Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations 2015 Resumed Session 26 May – 3 June and 12 June 2015 Information Note for Participants The 2015 resumed session of the Committee on NGOs will take place from 26 May to 3 June 2015 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Committee will meet again on 12 June 2015 to adopt its report of the session. The session is expected to consider 212 new applications for status by NGOs as well as 176 applications deferred from earlier sessions. The Committee will also review 177 quadrennial reports of NGOs in general or special consultative status, as well as 38 quadrennial reports deferred from earlier sessions. The session's recommendations will be sent to the Economic and Social Council for its approval during the coordination and management meetings of the Council to be held from 20 to 22 July 2015. Table of Contents Page Agenda for the 2015 resumed session 2 Tentative Schedule 3 New applications for consultative status 4 New requests for reclassification 8 Applications deferred from previous sessions 8 Reclassifications deferred from previous sessions 11 New quadrennial reports 12 Deferred quadrennial reports 16 Organizations requesting name change 17 List of conference room papers before the Committee 18 Background information on the Committee 18 Access to documentation of the Committee 19 For information purposes only. Not an official document. Information is subject to change. Dated 20 May 2015. 1 Provisional agenda of the 2015 session (E/C.2/2015/1) (as per ECOSOC decision 2014/226) Agenda Item Title 1. Election of officers 2. Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters. 3. Applications for consultative status and requests for reclassification received from non-governmental organizations: (a) Application for consultative status and requests for reclassification deferred from previous sessions of the Committee; (b) New applications for consultative status and new requests for reclassification; (c) Applications of non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council that have merged with non-governmental organizations without such consultative status. 4. Quadrennial reports submitted by non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council: (a) Deferred quadrennial reports submitted by non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Council; (b) Review of quadrennial reports submitted by non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Council. 5. Strengthening of the Non-Governmental Organizations Branch of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat. 6. Review of the methods of work of the Committee: implementation of Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31, including the process of accreditation of representatives of non-governmental organizations, and Council decision 1995/304: (a) Process of accreditation of representatives of non-governmental organizations; (b) Consideration of issues on the agenda of the informal working group; (c) Other related matters. 7. Consideration of special reports. 8. General voluntary trust fund in support of the United Nations Non-Governmental Organizations Informal Regional Network. 9. Provisional agenda and documentation for the 2016 session of the Committee. 10. Adoption of the report of the Committee. 2 Committee on NGOs – 2015 Resumed Session 26 May – 3 June and 12 June 2015 Tentative Schedule Date AM session Monday 25 May Tuesday 26 May Wednesday 27 May Thursday 28 May Friday 29 May Monday 1 June Tuesday 2 June Wednesday 3 June Friday 12 June 16th meeting 18th meeting 20th meeting 22nd meeting 24th meeting 26th meeting 28th meeting 29th meeting - Items 1+2 Election, agenda Item 3b New Applications Item 3b New Applications Item 3a Deferred Applications Item 4b New Quadrennial Reports Item 3b New Applications – Responses Received Item 3b Deferred Applications – Responses Received Item 10 Adoption of the Report of the Committee - Items 5 + 6 + 8 NGO Branch, Trust Fund United Nations Item 3b New requests for Reclassifications - Item 7 Special Reports (if any) Item 10 Adoption of the Report of the Committee – Introduction only Headquarters closed – PM session Item 3b New Applications Memorial Day 17th meeting 19th meeting 21st meeting 23rd meeting 25th meeting 27th meeting Item 3b New Applications Item 3b New Applications Item 3a Deferred Applications Item 3a Deferred Applications Item 4b New Quadrennial Reports Item 3a Deferred Applications – Responses Received Item 3a: Deferred Reclassifications Item 4a Deferred Quadrennial Reports Item 6c Name change, Deferred name change, requests for withdrawals Item 7 Special Reports (if any) 5pm Q&A with NGOs 5pm Q&A with NGOs 5pm Q&A with NGOs 5pm Q&A with NGOs 5pm Q&A with NGOs 3 5pm Q&A with NGOs New applications to be considered by the Committee Item 3 (b) of the agenda The names of organizations with new applications for consultative status are listed here as grouped in the official document. This will not be the order in which applications will be discussed. E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.18 1. Child Concern 2. Elizka Relief Foundation 3. Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development 4. Euthanasia Prevention Coalition 5. Forum Europeen pour les Roms et les Gens du Voyage (FERV) 6. Social Services Trust 7. The Arab Anti-Corruption Organisation 8. The New Zealand Drug Foundation 9. Trilok Youth Club and Charitable Trust, Vadodara 10. Wiener Drogen Komitee (Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs) 6. Non-for-profit organization "International Association of Technical Survey and Classification Institutions" 7. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik 8. The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature 9. The Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation 10. Women's Initiative for Self-Actualization E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.21 1. Association Concerning Sexual Violence against Women 2. Campanha Latino-Americana pelo Direito à Educação - CLADE Brasil 3. EMERGENCY - Life Support for Civilian War Victims 4. Fundación Riba 5. Gain International 6. Global Vision India Foundation 7. México Unido contra la Delincuencia, A.C. 8. Oromia Support Group in Australia Inc. 9. Plan International (UK) 10. Yayasan Dompet Dhuafa Republika E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.19 1. Agalliao Development Initiative 2. Centre for Budget and Policy Studies 3. Centre for Renewable Energy and Action on Climate Change 4. Dar Si-Hmad for Development, Education and Culture in Sidi Ifni 5. Education on Human Rights Public Association 6. Jeunesse Canada Monde - Canada World Youth 7. New Jersey Minority Educational Development NJ-MED 8. Organizzazione Mondiale Degli Agricoltori 9. Sindhi Adhikar Manch (Association) 10. The United Kingdom Grand Priory of the International Knightly Order Valiant of St. George E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.22 1. Asociación Colectivo de Víctimas del Terrorismo en el País Vasco "COVITE" 2. Asociación Pro-Bienestar de la Familia Colombiana "Profamilia" 3. Association for Human Rights and Solidarity with Oppressed People (MAZLUMDER) 4. Fundación Latinoamericana por los Derechos Humanos y el Desarrollo Social 5. Janaseva Foundation, Pune 6. Stiftelsen Stockholm International Water Institute 7. Sukyo Mahikari 8. Toplumsal Haklar ve Araştirmalar Derneği (TOHAD) 9. Youth and Women Empowerment Centre 10. Youth Service America E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.20 1. Arbeiter Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V. (ASB) 2. China Association of Non-Profit Organizations 3. Ecole de la Paix 4. Engineers Without Borders - International 5. Helsinki Citizens' Assembly Vanadzor Office 4 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.23 1. Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation 2. Concepts of Truth, Inc. 3. East and Central African Association for Indigenous Rights Inc. 4. Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) 5. Galkayo Medical Centre (GMC) 6. Global Mass Community (Welfare Organization) 7. Health Squared Limited 8. Shah Satnam Ji Green-S Welfare Force Wing 9. VOICE (Vietnamese Overseas Initiative for Conscience Empowerment) 10. Work In Progress E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.26 1. Antigonish Women's Resource Centre and Sexual Assault Services Association 2. Bilie Human Rights Initiative 3. Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation 4. Catholic Agency for Overseas Developmen 5. Diplomatic Mission Peace And Prosperity 6. Fundación Novia Salcedo 7. Islamic Help 8. Mountain Area Information Network 9. Tabernacle Worship and Prayer Ministry Inc 10. The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes Education Trust ("ACCORD Education Trust") E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.24 1. Egyptian Centre for Human Rights 2. ELIGE Red de Jóvenes por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos, A.C. 3. Engage Now Africa Inc 4. Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Loreto Generalate 5. Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Menschenrechte - Forschungsverein (BIM-FV) 6. Manhattan Multicultural Counseling 7. Palestine Sports for Life 8. Poverty Alleviation for the Poor Initiative 9. Rede Brasileira de Redução de Danos e Direitos Humanos - REDUC 10. Sri Sri J.S.M.D. Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.27 1. Association des Femmes Peuples Autochtones du Tchad (AFPAT) 2. Association pour les Victimes Du Monde 3. Centre de vulgarisation de l'outil informatique (C.V.O.I) 4. Coup de Pouce 5. Dynamique des Groupes des Peuples Autochtones (DGPA) 6. Fondation Mohammed VI pour la Protection de l'Environnement 7. Groupe d'action pour la survie, la santé et l'éducation de la mère et de l'enfant (GASSEME) 8. Le Collectif La Paix au Sri Lanka 9. ONG Carbone Guinée 10. Promotion pour le Développement (PROMODEV) E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.25 1. African Australian Network Limited 2. Conselho Indigenista Missionário CIMI 3. Fountain House, Inc. 4. Human In Love Corporation 5. International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation, Inc. 6. International Women & Family Foundation 7. Interregional Non-governmental Organization "Committee against Torture" 8. Social Welfare Corporation, "Miral Welfare Foundation" 9. Stichting HealthNet International Transcultural Psychosocial Organization 10. V‐Day Karama E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.28 1. Darüşşafaka Cemiyeti 2. EuroChild 3. Fondation pour l'éradication du travail des enfants dans la culture du tabac 4. Global Partnership for Afghanistan 5. Laya 6. Manav Pragati Sansthan, Rajgarh 7. Medrar 8. O.N.G. Casa de Acogida La Esperanza 9. Public Interest Advocacy Centre Ltd 10. Uçan Süpürge Kadın iletişim ve Araştırma Derneği 5 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.29 1. Article 36 Limited 2. Corporación ATS Acción Técnica Social 3. Eminence Associates for Social Development 4. FEMM Foundation 5. Integrated Youth Empowerment - Common Initiative Group (I.Y.E. – C.I.G.) 6. Little People of Kosovo 7. National Aboriginal Circle Against Family Violence 8. NVO "Preporod" 9. Samarthyam 10. The Death Penalty Project Limited 5. Global Bioethics Initiative, Inc. 6. Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction 7. Intersections International Initiative, Inc. 8. Specified Non-profit Corporation, Health and Global Policy Institute 9. The Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty 10. Universal Cultural Society Inc. E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.33 1. American Medical Overseas Relief 2. Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit e.V. 3. Global Partnership for Local Action 4. Kaurareg Aboriginal Land Trust 5. L'Arche internationale 6. Noahs Arc Foundation 7. Oil Change International 8. Privacy International 9. The Children's Investment Fund Foundation (UK) 10. World Without Genocide E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.30 1. Associazione Carcere Territorio 2. Australian Drug Foundation Inc. 3. Isa Viswa Prajnana Trust 4. Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation 5. Kršćanski centar za pomoć i rehabilitaciju ovisnika i obitelji ''Stijena'' 6. Maori Women's Welfare League Inc. 7. Roundtable Association of Catholic Diocesan Social Action Dir 8. United States Sustainable Development Corporation 9. Wash United gGmbh 10. Women for Water Partnership E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.34 1. Action solidaire pour le développement communautaire 2. Agence pour les droits de l'homme 3. Appui aux femmes démunies et enfants marginalisés au Kivu 4. Association des Ressortissants et Amis D'Eseka 5. Association PANAFRICA 6. Centre international de droit comparé de l'environnement 7. Fondation des jeunes pour un développement durable 8. Forum Réfugiés-Cosi 9. Initiative Féministe Européenne 10. Inter-Action Globale (I.A.G.) E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.31 1. Action on Smoking and Health 2. Fairfood International 3. Fielding Graduate University 4. Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II - Onlus per il dialogo, cooperazione e sviluppo (CC) 5. Help Me See, Inc. 6. Japan Federation of Democratic Medical Institutions (MIN-IREN) 7. Japan Overseas Cooperative Association 8. The Aspen Institute, Inc. 9. The Medtronic Foundation 10. Utah China Friendship Improvement Sharing Hands Development and Commerce E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.35 1. American Society for Nutrition, Inc. 2. Association Miraisme International 3. CGFNS International, Inc. 4. Inc. 5. Days for Girls International 6. Eurasia Foundation (The) 7. Gadejuristen 8. Institute for Multi-track Diplomacy E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.32 1. Centre for Equality Ltd. 2. Digital Opportunity Trust 3. Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc. 4. Fondazione Rosselli Americas 6 9. Stichting African Sky 10. UN Women for Peace Association Inc. Ifangwa 8. Mouvement de la Paix 9. Niger Talents 10. Parlement africain de la société civile E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.36 1. Alliance for Health Promotion (A4HP) 2. Child Soldiers International 3. Chinese American Parent-Student Council of New York City Inc. 4. Diplomatic Council e.V. 5. Foundation for Sustainable Development 6. Global Migration Policy Associates (GMPA) 7. International Veterinary Students Association (Ivsa) 8. Kirkon Ulkomaanavun Säätiö 9. Sahyog International Foundation 10. US-Africa Synergy Inc. E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.38 1. Actions pour l'environnement et le développement durable 2. AIDES 3. Association femmes solidaires au Togo 4. Association nationale de coopération pour le developpement du cameroun (ANACODECAM) 5. Ensemble contre la Peine de Mort 6. Luxembourg Income Study 7. Nouveaux droits de l'homme (NDH) 8. Organisation pour la prévention et l'intervention contre les risques et contingences 9. STUF United Fund Inc. 10. We Care for Humanity E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.37 1. ADJMOR 2. Association d'interet régional-AIR 3. Association Internationale de la Libre Pensée 4. Chant du Guépard dans le Désert 5. Fondation Institut de recherche pour le développement durable et les relations internationales 6. Institut de la démocratie et de la coopération 7. La fondation de la progeniture Denis Lomela E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.39 1. Canada's National Firearms Association 2. Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples' International 7 New requests for reclassification to be considered by the Committee Item 3 (b) of the agenda E/C.2/2015/R.3 /Add.1 1. 2. 3. 4. International Union of Railways (UIC) from roster to special Perfect Union from special to general World Animal Net, Inc. from roster to special World Organization for Early Childhood Education from roster to special Applications deferred from previous sessions Item 3 (a) of the agenda Organizations with deferred applications are listed below in alphabetical order. This will not be the order in which the applications will be discussed. E/C.2/2015/CRP.8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Access Now Active Help Organization Advocates for International Development Africa Unite Afrikaanse Forum vir Burgerregte Akhil Bharatiya Sanskrutik Sangh Al-Dameer Association for Supporting Prisoners and Human Rights Al-Marsad, The Arab Centre for Human Rights in the Golan Heights (R.A.) All-Ukrainian Association of Civil Organizations "Union of Armenians of Ukraine" Ambedkar Center for Justice and Peace Asia Center for Human Rights (ACHR) Assyrian Aid Society of America Inc. Assyrian National Congress Avocats Sans Frontières Azerbaijani American Cultural Association, Inc. Beautiful Eves of Africa Organisation Bureau international pour le respect des droits de l'homme au Sahara Occidental Business and Professional Women Voluntary Organization – Sudan Center for Constitutional Rights Inc. Center for Media & Peace Initiative Inc. Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes Centre catholique international de Genève (CCIG) Centre Zagros pour les Droits de l'Homme Child Foundation Child Rights Information Network – CRIN Christian Solidarity Worldwide Collectif des Familles de Disparu(e)s en Algerie Committee to Protect Journalists, Inc. Congrès National des Arméniens Occidentaux (CNAO) 8 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.35 E/C.2/2014/R.2 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.24 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.31 E/C.2/2012/R.2/Add.11 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.2 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.34 E/C.2/2012/R.2/Add.14 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.12 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.40 E/C.2/2009/R.2/Add.10 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.31 E/C.2/2010/R.2/Add.11 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.31 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.3 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.13 E/C.2/2010/R.2/Add.25 E/C.2/2011/R.2/Add.3 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.19 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.4 