Spring 2015 - Alberta Sport Parachuting Association

Spring 2015
To promote and facilitate the development of sport skydiving in Alberta.
Are you ready to skydive?
While some of us were fortunate this year to make a
the rest of the province should be ready to follow
trip (or more than one!) somewhere warm and sunny
suit really soon, mother nature willing!
and do some skydiving, maybe even some tunnel,
many of us were snow-bound here in lovely Alberta,
It’s time for spring gear checks, re-
dreaming of sunny blue skies, warm temperatures,
packs, EP reviews, and skydiving!!
and the sounds of aircraft and jumpers. Well, that
With a couple Alberta dropzones already jumping
time is upon us in some parts of Alberta already, and
(Skydive Big Sky and Alberta Skydivers), and the
remaining dropzones to follow suit in the next few
weeks, it is time for everyone to start getting ready
for the upcoming season.
Editor’s Note
Get your gear out of the closet or wherever it
hibernates for the winter. Wash those jumpsuits, and
make sure all batteries are in good working order.
Introduction to our New Vice-President
Dropzone News
LTAD Corner
If your DZ is having a Safety Day, please try your
best to make it. At this time of year it’s important to
review EP’s, DZ protocol, landing procedures, and
many other important things, especially if you
haven’t jumped in a few months, like many of us. For
the younger jumpers (and by younger I mean in
AGM Recap/Seminar News
Coach’s Corner
NEW: Newsletter Submission Guidelines
Dropzone Contact Information
number, not necessary age!) you may have to arrange
to do some coaching re-currency jumps.
What ever you need to do to get ready to have a fun
and safe skydiving season, now’s the time. I hope
everyone has a wonderful, fun, and most of all, safe
2015 season.
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ASPA Spring 2015
Your New Vice-President
I hope you’ll
Hi my name is Chad. I have been
join ASPA and look forward to
all join me in
skydiving for nine years and have
fostering the growth of our sport!
welcoming Chad
Bunch, your new
600 jumps. I started my skydiving
career competing mainly in belly.
Over the past 3 years I have
moved into doing more
freeflying and I enjoy spending
my weekends skydiving with my
Skydive Big Sky family. When
I'm not skydiving, you can find
me on the lake or out
snowboarding. I'm excited to
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ASPA would like to thank CJ
Godkin for his service as VicePresident. Thanks, CJ and
good luck in your future
ASPA Spring 2015
skydive eden north presents...
May is approaching and Eden would like you to enjoy your best season of skydiving ever.
New Skydivers
If you complete the Eden North Advanced Freefall Program Between May 1 and May 31, 2015, Eden North will
supply you with free gear Rental for the month of June, 2015. A savings of up to $30 per jump. Never a better time to
learn to skydive than now.
AFF Students and graduates: Are you "current"? How long has it been since you have jumped?
We have a special offer for you if you graduated through the Eden North AFF program and register for safety day
prior to May 1, 2015. If you complete all four seminars you will receive free gear rental for Saturday, May 2nd and
Sunday May 3rd - a savings of up to $30 per jump! To register, simply send an email to [email protected] that
states your intention to join us for safety day and attend the four refresher seminars. Make sure you bring your
Current Calendar of events
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May 1-3
Opening weekend will be a festive event with safety day scheduled for Saturday, May 2 (see
details below). Licensed Jumpers: we will have free load organizing throughout the weekend,
and discount jump packages available! This year’s complete calendar of events will be unveiled
May 1
Safety Day: Starting at 10 am, the free seminars begin. You can pick and choose the ones
you would like to attend. Approximately 45 minutes each. Everyone is invited to join in
regardless of experience level.
10 am - Equipment
11 am - Emergency Procedures
12 pm - Canopy control - Including Flight Patterns and Landings 1 pm - Aircraft procedures & safety Skydiving all day long! Saturday evening we will be hosting the Eden Let's Get Reacquainted Bash.
May 16-18
Victoria Day Boogie - load organizing, 3-way competition, Wingsuits Over Eden
May 23
A “Boost Your Learning Curve” Event: Flight Masters 101 canopy piloting seminar with Lyal
Waddell. Registration $60.00 plus five jump tickets to 13,000’. Videos of approaches and
landings, individual and group video debriefs. This is a real situation training program that goes
beyond. Free gear rental for Eden North AFF Graduates! Limited spots available, register now!
