eScope The official newsle er of the ASQ Orange Empire Sec on 0701 May 2015 Inside this Issue Pg. Sec on Chair Update 1 Orange Empire Receives PAR 2014 Bronze Award & Honora‐ ble Men on 2 PAR 2014 Presenta on Photos 3 Leadership Commi ee 4 New Members 5 Monthly Recer fied Members 5 Improvement Compass—A Path To Inspire—The Begin‐ ning 6&7 8 Quality Func on Deployment (QFD) Seminar 9 2015 Member Leader Events 10 Mentorship Program 11 Monthly Dinner Mee ng 12 May 12, 2015 Monthly Dinner Mee ng May 30, 2015 Seminar: QFD (Dr. Jack B. ReVelle) June 9, 2015 Monthly Dinner Mee ng Gree ngs from ASQ WCQI 2015, Nashville, Tennessee I am very pleased to announce that the ASQ Orange Empire Sec on has been bestowed with Bronze Award Recogni on for PAR 2014 Perfor‐ mance and Honorable Men on Award Recogni on for PAR 2014 Innova‐ on Award Program, and recognized at the ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement (WCQI) 2015 in Nashville, Tennessee. This year's ASQ WCQI Theme ‐ Transforming the World Through Innova‐ on, Inspira on, and Leadership. Anet Tanya Ant, CQA, CQE Chair ‐ ASQ Orange Empire Sec on 0701 We, ASQ Orange Empire Sec on, are commi ed to create ways to estab‐ lish, transform, and sustain an environment, where innova on is fos‐ tered, leadership is shared, and all are aligned to a common vision ‐ Create Member Value and Promote Quality! 2015 WCQI offered an interna onal pla orm, where leaders shared their best prac ces and innova ve ideas that develop and extend the scope of quality. Volunteer Opportuni es Upcoming Events Sec on Chair Update As the ASQ 701 Sec on Chair and PAR 2014 Innova on Award Program Project Leader, I was invited to the World Conference Quality and Improvement 2015 by ASQ Community Leader‐ ship Ins tute to give a presenta on on our PAR 2014 Innova on Award Program Project – ASQ YouTube Orienta on Videos to share our innova ve project and best prac ces in our Sec on 701. You can find the link to our YouTube videos on our website. With our innova ve ASQ YouTube Orienta on Videos, we inspired and led other ASQ Sec‐ ons to create such orienta on videos – Phoenix Sec on was the first Sec on that followed us, there are more sec ons showed interest to ini ate our project at their sec ons. We also learned from other ASQ Sec ons about their innova ve ideas that will be discussed at our Leadership Mee ng to be implemented for member value crea on. Once again, I would like to recognize our Educa on Chair Mark Lindsey, Recer fica on Chair Cory Goral and Social Media Chair Jeffrey Snoddy for their outstanding and crea ve efforts to realize this project. Our success with PAR 2014 Innova on Award Program set the bar very high for our Sec on that we created Young Quality Professionals Mentorship Program for PAR 2015 Innova on Award Program. For 2015 PAR Innova on Award Program, we launched a mentorship program with an aim to increase the involvement of young quality professionals in our sec on. The purpose of this project is to create a medium, where experienced quality professionals will provide guidance and leadership to young quality professionals within a culture of collabora on. We are striving to have you be part of this project. If you want to become a mentor or mentee, please contact Briana Jokerst at [email protected]. With very informa ve clinic programs, as always, we will be welcoming you at the Doubletree Hotel, Santa Ana on May 12, 2015. I am looking forward to seeing you there! Warm Regards, Anet Tanya Ant, ASQ CQE, CQA Sec on Chair, ASQ Orange Empire 701 eScope May 2015 Page 2 ASQ 0701 ORANGE EMPIRE RECEIVES PAR 2014 BRONZE AWARD & HONORABLE MENTION Year a er year, our ASQ Sec on 701 strives to bring value to our members. Almost every year ASQ Orange Empire Sec on has been recognized at the World Conference on Quality and Improvement (WCQI). This year, we received two award recogni on. 1) Bronze Award for PAR Performance 2014 This level was achieved by mee ng the good standing requirements as well as mee ng and exceeding the Member Value Metrics. 