Document 89812

NAF Human Resour
Fourth Quarter 20
Performance Evaluations
NAF Human Resources
53147 Kansas St., Ste. 120
McConnell AFB
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
0700 - 1630
Inside this issue:
Holiday Pay
Health & Wellness
Trick or Treat
New Employees
NAF Birthdays
Quote of the Quarter “Faith is taking the first
step even when you don’t
see the whole staircase.”
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
2013 Holidays
Oct. 14 - Columbus Day
Nov. 11 - Veteran’s Day
Nov. 28 - Thanksgiving Day
Dec. 25 - Christmas Day
Performance evaluations
Keep employees aware
are performed once a year
of performance stanon all NAF employees. As a
dards expected of
NAF employee, you must
them, in terms of qualbe aware of what is exity and quantity of
pected of you in your curwork to be performed
rent position.
and standards of perSupervisors are to identify
sonal conduct and bework performance stanhavior essential to
dards and fairly and objectheir successful pertively evaluate the work
formance in the posiperformance of employees
under their supervision.
Provide employees
Supervisors are to ensure
with constructive help
employees are aware of
to identify and correct
what their performance
deficiencies in their
standards are, how perperformance or conformance
duct, in order to
evaluations are
help them
performed, and
achieve full pothe possible
tential in their
awards availpositions.
able for doing a
Identify and
superior job.
resolve points of
The objectives of
misunderstandthe performance
ing between suevaluations are:
pervisors and employees regarding work requirements.
Evaluate employees
fairly and objectively
on a scheduled and
continuous basis with
the results of the
evaluation discussed
individually with each
Increase efficiency of
employees and supervisors.
Develop constructive
relationships between
supervisors and employees.
Advise employees on
whether they meet, fail
to meet, or exceed the
standards for satisfactory performance.
Continued p. 3
Insurance Open Enrollment
The annual insurance Open
Enrollment Season will be
here soon!
If you are a Regular employee, you have this benefit
available to you. You may
receive in the mail information from Aetna regarding
your health and dental insurance. Be watching for it
in your mailbox!
will be an increase in
premiums for 2014
during this time.
If you are a Regular
employee and you
have not taken advantage of this benefit, Open Enrollment
is the perfect time to
enroll. Just contact
Abe in the NAF HuOpen Enrollment is the time man Resources office.
He will tell you all
to make changes to your
health and dental plans. You about this benefit so
will also be notified if there you can make the
right decision for you
and your family
Don’t forget…..
We work for
Page 2
NAF Human Resources Quarterly
Holiday Pay and Holiday Premium Pay
The holiday season will be upon us
very soon. How will a holiday affect
your pay?
If a holiday falls on a Regular employee’s scheduled work day and they
are excused from work in
observance of the holiday,
they will receive holiday pay
for that day.
If the holiday falls on a day
outside of the scheduled
workweek, Regular employes are entitled to observe
the holiday with pay on the
preceding or following workday (as determined by the manager).
Holiday Pay is regular base pay, including any applicable night shift differential, for the number of nonovertime hours that would have been
scheduled had it not been a holiday.
An employee entitled to observe the holiday, and who
performs work on a holiday,
is entitled to holiday pay
(which is regular base pay,
including any applicable
night shift differential) for
the number of scheduled
hours, plus Holiday Premium Pay (which is at a rate equal to
regular base pay) for the number of
non-overtime hours that do not exceed
eight hours actually worked on the
McConnell AFB’s “down days” are not
holidays nor are employees automatically approved leave on these days.
Employees must request leave for the
“down day” and it must be approved by
their Manager/Supervisor.
If you are a Flexible employee and you
are not scheduled to work on a holiday,
it is a day without pay. Flexible employees also do not receive Holiday Premium Pay.
As always, if you have questions, contact the NAF Human Resources office.
Within Grade Increase (WGI)
Crafts and Trade employees (NA, NL
and NS) whose performance is satisfactory, will be advanced to the next step
of his/her grade following the required
waiting periods. Employees will be advanced provided they did not receive an
effective pay increase during the waiting period.
new waiting period for employees begins on the first day of a new appointment, upon receiving a step increase or
upon equivalent pay increase i.e. promotions.
Regular employees earn WGIs based
on the following scale:
The effective date of the increase is the Step
first day of the first pay period after
1 to 2
the waiting period is completed.