June 6
Alberta Canopy Piloting Competition Meet #1
June 13
A “Boost Your Learning Curve” Event: Canopy Formation Training: unlinked canopy
formations training designed to teach you how to get the most out of your canopy. You will
learn the skills necessary to get and stay close to a leader, how to take on a synchronized
flying challenge, and put on a great show! Registration $45 plus three jump tickets to 13,000’
ASPA Spring 2015
****You won't want to miss these two special events****
July 3 to 5 - Sugar and Spice Boogie, This event was a great hit last year and will out do itself this year with great
load organizers, seminars, evening entertainment, great prizes and of course, girls, girls, girls...
Wing suit Acro camp the 4th and 5th with Blair and Oz
July 6 to 12 - Gavin Days Boogie, Free load organizing with our special guests, wing suit instruction with Blair Egan
and Scott Callantine, world record holders, certified wing suit instructors and awesome coaches. This week will finish
with the premier wing suit Acro competition. You want to test your skills with a wing suit, Eden is where you want to
If you want a load of fun with great skydives join us for ten days of action packed skydiving fun July 3 to 12.
A more comprehensive calendar will be available May 1st. Stay Tuned!!
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ASPA Spring 2015
news from edmonton skydive...
Edmonton Skydive Wins Bid to Host 2015 Nationals Edmonton Skydive is extremely excited to announce that it was selected to host the 2015 Canadian Sport
Parachuting Association Championships. Nationals will take place between July 27 - August 3, 2015. The final schedule and logistics is being finalized. For updates regarding scheduling, competitor information,
travel and other event details please join the event page at: https://www.facebook.com/events/788348654573480/
Big Season of Events Planned at Edmonton Skydive In addition to hosting Canadian Nationals from July 27th - August 3rd, Edmonton Skydive is planning
another huge season of events to celebrate its 30th anniversary season. In addition to regular load organizing from Derek Dickson, Codie Moffat and Kat Bee, we're bringing back
some big names in the industry including Jay Moledzki and Chris Farina. Also, make sure you stay connected
because we have a couple of surprise events and names that we're in the process of confirming.
Calendar of Events
18 Official Season Opener
5-8 "
Strong TM Course
18 Alberta CPC Meet #2
16-18 Wild West Boogie
23-24 Flight-1 High Performance
Canopy Coaching with Jay
Moledzki 12-14 " Airspeed FS Camp
25-26 Flight-1 201-202 Canopy
Course with Jay Moledzki
27-31 Canadian Skydiving National
Canadian Skydiving
National Championships
21-23 SkyChicks Boogie
High Altitude Boogie
3-4 Beerfest
Alberta CPC Meet #4
24 Year End & Deadly Sins
Costume Party 18-20 Alympics 2015
For more details on these events, and to see some of the smaller scale events, please check out the Events Calendar at:
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ASPA Spring 2015
Rob Hutchinson celebrated 9,000 jumps last year, while chasing a tandem with Terry Walker.
Well done!
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ASPA Spring 2015
2015 aspa agm recap
Snowy roads can’t keep people away!
The ASPA Annual General Meeting
Provincials was the hot topic of the
day. It had to happen eventually… Provincials is
changing. It has taken years of discussion, between
was held on March 21 on the NAIT
the Executive, the DZ’s, our competitors, pilots
campus in Edmonton.
and organisers. The membership discussed the
issues at length and thoroughly debated all the
Despite the snow, 29 members attended, and
options. Thank you to everyone for your input, it
another 16 sent their proxy. That is possibly the
was gratifying to have a productive discussion
best turn out EVER to an ASPA AGM. Thank you
between members from across the Province.
to everyone who came out!
Decisions were made, and with so much input, I’m
Each year, ASPA recognises members who have
confident that the needs of the membership are
contributed to ASPA and had achievements in the
fully represented.
sport. This year we recognised 5 of our members.
One change is that we have to say goodbye to the
Volunteer of the Year: Kevin Webster
Coach of the Year: Marie-Eve Belzile
Instructor of the Year: Kadam Moore
Athlete of the Year: Chris Day
Most Promising Videographer: Ned Ambrus
Otter. The cost of bringing it in just can’t be
maintained, and with so many biggers planes in
the Province, we have more than enough lift
capacity here at home!. The date of Provincials will
change each year; it is no longer required to be on
the July long weekend.