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.13 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.24 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.30 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.3 E/C.2/2012/R.2/Add.9 E/C.2/2010/R.2/Add.26 E/C.2/2010/R.2/Add.1 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.43 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.24 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience Corporation Global Together Dalit Foundation – Ahmedabad Dansk Flygtningehjælp Democracywatch Development Generation Africa International (DGAI) Disease Management Association of India Droits de l'Homme sans Frontières - Human Rights Without Frontiers Earth Charter Associates Ltd. ECCO2 Corp Ecumenical Alliance for Human Rights and Development (EAHRD) Egyptian Judges' Club ELA-Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género Engineers Without Borders - USA, Inc. Environmental Degradation Organization of Nigeria Ethnic Community Development Organization (ECDO) Eurasia Reiyukai European Muslims League Federal Lezghin National and Cultural Autonomy Feed The Children Inc Freedom Now Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute Geneva Institute for Human Rights (GIHR) Global Academy Institute of Technology Foundation Inc. Global Community Health Foundation Global Institute for Water, Environment and Health Healthy Start Initiative Heavenly Shower of Peace Church of God Hokok Coalición Internacional Contra la Impunidad Human Aid UK Human Rights Sanrakshan Sansthaa IDEAS Centre India Media Centre India Water Foundation Insan Dost Association Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya Institute for Human Rights & Business Limited Instituto Igarapé International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care, Inc. International Association of GenocideScholars, Inc., The International Association of Independent Journalists Inc. International Center for Work and Family International Dalit Solidarity Network International Green Economy Association International Human Rights Commission Relief Fund Trust International Police Commission Philippine Command Association Inc International-Lawyers.Org Iran Human Rights Documentation Center Islamic African Relief Agency (IARA) James Madison University Kaushalya Gramodyog Sansthan Korea Human Rights Foundation Kottayam Social Service Society Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Legal Resources Centre 9 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.30 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.8 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.23 E/C.2/2015/R.2 E/C.2/2015/R.2 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.12 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.7 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.22 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.43 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.7 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.5 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.6 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.36 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.14 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.8 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.17 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.1 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.6 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.13 E/C.2/2015/R.2 E/C.2/2010/R.2/Add.24 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.6 E/C.2/2012/R.2/Add.24 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.9 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.4 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.6 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.1 E/C.2/2015/R.2 E/C.2/2012/R.2/Add.7 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.12 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.10 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.4 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.9 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.7 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.2 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.28 E/C.2/2012/R.2/Add.27 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.15 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.1 E/C.2/2011/R.2/Add.26 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.15 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.1 E/C.2/2008/R.2/Add.15 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.7 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.2 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.2 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.1 E/C.2/2011/R.2/Add.3 E/C.2/2012/R.2/Add.7 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.45 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.3 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.14 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.11 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.10 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.28 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. Let's Breakthrough, Inc. Liberia Youth Initiative for Peace and Sustainable Development (LYIPSUD), Inc. Light House Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights Association Managing Committee of Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences Martina Centre for Sustainable Dev Medsin-UK Mittetulundusühing Fenno-Ugria Asutus Mother Helpage (UK) Muslim Aid Muslim Hands Muzaffarabad Poverty Alleviation Programme (MPAP) National Center for Civil and Human Rights, Inc. National Development Youth Club, Jaran Wali Gali Poonch National Secular Society National Women's Welfare Society Darwha, Distt. Yavatmal New Era Educational and Charitable Support Initiative New World Hope Organization (NWHO) NGOs Computer Literacy Shelter Welfare, Rawalpindi Cantt. Nigerian Diaspora Youths Movement for Peace and Development International Organization Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays, Inc. (P-FOX) Participatory Development Action Program Peace and Hope International Peace and Life Enhancement Initiative International Peace Islands Institute Inc Population Matters Profesionales por la Ética Publication and Coordination Centre of Islamic Ideology and Sufi-ism Pukar Foundation Queensland Association of Independent Legal Services Inc. Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan Raleigh-Ghana RESDAL Red de Seguridad y Defensa de América Latina Asociación Civil Rights and Resources Institute, Inc. Rural Development Institute S.R. Institute of Development Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled Sambhali Trust Segretariato Permanente dei Premi Nobel per la Pace Servicios Ecuménicos para Reconciliación y Reconstrucción Shack Dwellers International (South Africa) Shah Maqeem Trust Sheikh Eid Bin Mohammad Al Thani Charitable Association Shivi Development Society Sikh Human Rights Group Stichting Arseh Sevom Stichting Basug (Bangladesh Support Group) Stichting Global Human Rights Defence Stichting International Civil Society Support Stichting Samenwerkingsverband IKV - Pax Christi Stichting Soham Baba Mission Stichting War Child Sukalyan Welfare Society 10 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.43 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.7 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.7 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.17 E/C.2/2015/R.2 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.3 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.36 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.33 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.1 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.1 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.42 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.3 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.10 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.29 E/C.2/2011/R.2/Add.20 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.1 E/C.2/2011/R.2 E/C.2/2009/R.2/Add.11 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.1 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.11 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.23 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.4 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.42 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.6 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.14 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.20 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.13 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.9 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.6 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.8 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.12 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.15 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.27 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.14 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.29 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.8 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.14 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.11 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.1 E/C.2/2015/R.2 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.10 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.7 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.32 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.13 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.33 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.12 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.2 E/C.2/2012/R.2/Add.25 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.13 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.35 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.35 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.16 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.15 138. 139 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. Support to Deprived Peoples (S.D.P) Survivor's Network of those Abused by Priests Sustainable Environment Development Initiative Swadhikar Takal Welfare Organization The Akshaya Patra Foundation The Ark Jammers Connection Inc The Association for Trauma Outreach and Prevention Inc The Bahrain Young Ladies Association The F W de Klerk Foundation Trust The Jewish Renaissance Foundation The Kuki Organization For Human Rights Trust The Lawfare Project, Inc. The Leadership Foundation The National Alliance of Women The Palestinian Return Centre Ltd The Simons Foundation The World Academy of Art and Science Trakya Kalkinma Dernegi Treatment & Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture Tripura Foundation, Inc. United Sikhs USC Canada Vier Pfoten International - gemeinnützige Privatstiftung Virtual Activism Incorporated Warbe Development Foundation WEConnect International Inc West Africa Centre for Peace Foundation Women for Women, A Research & Study Group Women Living under Muslim Laws - International Solidarity Network (WLUML) Women's Freedom Forum, Inc. World Alliance of Peoples' Organisations World Taoist Association Limited WorldTeach, Inc. Young Women's Christian Association of the United States of America Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (YCSRR) Youth Foundation of Bangladesh Youth of European Nationalities Zaka Rescue and Recovery E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.3 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.19 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.15 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.33 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.1 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.34 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.7 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.23 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.4 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.16 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.16 E/C.2/2012/R.2/Add.4 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.27 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.15 