Learn About Polish Pottery Stoneware

February, 2013
Upcoming Events
February 11, 2013
General Meeting at 12:00
March 12, 2013
General Meeting at 6:00
pm at White Eagle
March 24, 2013
Palm Sunday Luncheon at
Avalon Banquets
April 8, 2013
General Meeting at 12:00
May 14, 2013
General Meeting at 6:00
pm at White Eagle
Speedy Recovery to
Teresa Buckner and
Stephanie Kunas
Deepest condolences
to family and friends on
the passing of our
member Julia Jewett.
Learn About Polish Pottery Stoneware
You are invited to PWCC’s
general meeting on February 11, 2013. The meeting
will be at White Eagle,
6839 N. Milwaukee Ave,
Niles, IL.
would wake up at 3 am for
the short drive to Poland to
be at the factories when
they opened. After collecting mugs and dessert plates
on her first trip, she was
The schedule is:
12:00 p.m.– Guest speaker, After moving back to the
United States in 2001,
lunch, and general meeting.
Rebecca wanted to share her
Our guest speaker for this
love of Polish pottery with
meeting is Rebecca Tutaj
others. More Polish Pottery
Gengler from the More
is located at a former
Polish Pottery.
nursery featuring ornamental
More Polish Pottery was
grasses and Hostas.
opened in July 2011.
More Polish Pottery features
Rebecca's love affair with
a wide
assortment of
Polish pottery began when Ceramika Artstyczna made
she was a military wife stain Bolewslawiec, Poland.
tioned in Germany. She
The store is located on a
country road, which boasts
many types of butterflies that
are attracted to the ornamental grasses, perennial
plants, and prairies. Polish
Pottery stoneware patterns
are typically inspired by
natural plants and flowers
found in Poland.
This meeting is open to
members, prospective
members, and guests.
The price per person is
Please RSVP before
February 8th to:
Karen Kazlow
Palm Sunday is Just a Hop, Skip, & a Jump Away!
The Palm Sunday Luncheon
is taking place March 24th
at the Avalon Banquets,
1905 East Higgins Road, Elk
Grove Village.
The children’s baskets, being
coordinated by Karen
Kozlow and her committee,
are not the only great
baskets at this event. We will
This large-scale event for the also have exceptional raffle
baskets and prizes for our
PWCC raises a big portion
more mature guests, as well
of funds for our scholaras other fun surprises,
ships. As in previous years,
including beverage sampling
we are focusing on making
and a photo booth to help
this a great experience for
not only our adult guests but capture the memories of the
also their children and grand- event.
children! The youngest
We are looking forward to
guests can count on excep- having many of the 2012
tional baskets, a clown, a visit scholarship recipients selling
from the Easter Bunny and
tickets, helping with basket
more. Activities are also
distribution, and even being a
planned for the older
part of the children and
children and teenagers.
teenage activities. This is a
great opportunity for you to
meet these accomplished
We will be sending solicitation letters asking for merchandise donations or gift
cards for our raffle. Think
about donating items as
things that you would like to
Mark your calendars for
this event AND tell your
friends and family! We will
send an invitation and an
easy-to-forward email to
Grandmother and Grandfather
You probably
celebrate Mother’s
Day and Father’s Day,
but what about
Grandma and Grandpa
deserve their special
days, too. In Poland, January 21st and 22nd are
devoted to honoring them. Polish Grandmother’s
and Grandfather’s Day are family events. Schools
and kindergartens honor grandparents with special
celebrations. Families enjoy small, private
gatherings. It is time to give back at least some of
that devotion and love received straight from
grandma’s or grandpa’s heart.
Think about your grandparents, about the things
they have done for you over the years like making
you cookies, taking care of you while you’re sick,
or teaching you how to do different things. You
can probably think of lots of things. Now is the
time to thank them.
If your grandparents are Polish and you want to let
them know it in their native language how much
you care about them.
