1935 Brussels International Exhibition This exhibition covered the largest area of any held in Belgium so far, being 105 hectares. It was sited adjacent to the Laeken public park at Heysel, where the exhibition hall (still in use) had been built in 1930 for the Centenary of Belgian Independence. The site was further enlarged for Expo58. Interestingly, holding an such an exhibition in Belgium in 1935 appeared to violate the agreement made at the Convention Relating to International Exhibitions (Paris 1928), which stated that two universal exhibitions - the largest type - could not be held within a decade in the same country. The 1930 Antwerp-Liege exhibition should have meant Belgium was debarred until 1941 from another. Such was the rivalry among Belgian cities that Brussels applied for permission to hold an exhibition in 1935. The Paris based Bureau of International Exhibitions bent to the pressure and Belgium was allowed to hold a universal exhibition. This exception led to the collapse of the agreement less than a decade after it was signed. A major publicity and selling point, more than any other Belgian Fair, was King Albert being high patron. His very popular presence was everywhere, which gave Belgium a high profile, more so even than the 1930 centenary celebrations. Alas, Albert died in February 1934 during the planning. Thus it was left to his son, Leopold 3, to take over and officiate. Principal foreign countries were Austria, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Holland, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia and USA. There were nine categories of exhibit from sciences · and engineering to clothing, economics and tourism . The site boasted some striking features, including the Monumental Palace, which contained the bulk of the Belgian exhibits, and the Palace of Art. Both were constructed from permanent materials. Luxurious parks, lakes and gardens were created specially. The architectural effect was art-deco rather than modern, the style of the 1925 Paris exhibition being everywhere. "Old Brussels" was built on the edge of the site and was mediaeval in style and costume. In the Palace of Art, half was old art and half modern. A stunning display of art from all nations called "Five Centuries of Art, 1400-1900" was a runaway success. In this the modern included French works by Bonnard, Braque, Chagall, Derain , Matisse, Picasso, Vlaminck, Maillot etc. This had political importance as the Germans recently had closed the Bauhaus. Britain's selection of art was also surprisingly modern. Despite the lavishness of the site, Belgian architecture was confused. It was neither art-nouveau nor modern; it took a turn back toward classicism, which caused chaos. It was not until the 1958 Expo that a coherent design returned to architectural and industrial creations. The Exhibition opened on 27 April and closed on 6 November. Despite problems, twenty six million visitors attended and a profit of some forty five million Belgian francs was made. Two sets of stamps were issued, the first of 4 stamps on 1 July 1934 to advertise this exhibition, the second of 3 on opening day. The first was heliogravure printed by J. Malvaux, in sheets of 200 stamps of 4 panels (10 x 5 stamps) & p 14 x 13%. It was demonetised after two years on 1 July 36. Congo pavilion Brussels pavilion Old Brussels Heysel Centenary Hall Registered double weight letter to UK Bruxelles Exposition I Brussel Tentoonstelling 1935 special eds dated 13 Aug 35 Postage Additional postage Registration 175 Fr (s 20 gm) 1 Fr (21 <wt s 40 gm) 175 Fr 1935 Brussels 2.pub Labels issued for 1935 exhibition showing 1930 built Heysel pavilion, which was used for this exhibition, oJ~~ . for 1958 Part of sheet of unknown size 1935 Brussels 3.pub Trilingual cards nonnally available only in the Cantons of Eupen & Malmedy with Expo mechanical canceller MET llF.TAALO .A.'