Dear colleague, APSE Soft facilities management advisory group meeting – (South/South West) I am writing to inform you that the next meeting of the soft facilities management advisory group will be held as follows: Date: Time: Venue: Wednesday 26th March 2015 10:00am Tea, coffee and arrival 10:30am Advisory group commences 12:30pm Buffet lunch 1:30pm Close Taunton and Rugby Football Club, Hyde Park, Hyde Ln, Taunton, Somerset TA2 8BU The advisory group is free for APSE member bodies and open to all elected members, officers interested in Soft Facilities Management, trade unionists and policy officers. There are a number of ways to book. Spaces are limited to 20 so please book early to avoid disappointment. Online: Click this link Telephone: Contact Alistair Holcroft on 01617721810 Email/Post/Fax: Please complete the booking from on page 3 and return to Alistair Holcroft by e-mail on [email protected], by fax on 01617721811 or by post to the below address. If you have any dietary requirements, please tell us when booking so that the necessary arrangements can be made. I look forward to welcoming you to Taunton Rugby and Football Club on Thursday 26th March 2014. Yours faithfully Lorna Box Principal Advisor Association for Public Service Excellence 2nd floor Washbrook House Lancastrian Office Centre Talbot Road, Old Trafford Manchester M32 0FP telephone: 0161 772 1810 fax: 0161 772 1811 email: [email protected] APSE Soft facilities management advisory group agenda Thursday 26th March 2015 Taunton Rugby and Football Club 1) Welcome from the Chair of Group 2) Controlling Costs in Catering • Why is it important? • Tips and Hints • Where can I find out more? Speaker: Debra Adams, Head of Professional Development, arena4finance 3) APSE Most Improved Performer for Building Cleaning 2014 (APSE Performance Networks awards) • Doing more for less – Increasing productivity and reducing costs • Improving PI 15 – ‘Human Resources and People Management’, the journey Speaker: Tina Parker, Asst. Cleaning Contracts Business Manager, Bridgend County Borough Council 4) Performance Trends in Building Cleaning & Catering Services • Results from the most recent round of APSE Benchmarking • Results from the 2014 APSE State of the Market survey • Discussion and analysis Speaker: Lorna Box, Principal Advisor – South/South West, Association of Public Service Excellence 5) National APSE Update on latest policy issues, lobbying activity, briefing papers, publications, Performance Networks etc 6) Future topics/areas of work for the groups 7) Any other business 8) Dates for the future Fax back attendance form APSE Soft facilities management advisory group – (South/South West) Date: Thursday 26th March 2015 Venue: Taunton and Rugby Football Club, Hyde Park, Hyde Ln, Taunton, Somerset TA2 8BU Please return this form to Alistair Holcroft, by e-mail to [email protected], by fax to 0161 772 1811 or by post to the address on page 1 Authority:………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………… Address……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... Post Code………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Name Email Dietary requirements Help us keep our records up-to-date Recipient’s contact details have changed, please amend as indicated Please add the below name and details to your database to receive future invitations Recipient has left the company (if so please complete the details below for the replacement) Please print details Title First Name Surname Job Title Authority Department Address Post Code Telephone Fax Email Venue information Thursday 26th March 2015 Taunton and Rugby Football Club, Hyde Park, Hyde Ln, Taunton, Somerset TA2 8BU Directions to Taunton and Rugby Football Club... By car From The M5 Motorway Leave M5 Motorway at Junction 25 for TAUNTON Take the 2nd exit (Holiday Inn on left), follow signs for Taunton to first roundabout – ¼ mile (B&Q straight ahead) Bear left (1st exit) at roundabout keeping to outer/right hand lane. As you approach traffic lights (¼ mile) take right hand filter lane at cross-roads (Creech Castle in view) Turn right onto A38 – North Petherton & Bridgwater, go over bridge and after ¼ Mile you will see a Taunton RFC signpost opposite The New Mill pub. Turn right onto Hyde Lane, follow for approx. ½ mile to TRFC on your right. Parking Free On-Site Car Parking By public transport From The Train Station Taunton and Rugby Football Club is not in walking distance. Taxis are available outside of the station and it is also advisable to book your return taxi journey well in advance. For further information visit: Taunton Tourist Information, Ticket and Travel Centre
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