Reprinted from the Polish Language Blog
Support PWCC at Carson’s Community Days
Carson’s is sponsoring their Community Days on
March 1& 2, 2013. As a 501(c)3 organization we
can participate by selling the event booklets for $5
and the club gets to keep the entire amount. You
can purchase the booklets now by calling Barbara
Marquart at 847.640.9910. You can also purchase
the booklet at Carson’s, but make sure you specify
PWCC as the organization to receive the credit.
(1) 30% Early bird coupon, valid 6am-10am on
Saturday, November 10th.
Each booklet is filled with great saving coupons
and exclusive bonus offers including :
Go to http://www.communitydayevent.com/
index.php to find out more about this event and to
find the store nearest you.
(16) Merchandise offers: Customers must have the
coupon to receive the special pricing on these
(2) Web Exclusive Offers
You can use the coupons in all Carson’s stores in
The Community Days are one way an organization the Chicagoland area or any of the family stores;
Bon-Ton, Elder-Beerman, Bergner's, Boston Store,
can raise important funds. If PWCC sells 200
Herberger's, Younkers, and Parisian.
booklets, we raise $1000 painlessly.
(1) Coupon worth $10 off on a $10 or more item.
(1) Tiered shopping pass for 20%/15%/10% off
each regular or sale priced item.
This is a painless fundraiser—just buy a book for
$5, receive a booklet full of coupons, then use
them on March 1 & 2nd in-store or on the web.
Seventy Fourth Annual White and Red Ball
The Legion of Young Polish Women requests the
honor of your presence at the Seventy Fourth
Annual White and Red Ball and Introduction of
Debutantes for 2013 on Saturday, February 16,
2013 at the Grad Ballroom, Hilton Chicago,
720 South Michigan Ave.
Debutante receiving line and reception at 6:45 pm,
dinner at 8:00 pm.
Tickets are $175 per person.
Respond before February 4, 2013 to Bozenna
Haszlakiewicz at 847.902.0406.
Visit us at pwcci.org or polishwomenscivicclub.org
Contact us at [email protected]
Contact information for Ann Burzycki
E-mail: [email protected]
Serving the Polish
Community since 1924
Ann Burzycki
Vice President
Barbara Marquart
Recording Secretary
Lenore Fuesz
Corresponding Secretary
Marcia Zurawski
Alicia Dutka
Ann Burzycki
Barbara Marquart
Alicia Dutka
Lucille Gutowski
Geraldine Balut Coleman
Dr. Geraldine Balut Coleman has accepted the position of Chair of the PWCC's
Scholarship Committee. She is an experienced academic and has worked on
several not-for-profit scholarship committees. We are excited to have her leading
this important mission!
We received a thank you letter from Sr. Ann Schaffer from St. Stanislaus Kostka
Soup Kitchen. A great way to start the Lenten Season is to perform some act of
kindness and what is a better way of showing you care then by donating to
Sr. Ann Schaffer. We asking everyone who will be attending the February
meeting to bring non perishable food item, supplies such as soap, Kleenex or what
better than cash for St. Stanislaus Soup Kitchen. We will have a basket for the
donations near the greeting desk. Please donate food items that have not expired,
are new or in the original package. A board member will take the items to
St. Stanislaus Kostka that day.
February’s guest speaker will be Rebecca Tutaj Gengler from More Polish Pottery.
She will give us a presentation on how Ceramika Artystyczna is made, why it is so
popular and why once you purchase a piece you want more. Read more about
our guest speaker on page 1.
Palm Sunday occurs in March this year, and we’ve started planning our largest
fundraiser of the year. Kathleen Burzycki is already planning a different look to
Palm Sunday. We will have the usual clown and Easter Bunny for the children, but
this year we will also have crafts for the older children. WE NEED MEMBERS
TO HELP US MAKE THIS EVENT A SUCCESS! Bring new, unused items
and gift certificates to our February meeting, Printed invitations AND an email that
can be forwarded will be sent to you all soon.
