Document 91053

T H E ATTICA N E W S , T H U R S D A Y . O C T . 1 2 , 1911.
nTK'B TO CMElHTOkS. — i*UJ*uaut to Ml
„rd«r of Hon. James B. Norton, Btmneate
K-.».,. (v.nuiv
of Wyoming, 8t*U» Jot New York,
„„iiia> te lu-reby given to .Ul person, having
or dewanUsfiiitaiuiit Hugh Dt,viu c , laws of
; ; , m » i i of genningtou, to «*W u o u u l j . ihswausi that th»J »i* rsuulred to ur««s»l t h e saino,
-liii the vouchers therefor, to the undemlgtutf]
iministmtrix, a t the office of Ruaaell J. Stone in
f towui'f attii-a, Wyoming County, N.Y., on
r , X r e the Wth day of Dc-uember, lttll.
i)»tud. June 14, 1WU.
Tiwrney"tor idminhitratrix.
Attics, N. Y.
OTICE TO CKBDITOR6—Pursuant to an or-
dt-r of Hon. James E. Not ton, Surrogate of
Ny. count*
ot Wyoming, notice is hereby given
ui all persons oaviug I'laium or demands against
H«'|.ii Haimenberg. late of the Town of Benuiuirtou in s»itl euUuly, deceased, t h a t luey are
to nreseat tha saute with t h e vouchers
thtir*'i*>r" (o the unuvrolgncu ^St--ouU>r, at hU itssirtmii* in the town of Uarien. tiuuesee County, N.
y "u'i or before the iOth day of November, 1911.
e d , May 18, 1911.
0 H & W. K. HOPKINS.
Attorneys ior Executor,
Attica, N. Y.
They Will Agree
with you—and help you to keep
your stomach and other organs
in the proper condition on which
your good health must depend
Sold Everywhere.
la base. 10c. and 2 1 c
Constant Change* .n the Shape of tha
£arth'i Crust.
One naturally thinka of the earth's
crust as being exceedingly solid and
stable, except perhaps in volcanic reV^ OTICE TO CREDITORS. — Pursuant to an gions where earthquakes are of frej \
order of Hon. James E. Nortou, Surrogate quent occurrence.
A» a matter of
oitiieCou?!ty of Wyoming, state of New York, fact, however, the shell of our planet
notii••• 1* hereof 0 v e n to a'l pens ,us having
ilVitiiH i>r d e m a n l s against Hwirge A. borsam, is extremely seusithe and most delilate oli the t"V. n of M. idlebury i u mid county, cately baiuaced, so that under the In
deceased, that they are required to present the
ttiac wilii the vouchers' therefore; to the under- fluences of causes that seem altogethtigned executrix, at her residence in the town of er insignificant in comparison with the
MiiUiiebuiv, Wyoming Countv, N. Y., on or before the 2">th dav of November, 1911.
gigantic bulk and weight of the earth
Dated, May 18, 1911.
It yields and fluctuates In a most
E Tiazing manner.
ClABE!" B H . B K A S B ,
To an eye so placed as to be capaAttorney for Executrix,
ble of taking in at oue comprehensive
Attiea N. Y.
glance the whole round outline of the
%T0T1CE TO CREDITORS. — Pursuant to an globe It would not appear of precisely
n j order of Hon. James K. Norton, surrogate
of the county of Wyoming, State of New York, the same shape during an entire day
uuiioe is hereby given to all persons having or even au hour. Most of the changes
elalnus or demands against John p. Schneider,
late of the town ot Bennington, in said county, referred to are. of course, very slight
deceased, that they are required to present tile when compared with the size of the
lame, with t h e vouchers therefor, \o tke undersigned administrators at the residence of William earth itself.
H. Kipstine in the town of Bennington. Wyoming
The operation of atmospheric and
Countv, N. Y . on or before the 20th dav"of I;
MpM|fe**iaC--'•-'-'''<' similar causes Is
member. 1911.