2) Honorable Men on for PAR Innova on Award Program 2014 The PAR Innova on Program recognizes ASQ member units for best prac ces and innova on ideas that go be‐ yond achieving success in the areas of reten on and growth, member sa sfac on and loyalty, and member value delivery. The PAR 2014 Innova on Award project that earned the Honorable Men on award for our sec on made rip‐ ples in the ASQ Leadership that brought us to present the project at the WCQI 2015 Community Leadership Ins tute a er the idea was received with a lot of enthusiasm and interest at ASQ Member Leader Training, Phoenix, where our Sec on Chair Anet presented it for the first me. Once again, our Sec on Chair Anet Tanya Ant deliv‐ ered the presenta on and sparked a lot of interest as well as very good feedback from the leaders worldwide. Fel‐ low sec ons complimented our sec on's innova on as a "breakthrough." Let me tell you a li le about what brought us to this point... Our PAR 2014 Innova on Award Program Team led by Anet Tanya Ant and executed by Mark Lindsey and Cory Goral, promoted & assisted by Jeffrey Snoddy, worked in crea ng a series of ASQ YouTube Orienta on videos with the objec ve to help our members get key informa on and benefits from ASQ. The opportunity for us was Sec on 701 Members and non ‐members frequently reached out to our ASQ 701 Leader‐ ship Team to obtain informa on on topics concerning ASQ and ASQ 701. The recurring challenge was ASQ Mem‐ bers and non‐members did not know how to navigate ASQ and ASQ 701 Websites to get informa on. Having considered these inquiries and reviewed the ASQ Annual Membership Survey Results, we decided to create a series of YouTube videos to provide knowledge and informa on on the following topics: Recer fica on Applica on Overview Recer fica on Journal Overview Recer fica on Informa on Overview and the Loca on on ASQ Website Apply for ASQ Membership Apply for Cer fica on/Exam ASQ Sec on 701 Website Demo ASQ Cer fica on Exam Prep/Refresher Basically, ASQ YouTube Videos bridges the gap between poten‐ al & exis ng members and the informa on that is available on ASQ and ASQ 701 websites. The links to these videos have been posted on our ASQ 701 Website. What's the big may ask? Well, we are trying to use these videos as a knowledge database that will bring "must know" informa on to our members, 24/7, at their finger ps and to review at their own pace. The videos post‐ ed are just the start and we hope to extend the library as we get feedback and members let us know areas where we need to help. Now, we just need to keep passing the word about the videos, we need your feedback, and why not join us to bring a gold award for our sec on for 2015. Anet T. Ant Chair ASQ Orange Empire Sec on 701 eScope May 2015 Page 3 PAR 2014 Innova on Award Program - ASQ Orienta on Videos Presented by Anet Tanya Ant at WCQI 2015 eScope May 2015 Page 4 2015 Leadership Team CHAIR Anet Ant ane [email protected] SOCIAL MEDIA CHAIR Jeffrey Snoddy Email jeff[email protected] VICE CHAIR Dieter Eckstein ASQ0701Vice‐[email protected] MEMBERSHIP CHAIR Open Vinay Goyal (Ac ng Chair) [email protected] TREASURER Briana Jokerst [email protected] SECRETARY Laurie Pa on [email protected] HISTORIAN Open EDUCATION CHAIR Mark Lindsey TEL (714) 273‐2678 [email protected] CERTIFICATIONS/ RENEWALS Cory Goral [email protected] CHIEF PROCTOR Hassan Farah [email protected] PROGRAMS CHAIR Open Bob Mehta (Ac ng Chair) [email protected] ARRANGEMENTS Vatsal Patel [email protected] eSCOPE NEWSLETTER EDITOR Mike Chernobieff [email protected] CAREER MANAGEMENT CHAIR Bob Mehta [email protected] AUDITING CHAIR Aaron Reddoch [email protected] NOMINATING CHAIR Open VOC CHAIR Stan Themea [email protected] SECTION 7 REGIONAL DIRECTOR Ed Ma hews (2014) [email protected] SECTION 7 DEPUTY REGIONAL DIRECTOR Vinay Goyal [email protected] eScope May 2015 Page 5 Welcome! New ASQ Members Welcome and congratula ons on making the important deci‐ sion to become a member of ASQ. Congratula ons! Re-Cer fica ons The following members have met the requirements to be recer fied: Charles Poirer Jonathan Diomampo Sanjay Patel Darlene Chiu All new members are eligible for free admission to a dinner mee ng within 3 months of becoming a member. Please con‐ tact Vinay Goyal for a free dinner voucher at [email protected] Antoine e M. Clay Anupma Seth Carla A zado Carolyn W. Arndt Cynthia B. Juncosa Daisy Lacbain Douglas C. Greene Eva Chang Fides J. Maldonado Hans Y. Devouassoux Helga Baik James Campbell James D. Deshefy Jennifer Chen Jesse Jensen Joe Belanger Jonathan A. Burton Juan E. Talavera Ken Chesnin Lauren Pritche Lawrence A. C. Mallari Manouk Makardish Michael Mao Michael Sperber Nancy Hall Nasim Anbarafshan Nathan Soto Patricia A. Huddleson Richelle S. Richter Ruben A. Alanis Luu Stanley Tan Sumit J. Prasad Thomas L. Kindberg Yunxia Liu Are your certifications due for renewal? You can submit up to six months before and after the due date. The recertification units must fall within the recertification period. Send you recertification packages to: Alcon Laboratories A n: Cory Goral, M/C 122, CEE Lab 15800 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92618 For more informa on email [email protected] or Click here for more informa on Or View our training videos If you have any ques ons, catch up with Cory Goral at our dinner mee ngs. eScope Ad Rates Ad Size Full page 1/2 Page 1/4 Page 1/8 Page Approx. 