The Messenger of Arndt’s Church - May, 2015 Arndt's Lutheran Church 1851 Arndt Road, Easton, PA 18040 610-253-3732 Email: [email protected] Website: Regular Worship Services (9/6/14 thru 5/17/15): Saturday 6:00 p.m. / Sunday 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Summer Worship Services (5/24/15 thru 9/6/15): Saturday 6:00 p.m. / Sunday 9:30 a.m. Activities for May Volleyball Tournament - Saturday, May 9th Members from churches in the Bethlehem/Easton Mission District will gather on Saturday, May 9th, from 9:00 a.m. 12:00 noon at Arndt's to participate in a Volleyball Tournament. Adults and youth are welcome to play. No need to have a team--just show up that morning at 9:00 and we will form teams to play. Light breakfast refreshments will be available. Ladies Tea - Saturday, May 9th Our annual Ladies' Tea will be held on Saturday, May 9th, from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. The tea is an enjoyable afternoon of fun and fellowship. This year's program, "Plants of the Bible", will be presented by Lori Metz from the Penn State Extension program and will show and explore plants and botanical symbolism in the Bible and other religions. Why do we have white lilies at Easter and evergreen trees at Christmas? This presentation includes important plants and agricultural crops in Biblical times from figs and apples in the Garden of Eden to frankincense, myrrh, lumber and oils still in use today. The cost is $7. All women (members and friends) are invited to attend. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex. Quoit Tournament - Saturday, May 16th The Fourth Annual "Quoits for Andy" quoit tournament will be held on Saturday, May 16, 2015, at the Arndt's Pavilion beginning at 12:00 noon. There will be food, a basket raffle and great competition. Cost is $15 per person or $30 per team. Registration is from 11:00 - 11:30 a.m. The tournament benefits the Andrew D. Siegfried Memorial Scholarship Fund, which awards a scholarship of $2500 to a graduating senior from Easton Area High School who is going into business. Log on to for more information or speak to Ruth Ann or Rich Siegfried. Summer Worship Hours Begin We will switch to our summer worship hours on Sunday, May 24, 2015, with one service at 9:30 on Sunday mornings. The Saturday communion service remains the same time at 6:00 p.m. Memorial Day Remembrance Service On Sunday, May 24th, following the 9:30 a.m. worship service, we will gather outside at the flagpole for a short service honoring the men and women who have served our nation and who continue to serve today. Our morning services will be followed by a potluck lunch in the pavilion. Looking Ahead Yankee Peddler Day - Saturday, June 6th, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This outdoor sale on the church grounds is rain or shine and will feature individual vendors selling crafts, antiques, housewares, clothing, etc. Open Arms will be serving a pancake breakfast and a light lunch. A registration form is included in this newsletter. Contact Rich Seigfried for more information, 610-252-0586. 1 The Pastor's Page Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and, lifting up his hands, be blessed them. While he was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. Luke 24:50-52 Most of us have heard of "The Left Behind" series of books and movies. Left behind? The truth is that we have all been left behind by Jesus. The story of the ascension is both a lesson in knowing God and an encouragement for mission. Since Jesus ascended into heaven, we live in the power of the Holy Spirit that God gives those who have been "left behind" to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the world. In the devotional guide, "Living in God's Amazing Grace", the author talks about a humorous sixteenth century wood carving showing the ascension of Jesus. The awe-struck disciples are at the bottom of the carving and two dangling feet--their last view of Jesus--hangs down from the top. Telling the story of Jesus can be playful as well as serious. The account of the ascension reminds us that we have been left behind in a very human world to do Jesus' work, and we need a good sense of humor as well as deep faith to get the job done. When Jesus ascended into heaven the church became the body of Christ for the world. We need many different kinds of people in the church with many different gifts to continue the ministry of Jesus, and the job of all of us is to identify and use the gifts that God has placed in our congregation. Sometimes those gifts shine brightly and at other times not so much. But the key is that each congregation is filled