Need of Standards in ICT based Precision Agriculture

Need of Standards in
ICT based Precision Agriculture
Sawant S, Durbha S and Adinarayana J
Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Applica'on of ICTs in Precision Agriculture and Issues •  Crop water and pest/disease management •  Agro-­‐meteorological monitoring •  Scheduling field opera9ons / crop management events (e.g. training, pruning, fer9lizer, pes9cide applica9on ac9vi9es) •  …… • 
Various WSN and other ICT ini4a4ves across the world Indigenous data format Syntac4c and seman4c heterogeneity Increase difficul4es in interoperability and data discovery GridSense (Groundwater-Irrigation-Disease Sensing System)
ICDTs in Water and Pest/Disease Management
for Yield Improvement in Citrus (IWC)#
(Sposorer: ITRA-Water/MediaLabAsia, DeitY, GoI)
Academia-Industry-NGO Consortium
IITB Lead Ins'tute IITH COHA COEA Partnering Ins'tutes TCS Datamatrix Industry Partners MOGA NGO/User Water
Advisors: Profs Praveen Kumar-UIC, J P King-NMSU,
U Desai-IITH, S N Merchant-IITB; and Dr P S Shirgure-NRCC/ICAR
COHA: College of Horticulture, Amravati; COEA: College of Engineering, Amravati;
TCS: Tata Innovation Labs MOGA: Maharashtra Orange Growers Association
# Awarded the Best
Team Research Project by ITRA
Study Area Key Features Mumbai
• Water: Ø Groundwater depth (10-­‐20 m.) Ø Groundwater Status: over-­‐exploited (CGWB, 2007) • Citrus: Ø Citrus crop disease Gummosis, has a very close relation with amount of irrigation (Grimm and Timmer, 1981) Ø Irrigation is deIined by Crop Water Requirement Index Ø Unavailability of precise information on stage wise citrus crop water requirement Proposed Study Area Ø Villages: Benoda, Nagziri, Bargaon and Goregaon 4 Need for Standards in Precision Agriculture •  Facilitate –  Interoperability among sensing systems –  Consistent data and informa9on retrieval –  Repeatability and reuse of observa9ons for modeling and valida9on •  Major challenges Combining the design specific metadata defini9ons Maintain quality analysis and quality check on observa9ons Obtain sensor calibra9on and system details Maintain spa9o-­‐temporal resolu9on of sensing system (system adequacy) –  Compliance with metadata standards and defini9ons (OGC, IEEE, FAO, WMO, etc.) – 
Observa9ons and measurements in Precision Hor9culture •  An interdisciplinary and mul9-­‐organiza9on ini9a9ve •  Focus on precision farming issues (groundwater u9liza9on/alloca9on, crop disease predic9on and crop irriga9on management) •  Through ICT and human par9cipatory sensing, an aUempt is being made to develop and validate process based regional water-­‐crop-­‐disease predic9on models Hyperspectral field observa9ons Human Par9cipatory Sensing Geophysical observa9ons Precision Agriculture WSN based Proximal Sensing Systems Water use energy measurements Satellite based earth observa9ons Observa9ons and measurements in Precision Hor9culture WSN based Proximal Sensing Systems Data Format Text, Image Standards SML, WMO, IEEE Services SOS, SPS, SES Proximal sensing systems for agro-­‐
meteorological monitoring Observa9ons and measurements in Precision Hor9culture Human Par9cipatory Sensing Data Format Text, Image Standards Agronomic sampling techniques (RBD),etc. Services DSS, etc. Citrus pest /disease surveillance Observa9ons and measurements in Precision Hor9culture Satellite based earth observa9ons Data Format Images in different wavelengths (op9cal, SAR, etc.), GeoTiff, etc. Standards WMS, WCS, WFS, etc. Services WMS, WCS, WFS, etc. Observa9ons and measurements in Precision Hor9culture Water use and pumping energy measurements Data Format Text Standards SML, etc. Services SOS, SPS, SES Observa9ons and measurements in Precision Hor9culture Geophysical observa9ons Data Format Text, resis9vity contours, etc. Standards SML, GML, etc. Services SOS, SPS, SES Electrical Resis9vity Tomography Sec9on Observa9ons and measurements in Precision Hor9culture Hyper-­‐spectral field observa9ons Data Format Text, ASCII, Signature, Image, etc. Standards SML, GML, etc. Services SOS, SPS, SES, WMS, WCS, WFS, etc. Hyper-­‐Spectral leaf reflectance data Integrated Model and Standards Driven Interoperable Service Architecture of GrIDSense Standards Driven Interoperable Services for Citrus Crop Water and Pest/Disease Management Pest /Disease Management Agro meteorological informa9on dissemina9on service Integrated Services Mul9-­‐modal agro-­‐
