Dear Parents, We are excited about the upcoming 2015-2016 school year! Thank you for once again entrusting your child’s education to Annunciation Catholic School. As always, current families are enrolled first. Open enrollment will begin March 9, 2015 for new families. The following is a tuition schedule for the 2015-2016 school year. ANNUAL TUITION 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Catholics Affiliated with a parish Grade Ps – 8 Non – Catholic/Unaffiliated Catholics $4,200 $5,200 Example: For children in grades Ps-8th, attending Annunciation Catholic School Catholic Affiliated with a Parish SAVE Non – Catholic/Unaffiliated Catholics $ 4,200 1st child will be $4,200.00 1st child will be $5,200.00 SAVE 2nd Child save 20% will be $ 7,560.00 $840.00 2nd Child save 20% will be $ 9,360.00 1,040.00 3rd Child save 50% will be $ 9,660.00 $2940.00 3rd Child save 50% will be $ 11,960.00 3,640.00 IF YOU MAKE A FULL PAYMENT BEFORE 09/01/2015, YOU SAVE 10% EXAMPLE: IF YOUR TUITION IS $4,200.00 AND YOU MAKE A FULL PAYMENT BEFORE 09/01/2015 YOU SAVE $ 420.00 A $150 registration fee for the 1st student, and $125 for each additional child in the family is due at registration. Currently enrolled families must send in the completed registration forms by April 1, 2015 to guarantee a place for next year. The registration fee is non-refundable. Registration fee includes the Annual $25 Technology fee to be paid per family. All families will need to provide a copy of their 2014 IRS 1040 Form. Please note that if you have a child entering Preschool you must complete a Preschool registration form. If your child is a new enrollee or entering Preschool (including siblings of current students), parents must bring the following: • A copy of the child’s birth certificate (Official State Birth Certificate, not hospital issued.) • A copy of the child’s baptismal certificate (if Catholic) • Child’s Immunization Records (An Immunization Card or Colorado Alternative Certificate of Immunization are the only acceptable forms) • A copy of the most recent report card for new students 1st grade and higher • A copy of the 2014 IRS 1040 A registration packet is not considered complete without these items. If you have any further questions, please call Mrs. Roberts in the school office at 303-295-2515 Sincerely, Fr. Francisco Ramirez, OFM. Cap Parish Pastor Mrs. Debra Roberts Principal Registration Packet Checklist for Current Families 2015 – 2016 • CHECK FOR TOTAL FEES DUE ($150 1st student, $125 for each additional child Registration Fee) o $150 – 1 student o $ 275 - 2 students o $400– 3 students o $525– 4 students • 2015-2016 REGISTRATION FORM COMPLETED • PARENT PERMISSION FORM – INITIALED, SIGNED, AND DATED • ACTIVE PARISHIONER FORMS o Annunciation Active Parishioners need Fr. Francisco’s signature prior to turning form into the office. o Other Archdiocese of Denver Active parishioners (other than Annunciation) must also have their pastor sign the form before it is turned in to the office. • 2015-2016 TUITION CONTRACT COMPLETED o o o o o • Parish (only if you are an Active parishioner in the Archdiocese of Denver) Students(s)’ name, birthdate, grade Printed name of person responsible for TUITION contract Signature/Date of person responsible for tuition (MUST be the same as printed name for the TUITION contract) Smart Tuition Application completed online ( Mandatory for all parents COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION FOR NEW ENROLLEES o o o o o o o Copy of official Birth Certificate (issued by the state in which the child was born) Copy of Baptismal Certificate (If child is not Catholic please note on the Registration Form) Immunization Records (an Immunization card or Colorado Alternative Certificate of Immunization are the only two acceptable forms. All others will be returned to the parent with a request for the correct form) this must be provided prior to the first day of school. Copy of the most recent report card for grades 2 – 8 (only if child is new to Annunciation) Copy of IEP or other testing from previous school Smart Tuition Application completed online ( Mandatory for all parents Copy of 2014 IRS 1040 IF ANY ITEMS ARE INCOMPLETE OR MISSING, THE ENTIRE PACKET WILL BE RETURNED AND SPACE IS NOT GUARANTEED. Annunciation Catholic School 2015-2016 Registration Form Family Name ___________________________________________________________________________ (If student’s name is different from the family name, please list his/her name first and then the family name) Student(s) lives with: Both Parents _______ Mother _______ Father _______ Other _______ Parent/Guardian Information Mother Father Name __________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ Address (if different) _________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________________ Home Phone _____________________________________________ Home Phone _______________________________________________ Employer _______________________________________________ Employer _________________________________________________ Work Phone _____________________________________________ Work Phone _______________________________________________ Cell Phone ______________________________________________ Cell Phone ________________________________________________ Religious Affiliation ______________________________________ Religious Affiliation ________________________________________ Parish or Church _________________________________________ Parish Church _____________________________________________ Step-Parent (if applicable) _________________________________ Step-Parent (if applicable) ___________________________________ E-mail Address __________________________________________ E-mail Address ____________________________________________ Student(s) registering for school at Annunciation Catholic School: NAME GRADE 2015-‐2016 GENDER (M/F) DATE OF BIRTH (mm/dd/yy) If new to Annunciation Catholic School, please list previous school: Name _______________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ For the purpose of completing state and federal reports that require the ethnicity and race of pupils enrolled, we are asking your voluntary cooperation. Please mark the appropriate classification for your student(s). Ethnicity (as requested for U.S. Census Bureau Reporting): ______ Hispanic/Latino ______ Other Race (as requested for U.S. Census Bureau Reporting): ______ American Indian/Native Alaskan ______ Asian ______ Black/African American ______ Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ______ White ______ Two or more races Your Neighborhood Public School District ______________________ Name of Your Neighborhood Public School____________________________ Please list names of anyone who should not pick up your child from school. stamped custody papers or restraining orders at the time of registration. Please provide school with original court Name _________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________________ Relationship ___________________________________________________ Relationship ____________________________________________________ Comments: (Please list any personal/medical conditions in your current family situation which you feel would be beneficial for the school to know). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annunciation Catholic School 2015-2016 SUBJECT: Parent Permissions By initialing the items below, you have given your written permission for your child to be included in: _____ Posting of your child’s name on athletic rosters/co-curriculars _____ School Marketing Videos and Brochures _____ Posting on Awards List _____ School Year Book _____ Permission for any photograph of my child (or family member) that exhibits the educational and Christian values of Annunciation Catholic School to be used on the website or on the Parish bulletin board. I understand that I may request the removal of any photograph at any time. List family members: ________________ __________________________________________________________________ _____ Permission for my child’s photo only (no names or identifiable statements) to be posted on the school’s Facebook business page _____ Permission for my child’s written work or artwork to be posted on Facebook, website or on the Parish bulletin board. I understand that I may request the removal of any work at any time Family Name: _____________________________________________________________ Child(ren)’s Name: ________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _____________ REGISTRATION FORM NEW STUDENT ONLY Student Name___________________________ Age_____ Grade_______ BirthDate________________________ Ethnicity (as requested for U.S. Census Bureau Reporting): _____ Hispano/Latino _____ Other Race (as requested for U.S. Census Bureau Reporting): _____ American Indian/Native Alaskan ____ Asian ____ Black/African American ____ Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander _____ White ____ Two or more races _____ School District ____________________ Name of School _____________________________________ Birth Place_______________________________ Last School Attended_________________________________________ Parents Name_________________________________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________ Phone #____________________________________ Fathers Full Name__________________________ Birthplace_____________________Religion____________________ Occupation_____________________ Mothers (maiden)Name_________________________ Birthplace___________________Religion___________________ Occupation______________________ Name of Church you Attend____________________________________________________________________________ Home Situation (give dates when known) Deceased: Mother_________ Divorced_______Parents Separated______ Remarried: Mother______ Father__________ Father______ With whom does pupil live, if not with both Parents: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Relationship___________________ Religion____________________ Occupation________________________________ Number Of Older Sisters________ Brothers_________ Number of Younger Sisters________ Brothers__________ Is your child covered by Insurance: Yes______ No_____ Name of Insurance Company________________________ Date: Baptism____________ Church_______________________ City_______________State_____ First Communion____________Church_________________ City_____________State_____ Confirmation______________ Church________________________ City_________State_____ Student’s Educational Background: School Grade(s) attended ______________________________ _______ Grade repeated , if any_______Reason________________ ______________________________ _______ ______________________________ _______ ** Has child ever been in Special Education Program? _______Yes _____No **Has child ever been diagnosed as having a learning disabilty? ______Yes ______No If Yes diagnosis:______________________________________________________________________________________ Has the child ever had an educational evaluation? If yes attach a copy of evaluation **IF transferred from another school, please give reason for transfer:_____________________________________ **Does your child have any allergies?___________________________________________________________________ **Are there any concerns by your physician:____________________________________________________________ How did you learn about Annunciation Catholic School?_________________________________________________ Signature____________________________________ Mother/Father/Guardian Date______________________________ FORMA DE MATRICULA PARA NUEVO ESTUDIANTE Nombra de Estudiante______________________________ Edad_________ Grado__________ Fecha de Nacimiento Etnicidad ________________Distrito Escolar ______ Nombre de la Escuela en su Distrito _____________________ Lugar de Nacimiento___________________________ Ultima Escuela ________________________________________ Nombre de Padres_____________________________________________________________________________________ Direccion_____________________________________________________________Telefono_________________________ Nombre de Padre__________________________________Lugar de Nacimiento_________________________________ Religion_______________________________ Ocupacion________________________________________ Nombre de Madre__________________________Lugar de Nacimiento________________________________________ Religion___________________________Ocupacion__________________________________________________________ Nombra de Iglesia Donde Participan_____________________________________________________________________ Situacion de Casa: Fallecidos: Madre___ Padres separados_____ Casados de Nuevo: Madre____ Padre___ Divorciados______ Padre____ Con quien vive el estudiante si/es que no vive con los Padres: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Relacion_____________________ Religion_______________________ Ocupacion________________________________ Numero de hermanas mayores ______ hermanos_______Numero de hermanas menores______ hermanos______ Bautismo Primera Comunion Confirmado Fecha: ________________ _____________________________ _______________________ Parroquia: ________________ ______________________________ _______________________ Cuidad/Estado:_____________ _____________________________ ________________________ A estado su hijo/a en classes especiales o programas: Si ___ No ___ LD_________Chapt. I _________I_________TLC_______Habla_______ Otros __________________________ ANNUNCIATION CATHOLIC SCHOOL ACTIVE PARISHIONER FORM ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER PARISHES School Year 2015-2016 This form is for families who are actively involved in parishes in the Archdiocese of Denver and registering for grades Kindergarten through 8th. CSAF funds are given to our school (not the family) as a sign of joint commitment to Catholic education as offered through the Archdiocesan School System. In order to qualify, this form MUST be signed by your pastor. Please complete this form, present it to your pastor for his signature and return it with your other registration materials. IF YOUR PASTOR DOES NOT SIGN THIS FORM, YOUR TUITION RATE WILL BE ADJUSTED TO THE NON-CATHOLIC/UNAFFILIATED RATE OF $5,200 PER STUDENT. This/These student(s) and parent(s) listed below are active parishioners in my parish according to the Archdiocesan Guidelines as follows: 1. This family has been registered in the parish for six months 2. This family verifiably (through use of offertory envelopes or online giving) contributes on a regular basis for the financial support of the parish 3. This family attends Mass regularly and is involved in the activities, organizations, or programs at the parish _________________________________ Parish in which you are active ________________________________ City _________________________________ Parent(s)’/Guardian(s)’ Name ________________________________ Phone _________________________________ Address ________________ City Students Names ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Grade ______ Grade ______ Grade ______ Grade ______ Grade ______ Signed: __________________________ (Pastor or designee of Affiliated Parish) ___________ ZIP _______________ Date
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