2015 Summit ~ At a Glance - APSE-MO

2015 Summit ~ At a Glance
Employment University
Membership Meeting
Session 1 Breakouts
Session 2 Breakouts
Darla Wilkerson,
CSI Network
Jessica Mahon, ACT
Jessica Cox
Motivational Speaker,
Handicap International
Goodwill Ambassador,
International Child
Amputee Network Director
Kim Buckman, County
Connections &
Cyndi Johns, LOQW
Jenny Yinger, MO DVR
Asst District Supervisor
Rick S. McAllister
Management Analytics
Resource Collaborative
Kim Conrad, MO DVR
Asst Director of Autism Srvs
Rick S. McAllister
Management Analytics
Resource Collaborative
Dr. Kiener Ph.D., CRC
Maryville University
Susan Rinne, CEO
LIFEDesigns, Inc.
Employment University (EU) is a pre-conference event and offers a strand of courses
for those relatively new to fully inclusive employment. EU sessions will start with
the Foundations to Employment/Customized Discovery & Exploration and continue
all the way through supporting people on the job. This training meets a portion of
the Department of Mental Health / DD employment training requirement for staff
providing employment supports through Medicaid waiver.
Thinking Outside the Shoe®
As a person who has never viewed herself as a victim of her condition, Jessica shares
in her speech humorous stories of struggle and success living in a “two-handed”
world. She provides critical insight on how best to approach a challenge, redefining
the concept of innovative thinking. She helps people reconnect with their own inner
strengths and aptitudes. Jessica believes in combining creativity, desire, persistence,
and fearlessness; with them, nothing is impossible.
Lunch provided
Life Course Framework: Focusing on the Providers' Journey
Designed at the local level, tips for implementation and lessons learned
Panel led discussion highlighting Missouri’s best practice in providing meaningful
Discovery and Exploration services.
This session is designed to enhance the impact and influence a participant brings to
the workplace by exploring the supervisory, collaborative and interdependent
leadership skills required to be successful.
Best practice in providing employment supports to transitioned-aged youth
impacted by autism.
An interactive discussion on current best practices in developing business
partnerships and employment opportunities. Participants will discuss strategies and
techniques for networking and overcoming challenges in employment development.
Ethics in employment practice (*ethics CEU offered)
The President of the National APSE Board of Directors will discuss the importance of
strong, focused organizational change and steps necessary to move your agency
FRIDAY, July 31
Session 3 Breakouts
Session 4 Breakouts
Kim Gee and Brenda
Simmons Asst Director &
Director of Transition
Services, MO DVR
Dewey Thompson,
Missouri Training Institute
Angie Brenner, DMH/DD
Director, Federal Programs
Ryan Gee
Lori Pace, Arc of the Ozarks
Chaz Nickolaus, MO DD
Council and MO Rep
Kip Kendrick
Allison Wohl, Executive
Director, National APSE
WIOA and transition – Missouri’s plan for implementation
Tips and strategies designed to engage and motivate front-line and middle
management staff.
Center Medicaid Services (CMS) Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
Community Rule and Missouri’s plan for implementation
Add Us In (AUI) is a demonstration project of ODEP and is designed to identify and
develop strategies to increase the capacity of small businesses, including those in
underserved and historically excluded communities, to employ adults and youth
with disabilities.
Providing business led, yet customized workplace supports ensuring successful
employment for all stakeholders
Guidelines to launch a successful “Bring your legislator to work” campaign.
Closing comments from National APSE, Executive Director on national regulations,
trends and forecasts.