Dated, J u n e 14. 1911.
continually bringing about changes in
the shape of the earth's crust. One
Administrators. of the most interesting of the agencies
whereby such alterations are effected
Attorney ior Administrators,
is the carrying power of rivers. WherAtiiua, S. Y.
ever a great quantity of sand and
% J O T I C g TO CREDITORS. — Pursuant to an gravel is being brought down from the
order of Hon. James E. Norton, Surrogate
of the County of Wyoming, State of New York, interior o ' a continent and poured into
iiQtiee is hereby given to all persons having the sea, as, for instance, along the
Claims or demands against Samuel Ward, late of
the town of Sheldon in said county, deceased, northwestern coast of Europe or the
that they are required to present the same, with gulf coast of the United States, the
the vouchers therefor, to the undersigned executrix, at her residence in the town of Sheldon, weight of the earth's crust Is slowly
Wyoming County, N. Y., on or before the ^Oth increasing, and the consequence Is
dav of December, 1911.
seen in the gradual subsidence of-the
Dated, J u n e 14, 1911.
Such a sinking has been going on
thousands ot years #long the Nerth
Attorney for Executrix,
•sea coast and on the continental side
Attica. N. Y.
j of the British chnunei. A similar deT OTICE TO CREDITORS.—Pursuant to an
^ I order of Hon. James E. Norton, Surrogate ; pression Is occurring on the eastern
of the County of Wyoming, iu Surrogate's Court, I edge of our own couutry and along
notice is hereby given to all persons having 1
claims or demands against F r a u t Hankey, la:e the gulf of Mexico. It has been estlof the town of Attica, said County of Wyoming, ; mated that the gulf coast is sinking
State of New York, deceased, that they are required to exhibit t h e same with the vouchers at the rate of nearly two feet In a
thereof to t h e undersigned executor of the last j century.
will and testament of said Frank Hankey, deCorresponding elevations must, of
ceased at the lav.' office of Charles B. Prescott in
the Krafts P.lock in the Town of Attica. Wyom I course, occur elsewhere. And to these
ing County, New York, on or before the 23rd day
slow changes in the level of tfceearth'a
January, 1912.
Dated Attica. N. Y., July 14, 19 1.
crust earthquakes are due as well a s
to the more violent hx-ai disturbances
created by volcanic action.—Harper's
Attorney for the Executor,
Attica. N. Y.
Farm ariZ
Little Driver'* Father, L. O. Bonham.
Says Light B r a h m a * A r e Beat.
"This picture will show you the bind
of chickens w*» raise In Texas. Note
the comparative size of the team and
the driver. Joshua Bonham. and Peot,
the rooster."
That is what L. O. Bonham of Johnson county, Tex., wrote when he sent
the picture shown here to the Rurai
New Yorker. The bird is nearly as
large as the baby. Many farmers shake
their heads at Light Brabmas because
they think such great fowls eat too
much for what they give back. Mr
faonhau; W;.s- a A r d to say why he
thinks the Brahatns are best, and this
Is bis answer:
How many study the surrounding
conditions when selecting a breed ot
chickens? We have been growing the
Light Brahmas for the past eleven
years, and this is the reason why. Our
chickens have the range of the or
chard, berry patch, garden and vine
Perforata Manifold D u t i e * on F a r m
F r o m Spraying to C h u r n i n g ,
Aside frotn using the gasoliue eoglne
for pumping water the farmer must
consider that It can be harnessed to
a hose, with which be may sprinkle
the lawn, dower beds, truck p a u n
and garden, especially In case tin*
weatuer turns extremely dry and h«n
One sprinkling at a critical penou
might save a whole season's wotu
from being thrown away
Its use aa a sprayer for destroy Inpests in the poultry bouw» can readit'.
be eeeu, and as it m porutbkj it can ne
used in applying fly repellent to live
stock, spraying the potato patch ana
orchard trees, it can also be used m
lay the disagreeable dust in the lots
near the house and barns.
WTith the hose attachment the pump
engine can be used In cleaning ou
filthy bog troughs and foul watei
tanks, and the muddy wagon and »immobile can be more thoroughly and
quickly cleaned off by it tban by any
other method, while the overworked
housewife wll! find It a great labor
saver, CH/eeially in scalding out tn •
milk and cream cans after using it
for churning butter.
