The Beacon Monthly Newsletter

“Attract, Serve, Illuminate”
April 2015
930 Ormsby Lane  Louisville, Kentucky 40242
Phone: (502) 425-7775
Church Email: [email protected]
April 2015
Assumption Calendar of Events
No Bible Study
No Bible Study
Saturday of Lazarus
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Youth Confessions,
Palm Folding, Church
Clean-up & Decorating
Greek School
Palm Sunday
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Family Worship
Fish Luncheon Sponsored by Philoptochos
Bridegroom Service
Agape Vespers
Bridegroom Service
No Orthodoxy 101
Vesperal Divine Liturgy
Passion Service of the 12
Holy Gospels
9:00am Epitaphios Prep
(Unnailing) 3:00pm
Lamentations Service
(Epitaphios) 7:00pm
Resurrection Orthros/
Divine Liturgy 11:00pm
No Bible Study
No Bible Study
Vesperal Divine Liturgy
Greek School
Sunday of St. Thomas
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Sunday School
Coffee Hour
Spring Parish General Assembly
Orthros of Last Supper
Followed by a Pascha Celebration with Lamb Roast
Sponsored by the AHEPA and Daughters of
Great Vespers
Greek School
Orthodoxy 101
Sunday of the Holy Myrrh Bearers
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Sunday School
Coffee Hour
GOYA Meeting
Holy Unction
Bridegroom Service
Bible Study
Bible Study
Feast of St. George
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Metropolis of Detroit
Central District SJC
Oratorical Finals
No Bible Study
Great Vespers
Greek School
Orthodoxy 101
Bible Study
Holy Confession is
done by appointment
and may be scheduled
by calling Fr. Jon at
the Church Office:
(502) 425-7775
Fasting Symbols
Strict Fast
Wine and Oil
Fish Allowed
Fast Free
Pastoral Message
Dear Parishioners of our Beloved Assumption,
In anticipation of the Great and Holy Feast of Pascha, I greet you in our
Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
In just a few short weeks, we will be chanting, no, proclaiming: “Christ is
Risen!” For some, the long battle of fasting during Great Lent becomes
the joy of feasting.
For some, the period of preparation through
confession and askesis (spiritual work) is completed in the receiving of
Holy Communion. For most, the joy of His Resurrection is expressed
within each of us as love towards others, including our brothers and
sisters in Christ, our friends and our family members. This love is His
love that is so abundant that it flows through each of us!
Christ entered Hades so that we wouldn’t have to—thus
with His death He defeated death!!!
Christ gives us “eschatological peace” through His Glorious
3rd day Resurrection!!!
- Let this reality ring within your heart!
- Let Christ’s love overwhelm you!
- Let His Resurrection be for you a source of eternal peace!
Believe it! Really Believe it! And Proclaim it!!!
Praying for His Grace as we complete Great and
Holy Lent and enter Holy Week, I remain,
In His Service,
Rev. Father Jon Boukis
“Attract, Serve, Illuminate”
Parish Council Corner
The Best Baklava Recipe Ever
Sorry for the deceptive title, but if I told you that this was about
stewardship you would have stopped reading. Nobody likes
stewardship. That’s as close to a four letter word as we get in church. It is,
though, vital to our continued growth and existence as a church and a
We just finished a parish council meeting where we discussed projects as
utilitarian as hiring a new office manager to as inspiring as advancing our
children ministries. Both are investments in our future and, like all
investments, they both cost money. I wish it wasn’t as cut and dry as this,
but it is.
Too often we look at our church as something that is there for us in our
times of need. Whether it is a spiritual need or a cultural tie to our
heritage, the church is there for us. Have you considered, though, that
WE ARE THE CHURCH? Each of us is a member of the Assumption
family and, just like at home, we all have to share in the responsibilities
and obligations of the family.
We are on the cusp of great things at our church and our family is
growing, but right now less than 50% of us have filled out a stewardship
card. It’s imperative for all of us to be involved in stewardship and, even
more important, for us to honor that commitment. Our church can neither
grow nor meet its current obligations without all of us giving of our time,
treasure and talent. Each individual must decide how our church is
important to us and to support it
2015 Parish Council
accordingly. Please stand up and be
Joanna Caneris - President
counted. Join the rest of the
John Harris - Vice President
Assumption family and support the
Ryan Leathers - Secretary
stewardship initiative. If it helps I’ll
Cosmin Schenk - Treasurer
Michael Balakos - Assistant Treasurer
give you my mother’s baklava
Emily Digenis - Assistant Treasurer
recipe. It really is very good.