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.14 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.10 E/C.2/2012/R.2/Add.28 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.9 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.17 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.14 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.34 E/C.2/2012/R.2/Add.24 E/C.2/2015/R.2 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.12 E/C.2/2012/R.2/Add.10 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.27 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.7 E/C.2/2011/R.2/Add.10 E/C.2/2015/R.2 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.10 E/C.2/2014/R.2/Add.36 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.6 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.5 E/C.2/2015/R.2/Add.3 E/C.2/2014/R.2 E/C.2/2011/R.2/Add.27 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.11 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.30 E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.46 Requests for reclassification deferred from previous sessions of the Committee Item 6 (c) of the agenda E/C.2/2015/CRP.9 1. 2. 3. World Council for Curriculum and Instruction [E/C.2/2012/R.3] from roster to special consultative status United States Federation for Middle East Peace, Inc. [E/C.2/2015/R.3] from special to general Widows for Peace through Democracy [E/C.2/2015/R.3] from roster to special 11 New quadrennial reports to be considered by the Committee (including overdue reports for reinstatement of status) Item 4 (b) of the agenda The reports are grouped by the official document in which they are submitted for consideration by the Committee. All reports are for the 2010-2013 period unless otherwise indicated. E/C.2/2015/2/Add.13 1. Academy of Labour and Social Relations 2. Association of European Parliamentarians for Africa 3. Association of Presbyterian Women of Aoteaora, New Zealand 4. Bridges International 5. Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action 6. Catholic Organization for Relief and Development Aid 7. Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy 8. European Union of Jewish Students 9. Federation of Women Lawyers in Kenya 10. Grail, The 11. Gram Bharati Samiti 12. Green Asia Network 13. Humanity First 14. Integrated Development in Focus 15. International Association of Ports and Harbors E/C.2/2015/2/Add.14 1. International Congo Aid - Smile African Children 2. International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) 3. International Council of Voluntary Agencies 4. International Women's Democracy Center 5. Italian Association for Women in Development 6. JMJ Children's Fund of Canada 7. Kids First Fund 8. LGBT Denmark - The National Organization for Gay Men, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgendered People 9. Maarij Foundation for Peace and Development 10. Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights 11. Mercy Corps 12. Peace Boat 13. Rozan 14. Stichting Forest Peoples Programme 15. Tiye International E/C.2/2015/2/Add.15 1. Architectes de l'Urgence 2. Association des Jeunes pour le Développement Humain et la Protection de l'Environnement (AJDHPE) 3. Association Internationale de Lutte Contre la Pauvreté et pour le Développement (AIPED) 4. Centre de Recherches et de Promotion pour la Sauvegarde des Sites et Monuments Historiques 12 5. 6. 7. en Afrique Exchange and Cooperation Centre for Latin America - Centre d'Echanges et Coopération pour l'Amérique Latine Federation Europeenne des Femmes Actives au Foyer Tchad agir pour l'Environment E/C.2/2015/2/Add.16 1. Caribbean and Latin America Trade Association 2. Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO) 3. Dayemi Complex Bangladesh 4. Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International 5. Native American Rights Fund 6. Turkiye Kadin Girisimciler Dernegi 7. Universitas 21 8. Verein zur Forderung der Volkerverstandigung 9. Women's Intercultural Network 10. World Federalist Movement 11. World for World Organization 12. World Information Transfer 13. World Leisure Organization, Inc 14. World Organisation Against Torture 15. Youth Empowerment Alliance, Inc. E/C.2/2015/2/Add.17 1. African Services Committee, Inc. 2. African Youth Movement 3. Agencia Latinoamericana de Informacion (ALAI) 4. Antioch Christian Centre 5. Association "For Sustainable Human Development" 6. Baha'i International Community 7. Baptist World Alliance 8. Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women 9. Centre for Development Strategy 10. Centrist Democratic International 11. Church World Service 12. CIBJO - The World Jewellery Confederation 13. Local Governments for Sustainability 14. Saferworld 15. Vital Voices Global Partnership E/C.2/2015/2/Add.18 1. Dominicans for Justice and Peace - Order of Preachers 2. East-West Management Institute 3. Health on the Net Foundation (HON) 4. Inter-American Parliamentary Group on Population and Development 5. Inter-European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development 13 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. International Association for Humanitarian Medicine Brock Chisholm International Association of Y's Men's Clubs International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) International Chamber of Commerce International Federation of Women Lawyers International Institute for Non-aligned Studies Internet Society Japanese Association of International Women's Rights (JAIWR) Leadership Watch E/C.2/2015/2/Add.19 1. Association Congolaise d'Education et de Prevention Contre des Maladies et la Drogue 2. Chinese Immigrants Services, Inc. 3. Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe 4. International Committee For Peace And Reconciliation 5. International Federation of Inspection Agencies 6. International Fund for Animal Welfare 7. Marmara Group Strategic and Social Research Foundation 8. National Organization of Women's Association in the Bahamas 9. New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties 10. Organisation Marocaine des Droits Humains 11. Russian Academy of Natural Sciences 12. Tides Center 13. Universal Esperanto Association 14. World ORT Union 15. World Peace and Economic Development Organization E/C.2/2015/2/Add.20 (2009 – 2012) 1. African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies 2. Consumers International 3. Indian Movement "Tupaj Amaru" 4. International Air Transport Association 5. International Commission of Jurists 6. League of Kenya Women Voters, The 7. Lebanese Association for Popular Action (AMEL) 8. Rural Reconstruction Nepal 9. Union of Luso-African-America-Asiatic Capital Cities - Uniao das cidades capitais Luso Afro Americo Asiaticas 10. Yemeni Women Union E/C.2/2015/CRP.13 1. 8th Day Center for Justice 2. AFS Inter-Cultural Programs, Inc. 3. Airports Council International 4. All-Russian Society of Disabled People 5. American Cancer Society 14 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. American Society of Safety Engineers Association for Assistance to Families with Disabled Children Association Marocaine pour la Promotion de la Femme Rurale Ayuda y Solidaridad con las Ninas de la Calle Becket Fund for Religious Liberty Blagovest Centre of People's Help International Public Charitable Organization Business Council for Sustainable Energy Catholics for Choice Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione Febbraio 74 China Disabled Person's Federation Christian Aid Comité International pour le Respect et l'Application de la Charte Africaine des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples (CIRAC) Consortium d'appui aux actions pour la promotion et le développement de l'Afrique (CAPDA) Couple to Couple League International, The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Deniz Feneri Yardimlasma ve Dayanisma Dernegi DiploFoundation Eco-Accord - Center for Environment and Sustainable Development EUROSOLAR Turkey Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia Fundacion Teleton Mexico AC Global Housing Foundation (GHF) Grassroots Organisations Operating Together in Sisterhood Henry Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue Hope for Africa Human Resource Development Foundation, The Incorvuz-XXI Indigenous People of Africa Coordinating Committee Indonesian Child Welfare Foundation, The Institut de politique familiale Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, The (IEER) Institute of Global Education Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia International Association for Integration, Dignity, and Economic Advancement, IDEA International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation International Coastal and Ocean Organization International Commission on Workforce Development International League for Human Rights International PEN International Planned Parenthood Federation, Africa Region International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance International Research Foundation for Development International Sustainable Energy Organisation for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ISEO) International Union of Psychological Science LatCrit Le Forum pour l'Integration des Migrants Mental Disability Rights International Miramed Institute National Association for Resource Improvement National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers National Congress of American Indians People's Decade of Human Rights Education Rainforest Foundation International Reach Out & Care Wheels 15 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Social Ecology Foundation Society of International Humanitarian Surgeons Urban Justice Center World Federation of Trade Unions World Organization of the Scout Movement World Student Christian Federation E/C.2/2015/CRP.14 (2009 – 2012) 1. Comité français des organisations non gouvernementales pour la liaison et l'information des Nations Unies 2. International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations 3. International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations 4. International Justice Mission 5. Marie Stopes International 6. World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations Quadrennial reports deferred from previous sessions of the Committee Item 4 (a) of the agenda Organizations with a deferred report are listed in alphabetical order below. This will not be the order in which their reports will be considered. E/C.2/2015/CRP.10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Amnesty International [E/C.2/2013/2/Add.2] 2008 – 2011 Armenian Assembly of America [E/C.2/2012/2/Add.23] 2007 - 2010 Asociatia Pro Democratia [E/C.2/2012/2/Add.7] 2007 - 2010 Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir [E/C.2/2014/2/Add.2] 2009 - 2012 Centrist Democratic International 1998 - 2001 Centrist Democratic International [E/C.2/2007/2/Add.25] 2002 – 2005 Centrist Democratic International [E/C.2/2011/Add.28] 2006 - 2009 Earth Rights International [E/C.2/2013/2/Add.22] 2008 - 2011 France libertés : Fondation Danielle Mitterrand [E/C.2/2012/2/Add.24] 2007 – 2010 Freedom House [E/C.2/2012/2/Add.10] 2007 – 2010 Global Environmental Action (GEA) [E/C.2/2014/2/Add.8] 2009 – 2012 Human Rights First [E/C.2/2012/Add.10] 2007 - 2010 Human Rights Watch [E/C.2/2014/2/Add.9] 2009 - 2012 International Development Enterprises (India) [E/C.2/2014/2/Add.11] 2009 - 2012 International Federation of Journalists [E/C.2/2010/2/Add.40] 2005 – 2008 International Federation of Journalists [E/C.2/2014/2/Add.11] 2009 - 2012 International PEN [E/C.2/2011/Add.4] 2006 - 2009 International Press Institute [E/C.2/2006/2/Add.9] 2001 - 2004 International Press Institute [E/C.2/2010/2/Add.51] 2005 - 2008 International Press Institute [E/C.2/2015/2/Add.12] 2009-2012 International Shinto Foundation (ISF) [E/C.2/2014/2/Add.12] 2009 – 2012 International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication [E/C.2/2015/2/Add.6] 2010-2013 International Union of Socialist Youth [E/C.2/2010/2/Add.51] 2005 – 2008 Kimse Yok Mu [E/C.2/2015/2/Add.7] 2010-2013 National Council of Women of Thailand [E/C.2/2005/2/Add.19] 2000 - 2003 16 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Reporters Sans Frontiers International - Reporters Without Borders International [E/C.2/2010/2/Add.39] 