TEAM UP FOR SUCCESS ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC SESSION APRIL 17-18, 2015 • STATEHOUSE CONVENTION CENTER LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT I am very excited about the upcoming 2015 ASDA Annual Session and would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join us as we “Team Up for Success”. The conference will be held at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock, Arkansas, April 17 - 18, 2015. This year marks the 128th Annual Scientific Session. The CE Committee as well as the ASDA staff has been diligently and creatively putting together some new features for this year’s agenda. In addition to our wonderful educational offerings, we have a great line up of networking activities, including a lunch for all conference attendees on Friday in the Exhibit Hall with the vendors. We also will have a Vendor Appreciation Breakfast on Saturday morning in the Marriott hotel (adjoining the Convention Center). Our new CE Chair, Dr. Jordan Cooper has led the charge to “bring back the fun” by putting together an ASDA Conference Party on Friday, April 17th. The party is scheduled at PROST (next to Willy D’s) in the River Market area from 7 p.m. until 11p.m. Please mark this on your calendar as a “must attend event”. We want you to have a festive time with your colleagues, staff and peers. Dr. Drew Toole Heading up the line up of our featured Keynote Speakers is Gene St. Louis presenting on Friday with topics on “Turning Potential into Production” and “Building the Dream Practice.” Andrea Kowalczyk will also be a featured speaker on Friday and is sponsored by the Arkansas State Dental Hygienists’ Association. Ms. Kowalczyk’s presentation will focus on “An Ounce of Prevention: Becoming a More Prevention Centered Practice”. Additionally, on Friday, there will be a great opportunity to earn CE credit by attending special courses offered by a select group of sponsored vendors. Dr. Hassan Bashiri and Dr. Bryan Whitaker will be featured speakers on Saturday morning. In addition, an Infection Control course will also be offered. To round out our agenda, we will have the ASDA Presidents’ Lunch. I want to encourage you to register you and your staff for this very important education development conference. We need to all join together and strive for continued personal and professional growth in events of this kind. We will have a lot of fun while learning information and techniques for our profession. I look forward to seeing you in April. – Dr. Drew Toole HOTEL INFORMATION ROOM RATES: Single - $154 Double - $154 Triple - $164 Quad - $174 ASDA ANNUAL SESSION HOST HOTEL Little Rock Marriott Hotel #3 Statehouse Plaza Little Rock, AR 72201 Reservations: (877) 759-6290 (Make sure to notify the hotel that you are part of the ASDA room block!) CUT-OFF DATE FOR ASDA ROOM BLOCK IS MARCH 17, 2015 ITINERARY Thursday, April 16th Little Rock Statehouse Convention Center 7:00 am – 8:00 pmExhibitor Move-In 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm Executive Council Meeting 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Delta Dental Meeting Friday, April 17tH Little Rock Statehouse Convention Center 7:00 am – 4:00 pm Registration 7:00 am – 8:30 am ASDA General Assembly & Breakfast - ASDA Members ONLY (RSVP Required) 8:30 am – 5:00 pmExhibits Open 8:30 am – 12:00 pmGene St. Louis “Turning Your Potential Into Production” 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Andrea Kowalczyk, RDH, BS (Ticketed Event) “An Ounce of Prevention: Becoming A More Prevention Centered Practice” Sponsored by Arkansas State Dental Hygienists’ Association 8:30 am – 12:00 pm 10:00 am – 10:30 am 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Vendor CE Presentations Exhibit Showcase Break Exhibit Hall Lunch - All Conference Attendees Invited (RSVP Required) Sponsored by Delta Dental 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Arkansas State Dental Hygienists’ Association Luncheon (Ticketed Event) 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Gene St. Louis “Building the Ideal Practice with your Dream Team” 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Andrea Kowalczyk, RDH, BS (Ticketed Event) “An Ounce of Prevention: Becoming A More Prevention Centered Practice” Sponsored by Arkansas State Dental Hygienists’ Association 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Vendor CE Presentations 1:00 pm – 3:00 pmTable Clinics 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Exhibit Showcase Break 4:30 pm AR Society of Pediatric Dentists 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Pierre Fauchard Academy Reception 5:30 pm – 7:00 pmUT Reception 5:30 pm – 7:00 pmLSU Reception 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm ASDA Party – PROST (Next to Willy D’s) All Conference Attendees Invited Saturday, April 18th Little Rock Marriott 7:00 am – 8:30 am ICD Business Meeting ICD/ACD Breakfast ACD Business Meeting 7:00 am – 8:30 am Vendor Appreciation Breakfast - Dentists only (RSVP required) 7:00 am – 11:00 amRegistration 7:45 am – 8:30 am