\T ~~e._~ ~ ., g ~ hHH L ...ll. Jf/ IL-I t' / ..::...~ = ~ a.a=,; ~~ 4,) /)I'/ :;. z ~ Current internal card used 10 October with postman's small circular round stamp ~onsieur L. Seguy 6 A, rue Ve yd t Bruxelles --- - -- Current external card used locally 29 October 1935 Brussels 3a.pub '?..ill A \i l OU. Reco..L.::::.ni~ ..!r. 0 . 1... u l 1 e , r.~.,. . llarktgn.sse 3, B ~ 1 .. · e ( scl:8s ~ ) Registered ainnail letter from Brussels to Basel (BAie) Brussels Exhibition I office 1-c eds of 18 Aug 1935, 3 pm Exhibition registration label 664 Postage Registration Airmail Overpaid 25c 175 Fr (s 20 gm) 175 Fr 050 Fr (S 20 gm) Reverse (part) 1. Basel airport V eds of 20 Aug 35, 7 am .-------~--j__ 2. Basel 2 /letter centre V eds of 20 Aug 35. 7 am 1935 Brussels 3b.pub &J~_ ~ ~~If~- Letter from Brussels to Stuttgart Brussels (QL) mechanical canceller of 30 Oct 35 Postage abroad 175 Fr (s 20 gm) 1935 Brussels 4.pub Two letters with 1934 stamps advertising Brussels 1935 TRANSPORTS Registered Letter fro'!' Antwerp to New York TOSETTI ANVERS Antwerpen 1 eds of 28 Jan 1935 -- New York NY Reg'y Div oval ds of 5 Feb (verso) New York (Sta G) NY registered eds of 6 Feb 1935 (verso) Postage Reg . /:.. J ') li!.:i:J'.-.............-r-'1 1:3uu.e -:.----' . ·R \ ANTWERPEM 1 1 ANVERS .L~ GX- YOrk.- ( 67 :' ~ : .. ... f 6 Fr 1 Fr 75 u. ~.A. ) I ' ' If undelivered please return to : HENRY LOUFS WETTEREN (BJllLGIU.11<1) Letter from Wetteren to Norman, USA Wetteren pepinieres - roseraies boom-enrosenkweekerijnen slogan eds of 25 July 1934 Postage 75 1 Fr lfr. RJl)INALD HOCKER, 3I9 Y. ColJtlanche Street, NORllAN. •••-m=-m Ok1a. u.s.A. Btate Un1s d'Al:l&r1que. 1935 Brussels 4a.pub Airmail letter from Brussels to Sweden Bruxelles Exposition I Brussel Tentoonstelling /1935 eds of 12 May 1935 Postage abroad Airmail 175 Fr (S 20 gm) 1 Fr (s 20 gm) 1935 Brussels 4b.pub Picture postcard to Australia of the Royal Theatre in Brussels Brussels 1F eds of 16 Oct 34 Postage abroad 1 Fr From the partial cancel on the LHS and lack of paper damage, it is evident that the 35c stamp was improperly affixed. Postcard requests a couple of letters be sent on the inaugural 10 Dec 1934 Brisbane-London through flight. These will then be returned. Airmail private postcard to Asmara, Eritrea Brussels 1 K eds of 2Oct1935 Paris R.P JAvion eds of 2 Oct 1935 Postage 35c (Imprime) Airmail 2 Fr/5 gm (Fixed at this rate) Imperial airways to Khartoum and then local airline from Khartoum to Asmara. 1st flight was 28 Sep. This was the 2 00 flight. GAGNEZ OU TEM"<; RE PONOEZ p,.\ R I AVI 0 N Card went from downtown Brussels 8-9 am to Paris airport by 3 pm by air. Slogan says • Gain time replying by air" 1935 Brussels 5.pub -- Czechoslovak pavilion I \ ,• ... 't l ...... ~; ~ ~ t ,j ' '~ ........ ' ~..1 '- .... ~ -~' "u,"'~w . zz···· ··· / // w_.,;t?G ( . I · ~fA . · Official picture postcard to Czechoslovakia Special BrusselsExpo mechanical canceller of 31 Aug 35 Hradek Kralove arrival eds of 2 Sep Postage abroad 35c ( ~ 5 words text) 1935 Brussels 6.pub Royal Palace in Brussels .;, . .Ld}~/t"kJ'/ ............ .d.,{~ .~J/!I._ Picture postcard to USA Brussels (QL) mechanical canceller of 30 Sep 35 Postage abroad 1 Fr 1935 Brussels 7.pub Boulevard d~ Centenaire !)I'piJ.tiliJJJL dltf.tJ:JUJliiUlrJ.e rJ3~ (100 Year's Boulevard) 1935. - 70tufdleit.LONutefl.i.Ju;. rJ3tJ.ll.Uf 19J5, Avenue of the Large Linden tree 1935 Brussels 7a.pub Boulevard dWCentenaire Main Boulevard in which the Atomium was built for the 1958 Expo Picture postcard to Holland Brussels 1 mechanical canceller of 27 Aug 35 (stamp removed) 1935 Brussels 7b.pub Boulev1rd du C1nten1lre ·view Offlcl1I picture poatcard to H1lalngborg, Sweden Bn.i•••I• l!xpo mech1nlcal canceller of 21 Aug 38 1935 BtulMlt 7bb.pub Agriculture Pavilion l:,"'po.Jiliffit. ::J11Jmwiionafc 13m e.d lo 19 J5. - 10w /t!Jm/a_(JllJf.elLiiUJ 13ra..url 1915. Old Brussels Exhibit off Boulevard de Centenaire 1935 Brussels 7c.pub Old Brussels re-creation - 1 (a very rare set of prints) Rue Courbe - Curved Street The Archdukes' Bellone House 1935 Brussels 7d.pub Old Brussels re-creation - 2 Hotel Rubempre, Place de Bailles (Buckets) Two views of Old Brussels RHS is R. Senne 1935 Brussels 7e.pub Old Brussels re-creation - 3 Artisans' Court Coudenberg Square 1935 Brussels 7f.pub Old Brussels re-creation - 4 River Senne Flour Millers' Passage 1935 Brussels 7g.pub Old Brussels re-creation - 5 Fishmongers' Door Satyrs' Fountain 1935 Brussels 7h.pub Old Brussels re-creation - 6 Artisan's Court View the other way 1935 Brussels 7j.pub Old Brussels re- creation - 7 . Main Courtyard ° 15 Fr stamp corresponded with the letter rate to Holland Postcard rate abroad was 1 Fr Date of 13 December 1935 was after the Expo closed, but the canceller was that used at Expo A case of using old stock after the event! 1935 Brussels 7k.pub Old Brussels re- creation - 8 Fountain of the Three Virgins Slogan next to cancel reads "Tourists, visit Parthenay & the Batine" .r • I ~ ~· . { . ,.~~J-:f (H. •I ~ T \ L4 l'ontofnt du Trofs PuetllH U<lont l"eou pa• IH nln•) Postcard to Parthenay (Deux-Sevres) and forwarded to Vichy (Allier) Vieux Bruxelles - Oud Brussel / 1935 Expo eds of 5 Aug 1935 T added. 35c stamp on card cancelled at Parthenay/Oeux-Sevres (cancelling T) Rate ok for imprime as s 5 words text. 1935 Brussels 71.pub Paris pavilion Official picture postcard to Bruges Brussels Expo special mechanical canceller 14 Aug 35 Postage 1Oc internally for s 5 words of text f I .:\ 2. . ..(.".f.3........... ······'-··:.:>:~...:".:": .................... d- 1935 Brussels 8.pub :/~ ·:--f"'.., ....~~9 ,.. 1~ .fl .< ·1 ~~·UOL ~~~~ ~~~~/ Registered triple weight letter to Berlin Bruxelles-Brussel 12 relief eds of 13 May 1935 Postage 175 Fr (s 20 gm) Additional postage 2 Fr (40 <wt s 60 gm) Registration 175 Fr BALASSE 34, RUE DU LOMBARD. 34 BRUXELLES ---·\. 1935 Brussels 9.pub Val St Lambert glass works pavilion EXl'O~lllO" OE 8RUllELLE~ 1935. Pa'l'iUon dee Crlatallen.. d• Val S.Uat lamhen da midi \ Tra,. 