Owner Refused $2,000 For H i m
Madison Square Garden Show.
Some idea of the value or a well bred
bird is derived from the fact that after
exhibiting the champion Barred I'iym
outh Bock male a t the Madison
Square Garden show Mr. Bright, the
owner, refused an offer of $2,000 for
yard, and to control them It Is only
necessary to have a portable two foot
wire net fence, to move from place
to place as necessary, and white they
are good hustlers they are not wild
rangers. Some say they are too large,
but when we go to market and one
of them will bring as much • as two
of many other breeds you cannot object to that. If you put the eggs on
the scales you will find that they laid
as many pounds of eggs a s . t h e best,
and they do most of their laying in the
winter and spring, when eggs are a
good price. They are the hardiest chick
ens we have ever had, and they are
Just as fine at the table as any. They
•P# the flrat friers at the market in
the spring; that is, if you have an incubator or some other hen to do the
batching, as they will not set until
late in the spring, bat will continue
laying, and after all when you go to
the show you will hear more comments
Needed a Sea T u r n .
order made by Hon. James E. Norton, SurCaptain Lane had retired from active of the Brahmas than any other breed,
rogate of the County of Wyoming, in Surrogate's
Court, u n t i e is hereby given to all persons hav- pursuit of his beloved calling and had that is. from people that are not intering claims or demands against t4ecrge Bauer. turned his attention to town affairs. ested in special breeds.
late of the town of Attica, Wyoming County,
New York, deceased, that they are required to Having succeeded in rousing the citiexhibit
t h e ivi.e with the vouchers thereof to zens to the need of a drinking fountain
h= undersigned the administrator of the goods,
• h a t t e d au'i ; r ' Uu ol n M Qtasaaaw at t o e of-1 and also to the need of two coals of
nee oi i^iiai.e- o. i reaoott in the t r a m * Block iu naint on th«» town bad] Cat'tain l « n p
the town of AUi'-a, New Voik, on or before the |
felt himself a valued and important Careful Heating, Sterilizing and Cork25th day of March. 1912.
ing All la Neceaaary.
Dated September s, 1911.
The keeping sweet of cider and other
Charles B. Prescott.
er in the town to give his opinion of fruit juices without resorting to the
use of chemicals is a simple process,
Attornev to* Administrator,
present administration.
Attica. N. Y.
can be done by any one who un"It's pretty fair," said the captain
TOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuant to an or- slowly, "Of course there's things that derstands canning fruit
1 der made by lion. James E Norton, the
The cider is heated as soon as ex
Surrogate of the Couuty of Wyoming, in Surro- could be different nnd would be better
gate's Court, notice is hereby given to all persons so, but on the whole 'tis pretty fair. t r a d e d to a temperature of about 200
having claim* or demands against William Dodegrees, or until it begins to simmer
sing, late of the town of Attica, in said County But now I'll tell ye—I'm speaking from
of Wyoming, deceased, that they are required to experience, you understand—things at but does not boil. It may be put into
exhibit t h e same with the vouchers thereof, to the seat o' gover'ment won't be run as bottles or jars and sealed at once, but
the undersigned administratrix of the goods,
chatties a n d creditR of said deceased at the office they could be run till the people o' a much better way is to allow it to
of Charles B. Prescott in the Village of Attica, this country make up their minds to stand for twenty-four hours and pour
N. Y., on or before the 11th day of April, 1912.
stop confining their votes to landlub- off and filter through a flannel cloth,
Dated, Attica, N. Y., September 21, 1911.
then reheat to the same temperature
bers!"—Youth's Companion.
and °eal.
Cantatas B. PRESCOTT.