ARDPAC Meeting/Breakfast 8:30 am – 10:00 am Infection Control (Ticketed Event) 8:30 am – 10:00 am Dr. Hassan Bashiri “Maxillofacial Reconstruction and Rehabilitation for Head and Neck Cancer Patients, Cleft Lip and Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies” 10:00 am – 10:30 amMorning Break 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Steven B. Whitaker, D.D.S. “Two Weeks of Slapped Cheeks: A Primer on Childhood Exanthems” 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm 1:30 pm ASDA Presidents’ Luncheon (Ticketed Event) ASDA Executive Council Meeting 2015 SPEAKERS Gene St. Louis Steven B. Whitaker, D.D.S. Gene St. Louis is Executive Vice President of Practice Solutions at McKenzie Management. For over 30 years, Gene has devoted her entire professional career to dentistry and practice management. She held both clinical and administrative positions, prior to becoming a practice management consultant in 1993. Gene founded her own practice management company and built it into a successful firm with hundreds of clients nationwide. She has written many informative articles have been featured in a variety of dental publications. She has written and copy wrote two manuals, one on clinical education and one on administrative. Gene has also been a speaker for the nation’s top dental meetings and has lectured to dental societies, dental schools, study clubs, and state dental associations throughout the United States and Canada. McKenzie Management is a full service, in-office dental management company. Their clients include thousands of dental practices throughout the U.S and Canada. Andrea Kowalczyk, RDH, BS Andrea Kowalczyk, RDH,BS received her A.S. in Dental Hygiene from Brevard College in Cocoa, FL, and her B.S. in Oral Health Promotion at O’Hehir University. She holds a post graduate certificate in Dental Hygiene Mentoring from O’Hehir University. She is a member of the American Academy of Dental Hygiene, The American Dental Hygiene Association, the Texas Dental Hygiene Association, and the National Dental Practice Based Research Network. Andrea’s background as a Dental Hygiene Mentor for a large dental group has allowed her to create and present continuing education courses for dental professionals. Andrea has a special interest in assessing a patient’s unique risk of developing dental decay, and has written articles on the subject. Andrea was selected to participate in the American Dental Partners Leadership Institute, an intensive four year leadership development program, and was named the 2011 National Dental Hygiene Leader of the Year at American Dental Partners. Andrea is certified by the American Academy of Dental Hygiene as an independent CE provider. Her articles have appeared in “Dental Practice Management”, “Efficiency in Group Practice”, RDH, Modern Hygienist, and First Impressions magazines. A native Texan, Andrea lives in Houston with her husband and son. In addition to family time, she enjoys reading history and biographies, gardening, and traveling. Andrea has this to say about her approach to hygiene coaching: “I believe that hygienists who are properly educated, equipped and engaged give the best patient care. My goal is to ensure the hygienists I coach are all of these things.” An Arkansas native, Dr. Whitaker was raised in Fort Smith and matriculated with a bachelor’s degree in Zoology from the University of Arkansas in 1985. He obtained his dental degree from the University of Missouri (KC) and subsequently completed two dental specialty programs, both in Georgia. In 1992 he finished a three-year residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. After a brief career in full-time academia, he received Endodontic specialty certification at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta. Dr. Whitaker has served as president of the Northwest District Dental Society, Arkansas Association of Endodontists and Academy of Interdisciplinary Dentofacial Therapy. He also had the opportunity to direct the Arkansas Department of Health’s Office of Oral Health and sit on the American Dental Association’s Council on Scientific Affairs. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, fellow of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, and a specialist member of the American Association of Endodontists. In addition, Dr. Whitaker is a fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy, Academy of Dentistry International, American College of Dentists and International College of Dentists. Teaching remains a strong interest both in and outside of formal education and Dr. Whitaker maintains appointments at Georgia Regents University and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Dr. Whitaker and his wife Carol live in Fayetteville. Their three daughters are currently attending to their studies in college or professional school working towards careers in the music industry and medicine respectively. Dr. Hassan Bashiri Dr. Hassan Bashiri is the former Director and Assistant Professor of the Maxillofacial Division of Otolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery at UAMS and has since retired from that position. He is currently the Director of the Dental Clinic of CARTI. In the past, Dr. Bashiri was a consultant to the VA and the Children’s Hospital Dental Clinic. He has authored chapters in dental and medical books, scientific dental and medical articles related to his work and lectured at numerous dental and medical society meetings, both nationally and internationally. Education: DMD degree from Tehran University School of Dental Medicine; certificate in Prosthodontics from University of Illinois, Chicago, IL; Masters Degree from University of Illinois, Chicago, IL; certificate in Maxillofacial Prosthodontics from University of Pittsburg, PA. Professional Affiliations: American Dental Association, Arkansas Central District Association, Arkansas State Dental Association, American Academy of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, American Academy of Otolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery, American Academy of Cleft Lip and Palate, Member of Arkansas Mission of Mercy (served on Prosthodontics Team at LAMOM AND WIMON) and serves in Harmony Clinic in Little Rock, AR. DENTIST REGISTRATION FORM D E N T IS T REGISTRATION ASDA 2015 ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC SESSION __________________________________________________________________________ (Please Print Clearly) Dentist’s Name ___________________________________________________________ Full Name and Title for Badge ______________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________ State __________ Zip __________ Phone _______________________ E-mail _____________________________________ (Please Provide for Further Contact) __________________________________________________________________________ DEADLINE TO PRE-REGISTER: March 27, 2015 ASDA MEMBER PRE-REGISTERED ----------------------------------------------------------------------ON-SITE REGISTRATION -----------------------------------------------------------------RETIRED ASDA MEMBER (Must be Completely Retired from Dentistry) Pre-Registered On-Site $275.00 _____ $325.00 _____ ☐ $130.00 ☐ $160.00 PLEASE RSVP FOR THE FOLLOWING: ☐ Attending ASDA General Assembly & Breakfast (ASDA Members Only) - F r id a y , A p r il 1 7 th – 7 : 0 0 a m t o 8 : 3 0 a m ☐ Attending Exhibit Hall Lunch (All Conference Attendees Invited) – F r i d a y , A p r i l 1 7 th – 1 2 : 0 0 p m t o 1 : 3 0 p m ☐ Attending Vendor Appreciation Breakfast – LR Marriott (Dentist’s Only) - S a t u r d a y , A p r il 1 8 th – 7 : 0 0 a m t o 8 : 3 0 a m FEES ADA OUT-OF STATE MEMBER/FOREIGN DENTIST NON-ADA/ASDA MEMBER DENTAL STUDENT/FIRST YEAR GRADUATE PRE-REGISTRATION ☐ $365.00 ☐ $565.00 ☐ NO FEE ON-SITE ☐ $415.00 ☐ $615.00 ☐ NO FEE TICKETED EVENTS: ANDREA KOWALCZYK, RDH BS (Presenter for ASDHA CE Course) INFECTION CONTROL COURSE ASDA PRESIDENTS’ LUNCHEON ☐ $40.00 ☐ $65.00 ☐ $40.00 ☐ N/A ☐ N/A ☐ N/A TOTAL $____________ _________________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION: ☐ CHECK ENCLOSED (PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO ASDA) ☐ CREDIT CARD INFORMATION PROVIDED CREDIT CARD INFORMATION: CARD TYPE: ☐ VISA ☐ MASTERCARD ☐AMERICAN EXPRESS ☐ DISCOVER CARD NUMBER: _______________________________ EXP. DATE: ________ SECURITY CODE: ________ CARDHOLDER: ________________________________ SIGNATURE: ___________________________ BILLING ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________ CITY: ______________________________________ STATE: ___________ ZIP: ________________ RETURN COMPLETED REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT TO: Angela Rogers Group w P.O. Box 1958 w Little Rock, AR 72203 or Register Online at NO REFUNDS AFTER MARCH 27, 2015 PLEASE MAIL COMPLETED FORM AND PAYMENT TO: ANGELA ROGERS GROUP P.O. BOX 1958 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72203 or FAX TO: ANGELA ROGERS GROUP ATTN: ANNE BAKER (501) 835-3311 HYGIENIST REGISTRATION FORM HYGIENIST REGISTRATION ASDA 2015 ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC SESSION ________________________________________________________________________ (Please Print Clearly) N a m e ___________________________________________________________________ ☐ ASDHA Member ☐ Non-Member E m p l o y e r / P r a c t i c e N a m e ___________________________________________________ N a m e t o P r i n t o n B a d g e ___________________________________________________ A d d r e s s ________________________________________________________________ C i t y _______________________________________ S t a t e __________ Z i p __________ P h o n e _______________________ E - m a i l _____________________________________ (Please Provide for Further Contact) ________________________________________________________________________ DEADLINE TO PRE-REGISTER: March 27, 2015 ALL MEETING PASS PRE-REGISTERED ---------------------------------------------------------------------ON-SITE REGISTRATION -----------------------------------------------------------------HYGIENE STUDENTS/FIRST YEAR GRADUATES (ALL MEETING