Ascension HeraldJune 2015 - Episcopal Church of the Ascension

The Ascension Herald
June 2015 Annual Report Issue
The Episcopal Church of the Ascension is a Eucharistically centered
Christian community committed to sharing the
knowledge and love of Jesus Christ through worship, teaching, fellowship, outreach, and personal example.
Our Vestry & Staff
Outgoing Vestry
Sr. Warden
Chuck Beers
Jr. Warden
Bob Motley
Lana Butler
Building & Grounds
Mark Strickland
Bob Postle
Doug Thompson
Stacey O’Toole
Nancy Long
Pastoral Care
Jane Hedgecock
Nancy Gibbons &
Sarah Munford
Administrative Staff
Bishop, Southern Virginia
The Rt. Rev. Herman Hollerith, IV
The Reverend Stewart Mason Tabb
Director of Religious Education
Lynn Farlin
Director of Music Ministries
Asst. Director of Music Ministries
Sam Dorsey
Day School Director
Mark Hattler
Jane Webster
Nellwyn Beamon
Financial Secretary
Lauren Craun
Vernon Fields, Jr.
Tracy Frank
From the Rector…
Stewart Mason Tabb
Oh my! My first parish communication and the task is set: Tell us
about your goals. Alas, I'm not a goal girl! Don't get me wrong, there
are times when having a concrete goal is appropriate and even essential. How in the world does one know the direction to marshal one's
efforts without them? That was certainly true when I worked in the
newspaper industry. . . These days, however, I come at things from a
different angle. These days, I'm concerned with intentions.
Now I know the old saw about the road to hell and how it is paved,
but as I understand intentions, they are a way of setting your heart,
mind, and strength in one direction. An intention describes how I
want to be in this world. Each day I recommit myself to it, and each
time I stumble, I remind myself that there is another way I intend to
be and then I try again. My intentions: to be kind, to be honest, to be
open, to move from a place of grace and to be able to receive it, too,
to be godly -- not in a pious way but in such a way that people see if
not the love of God in all I do, then at least the desire show it. I will
never achieve my intentions, and there is no gold star to be won. Nor
is there failure or judgement. What there is is a practice that gives
shape and purpose to my life no matter what I'm up to.
In the same way, I hope that together we at Ascension can set our intentions. A few things that are important to me are that we be rooted
in God's love and welcome in such a way that we are reflections of
the same to all people, and that we commit ourselves to removing
every barrier in our church and beyond that keeps people from God.
Those barriers are many. They can be physical or spiritual or attitudinal. They can result from lack of access or lack of resources.
I would hope too, that it would be our intention to get out beyond the
walls of the church to get to know and love our neighbors in Norfolk
so that we can discover where God is at work and join in.
All told my intentions for the church may just come down to a church
that takes its baptismal vows seriously. How will we know when
we've made it? We won't, but for the experience of joy and purpose
that shapes our lives together. And that is a very fine thing.
Congratulations to New Vestry Members
Richard Drumwright,
Susan Meredith,
Michael Murphy.
and Congratulations to Our New Wardens
Senior Warden Nancy Long
Junior Warden Richard Drumwright.
Other commission assignments will be determined at the Vestry retreat
in June.
Music Director Search Committee Chair
Emily Dale
The Music Director search committee has been receiving applications since the end of April, and is still receiving applications. We will meet in early June to discuss the first batch of qualified candidates.
There will be a reception on June 7th after the 11:00 service honoring Frank Whitman for his many years
of devoted service. We have all appreciated Frank’s organist skills and his leadership of the choir over the
years. This is your opportunity to thank Frank and Nancy in person and to wish them well in their future adventures. Please come!
Vestry Reports 2014/15 Goals & Assessments
Outgoing Sr. Warden
Chuck Beers
Goal 1. Maintain the balance of faith/spirituality with the press of Parish business Assessment-Partial success on a personal basis
Goal 2. Keep the needed Parish programs running and operational Assessment- Successful with the exception of Fellowship
Goal 3. Assist the Search Committee in the Calling Process to secure a Rector for the church. AssessmentAchieved!
