Fundraising Pack 2015 - Artemis Great Kindrochit Quadrathlon

Fundraising Pack 2015
Mercy Corps: Registered Charity SC030289 | Registered Company 208829 | Mary's Meals: Registered Charity SC022140 | Registered Company 265941
Dearest Quadrathlete,
Congratulations and thank you for entering the 2015 Artemis Great Kindrochit Quadrathlon!
By signing up to this exhilarating event, you will test your stamina and push your body to its limit,
whilst having a fantastic weekend and helping to raise stacks of cash for two really worthy charities.
The funds you raise will support Mercy Corps and Mary’s Meals. Two incredible charities working
to alleviate poverty and suffering in some of the
toughest places to live. Places where a child can’t go
to school because they need to work so they can buy
food to eat, where education opportunities are defined
by your gender or social class. A little help goes a long
way to improve lives in the long term. The funds you
raise this year will make a difference to thousands of
lives – the best incentive to train hard and prosper!
Fundraising is the aim of the pain, we mean,
In order to help raise the total fundraising target of £250,000 a personal fundraising target has
been set. Think of this as another strand of the challenge. Each participant must raise a
minimum of £450 (£250 for relay participants). This is your goal, but we want to work with you to
try and help you raise a lot more so that we can smash this year’s target!
Within this pack you'll find loads of tips and ideas to help get you started on your personal and very
rewarding fundraising journey, as well as information about the incredible charity projects
We look forward to supporting you all the way to the banks of Loch Tay, so if you have any
questions at all to do with your fundraising or even if you just fancy a chat, do not hesitate to give
us a call!
Thank you and happy fundraising!
Victoria and Aislinn
Victoria Telford – Community Fundraising
E: [email protected]
T: 0131 662 5176
Aislinn Graham - Fundraising
E:[email protected]
T: 0141 336 7094
FUNDRAISING TIPS AND ADVICE There are so many simple and effective ways to raise some
money, but here are just a few tips and ideas to get you
Don’t be put off by the amount you need to raise -
Break it down into manageable chunks and you will soon discover that your
target isn’t so far away.
Make it simple for people to sponsor you -
Remember to send out your Artez online fundraising page link to all your
This is a great way for friends and family all over the world to sponsor you,
and be kept up to date with how you are doing with just a click of a button.
All you have to do is e-mail this page to EVERYONE you know and watch
the donations roll in.
Shout about what you are doing –
Keep your Facebook page updated to tell your friends about your
fundraising! Get tweeting if you are a Twitter fan – it’s a great way to send
out reminders and updates of your preparations!
Be sure to let the press know. Any coverage could make all the difference
and maybe even make you a star!
Give yourself plenty of time -
The earlier that you start the more chance you will have of reaching your
final target.
Link to our social media sites and we will help promote your
Mercy Corps
Marys Meals
FB: mercycorpsuk
TW: @mercycorps_uk
FB Mary’s Meals
TW @marysmeals
Don't foret about our top fundraiser prize! The best fundraiser
of 2015 will have win a trip to visit a benefitting project overseas! You
can see where funds raised from the Quadrathon actually help, so get
For T's and C's on the Prize, or to read more information about adhering
to Fundraising Rules and Regulations, visit the Quad website.
And finally, remember… if you don’t ask, you don’t get!
Fundraising is all about getting people involved… so here are a few ideas on how to
get your friends, family and colleagues all participating to make some money for you!
There are lots of fun ways to fundraise in the office – what about suggesting some of the
following ideas?
‘Dress up/Dress down day’
Themed costume day
Office Quiz
Swear Box
Office sweepstake
Fantasy football tournament
Bad Tie or Jumper day
Hosting an event is a great way to generate donations from people
in exchange for a fun night. Why not consider some of these ideas?
