Pastor ………Reverend William S. Murphy Pastor Emeritus………..Rev. Msgr. John Graf Weekend Celebrant...Rev. Francis Caponi, OSA In Residence ……Rev. Msgr. Frank Depman Deacons ….………..Deacon Thomas Hannan Deacon Michael DeGrasse Deacon Jeffrey Hanna Operations Manager ….……Mary Rose Edmonds Parish Office Staff ……..……Donna Brumbaugh Ann Caruso Ella Havrilak School Principal ….…………….Danielle White Director of Religious Education ....Karen Batdorf Parish Office (Ph) 610-869-2722, (fax) 610-869-3252 PENTECOST SUNDAY School Office (Ph) 610-869-9576, (fax) 610-869-4049 Religious Education Office ……...(Ph) 610-869-8575 May 24, 2015 Facilities Request [email protected] Church and Parish Office: Sacraments and Devotions 300 State Road • West Grove, PA 19390 Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 am-4 pm Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook: ABVM Parish Community, West Grove, PA Weekend Mass Times Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8 am, 10 am, 12 pm Masses Daily Mass Schedule 6:30 am - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:15 am - Tuesday, Friday Eucharistic Adoration Monday-Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Baptism: Sundays at 1:30 pm in Church (bimonthly) Matrimony: Engaged couples are asked to meet with parish priest at least six months prior to wedding and enroll in a marriage-prep program. Reconciliation: Saturdays, 11:00 am-12:15 pm (Church) Rosary: Wednesdays, 6:30 pm (Church) Liturgy of the Hours: 7:00 am Monday thru Thursday (Church) Bulletin: Submit articles by 8:00 am on Friday for publication the following week. Submit to the Parish Office or email [email protected] Page 1 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Dear Friends, Last week I announced my new assignment from Archbishop Chaput to begin, with another priest, a new ministry in the Kensington area of Philadelphia. The name of this ministry will be Mother of Mercy House, inspired by Pope Francis constant call to lives which mirror the mercy of our God. Moreover, he entrusted the upcoming Year of Mercy to Mary under the title Mother of Mercy. Collection for week of May 16/17, 2015 Weekly Collection Many have asked me what this project entails. Below are highlights of the proposal. $15,657 THE MISSION OF THE MOTHER OF MERCY PROJECT is to enhance the presence of the Archdiocese through a new outreach to the Kensington & Allegheny (K & A) ($2,543) neighborhood by establishing small ecclesial communities (block churches) formed by Weekly Over/(Under) ($16,620) Word & Sacrament; forming Lay Leaders; serving the neighborhood through the corporal YTD Over/(Under) Includes $3,261 E-Giving, 21% Participation works of mercy. This new mission is enflamed by Pope Francis’ theology which reminds us Ascension Thursday Collection: $1,620 that our “loving God, poor among the poor, reserved for them a privileged place in Christ’s Total Debt to Archdiocese: $2,298,058 life and ministry.” Weekly Income Needed $18,200 Mortgage and past due assessments The weekly offertory income needed to operate the Parish has increased to $18,200. This is necessary since operating expenses, including employee expenses, utility expenses and insurance costs have risen. In addition, several new unbudgeted, major projects have been identified which need to be addressed soon. These include, but are not limited to, repairs to the Parish Center roof, concrete sidewalks and repairs to the parking areas. These projects could cost $40,000. Our offertory income experience in recent months had been below what was needed to effectively operate the Parish. Recently, you have demonstrated your generosity to enable us to better meet our operating expense needs. Please continue to be as generous as you can. We are grateful, too, to those who have switched your contributions to electronic fund transfer (EFT). The Parish Life Center and Parish Office are fully operational. All bills for construction and furnishings are paid. The Case Statement for the Parish Appeal designated $50,000 to ABVM School. However, these funds were deferred because of unanticipated expenses in completing the Parish Life Center. As of April 20, 2015, $20,000 of that commitment was paid. The remaining money will be paid by October 2015. Thus, it is important that you continue your generous support of the Parish Appeal. To date, we have raised more than $384,300 from donations of more than 700 parishioners such as you. To sustain our cash flow we need an additional $13,200 to fulfill our obligations for the total scope of the Appeal. For details, please contact John Brennan, Secretary of Financial Affairs, at [email protected]. The Mother of Mercy Project is rooted in and inspired by four “Pillars”, which are inspired by the Holy Spirit, who is always guiding the Church and making her ever new. PILLAR ONE: Archbishop Chaput’s challenge to