with gifted people who can help to fill the gap that Jesus left. The ministry of our congregation at Arndt's is shaped by the gifts of the people as well as the needs of the community. We become the church most fully when we discover and use all the gifts that God has sent to each of us......because each of us is a part of the story. We have all been left behind as messengers of God's grace to share with the world. Blessings, Pastor Jean 2 Arndt's Administrative Items Interesting Items from Council From the April Council Meeting: + Work was completed on the two metal doors that were rusting. Thank you to Debbie Sigafoos for donating the materials and to the workmen from General Supply who donated their time to install them. + Property Committee is looking for volunteers to paint the new doors. See Bruce Sandt. + The leadership workshop for council members and staff will be held at the next council meeting on May 13th beginning at 6:00 p.m. + There was discussion regarding Eagle Scout projects for two scouts from our congregation. *************************************************************************************** March, 2015 Total Operating Income Total Operating Expenses $13,155.15 Unavailable **************************************************************************************** Second Sunday, Second Offering The next Second Sunday, Second Offering collection will be received on Sunday, May 10, 2015, and will benefit Third Street Alliance in Easton. Altar Flowers/Altar Food Box/Worship Bulletins Sponsorships You may sponsor our weekly, traditional altar flower vases or an altar food box for $35. You may purchase your own $35 worth of food for the food box and bring it in to place on the altar or you may write a check to the church and our volunteers will purchase the food for you. Worship bulletins may be sponsored for $15. All sponsorships include your personal dedication message. Place completed forms in the offering plate or mail them to the church office--forms are on the bulletin board in the coatroom area. Save the Date The Arndt's Lutheran Church Annual Golf Outing will take place on Friday, August 21, 2015, at Wedgewood Golf Course, Coopersburg, PA. For more information contact Jim Bialker at [email protected] or 610-360-4686. Arndt's Fall Rummage Sale will be held on Saturday, September 19th. Try this technique to simplify your life: If you have not used or worn an item for a year, donate it to the rummage sale. Set your items aside for the September 19th sale. Jewelry draws a lot of interest. What other treasures is it time for you to share with someone else? 3 May Prayer Calendar You are asked to pray for the member listed on each day of the month. All of the members of our church family will be lifted in prayer many times throughout the year. Members are listed alphabetically. If someone is missed, please contact the secretary in the church office. May 01 May 02 May 03 May 04 May 05 May 06May 07 May 08 May 09 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21May 22 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31 - Ed and Natalie Nicholas, Joseph and Valerie Carole Noe Yvonne and Mike Osmun Darlene and Carl Pagano, CJ and Cecilia Karen Palmer Bob and Donna Pellen Bob Pellen, Sr. Cindy and Tom Pursel, Katie and Shannon Mackie, Punia and Sahima Rasul Joyce Resh Chris and Colleen Rex, Zach and Addison Melodie and Bill Ritter, Jenna and Josh Larry and Pat Rondinelli Dave and Joseph Rose Lori Rowe Dale, Jean and Robert Ruschman Becky Ruschman Kevin and Tammy Russell, Samantha, Sarah and Stephanie Jeffrey and Sandy Ruth, Kylie and Liam Richard, Brita and Jennifer Sam Bruce and Debbie Sandt Adam and Suzanne Sawchak, Benjamin Olivia and Quintin Vicky Schafer Michael and Patti Schallock Myk and Susie Schallock Robert Schallock Stacy and Eric Schumacher, Tre, Aniya and Theia Jim and Shirley Seifert Adam, Ashley and Evan Selmasska Carl and Ellen Selmasska, Jill, Julie, Dan and Matt Carl and Esther Shafer 4 Arndt's Church Activities Book Club Book Club will meet on Monday, May 18, 2015, at 7:00 p.m., at the church. We will be discussing "Orphan Train" by Christina Baker Kline. All are welcome. Children's Sunday School The last week of Sunday School classes will be Sunday, May 17th. Adult Sunday School Adult Sunday School meets Sundays at 9:00 a.m. All are welcome. Confirmation Class Confirmation class will meet on Saturday, May 16th, 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Open Arms Senior Connection Open Arms meets at the church on Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Pick up an Open Arms newsletter in the narthex or ask to be put on our