A p ril N e w sle tte r 2015

April Newsletter
Presidents Message
At our next meeting we are having a fun night. Please don ’ t forget. We are having
some small workshops. Bring something to work on. If you are having problems with a
project and have questions, BRING IT. Someone might be there with your answer.
There will be a lots to do and see!
I am calling it the president $1.00 corner. Everything in this corner will cost you $1.00
Wanda Shirey
each!!!!! It will cost you one $1.00 or you can ask to make a deal. This will start at
[email protected]
Vice President
Barbara Lewis
[email protected]
If you have an unfinished project and don ’ t want it. Bring it. Someone might like to
take it home and finish it. It could be sold at the club booth next year.
Kathy Waldow with AZGS is asking for help for next year ’ s festival. If you would like to
help and learn, please call her at 623-393-8459.
Lyn Brown
Just FYI the president and secretary position will be up for reelection. If you are inter-
[email protected]
ested please contact Barbara Lewis
Joyce Pasche
The bylaws are just about ready to be sent out for the membership to look over. Then
the membership will approve them at the next meeting.
[email protected]
Treasurer ’ s Report
Lyn Brown, Treasurer
Phyllis Sickles
[email protected]
Bank Balance – March
Wanda Shirey Table for Festival
AZ Dept. of Revenue
Bank Balance—4/7/2015
Ribbon winning gourd work at the County Fair
Received at March meeting 50/50
Paid quarterly drawing
Balance to be deposited
As stated on the bottom of the membership roster, the names are not to be used for commercial purposes. We are given
the roster for contacting members but not for the purpose of filling classes or workshops that require payment. I am always available for sending out notices or listing upcoming workshops in the newsletter as I have done in the past.
Old Pueblo Gourd Patch Meeting , March 30, 2015
Joyce Pasche, Secretary
President, Wanda Shirey, called the meeting to order at 6:15 and welcomed visitor, Linda Joyce.
Chairman of the demo committee, Barbara Lewis, asked everyone to bring gourds to work on at the April meeting. It
will be a time of sharing techniques, ideas, product knowledge as we work on our gourds. Barbara will show how to
clean a gourd for the benefit of our new members. Dee Pfeiffer will show how to use alcohol inks. Cruiser will be showing how to use leather dyes.
It was suggested that a couple weeks before the meeting that suggestions of what you would like to learn be sent to
Phyllis, the newsletter editor. Her contact information is on the front of our newsletter. A sheet was also circulated at
the meeting. Another suggestion was that an e-mail be sent to members before the meeting to remind them of this social and productive time.
It was suggested there be a sign up sheet for anyone wanting a sponsor for one-on-one help.
Lynn East-Itkin suggested there be a mock judging class prior to the next art competition so members are familiar with
the judging process.
Anyone wanting to offer a class please contact Phyllis so it can be included in the newsletter. Wanda offered to host the
class at her home in NW Tucson.
To volunteer to do a demo, please contact Barbara Lewis.
Bonnie Gibson suggested the monthly homework for April to be “birds. ” Bring your gourd with anything pertaining to
birds to the meeting. We should have a great show & tell.
Wanda announced that the net profit from patch booth at the Wuertz Festival was $800. She will review her spread
sheet to confirm.
Wanda asked for opinions of the booth or suggestions for improvement. Some suggestions were: 1 sales person and 1
cashier would be adequate staff rather than 2 sales people; position sales people behind the display tables; have Ushape display with the cashier in the center; display the raffle gourds on a separate table.
With some of the money in the checking account Laura Moreno suggested that the patch pay for a class for everyone.
The 2015 Wuertz Festival DVD is available now from Barbara Larkum. Cost is $5
Dale Lyall’s Recipe for *Chiltepin Flan
1 can evaporated milk
4 eggs
1 can Eagle brand Milk
1 Tbsp vanilla
1 cup cream
8-10 dried chilepins
Mix ingredients in a blender
Melt ¾ Cup sugar in heavy pan.
Pour melted sugar into an 8-9 inch cookie tin & rotate around to coat sides and bottom of cookie tin.
Pour blended ingredients into the cookie tin and secure the lid.
Place sealed cookie tin into simmering water on a canning rack or towel. Water level should be about halfway up the
side of the tin.
Cover the water bath and leave simmering for 1 ½ hours.
Remove from water & chill in refrigerator. Once cool invert the flan onto a serving platter.
*Chiltepines are small, round chilies that all modern chilies came from. A Mexican grocery might have them. If you
can ’ t find any, Safeway has chili pequins (which are also very small chilies) that Dale has used instead. You could
probably use a teaspoon of red chili powder if that ’ s easier. Enjoy!
Show and Tell
We had 14 participants in this month ’ s show & tell. Several members attended a class by Arturo Ramirez at the
home of Diana and Gordon Douglas in Bisbee and shared their gourds done in class. I apologize; there were so
many I took pictures before the meeting but then couldn ’ t keep track of who did which one. It was a great show &
tell seeing so many beautiful gourds.
Four members attended a doll class at the home of Barbara Larkum and enjoyed learning her technique of attaching
the feathers. We look forward to seeing more dolls in future show & tells. Barbara Lewis shared a mask and wall
hanging from classes she took at the Wuertz Festival. Learning new techniques and sharing the results is all part of
the fun of gourding.
Several members also attended a frog class by Denise Lown at the home of Wanda Shirey. Again, I couldn’ t keep
track of who did which frog. Everyone had a great time learning Denise ’ s technique and sharing their gourds.
Lollie Yancey was the winner of the quarterly drawing of Show & Tell participants.
The informative demo this month was by Bonnie Gibson on the many uses of Apoxie Sculpt.
Gourd projects from the Arturo Ramirez class
held last month.
Don ’ t forget your bird gourds for show and tell this month!
Show & Tell
Sharon Miller
Bonnie Gibson
Barbara Lewis
Lynn East Itkin
Frog gourds from the class taught by Denise Lown
Amy Gelley
Sharon Mederos
Show & Tell
Spirit dolls made in class with
Barb Larkum
Dee Pfeiffer
Joyce Pasche
Midge Hardy
Valerie Mahoney
Sue Ziegler
Barbara Lewis
Demonstration/Play Evening
Barb Lewis
This month we are going to put gourding back into the gourd patch! Please join us early...like 5:00 pm and come
and work. Bring your painting, your carving, cutting, etc. If it doesn't produce any mess, you will be inside. For those
of us causing a mess, we will be working outside. This is a good time to bring your current project to work on and
get ideas or help from the others. Bring extension cords, etc. I will bring a few...but please join us in a work party.
Dee Pfeiffer will be working with ink dyes and will be glad to show you how to use them and help you get started.
Barbara Lewis will show cleaning the inside of gourds.
At the last meeting we had 4members volunteer to be mentors.
Barb Lewis-very beginners-East side-296-8672
Sharon Mederos-Saddlebrook-818-9557
Denise Lown-Northwest-730-7239
Valerie Mahoney-Kolb and Golf Links-winter only-722-1368
If you need help call one of these people that live in your area. they are willing to help.
Phyllis Sickles
Stencil techniques can be used as a painting base or a design element. The supplies you need to do this technique are a
stencil, molding paste, tape and a palette knife. All of these items can be found at your local hobby store.
To create a textured pattern on your gourd, place your stencil on the surface of the gourd. This may require taping it
down to keep it from moving. Using a palette knife, drag molding paste over the stencil. You ’ ll want to keep it about
the thickness of the stencil. Carefully pull off the stencil while the molding paste is still wet.
I can see this technique used for borders, spirit dolls and textures on other areas of your gourd.
Happy stenciling!!!
The Library Corner
Barbara O ’ Brien
The Complete Book of Gourd Craft - by Ginger Summit & Jim Widess
WOW! This book has it all! It has beautiful full-color photos. It includes information about growing, drying, and
cleaning gourds. There are 22 fabulous projects using 55 decorative techniques such as wood burning, carving,
basketry, paint and stained finishes and metallic, just to name a few. There are 300 color photos to help inspire
your creativity to transform your humble gourd into a gorgeous work of art.
Special thanks to Bonnie Gibson for the wonderful program last month on Apoxy Sculpt. She showed
how to mix it, create "critters" and wrap it around wire to create arms, etc
Cheryl Pruett
A big thank you to Valerie Mahoney and Betty Ferrari for the fabulous refreshments at last month ’ s meeting. They
really outdid themselves. Next month Barbara Kile and Chris Wawrzyniak are signed up to bring something.
Gourd class with Arturo Ramirez.