Throw a dance/ceilidh
Hold a comedy night
Host a casino night
Bring and Buy Day
Compere a Pub Quiz night
Why not train while you raise money?! You could get some friends
together for some of these events:
Cycle rides
Hill climbs
5-a-side football tournament
The way to a donor’s heart is often through their stomach! Perhaps
you could consider the following:
Have a Bake-Off – you could theme it (eg. Kids Party Favourites)
Make themed cupcakes (eg. for your office/church group/next event)
Have your own Come Dine With Me party
Host a Masterchef competition
The ways you can be sponsored, quite apart from using your
sporting prowess, are endless! Why not consider:
Head shaves
Sing or Dance-a-thons
Charity Busk
Let us know what
you’re doing – we can
help support you any
way we can.
You can also
make the most of:
Some companies
offer match funding
for employees’
donations to charity.
All your tax paying
sponsors are eligible
for Gift Aid (see
sponsor form). For
every £1 they
sponsor you, HMRC
will add an extra 25p!
For information on fundriasing rules and regulations, visit the Quad website or get in touch!
Mercy Corps: Registered Charity SC030289 | Registered Company 208829 | Mary's Meals: Registered Charity SC022140 | Registered Company 265941
YOUR PROJECT: Improving family health and nutrition in Uganda
THE ISSUE Karamoja is a conflict affected region of north eastern Uganda. It has the worst poverty ratings in the country,
with 63% of the population living on less than a £1.50 a day. Nutrition is so poor that only 2% of infants receive a nutritious meal three times a day. Maternal mortality rates are amongst the highest in the world. HOW WILL YOUR FUNDRAISING HELP? The 2015 Quadrathalon will support Mercy Corps’ work to break the cycle of undernutrition and poor maternal health by providing:  Lessons for young mothers to take better care of their health and the health of their children.
 Training in growing vegetable gardens to teach families to grow nutritious food, now and for the future.
 Community nutrition projects to teach mothers how to cook healthy meals with locally available foods.
 Fathers’ days where men learn about family planning, and supporting their partners in getting the pre and
post natal care they need.
 Community volunteers to identify undernourished children to be treated at the local clinic.
 Building better medical maternity facilities to give expecting mothers the care they need.
Your support will enable: 35 new family support groups to teach healthy nutrition behaviours to 2,200 pregnant and breastfeeding women 350 pregnant and breastfeeding women and their partners to attend nutrition and cooking classes 1,500 children under the age of two will access a balanced diet through vegetable gardens 2,200 families to create their own sustainable vegetable gardens increasing their consumption of nutritious foods 2,550 families to have access to the information and tools they need to create a sustainable food secure future for their children.
£50 provides 70 health referral packs to help mothers identify and refer undernourished children.
£137 supports 110 families to create a sustainable vegetable garden.
£550 pays for a nutrition course for 20 women and their partners. They will then train 100 members of
their community. Every single pound you raise will give people in Uganda hope for the future and not just help for today. Visit to find out more.
How will your fundraising help?
The 2014 Artemis Great Kindrochit Quadrathlon raised just under £60,000 for
Mary’s Meals. This money has been put towards adopting the feeding costs at
schools in Malawi and is having a tremendous impact. Thanks to this funding
Mary’s Meals is able to feed 7,547 children daily in their place of education.
The Artemis Great Kindrochit Quadrathlon has covered school feeding in four
schools in the Mulanje District of Southern Malawi, south-east of Blantyre. They
are Mulanje, Tunthama, Thawale and Dzundu.
Three of the schools are grouped closely together around the base of Mount
Mulanje and many of the families living in the local communities earn their
living off the mountain.
Meals is a simple idea that works. It
provides a daily meal in a place of
learning to attract chronically
hungry children to the classroom,
where they can receive an education
that can be their ladder out of
poverty in the future.
By delivering community-led school
feeding programmes in some of the
world’s poorest communities, Mary’s
Meals currently reaches 923,572
children with a nutritious meal every
school day, across five continents.
Further Quad funding has allowed Mary’s Meals to reach Dzundu school in
Mwanza, situated to the north-west of Blantyre and Mpapa school in the south
of Blantyre city.
Mary’s Meals began feeding in these schools in June 2011 and there has been a
great response to the programme with strong community involvement at each
school as well as major increases recorded in enrolment, attendance, and
Mary’s Meals is a low-cost, no-frills
charity, committed to spending at
least 93p of every £1 raised
directly on charitable activities.
