Arabian Reining Breeders Classic Life Time Stallion Enrollment Form Registered Name of Stallion: (Include a copy of breed papers) Life Time Enrollment Fee: $750 Life Time Enrollment is only offered to stallions over the age of 20, sterile with frozen semen only, or deceased with frozen semen available. Stallion Name: Breed Registration #: Breed Type: Stallion Status: (circle one) AGED * DECEASED * STERILE Owners Name: ONLY FROZEN SEMEN AVAILABLE or COOLED AND FROZEN AVAILABLE Mailing Address: City: Stallion Station/Ranch Name: State: Agent Name: Zip code: City: State: Day Time Phone #: Day Time Phone #: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Website: Website: Who do you want listed as the contact for the stallion in advertising? Payment method: Credit Card (VISA, MC, AMEX) Name: If paying by credit card, there is an additional 5% convenience fee. Mailing Address: City: Credit Card #: State: Exp Date: Zip code: Name on Card: Cell Phone: Mailing Address: Work Phone: City: Fax: Zip code: Email: Day Time Phone #: Website: Email: CID#: Billing Zip: State: By enrolling my stallion in the ARBC Life Time Enrollment Program, I guarantee the stallion falls within the guidelines set up for the Life Time Enrollment qualifications. I also understand that by enrolling my stallion, his offspring will be eligible to enroll under the foal enrolment guidelines. SIGNED OWNER: _______________________________________ Date: ______________ (If the stallion has been sold, please make the new owner aware of the program so he or she can take the appropriate action to keep the stallion current.) I am nominating the stallion listed above in the ARBC and by doing so agree to the ARBC Terms and Conditions. Enclosed is payment in the amount of $________________ Check# ________________________ Authorized Signature: Date: Return to ARBC, Inc. 28150 N Alma School Pkwy, #103-297, Scottsdale, AZ 85262; (866) 590-7683 LIKE us on Facebook:
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