The event will re-focus on competition, and we
Additional things of note:
encourage everyone to take part. Any level, any
*The subsidy for achieving your JumpMaster
discipline, we can make it happen!
rating has been increased to $200.
A big thank you to the volunteers; Izzy and Phil
*The budget for the seminar program has been
Perry, Ned Ambrus, and Ian Harrop: thanks for
bumped from $7,000 to $17,000. This reflects how
popular and valuable the program has become.
Last season, ASPA subsidized 9 seminars!
*The ASPA 4-Way FS competition returns for
your help preparing and
making the day a
Now, let’s have an
2015, as well as a new 2-Way FF competition. The
awesome season!
prizes will be the same, 1st place gets a $100 gift
And remember, let’s be
certificate (for each team member) to the DZ of
careful out there.
their choice, and 2nd place gets $50. All the
information will be available soon.
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Tina Connolly
ASPA Spring 2015
Pictures courtesy of Ned Ambrus
seminar news you can use
This year, ASPA is changing the way we fund seminars.
In 2014, ASPA funded a record number of seminars: 9 seminars were funded throughout Alberta!
So, to keep up with demand, we have increased our seminar budget to $17,000.00.
There is also now a deadline for seminar applications. All applications must be received by May 15,
2015. This deadline will not be extended.
The application for seminar subsides can be found on the
ASPA website, here:
For more information, contact Tina C. at [email protected]
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ASPA Spring 2015
Coach’s Corner
Attention Future Coaches!
A Coach 1 course will be held at Skydive Big Sky in Innisfail, on Saturday June 13 Monday June 15. Details are:
Cost: $400 plus $45 CSPA Fees and 3 jumps plus coach slot on course
Minimum requirements: “B” CoP, video of completed BL/FL/RBR/LBR/Delta/Backslide/180 turn and
track, (not sure if I should put that in or just “B” and have them reach out for more details….)
To confirm your slot please email Ned at [email protected] and provide a non refundable deposit of $200 due
by April 30th, with final payment at start of course.
Further details and prerequisites can be found at:
An SSI course was held in April, 2015.
Left to Right: Phil Perry (CF), Laura Kerr,
Monique Andrie (CF), Kadam Moore, Shane Lystang
Congratulations Everyone!!!
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ASPA Spring 2015
NEW: newsletter
submission guidelines
Starting in May, 2015, your ASPA newsletter is changing. Don’t worry, it’ll still be full of the same
stuff you’ve come to expect and look forward to, the guidelines for submissions and timelines are
just changing! The Main Newsletter will be coming out twice a year: Spring (April) and Winter
(December). During the months of May - October, we will release monthly mini-newsletters, with
quick updates on upcoming events planned at your favorite dropzones. As always, if you don’t wish
to receive emails from ASPA, just let us know. We’ll respect your privacy.
ASPA needs your submissions! Pictures, stories, anything you want to share
with your skydiving community!
One thing is, though, we can’t do this alone! We need YOU, the Alberta Skydiver. We need your
submissions: your pictures, your stories, your milestone jumps. Did you jump out of an airplane
with a half dozen inflatable fish? Do a water balloon jump? Chase your mom’s tandem? We want to
hear about it!
Send all newsletter submissions to: [email protected]
This is the email address for all things newsletter. Emails sent to other email addresses could be
missed, and we don’t want that - so send everything to [email protected] There will be
deadlines for each newsletter issue. If you miss a deadline for an upcoming issue, don’t be sad - it
will make the next issue! Deadlines will be strictly adhered to, to ensure timely production of the
newsletters. Deadlines for the two main issues are: March 15 and
November 15 each year. Deadlines for the mini monthly newsletters
are the 15th of the previous month. Deadlines will be posted on the
ASPA website, so make sure you check in to make sure you don’t
miss out!
It is our hope that this new process will make it easier for everyone
to submit their awesome content, and get it published!
Comments, questions, concerns? Email me: [email protected]
or [email protected]
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ASPA Spring 2015
DZ listings
[email protected]
Edmonton Skydive
Eden North
[email protected]
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Skydive Big Sky
[email protected]
ASPA Spring 2015