Nori Bihar Power DistributiOn Company Limited Proceeding of Review Meeting of Araria′ Kishangani′ Purnea′ Katihar′ Khagaria&Begusarai Districts under ChairmanshiP Of MD′ NBPDCL. Date:19‐ 03‐ 2015,20‐ 03‐ 2015& 21‐ 03‐ 2015 Place: Araria, Kishanganj, Purnea, Katihar, Khagaria & Begusarai Araria lnspection of -13/ll KV PSS Narpatganj (RGCVY ll'" PIan Phase-ll BRcF Phase-l M/s Gopi Krishna - M/s Vijay Electricals & Rrsponsible lnstruttions ()fflccr RGGVY llrh Plan Phasc-ll augmented (2x3.15 MVA) to (2x5MVA). Same MS Irlat earthing was used in 2x5 MVA power translbrmer as it was for 2x3.15 MVA because ofthis earthing was not properly connected & its I\,t/" \iti"y Fl""rn^"t" ".der shape was also delbrmcd. Silica gcl of tllc both Po、 vcr Transformcr Brcathcr was found in Black in Color which is not as per standard norms. 3 YArd lights out ol'8 Yard lights was no1 l'unclional. vilruge or gatepara p-"nayat in *trich work was completed by lws ranj*t.-na Vijay Electricals was inspected and it was found that first bill ofthe consumers was not served to them. Serui"" Connection Register of Narpatganj Section was not updated since August2014 though connection has already been given to applicants. 'I RW l'orbesganj with all testing equipments required for @ repairment of transformer DVDF (Double Voltage Double Frequency) test is available in TRW. AEE(TRW) Sri Raushan Kumar was very prompt in explaining all things. tle should be called for sharing his view with all his counter parts along CPM(TCChnica l ScⅣ iccs) EEE(TRW) NBPDCL. Inspection of33i ll KV PSS Forbesganj (BRGF Phase-l - NI/s Copi Krishna) toom, gravel filling & VCB commissioning not yet f.i e.t"*io. .f "ottt.t staned by M/s Gopi Krishna. Boundary walt work bcing not in thcir scope has not Wo.k bcen started. lt was directed to expedite all R&M work and also construction of boundary wall should be initiated as per SOR. Inspection of 33′ 1l KV PSS Ararla(RAPDRP Part‐ B― NII′ s CodrcJ) the work. R`に NI work in PSS Was fOund to be .slow. It was instructed to expedite FFI:(P) Yard liglling was not sumcicnt p-g"e"" i" Tt" tr-o.k lnsDection of District Control Room, Araria oitt ict control Room was very slow Agency clear direction complete the work by 31605-2015 glvcn CE(Civil) Review Meeting at Collectoriate, Araria ll つ 一 l:l BPL Connections being given under RGGVY ll" Plan Phase-II by N,t/s Vijay Electricals has meters without seal. Also first bill of consumers has not been raised as of now. The no. of such bills is around 32000. It was directed to provide meters seal & bill should be printed for all by 106 April 2015. Forbesganj Palasi Line under l0'n Plan being done bv PGCIL has RC)W near Matihani. I)M, Araria assured that ROW will be resolved by 21-03-2015 & thereafter linc has to be completed by 25-03-2015. All balance work under CMLAD should be completed by 30-04-2015 by 3l-05-2015. pectiotr of 33/l 14 I KV PSS Kushiargaon EEE(S) r CE(P) EEE(P) & MPI.AD (PSS work by M/s Shyama Power EEE(S) & Line llork Supremc) PSS has been completed by M/s Shyama Power but linc work has not even being shned by M/s Supreme. This has been taken very seriotrsly. No representativc from N4/s Supreme was prcsent at the site. Serious lapse on part of agency and also no iIr(P) b、 lⅥ ′ s EEE(P) CE(Projcct-2) monitoring is being done by EEE(P). Show cause has to be issued. Kishangani l5 Ledgerisation 16 N4/s 1'7 │ ofall BPL connections should be done by 3l -03- 15. EEE(S) EEE(P) CE(Project-l ) Gopi Krishna raised issued in Madhohat PSS being constructed under BRGF PhaseJI for river crossing in 33 KV Line. It should be resolved by ESE, Sri S.K. ESE(Proiect-l) Srivastava within one week. 