Goal 4. Support the formation of new ideas and new ways of doing things Assessment-Achieved. Reduction in Vestry members; cleaning contract; completely new website; monitor for upcoming events; library;
increased security and procedures. Always a challenge to be responsive to new ways.
Goal 5. Support the Stewardship Commission in the development of a total Stewardship Approach for the
Parish Assessment-it was a great new start for a new way of doing Stewardship; we will have to build on
this year for next to be totally successful
Outgoing Jr. Warden
Bob Motley
Goal 1. Ensure the condition and appearance of the Church grounds and buildings. Attend 85% of all Building and Grounds Commission Meetings. Assessment Achieved with the help of a dedicated group who care
for the building grounds and a B&G Commission who has worked hard to keep a 60 year old structure in
good shape.
Goal 2. Act as the liaison between the Vestry and the Ascension Episcopal Day School. Serve on the Day
School board and attend 85% of its meetings. Assessment Achieved. We have an exciting playground project that the Director, playground committee and Board have ready to go.
Goal 3. Assist the Senior Warden and Vestry Commission Chairs with communication to the congregation,
staff and Rector. Assessment it has been a pleasure to support such an outstanding group.
Goal 4. Provide support to the newly created Fellowship Coordinator position. Assessment partially
achieved. The ability to sustain the Fellowship Coordinator position has been a challenge over the past 2
years. The challenge to ensure that we have a comprehensive program for the future is under review by the
Vestry at this time.
Goal 5. Attend 75% of Ascension functions. Assessment Not achieved. Perhaps this goal should be reduced
to 50%.
Building & Grounds
Mark Strickland
Goal 1. Maintain facilities w/ in maintenance budget Assessment-with good stewardship of our expenses the
facility costs have been minimized and maintained below budgets.
Goal 2. Develop/complete Capital Needs list Assessment-this is an ongoing process. Currently working on
Mechanical, Electrical and Structural evaluations with consulting engineers.
Goal 3. Evaluate physical plant and building operation possible cost savings Assessment-most of this effort
will be the result of the mechanical/electrical building system evaluations.
Goal 3. Develop / complete routine maintenance needs list Assessment-the committee has worked to define
the daily / weekly / monthly cleaning and maintenance requirements and has recently entered into an agreement with a cleaning company. Continuing to evaluate other maintenance requirements and formulating a
plan. Much of this effort was a required priority effort due to Vernon Fields retirement this June.
Bob Postle
Goal 1: Finish the Ascension website. Assessment-I completed 100% of my page creation goals, 100% of
security goals and 85% of our Search Engine Optimization. Because the website and Facebook reflect the
life of the church and the church is always changing, we need to look at these tools with fresh eyes. We are
being looked at and the website after Facebook is where folks go to find out the current life of the church.
Goal 2: Train the staff to post information on the website. Assessment-Not good: 15% Two reasons for
failure. Staff availability: Each task takes time especially if we want to look good and be organized. Time
not available. We are always looking for volunteers who want to learn.
Complexity: There is a learning curve and the candidate must have a computer background with knowledge
in WordPress and Power Point. This is an ongoing issue and I really want to find answers. Easier software is
always being written.
Goal 3: Spend and document the grant money from the Diocese. The grant was offered because the Diocese recognizes the need for usage of social media such as Facebook and a well organized website that would
show the life of the church. If you haven’t already, please go to Google search and enter something like
“episcopal church Norfolk….once at the site, check out “New to Ascension?” or anything under “about us”.
The calendar, weekly announcements and day school links are in the right sidebar. Assessment-Done. We
were granted $1000 for website development and we spent it all. Websites do cost so much was spent on
hosting, domain registration and security. In November, we had to upgrade our “resources” with GoDaddy
because of our traffic and content had increased to the point that delivery to the user was slowing.