- John S. Harris
Milton Galanos
Ramsey Nassar
Jim Simatacolos
Sunday School
All children with attendance of 80% or better
have “hit the mark” and will be listed monthly in
with 3 absences or less for the entire year will be
recognized to acknowledge their dedication to Religious Education.
Congratulations to:
Luke Digenis
Ally Harris
Andrew Harris
Matthew Harris
Stephen Harris
Vasilia Boukis
George Digenis
Mariam Dodd
Ulla Dodd
GOYA: Please watch your emails
for upcoming service and
fellowship events!
HOPE/JOY: Tenetatively, there
will be a cookout at a local park on
Saturday, April 18th, to give the
children time for fun and
fellowship for the parents.
David Schenk
Leah Schenk
Andrew Taylor
Steffi Taylor
Greek Market
The Bookstore will
now make available to
you Greek Food Items!
Some of the items
are: Misko Brand
Pastitsio Macaroni,
Orzo, Mountain Tea,
Eleon Kalamata EVOO,
and Mavrodaphne!
Ecumenical Fellowship
Next Event: “The Traditions of Easter”
Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 6:30 p.m., at the Assumption
More information coming soon...
Bible Study
Bible Study is an opportunity for us to
apply the Scriptures to our everyday
lives. The Bible is the “Good News” that
enriches our faith and deepens our
understanding of every issue that we
face. This can only be done through
obtaining the mind of the Holy Fathers.
Let the scripture come alive in your life
The Orthodox Bible Study will meet on Wednesday Evenings
from 6:30pm-7:45pm and on Thursday Mornings from
10:00am-11:15am to study the Book of Acts of the Apostles.
Make a commitment to learning His Word!
Orthodoxy 101
I have so
many questions
about the faith!
Is this going on in your head?
It sounds like Orthodoxy 101 is for you!!!
Saturday of Lazarus
Saturday of Lazarus Preparations for Palm
Sunday, Great and Holy Week and Pascha
April 4, 2015
12 Noon
Divine Liturgy
Breakfast/Palm Cross Folding
Altar Boy Meeting
Discussion with Myrrh Bearers about Holy Friday
12:20pm Confessions (continuous through grounds clean-up)
12:30pm Cleaning Church Grounds
Philoptochos preparing baked goods
Church Decoration (following confessions)
All members and friends of the parish are invited!!!
Holy Friday Luminaries
You may order luminaries for the
Epitaphios Service by returning this form
or by picking up an order form at the
Candle Stand on Palm Sunday, April 5th.
The deadline is Palm Sunday, April 5th.
Candlelit bags honoring our deceased loved ones will signify their
presence as we process with the Body of Christ. On each bag will
be listed the name(s) of your loved ones who have fallen asleep
and from whom the luminary is offered.
The names that are offered will be commemorated silently before
the Epitaphion during the Friday evening service.
The cost is $5 per name (thus $10 for a couple).
I would like to donate the following luminary bags:
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
Total number of names _____ at $5 each = $_______
Donated by: __________________________________
Pascha Celebration
Dilboy/Maniatis AHEPA Chapter 129
Easter Sunday Picnic
April 12th / 2 P.M. / Right Here
$10/Adults $6/Kids under 10
(Kids under 3 free)
Price includes your choice of a lamb or
ham dinner, drinks and dessert included.
Easter Lily Donations
Donations ($10/Lily) will be
offered in the following formats:
“For the health of _____”
“In Honor of _____”
“In Memory of _____”
Contact Information
Priest’s Email:
Parish Council President’s Email:
Office Administrator's Email:
Church Website:
Church Phone:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
(502) 425-7775
Office Hour: 9:00am-1:00pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
Thanks to everyone who
donated to St. Baldrick’s
Foundation. Philoptochos
matched the donations and
donated $675 in Andrew
Taylor’s name.
Thanks to the community for continuing to donate
individual food items for our Chenoweth Backpack
program. Please continue until the end of the school
year. The bin is located in the back of the church.
Philoptochos members are asked to donate a
dozen red eggs for the Paschal service. Dye
packets are available in the hall on the book case.
Please pay $1.50 per packet. (Proceeds are going
back to the church.) Packets state that they will
color 6 eggs. Father has asked that we not use
RIT dye as it is poisonous! Thank you!
On May 17th after Divine Liturgy, we will hold
our election meeting. All members are asked to
come and vote for the 7 member Board of
After this board is affirmed, the members will
meet to decide on officers for the next two
years. Please let Alice know if you are willing to serve on the board.
While the results are being tallied we
will discuss our summer outing to
Smith-Berry Winery. Make plans to
Thanks to the ladies who made 100 dozen baklava and 45 dozen
kourambiethes. (Dana, Alice, Nancy, Kristen, Katherine, Angela, Pres.
Doreece, Madelon and Lori)
A special thanks to Evanthia who organized it all and Melina who
transported it all back to church and grounded the nuts ahead of time
for us. A special shout out to Alena and Lia who are not even
Philoptochos members, but they were there helping. One last special
thanks to Nan Parish and Peggy Grimes, friends of Alice who come
and bake whenever they can with us!
Thanks too, to everyone who
ordered pastries from Philoptochos.
The bake sale is our predominant
fundraiser that allows us to fund so
many great charities.
Palm Sunday Luncheon
Don’t miss the Palm Sunday Luncheon following
the Divine Liturgy on April 5th
There will be fish, green beans and rice, bread, salad and drinks.
$10/Adults $5/Kids under 12
(Kids 2 and under are free)
Sponsored by the Philoptochos
St. Mark the Evangelist
Mark the Apostle and Evangelist
Commemorated April 25
Mark was an idolater from Cyrene of
Pentapolis, which is near Libya. Having come
to the Faith of Christ through the Apostle
Peter, he followed him to Rome. While there,
at the prompting of Peter himself and at the
request of the Christians living there, he wrote
his Gospel in Greek, and it is second in order
after Matthew's. Afterwards, travelling to
Egypt, he preached the Gospel there and was the first to establish the
Church in Alexandria. The idolaters, unable to bear his preaching, seized
him, bound him with ropes, and dragged him through the streets until
he, cut to pieces on rocks, gave up his soul. It is said that he completed
his life in martyrdom about the year 68. He is depicted in holy icons with
a lion next to him, one of the living creatures mentioned by Ezekiel (1:10),
and a symbol of Christ's royal office, as Saint Irenaeus of Lyons writes. If
April 25 falls on or before Great and Holy Pascha, the Feast of St. Mark is
translated to Bright Tuesday.
O Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark, intercede to our merciful God, that
He may grant our souls forgiveness of sins.
When thou hadst received the Spirit's grace from Heaven's heights, thou
rentest apart the webs of the philosophers; and on catching all of the
nations in thy net, O all-lauded Mark, thou didst offer them to thy Lord,
by preaching the Gospel of divine renown.
St. James the Son of Zebedee
James the Apostle & Brother of
St. John the Theologian
April 30
James was one of the Twelve, like his brother
John (Sept. 26), whom the Lord called "Sons of
preachers and because of their profound
theology. It was the Saint's boldness in
preaching the Gospel that Herod Agrippa, the
son of Aristobulus and grandson of Herod the
Great, could not endure, and so he took him into custody during the days
of the Passover, and slew him with the sword (Acts 12: 1-2); and thus he
drank the cup of which the Saviour had spoken to him prophetically
(Matt. 20:23). As for Herod, the following year he went down to Caesarea,
and, as the Acts of the Apostles records: "Upon a set day, Herod, arrayed
in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration" to the elders
of Tyre and Sidon; and the flatterers that surrounded him "gave a shout,
saying, 'it is the voice of a god, and not of a man.' And immediately an
Angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory; and like
his grandfather "he was eaten of worms and gave up the spirit" (Acts
O Holy Apostle James, intercede with the merciful God that He grant
unto our souls forgiveness of offences.
The voice of thy God thou heardest when it called to thee, O glorious
James; hence, casting off thy father's love, thou together with John thy
brother didst run straightway to Christ the Lord, and with him was
granted to see the Lord's most divine Transfiguration.
Community Announcements
Susan Christoff was raised in the Greek Orthodox
Cathedral of SS. Constantine & Helen in
Merrillville, IN, and is a teacher at the Kentucky
Country Day School. Susan and her family have
lived in Louisville for about 14 years and have
attended St. Michael’s. Recently, Susan’s children,
Eleni (11) and Aiden (10), have become close with
a few children of our parish and have decided to
come and worship with us. The kid’s friendship has led them to our Blessed
Assumption!!! We are truly blessed to have you!!!
We warmly welcome the Dennis and
Chrisoula Peppas and Family to our
Assumption Family. Dennis and his
son, Sotiri (Terry 22) have already
relocated from San Antonio, Texas, and
in June will be joined by Chrisoula,
their son, Dimitri (18) and daughter, Maria (17). Dennis is currently serving
as the Chief of Pediatric Urology for Kosair Hospital. Prior to living in San
Antonio for 10 years, the Peppas Family was 25 years in Washington D.C.
Welcome! We look forward to meeting the entire family very soon!!!