newsletter mailing list and have one delivered to your home. Arndt's Bible Study Bible Study will meet every Tuesday night in May at 7:00 p.m. at the church. Arndt's Preschool - May News This has been a fun year and it is coming to an end for the senior class. We will be graduating 12 students this year. They will be moving on to Kindergarten in the fall. We will miss them. For the month of May we will be making a mother's day present. We will look at which animal lives on a farm and which animal lives in the wild. We will talk about spring and all the changes it brings us. An end of the school year celebration--having a play day outside--is planned if the weather permits. Arndt’s Preschool teachers, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Dougherty and Mrs. Artz Arndt's VBS-2015 - "The Way to the Manger" “The Way to the Manger” Arndt’s Lutheran Church’s Vacation Bible School – 2015 June 22-26 9:00 AM – Noon Ages 3 years by 1/1/15, and up Registration fee of $12.00 per child, $30 maximum per family Arndt’s is planning an exciting and educational Vacation Bible School, and you’re invited! This year’s theme is, “The Way to the Manger”, and will feature stories, music and crafts relating to the Biblical stories of the very first Christmas. We hope children will learn to appreciate the true meaning of Christmas. Please join us for a fun week of Bible stories, crafts, songs and fun! Call: 610-253-3732 or pick up registrations at the church 5 Worship at Arndt's Sunday, May 3, 2015 – Fifth Sunday of Easter - Holy Communion This Sunday's image of how the risen Christ shares his life with us is the image of the vine. Christ thevine and we the branches are alive ineach other, in the mystery of mutual abiding that we read of in the gospel and the first letter of John. Baptism makes us a part of Christ's living and life-giving self and makes us alive with Christ's life. As the vine brings food to the branches, Christ feeds us at his table. We are sent out to bear fruit for the life of the world. Sunday, May 10, 2015 – Sixth Sunday of Easter - Service of the Word This Sunday's image of the life the risen Christ shares with us is the image of friendship. We are called to serve others as Jesus came to serve; but for John's gospel, the image of servanthood is too hierarchical, too distant, to capture the essence of life with Christ. Friendship captures the love, the joy, the deep mutuality of the relationship into which Christ invites us. The Greeks believed that true friends are willing to die for each other. This is the mutual love of Christian communityi commanded by Christ and enabled by the Spirit. Sunday, May 17, 2015 – Seventh Sunday of Easter - Holy Communion The gospel for Easter's seventh Sunday is always taken from the long prayer Jesus prays for his followers in John's gospel on the night before his death, and always includes Jesus' desire that his followers will be one as he and the Father are one. This oneness is not mere doctrinal agreement or institutional unity, but mutual abiding, interpenetrating life, mutual love and joy. This oneness is the work of the Spirit whom we have received but also await. Come, Holy Spirit! Sunday, May 24, 2015 – Day of Pentecost - Holy Communion On the fiftieth day of Easter we celebrate the Spirit, through whom and in whom the people of God are created and re-created. Pentecost is sometimes called the church's birthday, but might more appropriately be called its baptism day, since the gift of the Spirit is the fullness of baptism. Ezekiel's vision shows the Spirit resurrecting and re-creating not just individuals but a whole people. Romans makes it clear that God is in the process of re-creating the entire cosmos; yet the Spirit is also at work in the most intimate and personal way, praying in us "with sighs too deep for words"when we do not know how to pray. Sunday, May 31, 2015 – The Holy Trinity - Holy Communion When we say God is the triune God, we are saying something about who God is beyond, before and after the universe: that there is community within God. Our experience of this is reflected in Paul's words today. When we pray to Glod as Jesus prayed to his Abba (an everyday, intimate parental address), the Spirit prays within us, creating between us and God the same relationship Jesus has with the one who sent him. Continuous Fundraising Opportunities at Arndt's S.O.A.P. Gift Card Program from Great Lake Scrips Keep your inventory fully stocked with all of your favorite retailers so you have them on hand when you need them for shopping, dining, home improvement, health & beauty, etc. And of course, gift cards are great for gift giving. Another