When you consider that one meal
costs just 6p, every penny really
does make a difference!
The Mary’s Meals approach
Mary’s Meals’ school feeding programmes always target the poorest and most
vulnerable children. Assessments take into account factors including high levels
of food insecurity, poverty, child malnutrition as well as low enrolment and
attendance rates in primary schools.
The school and community takes care of storing and managing the supplies,
daily record keeping, organising volunteers, and preparing and serving the daily
meal. Mary’s Meals looks after project management, financial oversight,
purchase and delivery of food and equipment, and provides training for
volunteers as well as conducting fortnightly support visits to each school.
The cost to feed a child through Mary’s Meals for a whole year is just
£12.20. With 57 million children still out of school because of hunger
and poverty, our work is just beginning. The funds you raise for the
2015 Quadrathlon will continue to feed children at the four schools as
well as — we hope — supporting further expansion.
For more information and
fundraising advice please contact:
Aislinn Graham
Fundraising Officer
[email protected]
0141 336 7094
exhilarating test of stamina, strength and fitness.
The Artemis Charitable Foundation has nominated two charities to benefit from
the Quadrathlon this year: Mercy Corps and Mary’s Meals.
Swim 0.8 mile across Loch Tay - walk/run 7 munros - kayak 7
miles - cycle 34 miles around Loch Tay – finish by slicing a
watermelon in half to stop the clock.
Visit for more info.
Mary's Meals is an international movement that sets up school feeding projects in
communities where poverty and hunger prevent children from gaining an education.
Individual Name:
Mercy Corps is an international development charity working in over 41
countries worldwide helping people to turn the crises of natural disaster,
poverty and conflict into opportunities for progress. Funds raised will be
directed to a selected project. Any funds raised in excess will be dispersed to
the next project of greatest need.
Team Name:
Cheque Amount: £
Gift Aid Declaration Form For every pound you give, we get an extra 20 pence from HMRC, helping your donation go futher (£500 becomes £600!). We miss out on hundreds of
pounds of fundraising each year from people giving work addresses or omitting their post code. Please ensure you give us the information we need to maximise the benefit of your
donation. Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made today, in the past 4 years and in the future. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of UK Income Tax and/or
Capital Gains Tax for each tax year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such
as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 20p of tax on every £1 that I have given. Please tick the Gift Aid box next to your pledge to join the Gift Aid scheme.
[email protected]
(essential to claim Gift Aid)
(essential to claim Gift Aid)
(essential to
claim Gift Aid)
(the most cost effective way for us to thank you for
your support and update you on our work)
Please make all cheques payable to The Artemis Charitable Foundation (Registered Charity No: SC037857) and send to: WildFox Events, The Quad, Kindrochit, Ardtalnaig, Aberfeldy, Perthshire, PH15 2HX. Please ensure
you send this form back with your money raised so we can allocate your fundraising to you and record all the Gift Aid from your supporters. Their contact details will remain confidential.
Gift Aid Declaration Form For every pound you give, we get an extra 20 pence from HMRC, helping your donation go futher (£500 becomes £600!). We miss out on hundreds of
pounds of fundraising each year from people giving work addresses or omitting their post code. Please ensure you give us the information we need to maximise the benefit of your
donation. Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made today, in the past 4 years and in the future. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of UK Income Tax and/or
Capital Gains Tax for each tax year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such
as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 20p of tax on every £1 that I have given. Please tick the Gift Aid box next to your pledge to join the Gift Aid scheme.
[email protected]
(essential to claim Gift Aid)
(essential to claim Gift Aid)
(essential to
claim Gift Aid)
(the most cost effective way for us to thank you for
your support and update you on our work)
Thank you for your support!
Please make all cheques payable to The Artemis Charitable Foundation (Registered Charity No: SC037857) and send to: WildFox Events, The Quad, Kindrochit, Ardtalnaig, Aberfeldy, Perthshire, PH15 2HX. Please ensure
you send this form back with your money raised so we can allocate your fundraising to you and record all the Gift Aid from your supporters. Their contact details will remain confidential.