see the Church in new ways. In his talk to the priests at Hershey in May, 2012, the Archbishop addressed the need to respond more creatively to the present reality of the Archdiocese. The Archbishop stated the priests and the People of God need to discover new ways of being church, a church less tethered to huge buildings or institutions. He suggested the possibility of “storefront churches”, that is, being present in neighborhoods as church in a simpler but still profound way. PILLAR TWO: Pope Francis’ call to be a “poor Church for the poor.” Pope Francis is constantly calling on all Catholics—ordained and lay alike—to live the gospel more radically and authentically. He challenges us to “go to the frontiers,” to reach out to the poor and marginalized, to go out of our comfort zones. He even encourages us not to be afraid to make mistakes in the process of going out and renewing the Church with the message and witness of the Gospel. PILLAR THREE: Creating new structures for the 21st century Church. With the necessary closings of parishes in certain areas of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, there is a need to discover new ways for the church to maintain its presence in the affected areas, especially since many of these areas are populated by the poor, immigrants and the most vulnerable members of society. Creating an additional presence of the Church in the Ascension neighborhood would enable the provision of ministry to a densely populated, needy area. This ministry would enhance the good work being done by Holy Innocence parish. What is more, such a new model of being Church could be replicated in other impoverished areas of the Archdiocese. PILLAR FOUR: A personal call to go to the “furthest boundaries.” In the preface of the book, The Church of Mercy: A Vision for the Church, Giuliano Vigini sums ups the theology of Pope Francis this way: “According to Pope Francis’s theology, full time Christians don’t sit down to admire their faith in the reflection of a mirror, nor talk about it over dinner, but they come out of themselves, embrace their cross with courage and walk the streets to share with everybody the joy of the Gospel. Pope Francis never gets tired of telling everyone that evangelizing is conversion, going out, and walking. The first to be summoned are the priests, “anointed to anoint,” whose duties are to welcome and to serve. I hope this helps many to understand this new undertaking. I thank all of you who have expressed your support! Fr. Murphy Page 2 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. PENTECOST SUNDAY Reflection May 24, 2015 "'Rivers of living water will flow from within him who believes in me.' He said this in reference to the Spirit." Rivers of living water. What does this image make us think of? Something active. Something dynamic and changing, yet constant and dependable. A river with living water is not stagnant; it is not silent, but rather it speaks. Those who believe in Jesus will be like this river. Through the Spirit of Christ, which first came upon Christian believers at Pentecost and which came upon us at our baptism, we become a source of "living water." This isn't automatic, however. We must cooperate with the Spirit that has been given to us. As St. Paul wrote in his second letter to Timothy, we need to "stir into flame the gift of God" (1:6). The flame may be there, but if we don't fan it through prayer, virtuous living, spiritual formation, and frequent reception of the sacraments, then it will never burst forth with the full power that it could have. But let us take heart! Even this process of "fanning" is made easier when we call upon the Holy Spirit to help us. For St. Paul reminds us today that "the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness." John 15:26-27;16:12-15: Where do you see the Spirit leading the Church today? Acts 2:1-11: How have you experienced the transformative power of the Holy Spirit? Galatians 5:16-25: Do you feel the tension between Spirit and flesh in your life? Please Pray For Melissa Kratz, Debbie Robinson, Philip Caruso, Ed Jackson, Phil DeMarra, Gregory & Ed Painter, Katlyn K., Fabiola Matalonis, Mary Fincher, Clark, Heyburn & Blowe Families, Devon & Brian Bartholf, Philip Miller, Marlene Hylak, Grace Peterson, Msgr. John Graf, Ryan Coyle, Adam, Marcus, Nancy Larkin, Margaret Shillingford, John Hanna, Nicole Vitale, John R. Rusnak, Jr., Marcus Forst, Charlie Nigro, Patrick Gallagher, Holly T., Anna D., Catherine McCreary, Diana Hoy, Lisa Erling Vito, Bob Humkey, Olivia Humkey, Evan Humkey, Mary Twadell, Ramsey Holod, Danielle Albanese, Brian B., Hana Marie Yago, Eleanor & Bill Sauerwine, Brlansky Family, Luke Ramowski, Tippi Carlino, Daniel McCarthy, Marvin Leonard, Patrick Barnes, Phyllis Pastorius, Face of Christ & Visitation Prayer Intentions Military Prayers SrA Michael Kauffman, PFC James