advisory service Crop Water management Crop Yield Es9ma9on Standards Driven Interoperable Services for Citrus Crop Water and Pest/Disease Management Crop Water Management §  E v a l u a t e d m e t h o d s f o r e s 9 m a 9 o n c r o p evapotranspira9on on spa9al basis for field level crop water requirement es9ma9on §  Architecture for providing field level spa9o-­‐temporal varia9ons in crop water requirement through trade-­‐off between irriga9on depth and interval §  Standards: OGC WMS and SOS Standards Driven Interoperable Services for Citrus Crop Water and Pest/Disease Management Mul'-­‐modal agro advisory service § 
To study the pre-­‐exis9ng informa9on and dissemina9on pla]orms in agriculture Analyze the possibili9es for automa9c informa9on retrieval and dissemina9on in agriculture develop a prototype holis9c system for mobile and web based agricultural advisory for citrus pest and disease management U9lize the developed crowd sourcing pla]orm for citrus pest/
disease management §  Standards: OGC WMS eCitrus Framework Standards Driven Interoperable Services for Citrus Crop Water and Pest/Disease Management Pest /Disease Management •  Citrus orchard/plot selec9on using stra9fied random sampling using parameters such as, age of the orchard, rootstock, etc. •  Randomized block based tree selec9on strategy •  Blocks are named as A,B,C,D and E. 3/5 Trees from each block are selected •  Standards: Towards implementa9on of OGC SOS and WPS standards Leafminer infesta9on (in per cent) Observed Citrus Leafminer Pest infesta9on 50 17-­‐Jun-­‐14 40 24-­‐Jul-­‐14 30 6-­‐Sep-­‐14 20 15-­‐Oct-­‐14 10 15-­‐Nov-­‐14 15-­‐Dec-­‐14 0 BN1 BN2 NZ1 NZ2 BA1 GA1 GA2 Village wise plot ID (BN=Benoda, NZ=Nagziri, BA=Bargaon, GA=Goregaon) NZ3 15-­‐Jan-­‐15 22-­‐Feb-­‐15 Standards Driven Interoperable Services for Citrus Crop Water and Pest/Disease Management Crop yield es'ma'on •  Study field image based orange fruit quan9ty es9ma9on through image processing techniques •  Designed a prototype Decision Support System (DSS) for automated fruit quan9ty es9ma9on •  Standards: Towards implementa9on of OGC WMS, WFS and WPS standards Quan9ta9ve es9ma9on of orange fruit with images data Standards Driven Interoperable Services for Citrus Crop Water and Pest/Disease Management Agro meteorological informa'on dissemina'on service •  Interoperable Citrus Sensor Observa9on Service client for agro-­‐meteorological informa9on retrieval •  Standards: OGC SOS Details of Sensors and Sensing System (e.g. air temperature, etc.) Sensor Observa9ons in the form of Table, Graph and Gauge Future Scope •  Need for ICT based standards driven interoperable services to facilitate –  Crop resources (water, nutrient, pest/disease) management –  Mul9-­‐modal (mobile and web based API’s) mul9-­‐sensor (proximal, satellite based, human par9cipatory, etc.) crop informa9on retrieval •  Standards driven cloud based processing services for crop resources management •  Need for ICT based services in developing economies for the traceability of agriculture produce (in supply chain) from field to market (na9onal and interna9onal) Acknowledgements Part of this work is supported by Informa9on Technology Research Academy (ITRA), Media Lab Asia, Department of Electronics and Informa9on Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communica9ons and Informa9on Technology, Government of India. Acknowledgements Part of this work is supported by Informa9on Technology Research Academy (ITRA), Media Lab Asia, Department of Electronics and Informa9on Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communica9ons and Informa9on Technology, Government of India. Thank you