1 Issue 6 Issues 12 Issues Inch Size 8.5” x 11” 7.5” x 4.91” 3.67” x 4.91” 3.67” x 2.36” $200 $110 $70 $35 $1,100 $605 $385 $195 $2,000 $1,100 $700 $350 Checks should be made to: ASQ Orange Empire Section, and mailed to ASQ, PO Box 14183, Irvine, CA 92614, with ad copy, in‐ structions for placement, and frequency. eSCOPE Editor: Mike Chernobieff 714‐290‐6196 or Email: [email protected] eScope May 2015 Page 6 The Improvement Compass Finding direc on! ***SPECIAL EDITION*** A Path to Inspire - The Beginning By Dieter Eckstein, ASQ CMQ/OE, CQA, BSBM Last Sunday May 3rd at the World Conference for Quality and Improvement in Nashville, Bob invited me as a guest for Fellow Luncheon and I had the privilege to sit among the top 1% of ASQ’s brightest and most accomplished members. This was a celebra on for 16 other ASQ Mem‐ bers that came from around the world to receive a very special pin, the ASQ Fellow Award. I proudly witnessed part of our ASQ Orange Empire Sec‐ on history as a colleague of ours, Bob (Bhavan) Mehta was part of the 16 ASQ Members being honored. er of composite materials to Aerospace industry. Three years later, he decided to explore his career in the healthcare industry and start‐ ed working for Allergan as a Junior Chemist. Bob was promoted four mes while working in the lab for over 12 years. During his lab work, Bob was heavily involved with internal audits and out‐of‐specifica on inves ga ons (OOS) in addi on to managing day‐to‐day GMP lab func ons. In 2001, Bob was promoted and started working for the same employer as a Worldwide Quality Assurance Manager to sup‐ port Allergan's worldwide opera ons. He was promoted in 2003 as a Senior Worldwide QA Manager. While working at Allergan, he com‐ pleted two Master degrees; MBA from Pepperdine University and graduated in 1995 and MSQA from Cal State Dominguez Hills and graduated in 2007. In addi on, Bob earned eight (8) ASQ Cer fica‐ ons. S ll, his journey had not reached its end. During my conversa on with Bob’s professors who a ended the Fel‐ low luncheon, Cal State Dominguez Hills Professor Barry Craner char‐ acterized Bob as “An aggressive learner based on Bob’s con nuous stride in the field of quality and his highest level of accomplishments to become a Fellow.” While at Cal State Dominguez Hills, Bob discovered ASQ and started volunteering as a proctor in 2007. Since then, Bob is dedicated to hold various leadership posi ons as a Chief Proctor, Vice Chair, Chair, Career Chair and Program Chair. One by one, the new ASQ Fellows were called to receive their pin. When his name was called, Bob got up from his chair and walked towards the front of the room receiving the applause from his peers in recogni on of his accom‐ plishments. As they were reading Bob’s accomplishments and he walked across the five feet to the front of the room, it came to mind how his journey started. In late 1986, Bob le Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India with dreams of success. Since then, in twenty nine years , Bob accomplished a number of personal and professional milestones. In his words, becoming a fellow of ASQ is a huge milestone fueled by those dreams and materialized with hard work and exemplary character. His career in the US started in 1987 at US Polymeric, San‐ ta Ana, CA loca on. US Polymeric was the leading suppli‐ He decided to share his knowledge in 2009 following Margare e Fuller’s quote “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.” He has taught at North Orange County Community College, Cal State Fullerton and con nues to teach Master level Quality Courses at Cal State Dominguez Hills, Six Sigma Black Belt at Cal Poly Pomona, and several ASQ Cer fica on Refresher Courses. For the past several years, Bob mentors quality professionals and helping others to ac‐ complish goals and dreams. Bob started working as a Principal Con‐ sultant & Recruiter in 2010 and he has been helping US and global clients with quality, compliance, and training projects. In Bob’s own words “He wants to inspire quality professional globally to help pro‐ ducing safe, reliable, and high quality products to mi gate risk to con‐ sumer /pa ent safety.” eScope May 2015 Page 7 In a room full of great Quality minds, this was already extremely inspira onal and