When the Juice or cider is put into
Attorney for Administratrix,
Attiea, N. Y,
bottles which should be sterilized
endeavoring to establish your own.
by rinsing out with boiling water, the
To Mvrta R. Tuttle, John A. Tuttle, all the
corks should be put in and the stopper
heirs at law and next of kin of Asa O. Tuttle,
sealed with sealing wax or paraffin.
late of t h e town of Java, in, t h e County of Wyoming, deceased: Whereas; Frances D. Tuttle
It will keep indefinitely, and may be
executor named in the alleged Last Will and
put to a great variety of uses.
Testament of t h e said deceased, has applied in
our Surrogate's Court of said County of Wyoming from any disorder of the ST0MACI, LIVES or
to have t h e will of said deceased, which relates
to both real and personal estate, proved and ad- KIDNEYS, or if yonr bowels arc inactive at
Blood Meal Not Popular.
tsitton' to probate: vou and each of you are there- times, or yon should suffer from headaches,
Few dairymen feed dried blood to
fore hereby cited to appear a t a Surrogate's
Court, to be held by and before the said Surro- ?et a 50 cent bottle of SEVEN BARES of your their milk cows.
Sensitive persons
gate, at his office in the Village of Arcade, m druggist. If you are run down and don't feel
revolt against t h e idea of feeding blood
said County of Wvoming. on t h e 25th day of November, 1911, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of MI young and chipper as yon used to, give meal.
And yet It contains nearly
that day, to attend the proof and probate of said SEVEN BARKS a fair trial; it will purify your
twice as much protein as cottonseed
In testimony whereof, we have blood, clear your system and brain, and meal or oil meal and is just about as
caused t h e seal of the surrogate's make life worth living. I t is absolutely effective as a milk producer.
Court of said County of Wyoming harmless, is highly palatable, and will not
to be hereunto affixed.
It has been more customary to use
Witness, James E, Norton, Sur- iisturb the most delicate stomach.
meal a s a hog feed than a s a
rogate of our said oounty, at the
For sale at druggists at 50 cents per feed for cattle. It comes as a byVillage of Warsaw, t h e 9th day of
bottle. Don't fail to try it. Address
October. 1911.
product from the packing house and
LYMAN BROWN, 68 Marray SL, New York, N.Y.
Clerk of t h e Surrogate's Court.
when fed to hogs is mixed with corn.
It has been shown by station tests
that cottonseed meal is somewhat
cheaper as a milk producer than blood
Call at the bank and you will be pleased
with the courteous service of our tellers.
We pay 4% interest on deposits.
Security Trust Com
Rochester, N. Y.
There a r a no aoft anapa about
f a r m life or any other kind of
life if a m a n w a n t * to w i n . A n d
the m a n w h o * e t * out to find
any aueh t h i n g w i l l com* out
worae t h a n he w e n t in and make
s m'li.puhla failure of living.
\ Buainea* ie buainesa on the f a r m
j> a * weii aa elsewhere. And w h y
\ ahould it n o t be?
Us* Various Lubricant*.
Where thu pressure is heavy the lubricant should be thick In order to
resist being squeezed out under the
load For light pressures oil should be
used. Thus for a wagon heavy grease
Is b^st, while for n cream separator of
high wpe<*d ft thin oil Is necessary In
t*w?oTer that It" r?*/?osity will not a4d
to the friction. Solid substances in a
finely divided state, such as graphite,
arc often ustd effectively to reduce
Furniture For The
Home Needs
Look over the furnishings in your home and see if there is
not something you require to improve the looks of the room,
or something that you actually need. Let tu aid you in tUe
selection of something for the comfort and pleasure of all the
family. A tine piece of furniture is the most appropriate article that can be brought to the home.
We have a large selection of R o c k e r s , C h a i r s of aii kind-., P a r l o r
S u i t s , Ladies Desks, B o o k c a s e s , C e n t e r Tables, Dialug Tables,
Bedroom S u i t e s , Iron Beds, K i t c h e n C a b i n e t s , P i c t u r e a n d P i c t u r e Frames, Carpet Sweepers, Music Cabinets, Sideboards aud
in f a c t a n y t h i n g t h a t »« k e p t In a f i r s t c l a s s F u r n i t u r e S t o r e .
Picture Framing and Repair Work.