Goal 4: Install and provide content for a display device. VIDEO MONITOR Assessment-Done. We
installed a Video Monitor and a computer to control the display at the entrance to Rose Hall. We installed
the necessary software to create a slide show that displays current events and the weekly calendar. Software
included Power Point on the Video Monitor and a remote location and LogMeIn which allows a user to control the monitor from anywhere on any computer…of course with the correct password. HELP WANTED
We are looking for someone with knowledge of Power Point and basic Windows OS so they could update the
monitor weekly. Time commitment is about 2-3 hours per week and the task requires being somewhat up to
date on all the events at Ascension. This is cool….it requires a bit of computer knowledge and…if you have
an artistic bent, then you can make up very nice slides. IT’s SHOWTIME!
Goal 5: Research Social Media Assessment-: We are in touch with Ann Turner at the Diocese on a regular
basis both passing on information about Ascension for the weekly e-newsletter and monitoring news from
them. There is a link for the Diocese and the National Church on our website. Our emphasis in this past year
has been on integrating Facebook with the site and making sure our site is readable on all devices. Google
recently found us “mobile friendly” which is important in that 42% of web traffic is now viewed on a mobile
(continued on the next page)
Communications (continued)
Bob Postle
All goals for 2014/15 have been IT related because it needed attention. Next year we will look at integrating
all this with the announcements, newsletter, pew cards and bulletin boards. This is an exciting time for our
church and it’s a great time to learn and serve if you have an interest in any of the following
Website Maintenance
Power Point presentations
Stacey O’Toole
The Liturgy Commission has looked over our goals for the past year and are excited to report that we did an
excellent job staying focused on our priorities and accomplishing our goals. We look forward to the upcoming year. With a new rector on board and with the recruitment of a new Music Director there is sure many
new opportunities for our commission. Here’s how we did over the past year:
Goal 1. Acolyte youth training and retraining on a regular basis (2x annually). Assessment: We have completed one big acolyte training for new youth wishing to become acolytes. Ongoing training has been occurring throughout the year.
Goal 2. Youth services and Children’s services 2x annually. Assessment: We have had 3 services in the past
year, exceeding our goal
Goal 3. Look into development of a Childrens & Youth Music Program AssessmentThis goal is continued
into the next year. With the changes on our music team, we are hopeful that this will be a significant priority
for the new Music Director.
Goal 4. Maintain the Liturgical calendar at least 3 months ahead Assessment Yes! We have been able to do
Goal 5. Continue to improve communications among the members of the service groups by keeping the Roster for Liturgy for the Day up-to-date. Assessment We developed a new format for the Event Roster that has
helped us identify responsibilities and troubleshoot issues in order to prevent them from arising in future services. We will continue to look for ways to distribute the roster so that all who need access to it will have access.
Nancy Long
Goal 1. To continue doing the wonderful things we are now doing: Food Pantry, Blood Drive, NEST, Christmas /stockings, Mother’s Day Gift Bags, etc. Assessment Accomplished all with the exception of the Mother’s Day Gift Bags, we did not participate in that program.
Goal 2. To Enlighten the Parish on the many organizations we support by highlighting on the Outreach Bulleting and in the newsletter. Assessment Accomplished
Goal 3. To add members to the Outreach Commission Assessment Accomplished
Goal 4. To be open to new opportunities for Outreach at home and abroad AssessmentAccomplished
Pastoral Care
Jane Hedgecock
I want to thank all the people of Ascension who have been a part of this ministry in the past year. People
have quietly volunteered to visit the sick and homebound, send cards and letters, make prayer shawls that
celebrate and comfort, cooked meals, taken parishioners to medical appointments and prayed for those in
need. We all have been enriched by their unselfish care and concern.
In the words of "The Servant Song" by Richard Gillard:
We are pilgrims on the journey
We are brothers on the road
We are here to help each other
Walk the mile and bear the load
Thanks for all you do to lighten the load.
Goal 1. Pastoral Caregivers Weekly team members to be assigned to visit ill members in hospital or at
home. Schedule covering 6 months (January-June and July-December) provided to Parish Secretary and
posted on bulletin board. AssessmentAchieved
Goal 2. Prayer & Healing Teams Team members will provide confidential healing prayers on first and
third Sundays of the month at the late service. Schedule covering 6 months (January-June and JulyDecember) provided to Parish Secretary and posted on bulletin board. Add additional members to team.