special celebra on. However, there was a very special a endee among the crowd. This special a endee has revolu onized with his model the way customer sa sfac on is analyzed. That special guest was Dr. Noriaki Kano. Dr. Kano is great mind behind the Kano Model who honored all of us with his gracious pres‐ ence. Dr. Milton Krivokuca, a regular contributor to our ASQ Sec on, was also honored as an ASQ Fellow. On behalf of our Leadership Commi ee, our Chair, Anet Ant and I would like to congratulate Bob and Milton for their inspira onal leadership and examples. It was a great a ernoon gathering. A history page in our ASQ sec on and new beginning in the careers of the new‐ ly inducted ASQ Fellows to inspire those of us that work and/or a end their classes. ASQ Fellows 2015 – World Conference for Quality and Improvement 2015, Nashville, TN. eScope May 2015 Page 8 Volunteering Opportuni es We are currently looking for a volunteer that would be interested in the following posi on. For more informa on contact Dieter Eckstein @ Tel. 949 677‐2751 or email at ASQ0701Vice‐[email protected] Historian Maintain membership and ac vity informa on for the sec on for historical purposes. Term: One year. January 1 to December 31. Du es and Responsibili es 1. Work with Sec on Leadership Commi ee (LC) to set goals/metrics to support the sec on's management process as they relate to pre‐ serving sec on history. 2. Prepare or update the history of the sec on ac vi es. 3. Work with sec on secretary and membership chair to develop/maintain records that in‐ clude: Sec on Opera ng Agreement Mee ng minutes of the current term Conferences and courses sponsored or co ‐sponsored by the sec on, and any ac‐ companying Memorandums of Under‐ standing (MOUs) Membership totals Past sec on member leaders Community events Recogni on ac vi es A end LC mee ngs and regular member‐ ship mee ngs. Qualifica ons Must be an ASQ member in good standing. Preferably will have been a par cipant in sec on commi ee ac vi es. Time Commitment Approximately 1 – 2 hours per month (outside of sec on and execu ve commi ee mee ngs). Time commitment will vary depending on how well sec on records have been kept in previous years. We are always looking for Clinic and Dinner speakers!! eScope May 2015 Page 9 An American Society for Quality Seminar Sec on 0701—Orange Empire At Brandman University— 8:00am to 5:00pm Quality Func on Deployment (QFD): An Introduc on Presented by: Jack B. ReVelle, Ph.D. QFD is a comprehensive quality system that systema cally links the needs of the customer with various business func ons and organiza onal processes, such as marke ng, design, quality, pro‐ duc on, manufacturing, sales, etc., aligning the en re company toward achieving a common goal. It does so by seeking both spoken and unspoken needs, iden fying posi ve quality and business opportuni es, and transla ng these into ac ons and designs by using transparent analy c and priori za on methods, empowering organiza ons to exceed normal expecta ons and provide a level of unan cipated excitement that generates value. By a ending this seminar, you will: Realize how the QFD methodology can be applied to a broad variety of service, educa on, health care, government, military and manufacturing projects Understand how QFD provides a system of transla ng customer requirements into necessary and appropriate organiza onal responses at each stage from research and product development to engineering and manufacturing to marke ng/sales and distribu on See how QFD uses a structured format to encourage engineering discipline in conver ng customer requirements into final products and services Find out how QFD helps provide improved product and processes in less me and a lower costs Our speaker: Jack B. ReVelle, Ph.D. Dr. Jack B. ReVelle is a consul ng sta s cian for his firm, ReVelle Solu ons, LLC. He has provided his advice and assistance to man‐ ufacturing, service and residen al construc on organiza ons throughout North America, Europe, Austral‐ ia, and China. Dr. ReVelle also provides his technical assistance as both a quality and an industrial engi‐ neering expert to a orneys involved in li ga on. He was awarded the Oklahoma State University Col‐ lege of Engineering, Architecture and Technology (CEAT) Lohmann Medal (2006). He is a three‐ me Fel‐ low having been elected by: the Ins tute of Industrial Engineers (1993), the American Society for Quality (1992), and the Ins tute for the Advancement of Engineering (1987). He is listed in Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, and as an Outstanding