APEEX WREESTLING COM MMUTER R CAMP P – 12 2 th ANNU UAL JULY Y 27TH – JULY 3 30TH 20 015 9am to 1:30pm ‐ $120 Calkins s Middle Sc chool, 1899 Calkins Ro oad, Pittsfford, NY 14 4534 Ian Pa adock, Three e-time NCAA championship ps qualifier, Big B Ten Wresttler of the We eek, Team Ca aptain, NWCA A All-Academiic Tea am recipient (2 2010-11), two o-time Academ mic All-Big Te en, four-time O Ohio State Sccholar-Athlete e. - Four-time New York Y State cha ampion as a five-time f qualiifier, advance ed to fifth finall during senio or campaign, but fell short of o his b bid to become e a five-time champion, c dro opping a clos se 4-3 decisio on at 135 poun nds, compiled d a 268-7 high school reco ord, Secction V all-time e wins leader, second all-time in wins in n New York sttate, named D Division II Mo ost Outstandin ng Wrestler in n 2008 after winnin ng 130-pound d class in 2007 7, was New York Y state cha ampion at 119 9 pounds and d helped Warssaw to team championship, NHSCA champ pion sophomo ore year; finis shed fourth ju nior year; seccond senior yyear, Cadet an nd Junior Natiionals seven--time All-American. Jason n Bovenzi, As ssistant Wres stling Coach at a the Roches ster Institute o of Technologyy. 2X Division n 3 NCAA Ch hampion from St. Law wrence Univerrsity and Ithac ca College an nd 3X All Ame erican. t - Secction Five Cha ampion and 4th in the NYS Championships from Gree ece Athena H HS. - Form mer Head Varsity Wrestling Coach at Pittsford Centrral Schools (2 2002-2013) an nd East Roch hester Centrall Schools (19962002). Section and a League Coach C of the Year. Y Bill Ja acoutot, 28 years y as the Spencerport S wrestling w coac ch. 353 wins, five Nationally Ranked Te eams, seven N NYS Team Cha ampionship tittles, 21 Sectio on V Team Titles, 11 NYS Individual Ch hampions and d 34 NYS Individual Place Finishers. In 2008, recogniz zed as the Na ational High School S Coaches Associatio on (NHSCA) N National Coacch of the Year All G GRADES 7‐12, Younger w with speciall permission n, Contact Ja ason All individualss must send in the regisstration form m with a $500 non‐refund dable depossit. There will be only a limited num mber of camp pers, your $$50 will be reeturned if you are not aaccepted. Training Camp ssessions 9a am to 1:330pm & CA AMP COSTT $120 Family d discounts arre available:: 2nd, familyy member reeceived $10 off, etc. Forr More Info ormation orr to Register On-Line G Go To: WWW W.ApexWresstling.com Co ontact Inforrmation: Jasson Bovenzzi at: 585-8 802-5799 E: JAB [email protected] du COMMUTTER CAMP REGISTRA ATION FORM M Please Print & & Mail to: 20 H Hopper Hills Way, Meendon NY 14506. Paayable to: APEEX Athlete N Name: _____ __________ ___________ __________ ____ Parent or Guardian n: ______________________________ _____ Address:: _________ ___________ ___________ __________ _______ Cityy: ____________________ State: _______ Zip: ____ ____ Birth datte: ________ _______ Age e: _______ G Grade: _____ __ School: _____________ Weight: _________ Yrrs. Exp: ____ _____ Shirt Sizee: Youth: S M L Adult: S M LL XL 2X XL Weightt: ________ Yrs. Experieence: _____ _____ Allergiess/Medicatio ons: _______ ___________ __________ _____________________________________________________ _____ Does you ur child have e Insurance: Yes or No o Provider: _____________________ Policy # ________________________ ____ Parents Email Addre ess: ________ __________ ___________ _________________________ Phone #___________________ ____ Parents Email Addre ess: ________ __________ ___________ _________________________ Phone #___________________ ____ Neither Apexx Wrestling nor thee staff of the Apexx Wrestling Camp a assumes responsib bility for accidents or medical expenses incurred as a rresult of participattion. All athletes m must assume respo onsibility for any m medical expenses iincurred. I have ad dequate medical ccoverage and insurrance and give myy son/daughter peermission to attend d the Apex Wrestliing Camp and I a agree to indemnifyy Apex Wrestling a and its employees ffor any claim whicch may hereafter bbe presented by m my child as a result t of any such injuriees Photo Reeleases: I give permission p for AP PEX to use any ph hotographs, digita al images, videotaapes, DVDs, film, CDs or audio reco ordings. These ittems may be used d for any reasonable p purposes, including g but not limited to, Promotional, FFundraising, Advertising, and/or Edducational purposees, and need not iinclude the child’ss name or any info ormation about him/heer. I waive the rig ght to inspect and//or approve the ap ppearance or use o of the above‐refereenced items. Parent/Gu uardian's Signa ature: ______ _____________ ____________ ______________________ Datte: _______________________ d you pay? Check # ______ C ______ or CCash $________ _____ Amountt $_____________ How did
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