option is for families to have their own ShopWithScrip accounts. Great Lakes Scrip Center’s direct delivery products can help your family get a head start on shopping without having to wait for physical gift cards. The direct delivery options available to you include ScripNow eCards, delivered to your email within minutes, Reload, which adds funds to cards you already have overnight, and ReloadNow, which allows you to reload your cards in just a few minutes. These products, all available on, are especially convenient for individuals who are frequent users of the Internet. If you are interested in setting up your own account, go to to enroll now. Enter the code A7EAF982364L to link your account to Arndt’s so the church will get the profit earned. When you’re finished with the enrollment process, contact our Scrip coordinator, Carole Brown (484-505-0647), so she can activate your account. Scrip products are a great way to pay for all of your purchases while earning money for the church at the same time! RADA Cutlery RADA Cutlery products are reasonably priced, well constructed--and made in America! We have many items in stock (please see the poster in the narthex) and there are many other knives and items available in the RADA catalog. This is a great fundraiser for Arndt's because it is something that everyone can use and it gives the church a return of 40% profit. Contact Joan Kocher at 610-515-0908 or Karen Beverly 610-252-2338 for purchasing information 6 Community Service Safe Harbor Lunch - The next date for the Safe Harbor mac and cheese lunch will be Monday, May 11, 2015. Safe Harbor Dinner - The next date for the Safe Harbor evening meal is Thursday, May 28, 2015. Signup sheets are on the bulletin board in the narthex. Thank you to everyone who participates. Arndt’s Announcements Please submit any special information you may want to share with the rest of the congregation to the "Arndt's Announcements” page of The Messenger. Baptisms On Saturday, April 18, 2018, we welcomed Elin Reem Courtright, daughter of Kristie Smestad and Benjamin Courtright, through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. Funerals Margaret P. Kelly was raised to eternal life on Friday, April 10, 2015. Services were held on Thursday, April 16, 2015. Thank you to . . . . The congregation for supporting the Second Sunday, Second Offering to support the Heifer project. Susie Schallock for coordinating the annual Spaghetti Dinner and to everyone who helped in any way. Thank you from . . . . Shirley Wilson. Thank you for all the cards, prayers and expressions of sympathy following my mother's death. Joan Kocher. Thank you so much for the cards, visits and prayers over the past several years when my mother was homebound and more recently, the expressions of sympathy and kindness following her death. Janet Exley. Thank you for the prayers, cards, and visits from Pastor Jean. They were greatly appreciated. ProJeCt of Easton, Inc.'s Board of Directors, staff and all the people who benefit from our programs. Thank you for your donation of various food items to the Interfaith Food Pantry. It is only through the generous support of our community that we are able to offer the services we provide to the public through the Interfaith Food Pantry and the ASSIST program at no cost. Your support makes a difference to those in need. Janice D. Komisor, Executive Director Events in Our Community Saturday, May 16, 2015, Bike for World Hunger at the Bob Rodale Fitness and Cycling Park, Mosser Road, Breinigsville, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Registration begins at 8:30 am, at the Picnic Pavilion. Parking is provided on site. The event begins at 9:00 am with a prayer by Bishop Zeiser. Every participant MUST have an individual registration and signed release to participate. Participants under 18 must have a parent or guardian signature. Bike for World Hunger is an annual event sponsored by the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod to raise money for the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. To participate, you can ride a bike, walk, run or rollerblade. Participants secure sponsors to raise money for the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. The Bob Rodale Fitness and Cycling Park is a 71-acre tract of land with a 1.3 mile long, 24-foot wide asphalt track with a 0,6 mile inner flat loop and a .75 mile innter hill loop for bicyling, rollerblading and jogging. The park requires helmets for bikers and rollerbladers. For more information, check with the church office or log onto 7 8 9 10 11 12
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