Educator in The Interna onal Who's Who in Quality. Dr. ReVelle received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University, and both his M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management from Oklahoma State University. Prior to re‐ ceiving his Ph.D., he served 12 years in the U.S. Air Force. During that me, he was promoted to the rank of Major and was award‐ ed the Bronze Star Medal while sta oned in the Republic of Vietnam as well as the Joint Service Commenda on Medal for his work in quality assurance with the Defense Nuclear Agency. eScope May 2015 Hot Off the Press - Page 10 There were three levels of the presenta ons: 2015 Member Leader Events and World Conference Quality and Improvement (WCQI) Basic: Provide an introduc on to a subject, including prac cal and user‐friendly defini ons of terms. The primary focus was to bring an individual who may not be familiar with the subject to a level of knowledge that facilitates future learning. By Vinay Goyal, Deputy Regional Director and ac ng Membership Chair Sec on 0701 Intermediate: The par cipant should have some degree of knowledge of the subject (or interest). The intent is to build on an individual’s knowledge of the subject to a point of greater understanding. Like every year, this year some of our sec on leaders have been represen ng the sec on in 2015 Member Leader Events including the 2015 World Conference Qual‐ ity and Improvement (WCQI) in Nashville, Tennessee from May 1‐5. Every year these events are hosted by the Amer‐ ican Society for Quality Headquarters (ASQ HQ) in differ‐ ent states where members not only from the US, but also from all over the world par cipate. Advance: Provides an in‐depth and/or up‐to‐date treatment of a subject. A strong theore cal background and a working knowledge of a subject are expected of those who a end. There is no pre‐requisite to a end any of these events and regis‐ tered par cipants could a end any session presenta ons. Session Descrip ons: I have had an opportunity to represent our sec on 0701 Orange Empire as the membership chair and Deputy Re‐ gional Director with some other Leadership Commi ed LCs. Like most of conferences, most of the events fall un‐ der business as usual category; however the team has picked up a few new things that they would share with our sec on members in up‐coming eScope edi ons and clinics. Concurrent Sessions: There were 60 minute sessions meant to present real applica ons, results, and solu ons based on quality principles or theory that can be interpreted immediately. The theme for this year’s conference was “Transforming the World Through Innova on, Inspira on, and Leader‐ ship”. Whether under the tle of quality or something else, all organiza ons use and need quality. As compe ‐ on and complexity of the global market grow, more and more organiza ons are embracing the need to think differently and inspire their employees. Some look to grow the number of tools and techniques at their disposal so they may find the solu ons they seek, while others may search for implementa on strategies that produce the best results. Organiza ons that are most established in their journey have found ways to establish, transform and sustain work environments in which innova on is fostered, leadership is shared, and all are aligned to a common vision. They have seen the results that these cultures produce and crea vity they inspire. They have discovered the key to establishing a culture of quality. The main focus areas were: (a) Innova on, (b) Leadership, (c) Risk and Change, (d) Prac cal Applica on of Quality Tools, (e) Techniques and Methodologies, and (f) The future of Quality. Flip Sessions: Flip sessions were on interac ve session format designed to provide a NEW method of learning. These sessions are flipped and allowed par cipants to view the session presen‐ ta on online before the conference and then do all the hands‐on ‐ac vi es, exercises, and Q&A during the conference session me with the presenter. Workshops: Workshops will lead par cipants from an iden fied beginning point through a logical and clearly iden fied end point with the expansion of the related body of knowledge and include hands‐on learning ac vi es that demonstrate and reinforce the concepts presented. A er “5” Sessions: (offered only one on Monday): These exci ng and innova ve sessions are less formal than the concurrent ses‐ sions and cover numerous topics that may not relate directly to quality in the tradi onal sense (e.g. Product Environmental Re‐ quirements) and include a social component, which adds