Assessment Achieved, partially with new members still needed
Goal 3. Prayer Chain Provide assistance as required. This team works without direct support from the
Pastoral Care Vestry Chairperson. Parish secretary and Clergy give list of parishioners needing prayers to
Link Leaders. Assessment Achieved
Goal 4. Prayer Shawls Monthly monitoring of number of shawls available for baptisms, special occasions,
and healing. Report the number remaining at every other vestry meeting. Assessment Achieved partially,
lacking report to Vestry bimonthly
Goal 5. Lay Eucharistic Ministry Work with Clergy to increase the number of team members. Assessment
Not achieved
Goal 6. Meals Program Inventory monthly the pre-made meals stored and communicate availability with
Meals Team. Goal is to have 5-10 meals on hand at all times. Assessment Not achieved, when meals are
necessary, parishioners volunteer to make & deliver
Goal 7. Transportation Program Continue to provide rides to those needing transportation to Church. This
team works without direct support from the Pastoral Care Vestry Chairperson. Assessment Achieved
Goal 8. Birthday Greetings Revive the birthday greetings program abandoned years ago, with the use of
email greetings, where possible, and regular mailed cards where necessary. Assessment Achieved, with
anniversary greetings started in February and condolence, sickness emails added when possible.
Goal 9. Day School-Homebound-Sick Connection Inaugurate a connection between the Day School and
homebound and/or sick parishioners. Day School students will provide pictures and Pastoral Caregivers will
pick up pictures located next to prayer shawls. The Connection will begin in August 2014. Pastoral Caregivers will take picture, if possible, of picture and recipient to be sent to Day School. Possible pen-pal connection will be encouraged. Assessment Achieved partially. Pictures drawn delivered, but no pen-pal connection
established yet
Nancy Gibbons/Sarah Munford
Goal 1. Fall Kickoff Pledge Campaign-ASK *Kickoff Breakfast, Sept. 7 to provide fellowship and enthusiasm for the Annual Campaign. *The Shepherds Team will be working to recruit member and yearlong giving.
Assessment The Stewardship Breakfast was well attended and positively received by the congregation. The
Shepherds Team helped invite members to share their time, talents, and treasure.
Goal 2. Initiating a subcommittee of parishioners called "The Shepherd's Team". *July and August "The
Shepherds" will recruit members to help with the ASKING in September and October by visiting and speaking with parishioners about pledging. Cards were mailed to those who were slow in pledging. Assessment
Our pledge campaign was successful with 108 pledges for a total of $316,488.
Goal 3. Stewardship Celebration-THANK YOU FOR GIVING *Stewardship Celebration including power
point presentation and celebration of the Good News in late October. The Stewardship Commission also hosted an Appreciation Reception in November/ Assessment Achieved, Thank You Celebration/Reception.
Goal 4. Yearlong Thanking-TELLING *Testimonials woven into Sunday services and the church bulletin by
and about all whose lives have been touched by Ascension. Assessment The TELL Shepherds organized
speakers for Sunday services for about six months. Most speakers were only able to share at one service so not
all parishioners were reached. The telling helped us share our personal spiritual connections to Ascension
through the fall and winter months until it became difficult to find people willing to share. Also Father Alan
mentioned stewardship in his sermons.
Check Out the Church Calendar on Our Website at...
Deadline for the July/August Issue of the Herald Is June 15
Directors Report
Director Day School
Mark Hattler
News from the Day School…
Get your tickets for Casino Night and Auction on Saturday, June 13th, from 7 to 10, to raise money for the
two new playgrounds. It is going to be a fun night of games, food and drinks, and auction. If you would like
to be a sponsor, please call 351-0566 for more information. Sponsoring is a great way to both support the
playground and advertise your business.
May has been a busy, fun month of learning about Zoo and Farm animals and celebrating Mother’s Day. All
the classes made Mother’s Day gifts. The Infants made a sunflower out of their footprints with their picture in
the middle. The Toddlers made a thumbprint pendent. The Preschool and PreK4 classes planted flower seeds
and made cards. PreK3 made decorated serving trays with tissue and spelled out I love you with buttons.
The PreK-3 and the PreK-4 classes had fun planting vegetables in the church garden with Miss. Marilyn. The
food will be used by the food bank. The PreK classes also experienced holding new born chicks that will
grow up on a parent’s farm! The Infants learned to name Zoo animals by washing them in the water table.
The Toddler class made snakes by painting with bubble wrap. A salad spinner was used to make tiger strips in
the Preschool classroom. A Farm mural was designed by the PreK3 class, showing a barn and the animals
living on the farm. After hearing the story about the Good Shepherd in Chapel the PreK4 class illustrated
pictures of how they thought the Good Shepherd looked like. The Day School sure has been busy!
During the month of June the classes will be learning all about Dinosaurs and exploring Sea and Ocean Life.
See you at the Casino Night and Auction!
Director of Religious Education
Lynn Farlin
Goal 1. Continue to explore and incorporate, where possible, opportunities to utilize technology and social
media to enhance Christian education program offerings. Assessment – this is an ongoing initiative and there
is still room for improvement. Attended a number of conference programs to increase my awareness of
methods to expand and improve in this area.
Goal 2. In an effort to incorporate outreach experiences into the Christian formation program we will identify
and engage in a minimum of one outreach opportunity for each Sunday school class during the calendar year.
Assessment – The elementary age children completed several outreach efforts to aid Ascension’s food pantry
(spice bags, bags of onions & potatoes and bagging food). The middle school and high school classes partnered with EYC scheduled outreach events (wreathes Across America, Nest bagged lunches and dinner prep
& service, and Norfolk Animal Control Center, VBS staff, Advent Fun Day Staff).
Goal 3. Plan and implement opportunities to actively involve and engage children and youth in our liturgy
via two children’s services and two youth services. Assessment –Two children’s services were held and one
youth service is scheduled for May 31st. The youth also began to hold their EYC services again this year but
with a different format. Youth were also asked to take a bigger role in the early Christmas eve service (4:30)
and served as Chalicers and readers.
Goal 4. Provide Christian formation offerings in the form of Bible studies or book reviews to complement
our Sunday Christian formation offerings. Assessment – Advent and Lent programs were held as well as an
ongoing weekly joint book study with Talbot Park Baptist Church. In addition, a women’s Bible study began
meeting weekly and the group has grown in size.
Goal 5. Explore and identify programs to better engage young adults and young families in our community.
Assessment – I had planned to offer some family fun events but was unable to make it happen due to scheduling issues. Began offering the “Breakfast Club” for college age young adults, which typically meets twice
a month. It’s been a success with a small group of local college students attending regularly and a boosted
attendance during typical college break periods.
Committee & Staff Reports
Book Club
Ann McMellin
Ascension Book Club members are reading ...Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, by Jamie Ford. This
novel is set in Seattle’s Japantown in the 1940’s when Japanese Americans were being
rounded up and placed in internment camps. Two young people, Henry Lee (a
Chinese American) and Keiko Okabe (a Japanese American) forge a bond of
friendship and love that endures through the decades. Please join us for our
discussion about this time in our country’s history and the relevance today
on Monday, June 8th at 6:30 pm at the home of Steve and Nancy Gibbons.
For more information, contact Ann McMellin or any book club member.
Day School Children’s Garden
Marilyn Meek
The three and four year old children in Ascension’s Day School have been busily
planting bulbs, seeds and vegetable plants for the past three years. Last fall they
planted tulip bulbs and enjoyed their deep purple colors this spring. A few weeks
ago they planted flower seeds which have germinated and are now 2 inches tall and growing. Two
weeks ago they planted corn, tomato, green pepper and zucchini plants and pumpkin seeds. All are
growing well and the children look forward to perhaps a pumpkin or two for Halloween.
Recent & Upcoming Fellowship Gatherings
Kate Rhea
Our first Ascension Feast Day with our new Rector was celebrated on Thursday May 14th. The “Gospel
Bird” (aka fried chicken) was delicious as usual, as well as each food offering contributed by members of the
Ascension family. Following a lively and meaningful service in the Cox Garden, we celebrated our namesake
feast day with Birthday Cake. As is our practice, surplus food was earmarked for future use or distribution to
those in need.
The Feast of Pentecost was celebrated in a very RED way on May 24th, followed by a scrumptious brunch
coordinated by Sally Todd and Jane Webster. As always, food was plentiful enough to share with those who
could not be in attendance. Jane Hedgecock, representing Pastoral Care, and others, put together several take
–out packages and delivered them to parishioners.
On June 14th we’ll have an outdoor service prior to the Annual Parish Picnic. Also on this special day, we
will be honoring Vernon Fields for his over 30 years of service as he approaches his retirement. The Parish
Picnic is always an enjoyable opportunity for fellowship with your Ascension family in a relaxed, casual
setting. Bill Willey and crew will grill up some tasty dogs and burgers (at the rock-bottom price of $1.00
each), for which you are asked to provide a picnic-style side dish (burger and dog fixin’s plus beverages are
provided) AND/OR dessert. Besides the picnic, fun and games will be available for children of all ages. Help
is needed for prep, set-up and clean-up; so if you are willing to assist in ANY capacity, please CALL or
TEXT Richard Drumwright.
If you attended our recent Annual Meeting (with breakfast deliciously provided by our EYC), you learned
that Fellowship is in transition and is no longer a ministry represented on Vestry. But it is still important for
the Vestry to know how you feel about Fellowship at Ascension, especially any ideas you may have regarding improving what we do or do not do in the name of Fellowship here. Please share your thoughts with the
Rector and members of the Vestry.
Flower Guild
Sarah Munford
The Flower Guild would like to thank all the people who helped with preparing the Nave for Easter !!
We had GREAT compliments on the ladies’ Easter bonnets….We now have begun a fun
tradition for Easter Sunday. We collected about 16 ladies’ hats, decorated them with faux
and real flowers and placed them in the Narthex….Ladies came in, chose a hat, wore it
for the service, and returned it to the table…. Please, throughout this year bring us hats!!!
The Flower Guild presented fresh flower bouquets to all the search committee members
at Stewart’s reception. We also welcomed Stewart with a lovely plant for her new office!
Welcome Stewart!!
Happy Summer… and remember to water your plants!!
Help Wanted
Would you like to learn how to become a "web master" and assist in the maintenance of the Church's website
and other media? This is a chance to learn from the "MASTER" (Bob Postle). Bob needs some assistance in
maintaining our website, info monitor, and social media sites.
This would be a wonderful opportunity for someone interested in website development and maintenance. If
interested, please contact Chuck Beers ([email protected]) or Bob Postle ([email protected])
Roy’s ROMEO’s
Bill Willey
At our last gathering on May 11th, the Ascension ROMEOs officially changed the name of our group to
Roy’s ROMEOs in honor of our dear friend and group founder Roy Burton. Roy’s ROMEOs will get together for lunch on the 2nd Monday of each month. This month we will meet on Monday June 8th at 11:30AM at
The Surfrider Restaurant in East Ocean View, 8180 Shore Drive, Norfolk VA 23518.
Please come and join us for good food, fun and fellowship.
If you need transportation, please call Bill Willey at 423-8896, and we’ll make sure you get there.
Jane Webster
January 2015
2015 through April
Total Income
YTD Actual
YTD Budget
Pledges for April are on budget while YTD pledges are actually $4700 over budget. However, the total income of $117,589 is $2,163 below the YTD Budget of $119,752. Monthly expenses were over budget
$3,367, yet under the YTD budget by $2,925. Income vs expenses for the year is currently $5,678 less,
which will be reduced as other income is received.