'l'he Revenue collection and meter reading of Kishanganj Division is very poor. EEE(S) Performance has to be improved in March-15 else disciplinary action will be initiated against all concem. Purnea 18 Inspection of Line Bazar PSS (BRGF Phase-l- Nl/s Gopi Krishna) PSS Line bazar is completed. Approach road from PSS gate to Switch Yard being not in scope has not been done. It was decided that Pcc/Concrete Road should be constructed as per SOR. Gravel Filling Work in Switch Yard is not as per propcr technical spccification. 02 EEE(P) EEE(P) inch additional gravel filling has to be done. つ 一 つ 一 つ 一 つ 一 Inspection of Madhubani PSS (RAPDRP-ParI B -M/s Godrej & co.) R&M work under PSS was found to be very slow. Il should be expedited lbr timeline completion ofproject. No proper signage for PSS was available, Feeder meter was found to be defective, creepers were found hanging around fencing wall. Show cause to JEE(Supply) The existing Power Transformers which were augmentcd by agency (2*5MVA) has not been planncd to utilize at some other place. It was directed to ESE that thcsc P'l' should be installed as per requircment in other PSS. EEE(P) GM(HIT) ESE(s) 0コ つ一 Computer system',,r'as found installed in the PSS but EEE(S) was instructed to do necessary action. it was not being utilized. EEE(S) Review Meeling at Collectoriate, Purnea 24 でつ つん 26 ′ ´ ^ Z 28 29 30 Revenue collection declined successivcly from Dec-14. DM, Pumea also complaincd about L[]E(S) for not monitoring revenuc collcction. Performancc in all parameters ofrevenue declined. Show cause to be given to tiliE(S). DM, Pumea Complained that EEE(S) do not attend regular meeting conducted by him. Il,I/s Supreme agency raised issued regarding ROW in 33/ll KV PSS Baisi. DM assured to get the matter resolved within one week. 3l recommendation of CMLAD is pending. Also final estimate has not been prepared. EEE(S) was directed to installed thc balance D l' within one months and final cstimate ofthe work completed should be submitted by 2l -03-2015. Meter reading & Revenue Collection in Pumea (R) Section is very poor. A complainll from STF has also been received for non-co-operative approach ofJEE. Disciplinary action to be initiated against JEE. Pumea(W) Section has maximum number of defaulter dues above Rs. One lac. Meter reading, Revenue Collection is also very poor in his area. Show cause should bc issued to JEE, Pumea(W ). Testing bench in MRT has been informed to be defective. EEE(S) and CE(S&P) to District Control Room, Purnea foor quality of bricks were found at site. It was instructed to immediately replaced the existing stock and no further timeline extention to given for completion of work. 32 ^ 5 ^ 5 34 ( li(Project-2) hLE(S) (iM(HR) (;N,l(HR ) EEE(S) ( L(Ci!il) The hortzontal ptltar or building oi l" floor not found in proper level. CE(Civil) was instructed to monitor the quality of wo*. Divison Oflice. Purnea Crrnsumer redressal system was found to be in pathetic condition. No proper office managcmcnt was lound. surrounded the division oflice during the inspection. L-ge no. of "onsumers Consumer showed arrogance towards the existing Practice of rectification of consumer bills. No clear cut message was passed on to consumers regarding bill rectification. Revenue Officer & EEE(S) failed in establishing proper system for redressal of erroneous bills. tt was decided that a team from company hqr' along with reliance personnels should camp at division office pumea for 2 days & perform necessary action. Strict show cause to be issued to EEE(S) & RO' くコ 0つ @ctive. s Gopi Krishna) Inspection of Maranga PSS(BRCF Phase l‐ lⅥ ′ EEE, MRT should rectiry rhe vCB immediately. 36 GM(HR) cE(s&P) resolve the issue. 31 GM(HR) @isdefective & controlpanel is functional replacement of only VCB has to be done. Directo(P) to clariry this issue to field oflicer6. lf( EEE( S) GM(HR) cM(R) ESE(S) ESE(S) EEE(S) CL(Project-l) 37 'the Sagging ofl-I line was not as per specification in Devanand village EEE(S) to EEE(S) ensured its maintenance. Katihar District ( ontrol Room. Katihar 38 The progress of District control room, Katihar was very slow. During the visit of CMD & MD on 2l-l I-14 & 22-ll-14 il was clearly instructed to expedite the work so that it could be inaugurated on 26d Jan.