to the level of interac on between the facilitator and par cipants, as well as the par cipants and their peers. I will discuss in upcoming eScope edi ons on the benefits of be‐ coming an ASQ member, a ending events like World Confer‐ ences, & ASQ ac vi es that may be beneficial for your future development and growth. If you have any specific ques on or sugges on, please feel free to discuss with any of our sec on leaders or email me at: [email protected] Page 11 eScope May 2015 Click here to e-mail [email protected] eScope May 2015 Page 12 DINNER PRESENTATION Data Quality in the Financial Services Industry Presented by: ASQ Fellow Randy Canfield ASQ Orange Empire Monthly Dinner Mee ng This is our regular monthly dinner mee ng program with two clinics running concurrently, dinner, and an outstanding a er dinner presenta on. You are welcome to come for the clinics and a er dinner presenta on WITHOUT buying the dinner. In fact, we welcome you. We will have accommoda ons for you. This way you s ll earn the RU and take advantage of the presen‐ ta ons. PRESENTATIONS Clinic 1: Design for Six‐Sigma (DFSS) – A Roadmap To Long‐term Sustainability Presented by: ASQ Fellow Bob Mehta Clinic 2: SIPOC: An Introduc on Presented by: Jack B. ReVelle, Ph.D. Dinner Presenta on: Data Quality in the Financial Services Industry Presented by: ASQ Fellow Randy Canfield WHEN Tuesday, May 12th, 2015, 5:15 PM ‐ 9:00 PM WHERE Doubletree Hotel Santa Ana/Orange County Airport 201 East MacArthur Boulevard, Santa Ana, California 92707 FEES Clinic 1 or Clinic 2 ONLY (no dinner speaker or meal) (0701 Member) Complimentary (Non‐0701 Member) $10.00 Clinic 1 or Clinic 2 and Dinner Speaker (no dinner meal) (0701 Member) Complimentary (Non‐0701 Member) $10.00 Full Package ‐ Clinic 1 or Clinic 2, Dinner, and Dinner Speaker (0701 Member) $30.00 for a limited me ($40.00 original price) (Non‐0701 Mem‐ ber) $45.00 for a limited me ($55.00 original price) RSVP by Friday, May 8, 2015 at 11:15 AM for discounted pricing and Fish and Beef dinner selec ons. Online registra on closes at 12:00 pm on Tuesday, May 12, 2015. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER By a ending this dinner presenta on, you will get an understanding of how the financial services industry is evolving rela ve to their focus on Data, Metadata and Data Quality. Randy Canfield is the Director of Data Sourcing and has spent the last 4 years designing and implemen ng data quality processes at his current employer. He will review the evolu on of the Data Management Organiza on, some of the processes, concerns around data security (customer and industry), tools, and metrics that have been implemented and the plans for what’s next in the near term. About our speaker: Randy Canfield Randy has over 30 years’ experience in the quality profession. He is currently the Direc‐ tor ‐ Data Sourcing at MUFG ‐Union Bank. Previously he was employed as the Director of Training for the Americas at Microso in their Quality and Business Excellence organi‐ za on and before that he was a freelance consultant in the quality profession. Earlier roles included Senior Vice President at Bank of America where he was the Six Sigma MBB for the LA Division of BofA, the Division Business Manager for the same division, CFO for the Performance Management Group at Countrywide, the VP‐ Six Sigma at IndyMac Bank where he had re‐ sponsibility for their Six Sigma program, and a registered (IRCA) ISO 9000 lead auditor. He has held posi ons as QA Laboratory Supervi‐ sor, QC Inspector Supervisor, Quality Engineer, Quality/Reliability Manager, and Loaned Execu ve for Quality, MBB, and Quality Execu‐ ve. Randy is a Fellow of the ASQ and is the immediate past Chair of ASQ Sec on 702. He cer fied as a CQE, CRE and CQA, is a trained MBNQA examiner, served as an examiner for the Federal Quality Ins tute's Presiden al Quality Awards, and as an ISO 9000 QMS Lead Assessor (IRCA). Randy received a BS in Biology from Purdue University, an MSQA from Cal State ‐ San Jose State and a graduate diploma from the Naval War College. Randy re red as a Commander from the Navy Reserve and has taught as an adjunct faculty member at Loyola Uni‐ versity, New Orleans. Page 13 eScope May 2015 CLINIC # 1 CLINIC # 2 Design for Six-Sigma (DFSS) – A Roadmap To Longterm Sustainability SIPOC: An Introduc on Presented by: ASQ Fellow Bob Mehta Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a set of best prac ces and tools. During my conversa on with clients and students, I was informed that their organiza ons do not use Design for Six Sigma but may be