T. Mackereth, Petty Officer Daniel Carr, Staff Sgt. John Koss, Jr., LCPL Michelle Smith, R.C. Gosselin, Lt. John Joseph Eife, SrA Ashli McEntee, Ray Nelson, A1C Lyle Laub, USAF, Cpl. Samuel Ellis, Lnc. Cpl. Michael Guerrera, Cpl. Jonathan Russell Lynch, William Ewers, Sgt. Jared Moran, FS3 Cody Liebeskind Public Prayer Request Name: ___________________________________________ Requester/Phone:__________________________________ Requests will be printed in the bulletin for one month and military prayers for six months. You may renew as often as you wish. Baptism On Sunday, May 17, 2015, the following children were welcomed into our Parish Family: Caitlin Elizabeth Long Ava Margaret Palmer Camille Joy Zipfel Rest in Peace Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Louis DeAntonio Phyllis Robinson Garo Yepremian Note: Assumption BVM Parish Office will be closed on Memorial Day, May 25th. The office will reopen on Tuesday, May 26th at 8:00 am. Jesus wants to pour His Spirit out upon us. May the Son on us bestow the gifts that from the Spirit flow! Come Holy Spirit come! Page 3 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Assumption B.V.M. Church FORTY HOURS AT ABVM Adorers Needed! OFFICE FOR DIVINE WORSHIP ARCHDIOCESE OF PHILADELPHIA We are in need of volunteers to spend one hour in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the ABVM Church during our Forty Hours celebration. Please sign-up at the adoration table in the back of Church. Fri., June 5th: 8:15am Mass and Opening of Forty Hours. Eucharistic Adoration continues through the day and night. Sat., June 6th: Join us for 8:15 am Morning Prayer. Adoration continues until the 4:30 pm Evening Mass. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed after the 4:30 pm Mass through the night until the 8 am Mass on Sunday. Memorial Day Mass Archbishop Charles Chaput will assemble with the priests of the Archdiocese this coming week for a Priests’ Convocation, from May 26 through May 28, 2015. This Priests’ Convocation provides a unique opportunity for priestly fraternity and unity. It is also a time dedicated to prayer and reflection on the gift of the ministerial priesthood instituted by Christ for the Church. These days will include the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours and Holy Mass, as well as, talks on the theme, The Priesthood Fully Engaged, given by Matthew Kelly of the Dynamic Catholic Institute. Monday, May 25th 9:00 am Mass ABVM Church The Deans have planned in advance for the sacramental needs and emergencies in our parishes and institutions during these days with the help of many Religious, senior and retired priests. Note: There will be no 6:30 am Mass. Please pray for our Archbishop, Auxiliary Bishops and Priests during the upcoming Priests’ Convocation. May this Priests’ Convocation bear fruit for our priests in holiness of life and of greater service to Christ and His Church. Sunday, June 7th: The Eucharist will be reposed before the 8 am Mass. After the Noon Mass, join us for the Eucharistic Procession around the school & parish grounds followed by lunch. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 25-29, 2015 Monday, May 25th: Tuesday, May 26th: Wednesday, May 27th: Thursday, May 28th: Friday, May 29th: PRIESTS’ CONVOCATION 9:00 am Memorial Day Mass No Mass scheduled 6:30 am Communion Service 6:30 am Communion Service 8:15 am Mass Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament We had a wonderful response for our new Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament membership! Thank you to each of the new 180 members! Anyone can still sign up by contacting one of the Adoration coordinators: (Mary at 610-255-0382; [email protected], Cyndi at [email protected] or Mary Ellen (610-345-0024). “Acts” Bible Study: What are you doing Thursday mornings at 9:30 am until 11 am? Its not too late to join us for our journey through the “Book of Acts” on Thursday mornings, 9:30 am -11 am in the ABVM Parish Life Center. This Bible study will continue to meet through the summer months. All are welcome! Please Note: Due to the Memorial Day holiday on Monday, May 25th, there will be no Eucharistic Adoration. Page 4 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. THANK YOU, FR. MURPHY AND GOD BLESS! Come celebrate with Father William Murphy on his 25th Silver Jubilee and his years of dedicated service to our Parish! In June, Father Murphy will be transitioning to his new assignment as CoCoordinator of the Mother of Mercy House in Kensington. Come express your affection and gratitude to our pastor by participating in this beautiful Corpus Christi procession and luncheon! Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ CLOSING OF FORTY HOURS SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 2015 at Assumption BVM Church, West Grove “I am the living bread that came down from Heaven and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” John 6:51 HOLY MASS ~ 12:00 PM EUCHARISTIC PROCESSION ~ 1:00 PM PICNIC LUNCH ~ 1:30 PM The Feast of Corpus Christi gives Catholics the chance to express their belief in the true presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Father Murphy will process with the Eucharist around our Parish and School grounds and stop at various spots for a blessing. The procession will end at the Parish Life Center. All are welcome to join us after the procession for a wonderful picnic lunch including hamburgers, hotdogs, cake, etc… The picnic will be on the church lawn near the Stations of the Cross so feel free to bring a chair or blanket. Our celebration is three-fold: The Feast of Corpus Christi, Fr. Murphy’s 25th Silver Jubilee to the Priesthood, and our Farewell to our Beloved Pastor. Page 5 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Education News Registration for 2014-2015 school year. Registration is open from now until June 15th. Forms can be found on the literature racks and on the parish website. After June 15th, a late fee goes into effect. Please be sure to check a second choice of day and time. Class size is limited to 12-14 and will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once class is filled, children will be placed on a waiting list. Catechists Needed: School News: Every year, Assumption BVM First Graders bring a treat to the Second Graders in celebration of receiving their First Holy Communion. The treat is a delicious piece of cake and a special bookmark especially made by the First Grade students. Congratulations to all those who received their First Holy Communion! May/June 2015 26th- After School Cantor Club Practice 27th- 7 PM Middle School Move-Up Night 29th- 11 AM PreK Closing 2ndField Day 3rd8:15 AM Kindergarten Closing 4th6 PM Eighth Grade Graduation 5thLast Day of School Assumption BVM School offers PreK (4 year olds), Kindergarten and Grades 1 through 8. Registrations are currently being accepted. Please contact Kristen Sullivan at [email protected] or (610) 869-9576 for further information. As Catholics, part of our vocational call is to pass our faith onto the children. While the prime responsibility falls to the parents each parish offers families assistance through a formal religious education program. Our Catholic Youth Faith Formation program (CYFF) strives to assist families with this. It takes a large team of volunteers, aides and Catechists to provide a program strong enough to answer the needs of our parish. Please prayerfully consider whether God may be calling you to help with this ministry. Catechists receive training, teacher manuals, and have opportunities for personal faith education. Catechists needed for the 2015 -16 year: Tuesday: Level 2, 3, 5 Wednesday: Level 2, 4 Sunday Level 1, 2 CYFF teen volunteers: The CYFF program always looks for teen volunteers to help in the classroom, as well as office and pre-session helpers. Teens can be in grades 7 and up. If interested in helping for the 2015-2016 school year, please contact [email protected]. ABVM Sunday pre-school & babysitting programs are now on summer break. If you would like further information about these programs for the coming Fall, please email [email protected]. Page 6 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Spring is the perfect season to help save lives. Please schedule an appointment to donate blood today. | 1-800-RED CROSS Assumption BVM American Red Cross Blood Drive Sunday, May 31, 2015 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM ABVM Parish Center APPOINTMENTS ARE PREFERRED! For an appointment, sign-up after Mass today or Sign-up online at: Enter Sponsor Code: assumptionbvm . For questions, please email our Parish coordinator, Ann Barr, at [email protected]. Donor Eligibility Guidelines: call 1-800-RED-CROSS Please remember one donation has the potential to save up to three lives. Page 7 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Assumption B.V.M. Church “Roses in Winter” Social Club for those 55 + THE SHRINE OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL invites you to attend Summer Novena of Hope, starting Sunday, June 7 th through Monday, June 15th. Novena Services are offered each day, all day long; Masses are at 7am, 9am, 12pm, and 7pm. Please visit for the full schedule; Anointing of the Sick will be offered Friday, June 12, at all Services. Confessions Monday and Thursday. Free and secure parking is always available. Call 800-523-3674 or visit Welcome to “Roses in Winter.” Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 27th at 1:00 pm at the Penn Township Building, Lewis Road, in Jennersville. Our activity will be an Ice Cream Social/Strawberry Festival and "Sing Along." Please contact Debby at 610-869-2722. Grief to Grace—Healing the Wounds of Abuse This spiritual program is for anyone who has suffered degradation or violation through physical, emotional, sexual, or spiritual abuse. It is appropriate for anyone who has endured sexual abuse, rape, incest, or other forms of traumatic violation in childhood or adolescence. It is also appropriate for anyone who has been abused by clergy. The program will be held June 28 through July 3 of 2015 in Aston, PA. Grief to Grace invites participants to journey through this program in the name of love - love for themselves, love for family and friends, love for those who have suffered unspeakable abuse and mistreatment, and love for the Church the suffering body of Christ, who cries out for comfort and consolation in the midst of profound betrayal and abandonment. The program offers a very unique process for helping victims of abuse to grieve the past and discover spiritual healing and transformation. Dr. Theresa Burke who is the founder of Rachel’s Vineyard - retreats for healing after abortion, composed the program and will serve as the facilitator for this retreat. Visit for more information. To request an application, please contact [email protected] or call 610-203-2002 BIBLE IN A DAY: (Mother Boniface Spirituality Center, 3501 Solly Avenue, NE Philadelphia) Join Sarah Christmyer, Editor of the Great American Bible Study Series, as she facilitates for us a One-day video "Quick Journey Through the Bible" on Saturday, June 6th from 9 am- 4 pm. Designed for busy people, this Quick Journey in a Day will help you discover the "big" picture" of the Bible story: the major people, places, events, and themes in the Scriptures. The Sunday Mass readings will never be the same as they come alive knowing the context and understanding God's plan for us. The fee for this event is $45 and lunch is included in the cost. To register, contact us at (267) 350-1830. NATIONAL CATHOLIC BIBLE CONFERENCE: (June 19/20, 2015, Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Doylestown, PA) To register, visit or call 1-888-842-2853. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Take a weekend away for just the two of you! Give yourselves the gift of no distractions, no interruptions but just time for each other. You deserve it! Worldwide Marriage Encounter is hosting a weekend, in this area, June 26-28, 2015. For reservations, call 610-449-1859 or WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES: Philadelphia is proud to welcome families from around the world to this event on September 22-27, 2015. Families can look forward to speakers, celebrations, activities for kids, and prayer, all of which will bring renewal and transformation for you, your loved ones, and the world. Visit to learn more and receive regular updates. Saintly Quotes... “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” - St. Jerome “Since Christ Himself has said, ‘This is My Body’ who shall dare to doubt that it is His Body?” - St. Cyril of Jerusalem “For me prayer is a surge of the heart, it is a simple look towards Heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.” - St. Therese of Lisieux Page 8 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Assumption B.V.M. Church Pentecost Sunday, May 24, 2015 Human Service Announcements Pray the Rosary for Life (5/24-5/30/15) C ELEBRATE O UR S ENIORS ! COME OUT TO WORSHIP GOD WITH YOUR CLASSMATES AND FAMILIES ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3RD 2015 7:00 PM Sponsored by the Christian Churches throughout Avon Grove, you are invited along with your families and friends to join together on Wednesday, June 3rd at 7:00 pm for a service of praise and thanks to God for this milestone life moment to be held in the Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. P. Vahey Thu. M. Kennard H. Dowd/P. Vahey Fri. L. Holmes D. Brumbaugh Sat. M. Mueller D. Thomas (Sign-up calendar is in the Church lobby.) Post Abortion Healing: Call 215-587-5640. Pregnant? Need Help? Call 1-800-CARE-002. Birthright: 610-436-0773 Aid for Friends Cooks: Filled, frozen meal trays can be taken to the freezer in the ABVM Parish Life Center, weekdays from 8 am-7 pm. To help prepare meals or be an AFF driver, contact Ann Barr at 610-869-8559. Annulment Proceeding: Contact the Metropolitan Tribunal, Archdiocese of Philadelphia (215) 587-3750. Al-Anon meeting will be held every Monday night from 8 -9pm in the ABVM Church. Call 484-571-4778. Avon Grove High School Auditorium Don’t miss this opportunity to worship God with your Senior friends, hear inspiring words from Mr. John Stahl and your classmates, receive prayers, view video montage, and recognize our 2015 Baccalaureate Scholarship Recipients. God bless you all in this momentous time! The Avon Grove Ministerium for Avon Grove High School and Avon Grove Charter High School ABVM Respect Life Group [email protected] Thank you from the ABVM Respect Life Committee for supporting our Mother’s Day Roses Sale for the cause of LIFE! We received $670.00 for the works of the Pro-Life Union. Their work includes outreach, education, public policy and support of God’s true plan for every life. Generation Life is a part of the Pro-Life Union and just visited our School! The donations from the sale reflect strong support as they clearly exceeded the suggested donation….THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU! JOSEPH’S PEOPLE WEST GROVE For the Unemployed & Underemployed The next monthly JP West Grove meeting for the unemployed/underemployed will be on Wednesday, May 27 at 6:45 pm in the ABVM Church lower level. Our guest speaker will be Jean Kirkaldie. Jean is a member of ABVM and has been a seven year volunteer at Wings for Success. Wings for Success is a non-profit organization that provides FREE, quality, work appropriate clothing and scrubs for women who are seeking employment, have recently found employment, or are working but seeking a higher level of employment. The main office is located in Frazer, PA and in January 2015, a satellite office was opened in Kennett Square. She will give a short presentation on the "Wings Experience". By creating a professional outward image, Jean hopes to empower clients with confidence! If anyone is presently looking for employment, there's no need to wait until May 27. Please call 610-444-1446 to make an appointment. You can also check the website at In addition, we will provide prayerful support, encouraging member interaction, introducing community resources, discussing job opportunities, etc. Please pass along to anyone in need. John Colgan JP West Grove Chapter Leader; [email protected] Page 9 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Knights News St. Pius X Council #3858 Serving Parish and People! Corpus Christi Celebration and Silver Jubilee/Farewell Picnic for Father Murphy Red Cross Blood Drive at ABVM Sunday, May 31st 8 am to 1 pm Parish Center The Knights of Columbus will be assisting with food preparation for Sunday, June 7th celebration following the Noon Mass. The Knights will be preparing a picnic style lunch Including hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill. If any Knight is able to help, please contact John Brennan at [email protected] Youth Group News May 24th: No meeting. May 31st: Last meeting of the school year!!! For our middle school group we are sending a shout out to those of you who are in 5th grade to join us and check out what youth group is all about. You won’t want to miss all of the fun! For our high school group, it’s “Bring a Friend” night. For 8th graders out there who have missed some meetings, we would like you to come along as well and find out what we are doing. June 6th: Once again, we are headed out to the Mission Field where we will be assisting the “Good Neighbors Home Repair” with a local service project. This group is a local non-profit ministry that sets out to accomplish community service projects for local residents in need. There are a variety of jobs that need to be accomplished and could use as many hands as possible. This is open to all youth in 6th – 12th grades and is a wonderful opportunity for those of you who are in need of service hours (counts as 4 hours of community service). If interested, contact: [email protected] by June 1st. We will have a rain date of June 13 if needed. June 16th: Save the date! Retreat Day to Mt. Gretna; information to follow. Reminder: Youth group is for all our youth in 6th through 12th grades. We meet regularly downstairs in the lower level of the church (PLC) and the doors open at 6:30 pm for you to “hang-out” with friends and socialize before we begin our meetings at 7 pm. We end at 8:30 pm. A total of $6,612 in cash prizes have been awarded this year!! 10 Regular Games ($5) 2 Special Games ($5 each) Last Special Game ($5) Winner receives $30 Winner receives $75 Winner receives 70% Dinner includes a variety of roast beef, fries, mac & cheese, salad, desserts & refreshments for $6. BYOB Proceeds from this bingo will be donated to the Little Sisters of the Poor. For information, please contact John Brennan 610-869-4100 or [email protected] Page 10 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Follow us on Facebook ABVM Parish Community, West Grove, PA You’re invited to TROOP 18’s OPEN HOUSE A Fun Filled Afternoon to Find Out Everything You Wanted to Know About Scouting! Love the outdoors? Camping? Helping your community? Come find out if Scouting is right for you!! Learn about opportunities to travel overseas, take part in Scouting high adventure trips, back packing, plan and implement the Troop’s activities, most importantly, learn to be a leader and a good citizen! When: Sunday, May 31, 2015, 1 pm – 3 pm Where: ABVM Church, West Grove Who: Boys 5th thru 12th grades (ages 11-18) Parish Receives Disbursement