful for our mothers, for they love with a higher love... from the power God has given, and the strength from up above. Unknown Parent/Child Dedication Mother’s Day, May 10, 2015. Golden Gems Sunday May 17, 2015 Dr. John Roberson, Dean of Extended Programs, Campbell University, will be the speaker. Following the Worship Service we will be serving lunch from Ron’s Barn with fried chicken, bbq pork, slaw, potatoes and homemade desserts. Cost will be a donation of $10 per person. Everyone is invited. Deadline to sign-up will be May 13. Welcome our new member, Maria Price. Maria joined our fellowship April 26, 2015 by transfer of letter from Trinity Baptist. Maria manages a consignment store in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Welcome! Church-Wide Ball Park Night May 30, 2015 We will go to the Durham Bulls Baseball game. It is $15 per ticket which includes ticket to the game and $5 Bull Bucks to spend. Fireworks after the game. There are 50 tickets available. Let Allison know if you would like to attend. Kids Community and Christ (KCC) May 16, 2015 Local churches in the community come together at the Angier Depot in a funfilled day for the community. Volunteers are needed—sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the downstairs hallway. May 17th, the Youth are going to begin “Flocking Flamingos.” If you do not want to wake up and find 60 pink flamingos in your yard, you can prevent that from happening by purchasing “Pink Cross, Pink Shield” Insurance for $50! This will insure the birds do not find their way to your property. Allison is collecting the money! If you want to take a chance and the birds show up in your yard, you must make a donation to get them removed. Also, you may choose the next person to have the pleasure of the birds in their yard. TIME OF PRAYER ANGIER BAPTIST CHURCH HAS A PRAYER ROOM THAT YOU CAN VISIT DURING CHURCH OFFICE HOURS (MON-THUR 9:30 am4:00 pm; FRIDAY 10:00 am1:00 pm) GOLDEN GEMS NEWS Happy Golden Gems Birthday to: Ken Doyle, May 11; Diane Godfrey and Maureen Barnwell, May 12; Wanda Gibson, May 13; Graham Howard, May 18 and Janice Johnson, May 19!! DEACONS OF THE WEEK PRAYER CONCERNS Week of May 10 Many names have been moved to the LONG TERM PRAYER LISTING. Please pick up a Long Term Prayer Listing in the basket in the front vestibule and in the front of the sanctuary in the basket. We would appreciate your help in keeping us updated regarding the status of individuals on our prayer lists. Keith Blalock 919.639.4958 ds TIME OF PRAYER. The Prayer Team meets Sundays and Wednesdays at 6 pm in the Prayer Room. Please join them for this special time to pray for our church family and community. Prayer Requests: In the sanctuary, you will find prayer request forms in the back of the pew in front of you. If you have a prayer request, drop it in the basket beside the piano before or after the worship service. Or, you may drop it in the offering plate during the worship service. Your prayer request will be taken by someone in our church and prayers will be lifted up during the week by this prayer partner. If you want to be a prayer partner there are several opportunities for you. Contact the office to be given a name, or come to the Time of Prayer and Special Prayer Meetings. The Special Prayer Group will meet May 12th and May 19th at 6:30 pm at the home of Brookie Cotton. The Adult Handbell Choir will resume practice in the fall. RAs, GAs and Mission Friends will meet Wednesday night, May 13th at 7:00 pm for the last time until September. Bible Drills will meet Sunday night, May 17th at 5:45 pm; and KFC will meet Sunday, May 17th at 6:15 pm. This is the last time they will meet until September. *** The Kids Summer Program will start June 10 for kids 4 years thru 5th grade. Nursery will be provided for children under 4. The Prayer Shawl Knitting Group will not meet again until September. Thank you to all who made donations to the Easter Offering. We collected $405. There will be a Deacons Meeting, May 17th at 5:30 pm. THE RECORD WE WROTE-2015 $ 8,960.04…………….Weekly Budget Requirement $ 161,280.72…....Requirement to date (18 Sundays) $ 156,073.92…...