Sergeant Robert Tornabene spoke at the January General Meeting. He gave tips
in safety awareness, self-defense training, escape, pepper spray, home invasions,
avoiding a car-jacking, travel tips and safety on the internet. The members and
guests enjoyed his informative presentation. On a side note, he was interviewed on
TV after being involved in a robbery case that same day.
March general meeting will be in the evening. We are considering several
options for a guests speaker. One option is a chocolatier, another is someone to
talk about the different teas, spices or even a person who will give a stained glass
hands-on presentation. You will find out in next month’s newsletter who is
available for the March date.
We live in a time of declining membership in many organizations and clubs.
PWCC has been fortunate to have Elizabeth Glowa and Bozena Kimkowski-Sitarz
join us at the January’s meeting, they will be installed in September. Our mission
statement, events, and especially the women of our organization really help us
continue to attract members. Please make all new members and guests feel
welcome at our meetings and functions.
The dates of the events and meetings are listed on page 1. Please note that 3 of
the general meetings are being held on a TUESDAY EVENING! Members who
are unable to attend daytime meetings will now have a chance to be a part of the
Visit us at pwcci.org
or polishwomenscivicclub.org
Let’s make 2013 a great year for the PWCC, its members, and our
scholarship recipients!!
Polish Folk Group Mazowsze
Folk culture was for some time, when Poland did
not exist on the map, perceived as the tool to
keep the national identity. The artists, so much
avoiding the theme of poor citizens, started to
make the villagers main characters of their works.
In the time of technical development, when
citizens of villages would flee to cities in search of
better life conditions, folk culture was in danger.
Although we live nowadays in the world of
internet, cheap flights and mobile phones, although
folk culture seems not to be fashionable at all,
there are still some people who try to keep it and
promote it.
music from all over Poland. Already a year later
Mazowsze started their world tour reaching Soviet
Union and later on giving concerts in France and
United States of
Throughout the
years there have
been many
individuals that started their career in Mazowsze
Folk Group (i.e. actors and actresses). The
ensemble consists of ballet, choir and orchestra.
The group has given out already 6.5 thousand
Although Mazowsze the
concerts during over 200 tournée around the
Polish Song and Dance
world and performed in almost 200 places of
Ensemble was created by the
Poland. The melodies used by Mazowsze come
decree of Ministry of Culture from approximately 40 ethnic parts of Poland but
and Art in 1948, its idea was born much before.
now the group tends to use also music from other
During bombing of Warsaw in WW II two people countries. In the place that gave the beginning of
–Tadeusz Sygietyński (great composer and
Mazowsze ensemble – palace of Karolin – there
lover of folk culture) and Mira Zimińskaare plans to form European Centre for Promotion
Sygietyńska (actress)– promised each other that of Regional and National Culture. The centre aims
if they survive the war they will found a folk group. at educating of future culture educators from all
Together with their two other friends, they
around the world.
started to search for folk clothes, music and gifted Mazowsze ensemble is, however, not only about
youth. They gathered young members of the
songs and dance. It is also about beautiful national
group in the palace called Karolin, nearby Warsaw. (or more precisely regional) costumes used in
After 2 years, in 1950, the group was ready to give accordance with music. It shows the richness and
their first performance on the stage of Polish
beauty of folk culture and gets wider audience
Theatre in Warsaw. At first their repertoire was
closer to the world that is known now mostly
based on folk music and dances from Central
from movies and books.
Poland but with time they started to use folk
Reprinted from the Polish Language Blog
Polish American Association Celebrates the Family!
The Polish American Association Celebrates the
Family in honoring former Board Chairman Robert
J. Paszczak on Sunday, February 10, 2013 at the
White Eagle Restaurant, 6839 N. Milwaukee
Avenue, Niles, IL.
Reception 3:00 pm, Family Dinner 4:00 pm, Cash
Bar & Raffle to follow. Art & sport activities,
amazing shows for Children of all ages.
Tickets are $50 for adults, $25 for children ages
Respond before January 28, 2013 by calling
Visit us at pwcci.org or polishwomenscivicclub.org
Contact us at [email protected]