PASS) $95.00 _______ $115.00 ______ PRE-REGISTERED ---------------------------------------------------------------------ON-SITE REGISTRATION -----------------------------------------------------------------PLEASE RSVP FOR THE FOLLOWING: NO FEE NO FEE ☐ Attending Exhibit Hall Lunch (All Conference Attendees Invited) – F r i d a y , A p r i l 1 7 t h – 1 2 : 0 0 p m t o 1 : 3 0 p m T IC K E T E D E V E N T S (A Ticketed Event is an Additional Charge and is NOT Included in the All Meeting Pass): ANDREA KOWALCZYK, RDH BS (Presenter for Arkansas State Dental Hygienists’ Association CE Course) ☐ $40.00 ANDREA KOWALCZYK, RDH BS – HYGIENE STUDENTS ☐ NO FEE ASDHA BUSINESS LUNCHEON (Ticket Must be Purchased at the Fee Below to Attend) ASDHA MEMBER ☐ $15.00 NON-MEMBER ☐ $30.00 INFECTION CONTROL COURSE ☐ $65.00 ASDA PRESIDENTS’ LUNCHEON ☐ $40.00 TOTAL $___________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION: ☐ CHECK ENCLOSED (PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO ASDA) ☐ CREDIT CARD INFORMATION PROVIDED CREDIT CARD INFORMATION: CARD TYPE: ☐ VISA ☐ MASTERCARD ☐AMERICAN EXPRESS ☐ DISCOVER CARD NUMBER: _______________________________ EXP. DATE: ________ SECURITY CODE: ________ CARDHOLDER: ________________________________ SIGNATURE: ___________________________ BILLING ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________ CITY: ______________________________________ STATE: ___________ ZIP: ________________ RETURN COMPLETED REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT TO: Angela Rogers Group w P.O. Box 1958 w Little Rock, AR 72203 or Register Online at NO REFUNDS AFTER MARCH 27, 2015 PLEASE MAIL COMPLETED FORM AND PAYMENT TO: ANGELA ROGERS GROUP P.O. BOX 1958 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72203 or FAX TO: ANGELA ROGERS GROUP ATTN: ANNE BAKER (501) 835-3311 ASSISTANT / STAFF REGISTRATION FORM ASSISTANT/STAFF REGISTRATION ASDA 2015 ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC SESSION ________________________________________________________________________ (Please Print Clearly) N a m e ___________________________________________________________________ ☐ Assistant ☐ Staff/Clerical E m p l o y e r / P r a c t i c e N a m e ___________________________________________________ N a m e t o P r i n t o n B a d g e ___________________________________________________ A d d r e s s ________________________________________________________________ C i t y _______________________________________ S t a t e __________ Z i p __________ P h o n e _______________________ E - m a i l _____________________________________ (Please Provide for Further Contact) ________________________________________________________________________ DEADLINE TO PRE-REGISTER: March 27, 2015 ASDA MEMBER – STAFF REGISTRATION (ALL MEETING PASS) PRE-REGISTERED ---------------------------------------------------------------------ON-SITE REGISTRATION ------------------------------------------------------------------ $95.00 _______ $115.00 ______ NON-ASDA MEMBER – STAFF REGISTRATION PRE-REGISTERED ---------------------------------------------------------------------ON-SITE REGISTRATION ------------------------------------------------------------------ $190.00 ______ $270.00 ______ PLEASE RSVP FOR THE FOLLOWING: ☐ Attending Exhibit Hall Lunch (All Conference Attendees Invited) – F r i d a y , A p r i l 1 7 t h – 1 2 : 0 0 p m t o 1 : 3 0 p m TICKETED EVENTS: ANDREA KOWALCZYK, RDH BS (Presenter for Arkansas State Dental Hygienists’ Association CE Course) ☐ $40.00 INFECTION CONTROL COURSE ☐ $65.00 ASDA PRESIDENTS’ LUNCHEON ☐ $40.00 TOTAL $____________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION: ☐ CHECK ENCLOSED (PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO ASDA) ☐ CREDIT CARD INFORMATION PROVIDED CREDIT CARD INFORMATION: CARD TYPE: ☐ VISA ☐ MASTERCARD ☐AMERICAN EXPRESS ☐ DISCOVER CARD NUMBER: _______________________________ EXP. DATE: ________ SECURITY CODE: ________ CARDHOLDER: ________________________________ SIGNATURE: ___________________________ BILLING ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________ CITY: ______________________________________ STATE: ___________ ZIP: ________________ RETURN COMPLETED REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT TO: Angela Rogers Group w P.O. Box 1958 w Little Rock, AR 72203 or Register Online at NO REFUNDS AFTER MARCH 27, 2015 PLEASE MAIL COMPLETED FORM AND PAYMENT TO: ANGELA ROGERS GROUP P.O. BOX 1958 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72203 or FAX TO: ANGELA ROGERS GROUP ATTN: ANNE BAKER (501) 835-3311 ANNUAL SESSION SPONSORS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ASDA is bringing back the fun! All conference attendees are invited to join us for drinks and dancing at PROST (next to Willy D’s)! Friday, April 17th | 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 1068 Little Rock, AR 7480 HWY. 107 SHERWOOD, AR 72120 SAVE THE DATE! ASDA ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC SESSION • APRIL 17-18, 2015 Register Now at
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