of $1,670 from Heritage of Faith The Archdiocese has transferred an additional $1,670 to our Parish’s Heritage of Faith – Vision of Hope Trust Fund Account. Our Parish currently has received almost $300,000 based on your pledge payments. To date the Parish Finance Council has allocated monies from the Trust Fund as follows: Parish Debt Reduction ---Church mortgage --------School Expansion ------Parish Life Center -----(Lower Level) $80,000 $45,000 $50,000 $110,000 We are pleased that 233 of our parishioners have totally fulfilled their pledges. Another 28 parishioners are on track to fully meet their pledge payments. The Campaign will end in 2015. These funds are an important part of the Parish budgeting process. Your generosity has enabled us to reduce our debt while supporting the expansion of our Parish School and the completion of the Parish Life Center. We are grateful to all who have pledged, worked and prayed to make the Campaign a success. Registration Form for New Parish Families Adult Congress: Registration for the Adult Congress is available online. You can view the Keynote and Breakout Session descriptions and speaker biographies on our website! Youth Congress: Register your child or children for the Youth Congress! WMOF Congress attendees ages 6 through 17 can participate in an assortment of different activities, crafts & lessons offered for various age groups. Each of these activities has a "catechesis connection," as they all provide a connection or lesson involving some of the themes of the official WMOF Catechesis. All of the activities included in the Youth Congress, as well as the required forms and information, can be found on our website. WMOF website: Please fill out the information indicated below for our Parish records. Please return the form through the mail or in the collection basket. You will receive a formal Census Form in the mail. Family Name _______________________ Head of Family _____________________ Spouse ___________________________ Street ____________________________ City _____________________________ Phone_____________________________ Email: ____________________________ Page 11 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2015 MONDAY, MAY 25, 2015 Memorial Day 8:00 am Mass The Weaver Family 9:00 am Mass—(Note: Time Change) Residents of Twin Pines, requested by Theresa Barratt Reader 1/Reader 2: Terry O’Neill, Kathleen Hamill Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jeff, Bernadette Muto (A), Teresa Leszczynski (B), Suzanne Loeffler (C), Joan Shannon (LH), Ann Barr, Terry Garvey Altar Servers: Blaise Hylak, Adam Mladenetz, Keegan & Ethan Walpole Music: Rich O’Neill, Peggy Masterton Sacristan: Ray Bunjo TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2015 No Mass Scheduled WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 2015 10:00 am Mass Betty Shannon, requested by Brian Bruecks Family 6:30 am Communion Service THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2015 6:30 am Communion Service FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2015 8:15 am Mass Maria Williams, requested by ABVM School Family SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2015 Reader 1/Reader 2: Mary Ann Schill, Joseph McHoul Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Tom, Charlotte McHoul (D), Cheryl Harding (E), Maureen Petrarca (TP), Ruder Schill (JPP), Jim Kirwin (JPR), Stephanie Tobin (PENN), Richard Petrarca Altar Servers: Benjamin Farrell, Lauren Gempp, Alannah Hughes, Emily Thompson Music: Adult Choir Sacristan: Steve Gempp 4:30 pm Vigil Mass Betty Shannon, requested by Pippi Boxler 12:00 pm Mass Arthur Family and Belfiore Family, requested by Roger and Leslie Arthur Reader 1/Reader 2: Bill Yingling, Nicole Snyder Eucharistic Ministers: Iris Ayala, Kathy Gebhart, Lisa Goldstein, Kristine McNicholas, Ed O’Donnell, Dennis Shannon, Lori Yingling Altar Servers: Elise Miller, Sarah O’Brien, Gabriel Snyder, Daniel Welch Music: Anne Liebeskind, Phil Pierangeli Sacristan: Lore Phoebe Reader 1/Reader 2: Helen & Julia Leinhauser Eucharistic Ministers: Donna Brumbaugh, Sandra Gosline, Lori Holmes, Virginia Kujala, Nancy Paproth, John Brennan Altar Servers: Brighid Brennan, Sarah Leinhauser, Benjamin & Shaun Thornton Music: Folk Group Sacristan: Fred Buoni Memorial Day Prayer Holy Spirit, my heart turns to you as I embrace the somber significance of this day. Bring healing to those who suffer the horrible consequences of war. Mend the rifts that pit nation against nation. Give us the grace to find alternatives to vengeance and violence, and the courage to advocate for peaceful solutions to our conflicts. Center our hope in you so that, like the prophet Isaiah, we too, envision a world, without war. With all hope in your power and presence, I pray. Amen. Page 12 - 229 Assumption B.V.M.
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