Why should artists donate art through The Art

How are recipient
organisations selected?
To qualify as a recipient organisa on, you
are required to be a public or nonprofit
organisa on that provide direct service to
program par cipants, have secure areas used
regularly by visitors and par cipants, and lack
the funds necessary to purchase art.
Upon selec on, we visit the agencies to meet
with staff and elaborate upon their
responsibili es, talk with program par cipants,
and assess their facili es.
Why should artists donate art through
The Art Connection SA?
Ar sts can donate art through The Art Connec on SA
program for a number of reasons, including to:
(1) know their dona on can have an impact on the daily lives
of people in need
(2) show art to audiences who normally do not have access
to art;
(3) move work out of storage and have it viewed by many;
(4) support a recipient agency's mission;
(5) con nue the legacy of an ar st whose work can be
(6) provide a solu on to public spaces that are in need of
visual s mulus; and/or
(7) donate through a reliable program that makes the process
Contact the Special Projects unit if you are an artist or organisation
in Johannesburg and would like to get involved in
The Art Connection SA program.
Email: [email protected]
phone: 011 492 1278
For more information about The Boston Art Connection,
visit http:/www.theartconnection.org/
The Art Connection SA
r st Proof Studio has partnered with The Boston Art
Connec on to bring
an exci ng program that
Art Connec on SA program
iden fies organisa ons
t h a t p ro v i d e a s o c i a l
service to the public and
installs artworks donated
by ar sts. The Art Connec on SA program is facilitated by
APS' Special Projects unit.
How do artists offer their art for
Contact the Special Projects unit at Ar st Proof Studio and the
team will take you through the whole process step by step.
what is the art connection?
We will thank you for each dona on in wri ng at the me of
dona on and again when the work is
selected. The agencies will thank you
when their artwork is installed. We
also encourage agencies to
acknowledge your dona on in
wri ng, invite you to visit the
agency, and/or men on your
dona on in an in print, web or annual
report. A plaque will be hung next to
each artwork lis ng the name of the art donor, the ar st, and
details about the artwork.
Must donated artworks be ready to hang?
Founded in Boston as a non-profit organiza on in 1995, The
Art Connec on's mission is to make art accessible to people
who would benefit from exposure to original art in their daily
lives but may not currently have access to it. The Art
Connec on iden fies ar sts willing to donate their work,
shows the artwork to qualified agencies, and teaches them to
care for the art. The works of art then become the permanent
property of the recipient agencies.
No, when artworks have been selected for placement we
frame the artworks in our newly formed framing unit. Our
team has been trained by professional framers on how to
handle and frame 2-dimensional artwork.
Why do the organisations need art?
Recipient organisa ons need art for a number of reasons,
including to:
(1) enrich the lives of
program par cipants;
(2) s mulate dialogue,
healing, crea vity,
(3) boost the selfesteem of par cipants
and staff;
(4) create a more
environment; and
(5) allow them to
par cipate in the collabora ve process of choosing their
new collec on.
How will the artist's donation
be acknowledged?
When will an artwork be selected?
From the informa on our team gathers from the site visit,
we then curate the most suitable artworks for the space.
Curatorial decisions include; what the space is used for; who
visits the space; etc.
Your dona on will help
us bring art to people
who would not
otherwise experience
original art in their daily
lives; this artwork is a
las ng gi that keeps
giving year a er year.
Your dona on will make it
possible for social service
organisa ons to receive artwork that is meaningful
to them; artwork that will transform their space,
s mulate dialogue and crea vity among staff and
Our team consists of APS students who learn
valuable curatorial and framing skills which will
benefit them as they build more knowledge in art.