-15. Since then almost after 4 months work has not been completed as ofnow. JEE, Civil should be given show cause for not proper monitoring ofwork. lnspection 39 40 ofl'lirchaibari PSS CE(Civ‖ ) CIM(HR) (RAPDRP PrrGB- NUs Godrej) No routine maintenance was done in PSS. Silica Gel was found to be pink colour. Creepers were found hanging around the yard structure, fencing areas. Control rcom was very dilty. Show cause be issued to Sri Prakash, SBO & JEE(S). R&M work being done by try'/s Godrej is slow. It should be cxpcdited. GM(HR) EEE(S) I,1'I'(1)) Revieu Meeting at Collectoriate, Katihar 41 42 43 The no. of I-IEV villages in the district is highest in the state. Agency for 12'plan Ir,l,/s ENERGO should plan accordingly for material mobilization & man power deployment for timeline completion of project. vendor approval for nuts & bolts of Iws ENERGo is pending. It should be done imm€diately. DM, Katihar requested for extension ofscope in RAPDRP Part‐ B area beyond ward no. 42. Directo(P) was instructed to take the fcasibility rcport and do necessary EEE(P) CE(Pro-iect- I ) CE(Proiecl- I) action. 44 It was found that some part of I I KV line was running at bans balla in Ba$oi area. O&M team of hqr. should immediately take necessary action and ESE, Pumea to co-ordinate so that poles are provided within a week. 45 Land tbr Hasangani PSS should be linalized immediatcly. 46 'l'tle Progress in RAPDRP Part B is unsatisfactory. Mr Murthy from Godrej should attend monthly meeting being conducted by DM. NABARD Phase VII1 09 nos oF Sitcs arc Pcnding, It Should bc Complcted by 47 EEE(S) ESE(S) CE(0&M) CE(Projecrl) EEE(P) EEE(P) 31032015 48 Revenue Cell Team from hqr inlbrmed that input based ftanchisee (Jeevan Jyoti Sansthan) Sri B.K. Singh is indulged in revenue def'alcation as he has not deposited revenue collected and DCR and money receipt etc. details to local olfice. The raised matter is very serious and strict legal action to be taken against fianchisee with immediate special audit oftheir work. Show cause to all concemed. GM(Rcv) GM(HR) ESE(S) EEE(S) Inspection of Korha, PSS (BRGF- Phase-l -M/s Gopi Krishna) 49 No PSS board,yard ligllting not providcd EEE(S)to Cnsurc propcr PSS board,yard lighting 、 . EEI,(S) ] 50 l he 5t 'Ihe sizc of connector used by M/s copi Krishna under BRGF is not proper. -lhe propcr sizc ul'comect()r (o bc cnsued. silica gel of both P'[ not blue in colour. Proper maintenancc of P to be done. l]l]E(s) I:l:l:(P) Khagaria Inspection of Bachauta, PSs (BRGI'- Phase-l -Nl/s Gopi Krishna) くコ Z ^ 53 Poor quality of bricks are being used in civil construction. The Poor bricks to be replaced immediately. The work to be done on priority basis. 'Ihe target date for completion of PSS is EEE(P) tEE(P) 15.05.14. Inspection ofAlouli, PSS (State Plan- M/s East lndia) 54 くコ くコ ´0 一 ヽ 57 Approach road problem. DM to cooperate construction of approach road with retention wall. The progrcss of work is very slow ( only boundary wall constructed, no soil filling) by IWs East India under State Plan. The target date to complete the PSS is 31.07- 15. The ground clearance height of I I KV Alauli feeder is not as per standald. places (Raun, Bathnaha Village etc). EEE(Supply) to ensure proper maintenance work within a week. Iilrlr(P) Er*.r(P) Ll,F.( S ) Inspeclion ofHaripur, PSS(RGG\'\ ll'h l'lan Phase-ll- NI/sJyoti Structure) LEE(P) and quantity done by N'rs Jyoti @uality CE(Project-1) Structue und RGGVY llth Plan Phase-2. EEE(P) has send the pending list. Directo(P) to make a detail report for complete demolition of construction and legal action against agencl. 