Eddie Kirby

Senior PGA Championship 2015
Saturday, May 23
Quick Quotes
Eddie Kirby
great week.
Q. 71 today, and I guess the weather's improved,
but also you probably feel, what the heck, just go
out and have fun today.
EDDIE KIRBY: Yes, that was kind of the attitude. Jim
and I talked about it last night. We got through the cut
and it was a tough nine holes to finish yesterday,
having not walked for four months, I ran out of gas
yesterday. And when you're starting to think about a
cut, it's amazing how you go to that. So today we went
out with the attitude that we were just going to try to hit
shots. And I hit a lot of good shots today, made a few
putts, missed a couple, but everybody is going to do
Q. Was there one area that held your round
together today?
EDDIE KIRBY: Probably the par on 8. Because I
bogeyed 7 again today. I 3-putted 7 to go back to even.
And then I got up-and-down from right of the green on
8. And I stole one. I felt like I hit a very poor second
shot, and made a par. And went to 9, hit a beautiful
third shot, made a birdie. So when you get relaxed out
here you can play better. Yesterday, I was not relaxed
the last nine holes. So most of the day I was relaxed.
And to finish with a birdie on 18 that was great.
Q. How far was the putt?
EDDIE KIRBY: About three feet. I like that length.
Three feet for birdie on 18 is a great one.
Q. That was in front of the crowd.
EDDIE KIRBY: That was really neat. My daughter
came running out of the gallery and gave me a hug. It's
been a great day, a great week and having Jim with me
for -- sharing this with someone -- these guys do it by
themselves and you can tell it's their job, but for me it's
fun. And to share it with Jim, and a guy like Jim, it
really doesn't get any better.
Q. He's in pretty good shape.
EDDIE KIRBY: He's in better shape than I am and I
think he's got me by a few years. But he keeps up, I'll
tell you. And this is the hardest walk I think that you're
going to find. I went to bed last night, my legs were
killing me. And I got to get rested again tonight,
because tomorrow is one more trek here. Hopefully,
we'll have a good day and either way we have had a
Q. I was going to ask you about your, had you,
were you one of the alumni that played here five
years ago?
EDDIE KIRBY: I was. I played here in the National
Club Pro five years ago. Unfortunately, I missed the
cut. So, I had phlebitis at that time, which was weird.
And I did not play well. But I did get, I played a practice
round and I played one tournament round on this
course. So, yeah, I'm familiar with it. But I don't care
how familiar you are, it's going to get you.
Q. They reversed the nines and that didn't make
much difference for you probably today.
Q. Or this week.
EDDIE KIRBY: I drove the ball well again, probably not
as good as the first day, but if you drive it well here and
the fairways aren't too wet, you can get some mid to
short irons into greens. But we were out here hitting 3wood, 4-iron, hybrids, into the par-4s. And as hard as
the par-3s play and the par-5s, I can't sniff getting to
any of them in two. So it's a big golf course and
fortunately it's not just about length. So I can think my
way around this as good as anybody at times. And you
got to make some putts. And Jim read the greens well
today and hopefully tomorrow we'll play just as well.
Q. We have had PGA presidents that played in
Majors, we have had PGA presidents who played
throughout our championships through the years,
but we can't recall of a PGA president caddieing
the entire route in a Major.
EDDIE KIRBY: Well, I tell you what, I, after last year,
we made a deal, he made a deal with me the year
before, to get to caddie for me last year. And after I
missed the cut last year I said, Jim, if I make it back, if
you'll come back on the bag. And he did. And it's just
so cool. But, you know, this takes me six rounds to
qualify for this, as a club professional. The U.S. Senior
Open takes one round. So it doesn't have the same -this you got to earn it. It's, really, the PGA members are
here supporting the event, a lot of PGA members out
there volunteering. And it's our senior championship.
So, it's so cool to have him. It's really.
Q. Those six rounds are in the sectional first?
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EDDIE KIRBY: Two in the sectional, the senior
sectional and then four at the National Senior Club Pro.
That's how we qualify to get here.
Q. That's quite a trek to get here.
EDDIE KIRBY: It is. And I didn't almost even make the
National Senior Club Pro, I had an emergency
appendectomy the week prior to the National Senior
Club Pro. So to even be here I feel fortunate. And to
have Jim on the bag, it's just awesome.
Q. I guess they say it was written.
EDDIE KIRBY: It was. And I guess somebody out
there is looking out for me.
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