52 de la 80..... ., & da aord E.t.6e AMricl Map on reverse showing some of the Expo &layout 1935 Brussels 9a.pub Brazil pavilion 6. EXPOSITION DE BRUXELLES 1935 L'ltalie Italy pavilion 1935 Brussels 10.pub Oanernark 19. EXPOSITION DE BRUXELLES 1935 Palais du Danemark et de J'Autr iche Hwass et Ostenfeldl Autriche Denmark (LHS) & Austria (RHS) pavilions Egypt's pavilion 1935 Brussels 1Oa.pub \ . . ... ~ t *• Exposition de Bruxelles 1935 Great Britain Pavilion PPC to Wisconsin, USA 'The Fair is very pretty. They have a train, like the little one in Chicago, that goes all around the grounds... ." .. --~.. ' ";. Holland pavilion Corner of the Rosary - in the sunken garden 1935 Brussels 1Ob.pub Catholic Life pavilion Brussels (Nord) SF eds of 5 May 35 to Hamburg 1935 Brussels 1Oc.pub T Hungarian pavilion Lighting for the Paris Pavilion 1935 Brussels 1Od.pub Switzerland pavilion . ~-~ ··""' Netherlands Pavilion 1935 Brussels 1Oe.pub Old Brussels - flour mill I I1 I 11 I I I -:::!'!......,:=p::::tr::::lc::r:Jr::::i:::lC: ! Textiles Pavilion 1935 Brussels 1Of.pub English pavilion - rear veranda English pavilion - rear across garden 1935 Brussels 10g.pub - .c en 'E ns ~ cQ) c 0 ·:;:: ns Q. .c .!!.! en c w -... .c .!? c ns cQ) ...ns "C en c 0 ·:;:: ns a.. .c .!!.! en c w 1935 Brussels 1()f.pub Cl) .tl 0 C> ns ·.:::: -... f l) f Cl) c .2 ·s::ns c. .= .!!? C> c w 1935 Brussels 1Oi.pub Lilliputian Village - staffed by children dressed as adults - ~ t ·' ;;> - ·=. ~ . . .. · :~ :~ ·· ·. ~~~ ··. : . · .. ·. .. . . . . . . - . .. ~-- ... ·~ . .' Village Lilllputlen - Pare dta /\ttractlona Exposition d~ ll1uxdles 193S Lilllputstad - /\ttractle Park \V~ldt~nloonst~lling van 8ruwl 1935. Postcard wtth Lilliputian Village eds (2) of 19 May to Brussels 1935 Brussels 10j.pub Mail Coach stamps. This set of three stamps was issued on 27 April 1935 to coincide with the opening of the International Fair. The design was from a lithograph print in the Postal Museum in Brussels. Heliogravure printed by J. Malvaux in sheets of 10 stamps (2 x 5), they were perforated 13Y2 x 14. They were demonetised on 1 July 1936. Quantities released for sale were: 10+10c olive-black 497,898; 25+25c brown 433,430 and 35+25c green 436,872 10 + 10 c olive-black 1935 Brussels 11.pub ...- 25 + 25 c brown - . -- ·····- ···--'"-' -· --· · ··· · · · ... :. ! till"===::::::::::;.==::;:;=!!l!!!!!!l!.111 .··· ···················· ········· . ························· • .: r.2:;;~~;;;;::\;'y;:;;;!!!!iiii§i~:r?l~ • ·············•····•··············•······················· 1935 Brussels 12.pub 35 + 25 c green : .. . : : . .:············•·· •·•··•····•···.····•···•·········••···•·•··. ~= :. .. . .. . liiiilil;;:;======~=!!!!5!!!2Jllil ~. : .. •.... ..........................•.. ..•........................ . . . .. . .tat=.::::::::::::;;..-=~~l!ll!!!!!lll•. ·•· ·······•· ······•············•··•·•·····•••···•·•· •·•·· 1935 Brussels 13.pub Brussels exhibit.ion cancel on Mail Coach st.amps 23 Jul 35 English pavilion Czechoslovakian pavilion 1935 Brussels 14.pub Brussels exhibition cancel on Mail Coach stamps 23 Jul 35 Heysel Centenary pavilion 1935 Brussels 15.pub Exhibition Souvenir cover dated 24 Jun 1935 SOUVENIR DE L'EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE DE BRUXELLES 1935 A. DE KEYSER MAISON GALERIE JAMES ENSOR, 40 OSTEN DE Mail Coach stamps issued April 1935 1935Brussels16.pub Letter from Brussels to Freetown, Sierra Leone Bruxelles I Brussel 1 B1 D eds of 12 August 1935 Freetown I Sierra Leone arrival eds of 24 Au 35 (verso) Postage While the Grand Hotel and Freetown have been deleted in red crayon, there are no instructions as to where the letter was sent. Maybe it was hand delivered to another address in Freetown. An unusual destination. 1935 Brussels 17.pub
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