Your Help is Needed: Open Call for NGOs to apply for Consultative Status with the United Nations От кого: CSONET <[email protected]> Кому: [email protected] 29 апреля, 19:46 PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS. USE THE LINK PROVIDED BELOW TO RESPOND TO THE MESSAGE. Dear Sir/Madame, The organization "NGO Branch" has sent you a message. You can view and respond to this message by logging to CSO Net Subject: Your Help is Needed: Open Call for NGOs to apply for Consultative Status with the United Nations Dear NGO Representative, The NGO Branch of the United Nations would like to take the opportunity to recognize and thank you for the contributions your organization is making to the work of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). As you might be aware, May is the last month for non-governmental organizations to apply for Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) consultative status in order to be considered by the 2016 NGO Committee. NGOs interested in applying for ECOSOC consultative status should submit their application and required documents on or before 1 June 2015. Being one of the most influential organizations in global civil society and your website regularly visited by many NGOs, we would like to kindly request your assistance to post an article on your website or blog with the explanation about the benefits of consultative status with ECOSOC and the instructions on how to apply to it for the 2016 cycle. Please see the following link to find background information useful for prospective NGOs that will be applying for consultative status. We greatly appreciate your support and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question. Sincerely, NGO Branch Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination DESA United Nations
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