….….Amount Received Year-to-date $ 5,206.80…...............Amount Under Requirement 96.77%........................Percent of Year-To-Date Budget $ 130,416.66….….…..….…..……....……..*Giving Profile 121….……………………………………….School Attendance 201………...…....……..........Sunday Worship Attendance *Giving Profile is an average of the past five years of giving. BAPTIST WOMEN NEWS Don’t forget, our cookbook, “Sharing our Blessings” is still available. They make great gifts ($20). Next Circle Meetings Morning Glory Group: The next meeting is June 2 at 8:45 am at the Red Barn. Wiley Currin Group: The next meeting will be May 12 at 7:00 pm at the multi-purpose building. Chancel Choir practice is Wednesday nights at 8:00 pm. If you have any completed shawls or hats please bring them to the church office. Thank you for your help this year. Kathy Baker May 14: Little River Baptist Association Fun Day at Trinity Baptist Church. Storyteller will be Albert Long and entertainment by Social Security Boys. May 17 Golden Gems Sunday: Dr. John Roberson, Campbell University, will be the speaker. May 19 @ 11:30 am: Luncheon. Fried Chicken and trimmings. Delores Stephenson will have the devotion. Entertainment will be Paige Johnson. May 21 @ 2:00 pm: Stage Coach Birthday Party. Marsha Crapo has a resident with a birthday. New Roof Goal: $140,000 Contributions to date: $110,140.13 Golden Threadsss Group: The next meeting will be the Spring Party, May 14 at 11:00 am in the multi-purpose building. Please bring a salad or desert and a drink for lunch. Bring a plant ($5.00 and under) for the plant drawing. Election of the next Bible Study and Officers will be held. Congratulations to Megan Michelle Yeargin upon her graduation from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, May 10, 2015. She will received a Bachelor of Arts in Education with a Major in Middle Grades Education. She is the daughter of Jeff and Jan Yeargin of Harrisburg and the granddaughter of Dwight and Nancy Tripp, Billy Yeargin and the late Faye Yeargin. Congratulations to Camille Musso and Josh Fish upon their marriage March 26, 2015. Camille is the daughter Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Musso of Lake Charles, Louisiana. Josh is the son of Paula Fish and the late Don Fish. They now reside in Austin, Texas. Thank you so much for your love and kindness shown to me as I celebrated my 90th birthday. What a blessing to have such a loving church family that means the world to me. My sincere appreciation and love, Dwight Stephenson Don Harrop 919. 639.8000 Week of May 17 Brenda Blalock 919.639.7308 Betty Jo Spivey 919.639.4798 Calendar of Events: May 10: No Youth (Mother’s Day) May 13: Youth. All senior pictures due for Graduation Video. May 16: Kids, Community & Christ (KCC) Need lots of volunteers between 8:30 am until 3:00 pm. May 17: Youth Dinner at MiCasita at 6:00 pm. Meet there/dutch treat/ parents welcome. “Flocking Flamingo” begins. May 20: Youth at 7:00 pm. May 24: No Youth (Memorial Day Weekend) May 27: Youth at 7:00 pm. May 30: Durham Bulls Game -$15 per ticket which includes ticket to game and $5 Bull Bucks to spend. Fireworks after the game. There are 50 tickets available. May 31: Youth at 6:00 pm. June 5: Youth Lockin. Cost is $20. June 7: Graduation Sunday. Get pictures to Allison by May 13 for the video. You may get a form to complete from the church office door. June 13-20: Harnett County Mission Trip. Staying at Harnett Central High School; working in Harnett County. Total cost is $150 due now! Spaces available. Still looking for adults needed to help chaperone. July 18-25: Guatemala Summer Mission Trip MISSION SUPPORT Thank you, thank you, thank you!! We have completed our Vitamin Drive. Another way to help! If you want to help support those going to Guatemala one way is through purchasing Rada Cutlery. A brochure of items available is in the office along with order forms and ordering information. Floral Urn Vase Missing We are missing the urn vase that is used with floral arrangements. If anyone knows where it is, or if it was taken from the church by mistake when flowers were removed, please call the church office. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you so very much for your kind gestures during my hospital stay and the following weeks of recovery at the rehab center. I received many cards, visits, and phone calls that were very encouraging to me. Thank you also for your many thoughts and prayers as I continue to recuperate at home. Most Sincerely, Joy S. Williams Christian Sympathy is extended to the families and friends of Reecie Partin, Marion E. Frizado (Paul Rebello’s Mother), Wesley Thomas (Christie Yarbrough’s Brother), John Holmes, Staley Ogburn, Frank Pala, Kathy Matthews Jones and Cindy Jones Robinson (Jerry Jones’ Sister) upon their deaths. HOSPITAL: Wake Med: Monteen Adams (gallbladder issues) HOME: Steve Adams (kidney stone), Janell Currin, Pat Demmel (Lolita Tripp’s mother-dementia), Michelle Godwin (friend of Jenny Harrop-brain aneurism & cranial bleeding), Frances Harper (Butch’s aunt-cancer), Jessica Holden, Charlene Jackson (Kitty Stanfield’s sister-in-law-needs reconstructive back surgery), Harry Jackson (Jenny Harrop’s brother-in-law), Janie Jackson (at son’s home), Paris King (Julia Owen’s friend-cancer), Robert Lambert (Father of ABC Daycare children-brain tumor), Ricky Messer (Tyson Messer’s Dad-lung cancer), Pat Piner, Harry Reavis (Karen Mertz’s step-father-had heart surgery), Blachard Seniff (15 yrs. -rare heart disease), Rudean Senter (tests-4-23), Martha Carol Stephenson, Janet Tutor ( Kidney cancer surgery), Tammy Vann (Katie Vann’s mother-ABC Daycare-cancer), Linda Walters, Molly White (ABC Daycare worker-21 years old-stroke), Joy Williams (hip replacement), Ruby Womack (Sandra Gilliam’s niece’s mother-in-law-breast cancerradiation therapy), Emma Wood REST HOMES/REHABS: Accel at Willow Bend in TX: Pauline Duval (Kathy Wallat’s mother) Corner Stone Nursing & Rehab (Dunn): Larry and Anne Stanley Emerald Rehab: Frankie Howard Genesis Nursing Home (Pembroke): Jimmy Freeman (Kelli’s father-will go to Duke 5-27 for a defibrillator implant) Green Leaf Care: Myrtle Ray (Buddy Smith’s sister) Longleaf Facility (4761 Ward Blvd, Wilson, NC 2789): Marye Hall NC Veteran’s Nursing Home: Clifford Pate (2150 Hull Rd. Room C112, Kinston, NC 28504-25052) Oak Hill Assisted Living Center: Emily Adams, Grace Blalock, Kathleen Dupree (Anfesa Matthews’ Mother), Doris McLeod, Katie Walters (Ron Gibson’s mother), Eira Watkins PruittHealth Raleigh (formally Uni-Care on Lake Wheeler Rd): Eugene Montague (breathing issues) Universal Health (Lillington): Elwood Newton (Linda Young’s brother) Wake Med Rehab: Kaylan King Windsor Point: Rachel Adams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPECIAL PRAYER REQUESTS Melanie Edwards ([email protected]) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MILITARY: Matthew Bragg-Hawaii - (Wanda & Ron Gibson’s nephew-Marines) SPC Chris Stephens - Ft. Campbell, KY (Dewey & Vicki Stephens’ son) Michael Wood - Ft. Stewart, GA (Tammy Lewis’ nephew) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MISSIONARIES: Jeff & Kim Abernethy (UNC-Charlotte), Dan Deaton (LRBA Director of Missions), Cindy & Todd Hayes ([email protected]), Edna Roos (Johannesburg-Staph infection), Gene & Barbara Warrick (church planters), NW Missions – Goldsboro, NC Vacation Bible School July 26-30, 2015 The theme is “Journey Off The Map” Many Volunteers are needed for VBS. Please consider helping with this wonderful ministry. The volunteer sign-up sheet is located on the church office door.
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