File - Ashton Vale Primary School

By Aaliyah
The Yanomami tribes live in
the a village called Yano, the
the tribes make their own
decisions and rules, when
the men fight with the other
men after the battle the
women have to do what ever
they say.
This is Yanomami
tribe hunting for
the food they will
probably be eating
tonight, they drink
the juice that
comes from
berries, they eat
the animals that
they can find.
They spend the
most of their time
hunting and eating
the food they have
either killed or
have found.
Where they live
The Yanomami live
in the centre of the
Amazon, which
would probably be
the most dangerous
part of it.
This is a family of
ten that live in a
small house that
is probably the
same size as
your bedroom.
The women do
most work, the
men do less, the
men just hunt, the
women hunt and
do chores and they
have to look after
the kids that have
to be delt with on a
Day to day basis.
Yanomami have
warfares with other
tribes that live
near,they have them
because of jealousy
and sometimes a
tribe doesn't have as
much as another
tribe so they fight to
get some of what
they have.