PATTERNMAKING AND DESIGN NEW DRAPING THE COUTURE WAY Nora Elias PATTERNMAKING I Sally McCann Learn the basics of patternmaking and how to manipulate the flat pattern to create new designs. Prerequisite: basic sewing knowledge. SUPPLY LIST. 2 sessions. $149 RKA17576 10/11-10/12 SA 11:15am-5:45pm Draping is the couture technique for creating clothing and patterns by draping the fabric around the body or a dressform, without first using a flat pattern. In this lecture/demo, Nora will show you the method she used in a Paris Designer Salon to create unique one-ofa-kind garments and special true-to-fit patterns. She will give you an idea of how draping can stimulate your creativity and design capacity. 1 session. $49 RKA16989 8/10 RKA17562 10/5 “BEST” PANTS FITTING WORKSHOP Sally McCann This workshop is a comprehensive class focused on getting you a pants pattern that FITS. Each session will help you learn to fit your unique figure and get you closer to your best pants pattern. Basic to intermediate sewing skills required. SUPPLY LIST. 3 sessions. $169 SU SU 11:15am-2:15pm 11:15am-2:15pm NEW CUSTOM MADE BASIC PATTERNS Stephanie Swiger PATTERN DRAFTING I Annette L Hickman Students draft a basic bodice and sleeve pattern for the foundation pattern in full scale. Drafting includes using tools and taking individual measurements of the student. Individual fitting and analysis of the draft will help each student understand their body shape. Students learn to fit their basic pattern. SUPPLY LIST. 6 sessions. $149 Uniquely U Custom Clothes, LLC will draft all the Foundation Basic Patterns described in Pattern I, II, and III on individual basis. Measurements and fittings will be done at any three of the G. Street Fabrics locations by appointment only. The charge for the complete service is $950. After the basic patterns have been drafted and tested for fit, patterns for other garments can be made from the basics using the customer’s own design, a picture, actual garment etc. For an additional charge depending on the complexity Each pattern will be tested for fit in an appropriate weight muslin. All patterns and test garments will be owned by the customer who can reproduce them as many times as they wish using different fabrics and trims for different looks from using the same pattern. SUPPLY LIST. 1 session. $0 FCA15646 9/11-10/16 TH NEW DRAPING I Annette L Hickman RKA17575 9/20-10/4 SA 10:30am-5:00pm 6:45pm-8:45pm PATTERN DRAFTING II Annette L Hickman Students take individual measurements, then draft a full scale pants pattern using drafting tools. Once the pants are fit, a skirt pattern is drafted for the foundation pattern in full scale. Individual fitting and analysis of the draft will help each student understand their body shape. Fitting procedures will be covered. SUPPLY LIST. 3, 6 sessions. $149 RKA15647 9/13-9/27 SA FC A15651 10/30-12/11 TH (n/c 11/27) 10:00am-2:00pm 6:45pm-8:45pm A continuation of Pattern Drafting I,2 and 3 students draft the details of their designs using their basic slopers. designs skills and fitting the individual is emphasized. Students will us their fitted basic sloper patterns and learn to put ease into their designs. Advanced fitting techniques and individual growth are features of this class. Prerequiste: Pattern Iand 2.SUPPLY LIST. 6 sessions. $149 6:45pm-8:45pm 6:45pm-8:45pm This workshop is a comprehensive class focused on creating a basic bodice with a sleeve that fits. Students will have hands-on experience altering their pattern to develop a fitting shell that fits you. A final pattern will be reached for the next level of Patternmaking. SUPPLY LIST. 3 sessions. $169 1 8/17-8/25 8/24 8/25 12/6 12/7 12/8 SU SU M SA SU M 11:30am-5:30pm 11:30am-5:30pm 5:30pm-8:30pm 10:30am-5:00pm 11:30am-5:30pm 5:30pm-8:30pm RK=Rockville; TU 4:00pm-6:00pm Skills learned in the Basic Draping class is a requirement. Students will continue the adventure of draping directly onto a form. Bodice variations, halter designs, dart less shapes, princess designs and collars will be covered. Ruffles and Cowl necklines will be cover if time permits. Dress forms will be provided, however, may not be the exact size as the student. Applicable fitting and pattern making will be covered. Text book is available on the Connie Crawford website. 6 sessions. $149 FC A15648 10/28-12/9 TU (n/c 11/25) 4:00pm-6:00pm NEW FOUNDATION BASIC PATTERN I Stephanie Swiger NEW BEST BASIC BODICE FITTING WORKSHOP Sally McCann RKA16497 RKA17577 FCA15643 9/9-10/14 NEW DRAPING II Annette L Hickman PATTERN DRAFTING IV - ADVANCED DESIGN Annette L Hickman FC A15644 9/9-10/14 TU FC A15649 10/28-12/9 TU (n/c 11/25) Basic principles and procedures for bodice, skirts dresses will be introduced to students using actual dress forms. Students will learn how to adjust a basic dress form for their figure, and execute the basics in muslin. Students may use classroom forms or bring their form from home. Applicable fitting and pattern making will be covered. text book is available on the Connie Crawford website. 6 sessions. $149 Nothing fits! Love to sew but hate all the pattern adjustments? Want a designer wardrobe at a fraction of the cost? Have an old garment you would love to replicate? Saving a picture of the perfect garment you keep looking for? Make patterns from your very own foundation basic pattern. Once you get a perfect fit on the basic pattern, all other patterns are made from it. The muslin is kept to try on occasionally to test for weight body changes. Another copy can be made to cover a dress form. Part I begins by taking measurements and using them to draft a bodice. Prerequisite: Intermediate sewer level. supply list please bring a plastic see through squaring ruler and a hip curve. Dress code: please be dressed ready to be measured in an all cotton sleeve T-top over a bra, and opaque panty hose. SUPPLY LIST. 2 sessions. $149 FC A16788 8/2-8/9 SA FCA17496 10/4-10/11 SA CN=Centreville; 10:30am-5:00pm 10:30am-5:00pm FC=Falls Church NEW FOUNDATION BASIC PATTERN II Stephanie Swiger Part two: using the bodice and additional measurements to draft a sleeve and skirt pattern. 2 sessions. $149 FCA16789 8/16-8/23 SA FCA17497 10/25-11/1 SA 10:30am-5:00pm 10:30am-5:00pm NEW FOUNDATION BASIC PATTERN III Stephanie Swiger Part III uses the basic bodice and skirt patterns to make a one-piece pattern to use for blouses, suit tops, or full length dresses and a pants pattern. 2 sessions. $149 FC A16790 9/6-9/13 SA FCA17498 11/15-11/22 SA 10:30am-5:00pm 10:30am-5:00pm PANTS THAT FIT! Kate Mulvey Trouble getting pants that fit? This course will teach you how to create the perfect pants pattern. Students will make a muslin draft, fit the muslin, then draft a pants pattern from the muslin. The instructor will show you how the basic pants pattern can be used to create different styles of pants. At the end of the class students will have a muslin that fits and a basic pants pattern that fits. SUPPLY LIST. 2, 6 sessions. $149 CNA17596 9/17-10/29 W 6:45pm-8:45pm (n/c 09/24) CNA17605 12/21-12/28 SU 11:15am-5:45pm To Register for Classes Call (301) 231-8982 ext 240 2
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