58 Inspection of Khagaria, PSS (RAPDRP Part-B- M/s Godrej) Tt* brtcl qr"ttty ,rsed by fws Go&ej under RAPDRP Pan-B for R&M work is poor. The poor quality bricks should be immediately replaced. Ill,Ii(P) Review Meeting at Collectoriate, Khagaria 59 Ctearance cerliilcate from Fol€st deptt. Required for Mansi PSS consfuction DM to facilitate clearance from Forest deptt. 60 EE!;(P) CE(Project-l ) liliI (P) hv 15.05.15. ︲ 6 2 一 6 Nr*" B"*d ".t irtr"n"d i" CMLADA4PLAD DTs. All installed DTs to be provided with name board in March- 15. -. in March-I5 collection ,ffy revenue poor. for The target i 1f1€ Cvenu;otlecttorl . 3 一 6 is 4 crores other wise disciplinary action will be taken against ljEE(s) oficers' ?00 bills not issued due to reliance software issue' EEE(SI t.6r-"d th, "t-""t GM(Rev) to ensure bill printing ofall such cases by 15 04.15 with coordination of 4 一6 reliance. IlEE(S) (iM(Rev) (iM(HR) given additional charge of AEE(Revenu9. ヽ ヽ ・ Begusarai Inspection ofBalia, PSS (BR(;F- 一 It/s lhjaj Electricals) く,・ 6 ´0 /0 Boundary wall is not found in PSS. M/s Bajai Electricals to construct boundary wall at SOR separating from Sub-division otlice. Gravel filling is not done. M/s Bajaj to ensure gmvel filling as per technical l:l:l:(1)) 11111(1'│ specification. Review Meeting at ('ollectoriate. Begusarai 67 The construction of Samo PSS is pending. The target date of completion is I:Iう Iう (P) 30.03.1s. EEE(P) There is ROW issue in construction of Garhpura PSS under RGGVY 12th Plan. DM to rcsolve the issue. Manfujchak and Chharahi PSS land issue. DM has send proposal to commissioner for allotment. The progess of llrs Capital Power in NABARD Phase-XI is very slow. Directo(P) to issue show cause to Agency for poor performance. Target date to complete-April- 68 69 70 CE(P“ CE(Proiect-l) "cCt l) CE(ProJCCt‐ 2) ′ ¨ つ 一 ′ ´ t5. The failure rate of single phase meter installed by ADB is not known to EEE(S) , Begusarai. A detail failure report of ADB installed meter to be prepared and submitted to Director(P) for strict action. MA A2Z has not provided fixing slip of meters installed leading to billing disputes. Director(P) infoimed that billing to be done on present meter reading keeping prcvious suspected billing amount for furth". H*(net" l"l S"i SK Singh informed that cash book ol'Ilamuni sub-division is not up to date and revenue defalcation is suspected. This is a very serious issue and AEE(S) Barauni to be show caused and detail repon to be submitted by Head , l■ IIS) 1111(1') EEE(S) EEE(P) di.!98!_ 73 GM(Rcv) GM(HR) Elう Revenue. 74 卜(S) EEE(S) DM infoll=led that Nawatola DT ullder barauni division not hstalled EEE(S),Barauni to insta‖ DT within 2 days District Control Room,Bcgusarai ヽJ ′ ¨ 'l trc progress CL(Civll) ofconstruction is slow. The taryet date ofcompletion is 15.04.15Inspection ofZero Mile, PSS (BRGF- M/s Bajaj Electricals) 76 The work progress is slow. The construction to be completed by May- I 5' 77 tne U.i.t quatity used in construction is poor It should │││(│)│ be replaced' ′ 一 00 linc. \\ (Balamu NfD,NBPDCL ヽ / L満 from Grid is required. BSPTCL ofticers to be-liaison tbr "o*ection lemporary connection through LT lil\ Th" t",r,p-ury t) μ %″ D"c… ス7´β ヒ.… ….. Memo No.… ..」リ Copy :Dircctor(Pr● CCt)/CE(ProlCCt‐ 1)/CE(CommCrcialソ CE(ProJCCt 2)/GM(Rcvcnuc) /DGM(Rcvcnuc)/SLManagcrlRevcnuc)/CE(0&M)/CE(S&P)/GM(HR)/OSD(Hlt/Aanin)/ CPM(TS)/DllcctOr(OpCration)North Bihar P make this copy availablc to all conccm agcncic Memo No… Jえ …… Copy:All Elect c Superintending ま )l買11。 │liを ● ι `.lρ Engineer, Electric Supply Circle/All Electric Executive Engineer, Electric Supply DivisiorVAll Electric Engineer(f,roj€ct), North Bihar Power Dist bution Company Ltd. information and necessary actifl Electric Executive Engineer t lT1 is directed lo upload thc MoM on the website \M (BalamuruAllU.l "\,i A*........ Memo No. ...... Copy forwarded information. to 中 Lag昴 ダ ∬ lリン OSD NID,NBPDCL ☆
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