2005 – 2008 Reporters Sans Frontiers International - Reporters Without Borders International [E/C.2/2014/2/Add.7] 2009 – 2012 Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights [E/C.2/2014/2/Add.15] 2009 – 2012 Simply Help, Inc. [E/C.2/2014/2/Add.16] 2009 - 2012 Society for Threatened Peoples [E/C.2/2009/CRP.3] 2001 - 2004 Society for Threatened Peoples [E/C.2/2010/2/Add.12] 2005 – 2008 Society for Threatened Peoples [E/C.2/2015/CRP.2] 2009 - 2012 Suzanne Mubarak Women´s International Peace Movement [E/C.2/2012/2/Add.15] 2007 - 2010 Syriac Universal Alliance, The. Federation Syriaque International [E/C.2/2012/2/Add.2] 2007 - 2010 Ukrainian World Congress [E/C.2/208/2/Add.11] 2003 - 2006 Ukrainian World Congress [E/C.2/2012/2/Add.30] 2007 - 2010 Unitarian Universalist Service Committee [E/C.2/2015/CRP.2] 2009 - 2012 Women for Women's Human Rights - New Ways [E/C.2/2015/CRP.2] 2009 – 2012 Requests for change of name Item 6 (c) of the agenda E/C.2/2015/CRP.12 1. 2. International Committee for the Indians of the Americas to International Committee for the Indigenous Peoples of Americas (Incomindios) World Society for the Protection of Animals to World Animal Protection Requests for change of name deferred from previous sessions of the Committee Item 6 (c) of the agenda E/C.2/2015/CRP.11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Doha International Institute for Family Studies and Development (DIIFSD) (Special 2009) to Doha International Family Institute (DIFI) The InnerCity Mission of Christ Embassy (Special 2014) to InnerCity Mission for Children International Catholics Organisation of the Media (Special 1951) to International Christian Organisation of the Media (ICOM) Suzanne Mubarak Women’s International Peace Movement (Special 2007) to End Human Trafficking Now Syriac Universal Alliance, The. Federation Syriaque Internatonal (SUA) (Special 1999) to World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (WCA) 17 List of conference room papers before the Committee Available to Committee members only E/C.2/2015/CRP.8 Applications deferred from previous sessions of the Committee E/C.2/2015/CRP.9 Requests for reclassification deferred from previous sessions of the Committee E/C.2/2015/CRP.10 Quadrennial reports deferred from previous sessions of the Committee E/C.2/2015/CRP.11 Organizations requesting change of name deferred from previous sessions of the Committee E/C.2/2015/CRP.12 Organizations requesting change of name E/C.2/2015/CRP.13 Quadrennial reports for the period 2010-2013 submitted too late for formal processing but before 1 May 2015, to be taken note of E/C.2/2015/CRP.14 List of organizations to be reinstated, pursuant to Council resolution 2008/4 E/C.2/2015/CRP.15 List of organizations to be suspended, pursuant to Council resolution 2008/4 E/C.2/2015/CRP.16 List of organizations whose status is to be withdrawn, pursuant to Council resolution 2008/4 E/C.2/2015/CRP.17 List of organizations requesting to be heard at the High-level segment of the 2015 session of the Economic and Social Council All CRP documents will be posted in the Paperless Committee system in the section entitled “Circulated Documents”. Background information on the Committee on NGOs The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations is a standing committee of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). It reports directly to ECOSOC, and the two reports of its annual regular session (usually at the end of January) and resumed session (in May) include draft resolutions or decisions on matters calling for action by the Council. The Committee has 19 members who are elected on the basis of equitable geographical representation: 5 members from African States; 4 members from Asian States; 2 members from Eastern European States; 4 members from Latin American and Caribbean States; and 4 members from Western European and other States. 18 The term of office of its members is four years. The membership for the Committee for the four-year term beginning on 1 January 2015 and expiring on 31 December 2018, includes, in alphabetical order: Azerbaijan, Burundi, China, Cuba, Greece, Guinea, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Russian Federation, South Africa, Sudan, Turkey, United States of America, Uruguay and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). The current terms of reference of the Committee are set out in Resolution 1996/31 of 25 July 1996. In its proceedings the Committee is guided by the Rules of Procedure of the Council. The main tasks of the Committee are: • • • • Consideration of applications for consultative status and requests for reclassification submitted by NGOs; Consideration of quadrennial reports submitted by NGOs in General and Special categories; Implementation of the provisions of Council resolution 1996/31 and the monitoring of the consultative relationship; Any other issues which ECOSOC may request the Committee to consider. Online Access to Documentation of the Committee Online access to the documentation of the Committee (the “Paperless Committee” system) is restricted to members of the Committee. Since the information posted online through the Paperless system contains detailed administrative and financial information about the applicant organizations, official documents that pertain to applications from NGOs and reclassification of status for NGOs in consultative status are therefore considered restricted documents. Summaries of quadrennial reports by NGOs, as reflected by the document numbers indicated in the text are freely available without access restrictions, from the Official Document System of the United Nations: Documents can be retrieved by typing in the document number. Reports of previous sessions of the Committee, as well as press coverage of the Committee issued on the days when it is in session, are available at: Information is subject to change. This is not an official document, but for information only. This document is re-issued on: 20 May 2015. NGO Branch - Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations 19
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