>N B V K *•
for axle. To keep fodder from resting
on wheels make two simple wheel
houses, as illustrated.
This rack s low down and one man
can load it easier than two can a high
wheeled wagon. It is eftsy to pull, since
the horses are hitched low and take
weight off runners
Kor ordinary use
no tongue Is necessary, though It would
be required If the rack were used on
ley or steep hills.
Save t h e droppings from t h e
equal value if bought on the
m a r k e t w i l l coat you $30 or more
a t o n . For the easier gathering
and handling of thia fertilizer a
p l a t f o r m of b o a r d * should be
placed under t h e roost*.
p l a t f o r m should be scraped clean
at laaat twice a week.
When you bank by mail one of our officers
gives your business his personal attention.
Eaaily Made at Home and Can Bo
Handled by One Man and Horse.
Here is a rack that is used for hauling corn fodder, straw and many other
things. Only two wheels are used.
These may be mower wheels. They
should be about one foot back of the
center of the rack, so that the front
end will stay down on runners. Bore
a hole through the 2 by 8 side pieces
In selecting your bank you look first for
safety, then for good service.
Good Service
of this report by the Country Gentleman. Mr. Bright said: "I was
offered that sum sure enough and was
rather startled myself—so much so that
1 was tempted to ask the one who
made it with what kind of money he
intended to pay me. i knew that it
had taken me thirty year^ to produce
this bird and that if I wished to continue to improve my stock 1 could not
afford to part with him, so 1 refused
the offer.
"1 may have been foolish and I may
not. At any rate, in eighteen months
we sold $3,000 worth of birds and eggs
produced by the yard of which this
male was the head." Nine males, of
which this one was the sire, sold for
$100 each, and the eggs sold for $25
for thirteen.
JOHN ULMER, ""'" streetFurniture
Both phones at store and residence.
Gifts of Silverware
Nothing more acceptable can be offered than
attractive silverware, combining good taste with a
quality of endurance which assures lifelong service.
Such characteristics make
ware most desirable for gifts. To-day this renowned
trade mark assure* the purchaser not only of securing
the original brand of Rogers, but the heaviest grade
plate guaranteed by the makers to give absolute
T h e remarkable durability of "1847 ROGERS BROS."
Silver has won it the popular title
Orchard and Garden.
Unleached wood ashes sown broadcast in the orchard will prove beneficial.
Those who have large apple orchards
are fortunate if they have evaporators
for drying windfall apples. This is a
good way to utilize unsalable fruit
and thus add to the profits of the orchard.
The garden teaches us valuable lessons on Intensive farming. In it high
fertility and good cultivation make a
small area produce large crops. Why
not adopt this Mystem in field crops?
Enlarge the pasture, reduce the field
and add to your profits.
Sow some lettuce now and yos awy
get some plants fit to use before winter or a t least some plants that you
can plant out in frames or the greenhouse a month later and have lettuce
for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sow
a little patch of rape and perhaps rye
near your chicken yard for pasture In
open days during December and in
early spring.
With currants and gooseberries fall
Is better than spring pruning. Commence as soon as the leaver have partially fallen, trimming oat nil drooping branches to eneour;i^e an upright
growth. After the bush Is trimmed
and all grass, roots and weeds removed NUUUUt up a little, covering all
exposed rootlets.
This operation
s«rvt& e s - a fall hoeing and i« a>0<"&
easier done then than in the spring
when the grass and weeds have more
atrongiy fastened Ibeir roots in tha
I around.
Plate that
(iuUrriattiJtial H i l v r C*> ,'tiuoota««r.)
NUrt4«rs Conn.
• •^m^kmUntitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York
( Successor to E. R. Wallis.)
Assets of Companies Represented over $125,000,000.
BUT FaWMrWr. -ff« R - 2.
Off «ce Over Bank of attiea.
For Sale or Want Ads. Bring Results
K n i v « , forks, spoons and fancy serving piece* ma*
b e procured in numerous designs, some fancy, sons*
simple and ch**»e.
Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send
lor catalogue " C - L , " showing all patterns.