2 to 3
New employees normally start at step 3 to 4
one and progress through five steps. A 4 to 5
1 week
3 weeks
4 weeks
4 weeks
Flexible employees earn WGIs based
on the following scale:
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
Days and Weeks
130 days and 26 weeks
390 days and 78 weeks
520 days and 104 weeks
520 days and 104 weeks
For more information on Within Grade
Increases, give our office a call at 7591612.
Health and Wellness
Everyone can exercise and everyone
can get BIG health benefits from exercising -- a healthy heart and weight.
The hardest part is starting a program
and sticking with it. Here are some tips
to get moving:
Set goals. Try to lower your cholesterol. Or work off those last 10 pounds
for your reunion.
Have fun. Mix up your workouts, or pick activities you enjoy. It will help you stick with
Talk to your doctor. He/she can help your exercise program.
you figure out your fitness level, and
Plan time every day. If
what activities are best for you.
you’re tempted to skip a workout, reStart slow. Easing into exercise will
mind yourself why you deserve it.
make it less scary. It can help you
-Aetna Health Insurance
avoid injury, too.
The mobile app called WellWithMe is
a great tool to help you stay motivated
to exercise.
This app lets people invite
each other to join them in
three healthy activities every
day, one from each of its three
categories: Move, Eat, and
Grow. The app keeps a tally of
completed activities.
You can find this app at the Apple App
Store and Google Play Store.
Fourth Quarter 2013
Page 3
Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat
Jack O’Lanterns
The story
The pumpkin
Will you be Batman, Ironman, DoroWhen the Irish arrived in America,
thy or Despicable Me? Whatever cos- The term Jack O’Lantern comes from
they found the native pumpkin to be
tume you decide be sure to follow
an Irish myth about “Stingy Jack”. He larger and easier to carve. It is the perthese Trick or Treating safety tips:
tricked the Devil from taking
fect choice for a Jack
Be sure you carry a flashlight,
glow stick or have reflective tape
on your costume.
An adult should accompany the
children while trick or treating.
 Never trick or treat alone.
 Be sure to say “Thank you”.
 Visit only houses where the lights
are on.
 Never go inside a house.
 Wait until you get home to eat the
his soul several times
throughout his life. After
Jack died, he was not allowed in heaven and the
Devil, being upset by the
tricks Jack played, would not
allow him into hell.
Jack was sent off to roam in
the dark of night with just a burning
coal to light his way. He carved out a
turnip and put the coal inside it. The
Irish began to refer to this ghostly figure as “Jack of the Lantern”, which
later became Jack O’Lantern.
Pumpkins have been grown
in America for more than
5,000 years. It is a fruit and
it can be found in all sizes.
The best size to carve is the
medium size (it works well
with the stencils that you can
find in the store or online).
If you want carving patterns for your
Jack O’Lantern, go to
If you are a Regular NAF employee, you may have signed up
to have part of your pay deposited in the NAF 401(k) plan. To
see how your investments are
going, log-in to the Wells Fargo
website, It is
a good idea to check your 401(k)
account at least once a quarter.
Not only can you check your
NAF will match your contributions
401(k) account balance, you can based on the following schedule:
also change the funds in which
your money is invested. Wells
Fargo’s 401(k) website allows
you, the investor, to be involved
in how your money is being invested.
Don’t forget -- your contributions are a Invest wisely and keep an eye on your
pre-tax deduction from your paycheck! 401(k)!
Performance Evaluations
Evaluate employees only under
reasonable standards that are in
effect during the rating period, are
known to the employee, and that
the employee has had a fair opportunity to meet.
Use performance evaluations as a
basis for making decisions on
training, retention, promotion, reassignment, removal, and other
personnel actions.
Continued from page 1
30 September of the current year and
are completed for Regular and Flexible NAF employees. Employees with
less than 90 days of employment are not evaluated until
they have completed at least
90 days.
Performance standards prescribe the quality, quantity
and timeliness of job performance essential for fully satisfactory performPerformance evaluations cover the pe- ance in a specific position. It must
riod of 1 October of the previous year to clearly apprise the employee of the
minimum standard of performance required and must be reasonable, sufficient in the circumstances to permit
accurate measurement of performance, and adequate to
inform the employee of what
is necessary to achieve an acceptable performance rating
These evaluations are not
meant to discourage employees from
performing at their best, but to encourage all employees to strive to do the
best job possible.
Human Resources Of
HR Director:
Timothy Vincent
HR Specialist: Abraham Felipe
HR Assistant: Jodi Mumma
Fax/Job Line
[email protected]
To apply for any open
position, visit our website: