Easter Blessings The Ascension Herald April 2015 The Episcopal Church of the Ascension is a Eucharistically centered Christian community committed to sharing the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ through worship, teaching, fellowship, outreach, and personal example. http://ascension-norfolk.org https://www.facebook.com/AscensionEpiscopalVA Our Vestry & Staff From the Interim Rector… Vestry Sr. Warden Chuck Beers Jr. Warden Bob Motley Register Lana Butler Building & Grounds Mark Strickland Communications Bob Postle Finance Doug Thompson Liturgy Stacey O’Toole Outreach Nancy Long Pastoral Care Jane Hedgecock Stewardship Nancy Gibbons & Sarah Munford Administrative Staff Bishop, Southern Virginia The Rt. Rev. Herman Hollerith, IV Interim Rector The Reverend Alan Mead Director of Religious Education Lynn Farlin Director of Music Ministries Frank Whitman Asst Director of Music Ministries Dr. Sam Dorsey Day School Director Mark Hattler Evangelism Brian Beasley Treasurer Jane Webster Secretary Nellwyn Beamon Financial Secretary Lauren Craun Sexton/Custodian Vernon Fields, Jr. Newsletter Tracy Frank It doesn't seem possible that I have been here at Ascension now for over 18 months. The time has simply flown by. I will say it again, and maybe can't say it enough, I am thankful for the opportunity to serve this wonderful parish through a healthy transition from one rector to the next. As we prepare for Holy Week and Easter I look forward to once again celebrating Christ Risen with you. My prayer is for this joy filled news of resurrection and hope for all people everywhere to fill each of us and overflow from us. Holy Week and the services of worship beginning with Palm Sunday and continuing with Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Great Vigil of Easter prepare us as individuals and as a community of faith, to hear in our minds and hearts the good news of resurrection life. On Maundy Thursday we will gather in Rose Hall for an Agapé meal at 6:15 pm, then process to the sanctuary where we will wash one another's feet as a sign of service and love. The altar will be reverently stripped of ornamentation. The reserved sacrament will be processed to the chapel where it will remain until the first worship of Easter. On Good Friday we have two worship services: the Prayer Book liturgy at noon in the chapel and Stations of the Cross at 7:15 pm either outside or in the church (depending on the weather). The Easter Vigil, among the most beautiful and moving services in the entire year, will be on Saturday at 7:15 PM in the chapel. The service begins with the lighting of the new fire, begins in darkness and moves to the light of Christ. And I hope to see you on Easter Sunday! It will be a beautiful worship with uplifting music. Blessings, Alan+ Welcome to Our New Rector ! Welcome to our new Rector, the Rev. Stewart Mason Tabb, the 13th Rector at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Norfolk, VA. We pray that God will bless us with mutual trust and respect, courage and foresight as we begin our new journey together. 2 Passion Sunday, March 29 Blessing of the palms, festive processional, the story of the Passion of Christ in drama, Holy Eucharist 8:00 and 11:00 am with Christian Education at 9:30 am The Triduum begins.... Maundy Thursday, April 2 Agape meal (time of fellowship and meditation) at 6:15 pm Processional, Footwashing, Holy Eucharist and Stripping the Altar at 7:15 pm Good Friday, April 3 Holy Eucharist with the Reserved Sacrament at noon Stations of the Cross at 7:15 pm The Great Vigil of Easter & Champagne Reception, April 4 at 7:15 pm Kindling the New Fire, Hearing the story of God's grace to the people, The renewal of our Baptismal vows, Holy Eucharist and Welcoming the Resurrection! Easter Day, Sunday, April 5 at 8:00 and 11:00 Resurrection celebrations continue with the Holy Eucharist There will be NO Christian Education this Sunday. 3 Vestry Reports Greetings from the Sr. Warden Chuck Beers It finally looks like Spring is here… I am so hopeful that I have cut water back to the outside spigots!! There is lots of good news out there. The final numbers on the Wine Tasting are in and with the $170 donation from the Rosemont Winery the net total is $921. Good news for the Food Pantry and the Mission Trip. We have a "Help Wanted" position just posted… the Canterbury Center at ODU has openings for its Board of Directors. The full description of the offering is posted on the Help Wanted Bulletin Board… Please take a look and see if it might be of interest to you. The Food Pantry can use some assistance too. I hope you have noticed the flurry of activity in the Library….The new "committee" has been meeting and reviewing the current holdings and culling out the old and outdated material. They hope to have an area soon where they can establish a book exchange; where you can drop off a book you have finished and maybe pick up a "new" book. It will be a good place for the books the Book Club has reviewed. Stay tuned to the happenings coming from the Library… Thank you Elizabeth, Nancy, Faye, and Paul. The Vestry is discussing the changes to Fellowship as we have known it in the past. Many years ago one or two people organized a massive program that had us eating at church for some function just about once a month; needless to say we burned out several good people. Last year we tried a paid manager to organize the efforts; that had some good success but it was a trial effort and needs some adjustments. A survey of the area churches provides no useful information; no one does food events anymore because there is no one to lead them. My daughter's church in PA has only one dinner and that is a Christmas dinner that they do on Christmas Day, and they cook for the town to come in and enjoy a dinner. The Vestry is trying to put together the best workable program we can; it will be a source of discussion and different from what we currently have now. Stay tuned. The NEST week was a great success… Much thanks to Nancy Long for the organizational effort… it was different, partnering with another church. They had a lot more space that allowed a lot more room for the guests, and of course more guests… I think we had 65 some nights. But it was more to clean up in the morning too!! It was gratifying to be able to play a small part in helping the guests. Check out the changing Altar "flower" arrangements as they evolve over the Lenten season. It is a very visual representation of the meaning of the season. Thanks to Sarah and the Flower Guild. If you have not checked out the website or our Facebook page or the front door monitor lately, you are missing lots of information and news. Bob Postle has done a superb job on the website (www.ascension-norfolk.org) and the monitor. The latest update to the website added a "Donate Here" button so it is now possible to donate online to the church through Pay Pal. And be sure to use Amazon Smile when you log on to Amazon and the church gets some funds back. We hosted a Vestry Training Session led by the Diocesan staff and when they reviewed all the points of a great website we were all there!!!! The calendar is up to date, all the minutes of the Vestry Meeting are there, as well as the Newsletters, and all the policies of the church are posted for review. Please take a look. The Vestry has set up a Nominating Committee for the upcoming Vestry Election. Chuck Beers, Bob Motley, and Stacey O’Toole are the committee. We are looking for "members in good standing" who would serve on the Vestry for a three year term. It is challenging and rewarding service opportunity for the person and the church. Much has changed in Vestry service since the "old days;" please ask about the opportunity to the Nomination Committee or any Vestry member. By the way, the Vestry voted to change the bylaws of the Church to reduce the Vestry to nine from twelve. This will make it easier to fill Vestry positions and will not restrict the present system of commissions and committees. If you have any questions or opinions about anything going on at church please let either me or Bob Motley know and we will try to answer. 4 The Easter Vigil: Reclaiming Our Roots in Celebration The reforms that Vatican II encouraged not only in the Roman Catholic Church, but in other churches as well, encouraged us to look back at the early history and practices of our faith. One of the practices that virtually disappeared as a result of the Reformation was the Great Vigil of Easter. The Great Vigil was the primary service of Easter Day: welcoming new converts as well as celebrating the resurrection of Christ. The Book of Common Prayer indicates that the Vigil is the first service of Easter Day and should be celebrated at a time between sunset on Holy Saturday and sunrise on Easter morning. (The Jewish practice of starting the day at sundown is also the practice in the liturgical church.) There are four parts to the Vigil service: 1. The Service of Light 2. The Service of Lessons 3. Christian Initiation (baptism) or a Renewal of Baptismal Vows 4. Holy Eucharist At Ascension, we start the service at 7:15 pm in the Cox Garden by kindling a new fire that is used to light the new Paschal candle which burns every Sunday of Eastertide (the Great Fifty days between Easter and Pentecost). We process with a simple and ancient chant into the Chapel. There is great expectation as we order ourselves in the dark for the service—much like walking into a tomb. We hear the Exsultet—another ancient chant—which is sung about light and the Passover story. Then we hear the lessons appointed for the Vigil—lessons that tell the story of God’s redemption of humankind. We hear, but we also respond. It is a very participatory kind of service. After the readings, we celebrate baptisms, because this is the primary baptismal feast in the church year. If there are no baptisms, we renew our baptismal vows. The early church did not allow converts to be present for the Eucharist, so you can imagine how exciting it was to be at the cusp of this celebration knowing that this was the day one would finally be fully welcomed at the Easter feast. We ring bells and shout alleluias, there is a musical fanfare during the cacophony of sound, the flowers come out, the lights go up. Night has become day! We sing the Easter hymns and we partake of the first Eucharist of Easter. THEN WE CELEBRATE THE RESURRECTION! After the service is over and we depart the Chapel with our Alleluia’s, we enjoy a champagne and strawberry reception in the Lounge. What better way is there to celebrate the resurrection? Music Director Search Committee Emily Dale An organizational meeting of the Music Director Search Committee was held on March 22. Members have been approved by the Vestry and include Brian Beasley, Emily Dale, Debra Griggs, Tiffany Landis, Michael Murphy, Bob Postle, Courtney Wheeler and Jane Webster, with Alan Mead ex officio and advisor. We established a timeline for our work, and are developing a vision plan and a job description for the position. We will seek input from the congregation at a meeting in May, with the time and date to be announced at a later date. In the meantime, please feel free to contact any of the committee members with thoughts you have about the search for a new organist/choirmaster at Ascension. 5 Outreach Nancy Long This year we partnered with Talbot Park Baptist Church who housed the homeless for the week of February 25 - March 3. This week was one of the coldest weeks of the year and 60+ folks were fed nutritious meals and provided with a warm and safe place to sleep each night. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible: lunch baggers, casserole chefs, shift takers, and those who donated cloths, socks, casseroles, peanut butter and jelly, baggies, etc. Talbot Park Baptist will host a dinner and debriefing on Wednesday April 15, and all who participated are invited to attend. Just RSVP to 423-8677 by April 13. Dinner will be at 5:30 and the meeting from 6:00 to 7:00 Pastoral Care Jane Hedgecock Pastoral Care is now sending both email anniversary and birthday greetings to all members of Ascension who have given us their email addresses. Messages are also emailed to those members who are ill and to anyone who requests a friend or relative receive a note of care or concern. Prayer and Healing is a quiet ministry that some very faithful members volunteer for twice a month during the 11 o'clock service. We would love to add more members to the team so the present small group doesn't experience "fatigue.” Long Term Care Visitors needs additional members to volunteer to visit the elder members of church who are in nursing facilities or at home. Please see Jane Hedgecock if you can assist with one of these rewarding ministries. Stewardship Nancy Gibbons & Sarah Munford The Stewardship commission will host a reception for Frank Whitman and Alan Mead on Sunday April 12th following the 11:00 service. MARK your calendars for this MOST special reception!! Also, the Stewardship commission will be sponsoring lunch and handing out flower seeds on April 19th in recognition that we are all God’s stewards of our beautiful planet earth and in celebration of the 45th anniversary of Earth Day. Treasurer Jane Webster February 2015 2015 through February Pledges Total Income Expenses February $26,067 $28,241 $26,294 YTD Actual $50,816 $55,084 $62,181 YTD Budget $50,000 $59,246 $65,935 Pledges for the month were $1,067 above budget but total income was $4,162 below the YTD Budget. Monthly expenses were actually below budget by $5,286 and YTD Expenses were $3,754 below budget as well. The difference between income and expenses should even out later in the year. 6 Directors Report Director Day School Jane Spohn March sure came in like a lion and went out like a lamb. We had enough snow and are ready for sunny, spring days. During the month of March all the classes celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday by reading his books and enjoying various art activities. Many classes made Cat in the Hat hats. The toddlers made hats with their foot print. The PreK-4 students made their own illustrations of the Cat in the Hat. The Infant class made handprint fish on a paper fishbowl after reading, One Fish, Two Fish. After reading the Foot Book, the PreK-3 class made pictures with their footprints. They made Sam I Am paintings too. The Lorax book was enjoyed by many classes. The Pre-School made a “Once-ler” Lorax Store in their room and made Truffala trees with clothespins and pom-poms. The Toddlers made Truffala trees with Trix cereal and marshmallow fluff. The Infants also made trees with their handprint. The PreK-4 class had so much fun reading The Cat Quizzer book. Do you know what George Washington’s favorite TV program was? (None, no TV back then!) The children had so much fun listening to Dr. Seuss’s wonderful stories. Spirit week occurred the week of St. Patrick’s Day. The school had Hat Day, Pajama Day, Crazy Hair Day, and Mix up Match Day. The week was full of fun and crazy outfits. For St. Patrick’s Day the PreK-4 class played bingo with shamrocks and did a shamrock matching game. The PreK-3 class decorated shamrocks. The Pre-School planted grass in green bell peppers which when cut has a shamrock shape. The annual Easter Egg Hunt will occur April 1st. All are invited to be here starting at 4:00. School is closed for Good Friday. April will bring warmer weather and a chance to get outside more and more. The classes will be learning about spring, plants and insects, and transportation. Happy Spring! Director of Religious Education Lynn Farlin Once again this summer our youth & leaders will embark on a mission trip with Appalachian Service Project (ASP). Our team will spend July 19th- 25th somewhere in North Carolina’s Appalachian region where we will help ASP “make houses warmer, safer and drier.” It’s a powerful and humbling experience! But there are times each year, in the early planning stages, when I wonder if any of the youth or leaders will sign up. To be honest- it is a very long week- of sleeping on floors, no privacy, less than ideal showers conditions, eating meals that provide needed caloric intake- but are less than enjoyable, enduring repeated singing of Wagon Wheel (I find the song painful), and long days working in the rain and heat. In addition, we are never sure what we will be asked to do, or if we will have the needed skills to successfully accomplish the tasks. Hopefully, you see why the early planning stages can be worrisome. Yet each year youth willingly give up a week of their summer to be part of the mission trip experience, and leaders use precious vacation time to make the trip possible for our youth. We find a way to embrace the living conditions, tackle the home repair projects and personally connect with our homeowners. During the trip we learn what faithful service is all about! While I’m being honest, I should also admit that mission trips are expensive! It’s estimated that this year’s trip will cost approximately $7,500. While our youth individually pay a good portion of the fees, we still need to engage in fundraising to cover expenses. The Ascension community helps make the trip possible through support of our various fundraising efforts (i.e. cake ball sales, meals, talent show, flamingo flocking, etc.). Sponsorship of a mission trip team member is another way that you can help us. The cost to sponsor a mission team member is $75. (continued on the following page) 7 Director of Religious Education (continued) Lynn Farlin Sponsorship provides an insider’s view of the trip. Team members write letters to their sponsors and personally share their experiences with their sponsors at a “thank-you” event. If you are willing to be a sponsor, simply write a check for $75 and write “mission trip sponsor” in the memo line of your check. You can drop the check in the collection plate or send it to the church office. On behalf of the entire mission trip team we appreciate Ascension’s support of our various mission trip fundraisers. We are thankful each year that you make it possible for us to go out into the world and serve others! Director Of Music Ministry Frank Whitman THE EXULTET Exult, let them exult, the hosts of heaven, exult, let Angel ministers of God exult, let the trumpet of salvation sound aloud our mighty King's triumph! The Exsultet or Easter Proclamation, in Latin Praeconium Paschale, is the hymn of praise sung, ideally by a deacon, before the paschal candle during the Easter Vigil. In the absence of a deacon it may be sung by a priest or by a cantor. It is sung after a procession with the paschal candle before the beginning of the Liturgy of the Word. It is also used in Anglican and various Lutheran churches, as well as other Western Christian denominations. Since the 1955 revision of the Holy Week rites, the Roman Missal explicitly gives the title "Praeconium" to the Exsultet. Outside Rome, use of the paschal candle appears to have been a very ancient tradition in Italy, France, Spain and, perhaps, from the reference by St. Augustine, in Africa. The Liber Pontificalis attributes to Pope Zosimus its introduction in the local church in Rome. It is believed that because of the regularity of the metrical nature of the Exsultet, the date of its composition perhaps was as early as the fifth century and not later than the seventh. The earliest manuscript appeared during the seventh century. The earliest manuscript of the Gregorian Sacramentary did not contain the Exsultet, but it was added later. The order of the Exsultet consists of an invitation to those present to join with the deacon in invoking the blessing of God, that the praises of the candle may be worthily celebrated. The Sursum Corda follows, which serves as the introduction to the body of the chant, cast in the Eucharistic form to emphasize its solemnity. During the rest of the chant, a parallel is drawn between the Passover of the old and the new covenants. Here the language of the liturgy rises to heights to which it is hard to find a parallel in Christian literature. Through the outlines of ancient beliefs, as through a portal, we are drawn into the warmth of deepest mysticism, to the region where, in the light of paradise, even the sin of Adam may be regarded as truly necessary and a happy fault. Finally, the candle itself is offered as a burnt-sacrifice, in the name of Christ, marked by grains of incense as with the five glorious wounds of his Passion. We will witness this ancient and solemn tradition during the beginning of the Easter Vigil. Please join us on Saturday evening, April 4th at 7:15 pm. It is truly a beautiful and moving part of the liturgy. 8 Committee & Staff Reports Book Club Nancy Gibbons At the March meeting there was a lively discussion of All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. Members loved this book! Our next book is Sisters of Sinai by Janet Soskice. Twin sisters, Agnes and Margaret Smith, travel the Middle East and discover the earliest known copy of the gospels in the ancient Syriae language. We will meet at Anita Mitchell's home on Monday, April 13th at 6:30pm. The May book will be The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore. For more information, contact Ann McMellin. Flower Guild Sarah Munford Flower guild wishes to thank Harry Porfert for building a GREAT rack to hold the glass-oil filled candles from the candelabras. We use the pew candelabra about 5 times a year, so this will keep them stored safely! A BIG thank you to Chuck Beers for setting up the Vestry Day Program in March…thanks also, to Bob Postle, Jane Hedgecock and Peggy Hackett for all their help!!..Approximately 125 people attended the program from across the Diocese. It was very interesting!! THE flower guild donated a lovely pew candelabra for Nancy Morris as she was one of our founding members, the engraved plague reads: In Memory of Nancy Morris In Honor of Peggy Risser For FLOWER lovers…Historic Garden Week of Virginia will take place on April 23rd…the Norfolk houses on tour are in the Freemason area... should be lovely!! For flower lovers AND gardeners...The 39th Annual Plant & Herb Sale at the Fred Huette Center Saturday, April 18… 9:00 to 4pm & Sunday, April 19.10:00 to 4 pm. All Ascension ladies are encouraged to Wear your Easter Bonnet With All the Frills upon it to Easter Sunday Service... Lay Readers Marilyn Meek On March 21st I officially took over the Chair of Lay Readers at Church of the Ascension from the very able hands of Mel Phillips. He had served in this position for a little over 5 years and decided to pass it on. The turn-over was easily done as Mel had everything on his computer and just “sent it over”. So, many thanks for these years of service. I also met with Roy Burton and benefited from his suggestions, ideas and long years in the position. We are happy to announce that we have three new chalicers; Ann McMellin, Elizabeth Murphy and Mike Murphy. All three have been serving as lay readers and have been chalicers in previous parishes. We would like to encourage anyone who would like to take on this important ministry to contact The Reverend Alan Mead and/or myself. We offer training and want to expand our lists and perhaps we can gain new members including some of our younger parishioners. 9 TREE OF LIFE Highlighted Stained Glass Window This double window is meant to be a memorial to our son, Edward, who died of heart trouble much younger than anyone expected. The scene depicts a young boy sitting on a stable rock marked with a cross. Our church and our Lord, both rocks in our own lives, come to mind. We like to think of the large tree, with the beauty of the limitless sky shining through the leaves, as the Tree of Life with its imagery of the Garden of Eden and the blessings of the natural world. In the midst of this world of life is our son who will always be alive in our hearts as well as in the Lord’s embrace. The doves flying overhead are sure signs of the Holy Spirit who abides with us and comforts us through whatever may come. Finally, the rainbow is in clear view of our son and of all who see this window and is a colorful reminder of God’s promise to be present with us forever. Edward and Betty Lou Johnston Update from a Deacon Intern Genevieve Nelson To all my fellow Ascensionites, It’s been a few months and I think I’ve been settling into my internship at St. Andrew’s very well. I was very surprised by how many of you have connections here. So many people approached me with words of welcome under instructions from Ascension; it was like getting a hug from you all and made the shock of a new environment easier to bear. The education I received at Ascension has been extremely helpful. It allowed me to begin serving liturgically almost immediately and with plenty of confidence. I will have you know that I’ve only dropped the purificator into the wine once so no one can say that deacons-in-training from Ascension don’t have any home training. I preached for the first time on March 22 and people were so impressed that I spoke so clearly and slowly. I attribute that to the practice and feedback I received at Ascension. Thank you all for being guinea pigs and letting me practice sermon delivery. School has been going very well. We finished up Church history in January where I helped write and performed a skit on the history of the diaconate. We don’t get any grades for our assignments, but I’ve been assured that I am passing. Currently we are studying human awareness by examining how a church behaves as a series of systems. The next session is in April. I can’t believe I’ve been in school for over a year. Time is going by so fast as classes end in January next year. Next month I will be applying for candidacy to the permanent diaconate. I meet with Bishop Hollerith and the commissioning committee in June where they will determine whether or not to accept my application as a candidate. After being granted candidacy, it will be a near straight shot to ordination in 2016, God willing and people affirming since you aren’t ordained until you’re ordained. I will write again when I get some more news and keep you updated on my progress. Until then know that I carry you all in my heart and I won’t forget that my roots are at Ascension. Grace and peace, 10 Time for a Flocking…. Our Mission Trip Team is helping flocks of pink plastic flamingos migrate to the yards of Ascensionites! If you would like to arrange for a flock to roost in a friend's yard: 1. Fill out one of the flocking forms located on the bulletin board (by Cox Memorial Garden), 2. Attach a check for the size flock you want (write "flamingos" in the memo line), 3. Place the completed form and check in the mission trip mail box. The mission trip team will do the rest! The flock will roost for two days in the designated yard with a sign to let folks know that the flock is helping fund our mission trip, then we will pick them up and migrate them to another yard. The cost for flocking is: $15 for a Small Flock (10 Flamingos), $30 for a Large Flock (20 Flamingos), and for those of you who want ensure that your yard remains flock free you can buy Flock Insurance for $35. If you have any questions contact Lynn Farlin. ROMEO’s Billl Willey The Ascension ROMEOs will continue to get together on the 2nd Monday of each month. This month we will meet for lunch on Monday April13th 2015 at 11:30AM at The Surfrider Restaurant in East Ocean View, 8180 Shore Drive, Norfolk VA. Please come and join us for good food, fun and fellowship. If you need a ride, please call Bill Willey and we’ll make sure you get there. Yard & Garden Clean Up Days In order to get the grounds looking good for Easter, there will be Lawn and Garden Cleanup days scheduled for Friday March 27thand Saturday Match 28th, starting at 9AM each day. Please come and help us to clean up Ascension’s beautiful lawn and gardens. Lunch will be provided. In case of bad weather March 27 and/or 28, makeup days will be April 3 and 4. 11 April Birthdays, Anniversaries & Announcements Happy Birthday! 1 Mitch Burton Mel Phillips 2 Solveigh Raske 3 Ed Pahl Reagan O’Toole 4 Kellie Holzer ************************ 6 David Davenport Tracy Frank 8 Beulah Mitchell Lori Hoden James Hickman 9 Harry Porfert ************************ 14 Sarah Beck Chase Sweeney 16 Dee Dorman ************************ 20 Emily Dale Carter Craun 21 Barbi Willey Tim Trampenau 22 Max Dale Phoebe Montagna 23 Merrill Dorman 24 Chuck Beers ************************ 26 Nelson Tate 27 Tim Westfall Scottie Russell Samantha Dorman 28 Peggy Risser Doug Barnhart Ben Dorman 29 Kim Hermann Betty Hermann 30 Nancy Gibbons Stephen Kinnear Happy Anniversary! 3 Doug & Pam Knight ******************* 10 Tyler & Catherine Thomson ********************* 15 Ron & Anji Harris 18 Bob Postle & Pamela Winslow 18 Shana & Vanessa Paul ******************* 24 Ken & Marilyn Meek 25 Stuart & Lynn Farlin ******************* 27 Mark & Courtney Wheeler Remember Our Homebound: Alma Halstead, Roy Burton, Jimmy Fields, Mary Fitzpatrick, Betty Lou Johnston, Mimi Oliver, Marion Keeter, James Hogge. Remember our deployed military and their families: Joe Doty Aletha Grugan Christie O’Connell Congratulations to... Jack Rule who was baptized on board the USS Mesa Verde. His parents are Mariah and Ethan Rule. Our condolences to… Andrea Murphy on the death of her mother Sandra Metzler in Minnesota. The families of former members Lovie Ames and Barbara Joynes Vaeth Twine. If your birthday or anniversary falls within this month, but isn’t on this list, please call the church office at 423-6715 or email to [email protected] to update your information in the parish database. 12 The Episcopal Church of the Ascension 405 Talbot Hall Road Norfolk, VA 23505 Phone: (757) 423-6715 [email protected] Website: www.Ascension-Norfolk.org Address Service Requested 13
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