Special Contributors
Helping Alex Novak
Many folks have been concerned and asking about Alex Novak and how best to help
him right now. Nancy Gibbons sent an email to the office with some things to consider.
Best time to visit Alex is between 10am and noon
 Meals would be most appreciated, Alex loves chili. He also loves sweets but the
rest of the family doesn't. There are 5 family members living in the home
 No hospice or home health care has been instituted yet.
 Alex has to be lifted into his wheelchair for everything and cannot use his walker as
he just falls.
 Alex really wants to come to church but it would have to be in his wheelchair. He
misses attending services and seeing everyone.
 Alex loves receiving cards (send to the address above).
 Please keep him in your prayers
There has been a great outpouring of concern for Alex, including from the youth mission trip team, who built
him a wheelchair ramp over Memorial Day weekend. If you have ways you would like to help, please get in
touch with Steve or Nancy Gibbons or Jane Hedgecock, Pastoral Care
June Birthdays, Anniversaries & Announcements
Happy Birthday!
1 Sarah Stallings
2 Erika Brandenburg
Genevieve Nelson
3 Craig Todd
Patti Glowatsky
4 Angie Davis
5 Robert O’Toole
Dennis O’Toole
6 Kayte Beck
7 Paul Vitek
11 George Payne
Richard Sweeney
Thomas Murphy
13 Kate Rhea
19 Doug Thompson
20 Mary Louise O’Brien
21 Summer Novak
22 Don Miller
Vanessa Paul
23 Nancy Long
24 Diane Shepheard
Trent Farlin
25 Ken O’Toole
26 Taylor Farlin
27 Megan Miller
28 Ed Johnston
29 Denise Thomson
30 Madeline Lewis
Our Mission Trip
Team is helping
flocks of pink
plastic flamingos
migrate to the yards of Ascensionites! $15 for a Small Flock
(10 Flamingos), $30 for a Large
Flock (20 Flamingos) If you
have any questions contact Lynn
Happy Anniversary!
1 Don & Margaret Daly
2 Dennis & Patti Glowatsky
Robert Baird & Suzanne Tate
6 Max & Emily Dale
Kevin & Tracy Frank
8 Tom & Kate Rhea
10 Ken & Stacey O’Toole
12 Lee & Katie Jones
18 Chris & Casey Harney
21 Alex & Mary Novak
23 Doug & Sarah Barnhart
Puddy & Diane Sturtevant
26 Sam & Jane Hedgecock
Kellie Holzer & Dmitry Liskin
27 Rick Jones & Nellwyn Beamon
28 Phillip & Sally Todd
Remember Our Homebound:
Alma Halstead, Jimmy Fields, Mary Fitzpatrick, Betty Lou
Johnston, Mimi Oliver, Marion Haynes, Marion Keeter, and
James Hogge.
Remember our Deployed Military and their Families:
Christie O’Connell
Aletha Grugan
Erika Brandenburg
To Tidewater Community College
Rissa Newcomb
To Old Dominion University
Hunter Payne
Still deciding....
Ellie Trampenau
To William and Mary
Life Passages:
Congratulations to Jonathan Shepheard
and Lindsey Walker whose marriage was
celebrated here on May 9.
Our condolences to the families of Joe
Porfert and Roy Burton, and to Marion
Keeter on the loss of her nephew Robert
To Our Friends at Ascension,
Thank you so very much for your support when Joe was in the hospital and
after he died. The flowers, the food,
the visits, the offers of more, the funeral and the reception were all beautiful displays of love for Joe and for
us. It made an impossible time bearable. We trust that God has Joe in a
loving embrace and that we will see
him again some day.
Love, Harry and Roni
Deadline for the
July/August Issue of
the Herald
Is June 15
If your birthday or anniversary falls within this month, but isn’t on this list, please call the church office at 423-6715 or email to
[email protected] to update your information in the parish database.
The Episcopal Church of the Ascension
405 Talbot Hall Road
Norfolk, VA 23505
Phone: (757) 423-6715
[email protected]
Address Service Requested