using some of the best prac ces and tools. In today’s compe ve global environment, differen ated new products that consistently meet customer require‐ ments are the key to long‐term sustainability for all organiza ons. This clinic will help a endees to gain a be er understanding of the tradi on‐ al six‐sigma methodologies vs. design for six sigma to design processes that meet customer requirements, leading to product innova on, con‐ sistency, and reliability for a long‐term sustainability of organiza ons. The presenta on will outline: Presented by: Jack B. ReVelle, Ph.D. In process improvement, SIPOC is a tool that summarizes the inputs and outputs of one or more processes in a tabular format. The acro‐ nym SIPOC stands for suppliers, inputs, process, outputs, and customers which form the columns of the table. It was used at least as early as the Total Quality Management programs of the late 1980s and con nues to be used today in Lean Six Sigma. SIPOC is o en presented at the outset of process improvement efforts such as Kaizen events or during the "define" phase of the DMAIC process. It has three typical uses depending on the audi‐ ence: to give people who are unfamiliar with a process a high‐level overview, to provide current familiarity when a process has become out‐of‐date due to process changes, and to help in fully defining a new process. What is Design for Six Sigma? By a ending this clinic presenta on, you will: Tradi onal Six‐Sigma vs. Design for Six Sigma Receive an introduc on to SIPOC including why SIPOC is im‐ portant The key elements of Design for Six Sigma Learn when and why SIPOC is used Benefits of Design for Six Sigma Understand what a process is How DFSS fits into an overall quality strategy Discover what process analysis is Conclusion Appreciate the purpose of a SIPOC process analysis Learn how to conduct a step‐by‐step SIPOC process analysis See some examples of applying SIPOC About our speaker: Bob Mehta Bob Mehta is the Principal Consultant & Recruiter at GMP ISO Expert Services ( and provides consul ng service in Pharma, Biotech, Medical Device, API, Food/Dietary Supple‐ ment, and Aerospace industries. Bob has over 25 years of experience, including as a Principal Consultant, in the Quality Sys‐ tems, Training and Regulatory Compliance areas. Bob is a Fellow of American Society for Quality (ASQ) elected in November 2014. He has wri en educa onal ar cles in the areas of Quality and Compliance for Medical Device & Manufacturing (MD&M), Pharmaceu cal Technology, Quality Progress and Nutraceu cal World publica ons. He is an adjunct professor at Cal State Dominguez Hills, Cal Poly Pomona, University of Redlands, and teaches courses on Risk Management, Supplier Quality, Six Sigma Black Belt, Project Manage‐ ment, and FDA's Quality System regula ons. Bob authored the book “Implemen ng and Audi ng ISO/IEC 17025: A Prac cal Guide” which will be published by ASQ Press on April 15, 2013 and it is one of the best‐ selling books based on informa on provided by the ASQ Headquarters in October 2014 and the book received 4.7 out of 5 stars ra ng on Ama‐ (based on 9 customer reviews) and a link is included below: h p:// ng‐ISO‐IEC‐17025‐Prac cal‐ebook/ dp/B00C2XQK70 Our speaker: Jack B. ReVelle, Ph.D. Dr. Jack B. ReVelle is a consul ng sta s ‐ cian for his firm, ReVelle Solu ons, LLC. He has provided his advice and assistance to manufacturing, service and residen al con‐ struc on organiza ons throughout North America, Europe, Australia, and China. Dr. ReVelle also provides his technical assis‐ tance as both a quality and an industrial engineering expert to a orneys involved in li ga on. He is a three‐ me Fellow having been elected by: the Ins tute of Industrial Engineers (1993), the American Society for Quality (1992), and the Ins tute for the Advancement of Engineer‐ ing (1987). He is listed in Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, and as an Out‐ standing Educator in The Interna onal Who's Who in Quality. Dr. ReVelle received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Purdue Uni‐ versity, and both his M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management from Oklahoma State University. Prior to receiving his Ph.D., he served 12 years in the U.S. Air Force. During that me, he was promoted to the rank of Major and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal while sta oned in the Republic of Vietnam as well as the Joint Service Commenda on Medal for his work in quality assurance with the Defense Nuclear Agency.
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