Daniel and Cristina Tone are formally members
of St. Michael’s Orthodox Church. They have
recently moved into a new home that is pretty
close to the Assumption. Daniel and Cristina are
both faculty in the Mathematics Department of
U of L and they come to us with their daughter,
Alessia, who just turned 1 year old a few weeks
ago. It is truly exciting to have another “baby”
in our community. We pray that you are as
excited to be here as we are to have you!!!
Do you have news that would be edifying in a Community Announcement, if
so, call the Church office or email [email protected].
Stewardship Pledges 2015
“From God every family in heaven & earth is named.”
St. John Chrysostom
Sam and Thelma Adams
Jason and Elyse Allemang
Larry and Nancy Anas
Chris and Connie Anggelis *
Alena Balakos *
Mike and Lori Balakos *
Areti and Jack Masero-Baldwin
Janice Bellville *
Mary Bennett
Charles and Patricia Blackford
Julia Burden
Tom and Joanna Caneris *
Joanne Caridis
Susan Christoff and Louie Falconburg *
Gus and Alice Collis *
Ricky and Anne Collis
Stanley and Maria Collis *
Stephanie Cox and John Hile *
Dan and Sarah Cupkovic *
Emily Digenis and Hunter Sattich
George and Helen Digenis
David and Jeanne Doukas *
Ron and Melanie Fadel
Peter and Angelica Fotos
Milton and Kelly Galanos *
Johanna Geftos
Marcus and Nancy Geromes
Thomas Gianacakes *
Dimitrios and Margie Gregoriades
John and Julie Harris
Michael and Deborah Harris *
Helen Hellen
Elizabeth Johnson
John Johnson
John and Jean Kallis *
Steve and Carol Kapsalis
Alexis Karageorge and Rick Buono
Rhonda Karageorge *
Tom Karageorge *
Chris and Karla Katakis *
Elias and Marianthe Kikareas
Chris and Anita Kounnas
Nick Kounnas
Stephanos and Kristen Kyriacou
Phillip and Cheryl Leathers *
Ryan and Laura Leathers *
Mary Makris
Mark and Pamela Mann
Penny Masterson *
Joanna Mikos
Ramsey and Souha Nassar
Jennifer Paulk *
Georgia Panaretos *
Nicholas and Ashley Panaretos
Larry and Becky Racevice
Demetra Raptis *
Cosmin and Dana Schenk *
Constantine and Julia Scordalakes *
James and Marsha Serdenis
Mary Sharish
Chuck Schuff *
Jim and Christine Simatacolos *
Tom Smith
George Soteriou
Robert Taylor and Linda Shapiro *
Daniel and Cristina Tone *
Evanthia Speliotis and Peter Vedder *
Chris and Lisa Stavens
Richard and Suzanne Travis *
Themis and Frances Tsaoussis
Lou and Jan Tsioropoulos *
Penny VonAllmen
Madelon Zady
William Zhunga
* denotes increase in stewardship pledge
As of March 30th, the Parish has received 74 pledge cards for 4%!!!
An Orthodox Christian Steward eligible for voting in General Assemblies
must be a Baptized or Chrismated Orthodox Christian and have a signed
pledge card on file for the current year.
Friends of the Metropolis
We are truly blessed to have His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas as our
Spiritual Father! Let us show our support for the ministries of the Metropolis
and for our Spiritual Father by supporting the Friends of the Metropolis
Program this month - not waiting until December. Let us be an example to
our sister Parishes by having the greatest number of supporters in the next
Shepard’s Staff (Metropolis’ Newsletter). God Bless Your Offerings!!!
I am pleased to support the work of Metropolitan Nicholas and the Metropolis
through the Annual Metropolis Stewardship “Friends” Program
Please send to: Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Detroit, 2560 Crooks Rd, Troy, MI 48084
Do donate to the “Friends of the Metropolis” online,
go to: and click here
Greek School
Greek School Update: Greek School will be
closed on April 8 for Spring break. We will
resume classes on April 15. Last day of
classes will be May 6; we will have a Greek
potluck that day during class and everyone
is welcome to join us for some Greek food.
Thank you!!
Spring General Assembly
An assembly of all the stewards* of the parish will occur on Sunday, April 19,
following the DIVINE LITURGY. The draft agenda will be as follows:
Call to Order / Opening Prayer
Determination of Quorum* requirement of parishioners**
Adoption of Agenda
Election of Assembly Chairperson
Election of Secretary
Amendment / Approval of Fall 2014 General Assembly Minutes
Reports (Priest’s, President’s, Treasurer’s, Auditor’s, Treasurer’s and Stewardship)
Proposal of 2015 Parish Budget
Organizational Reports: Philoptochos Society, Sunday School, Greek School, Youth
Ministries, Choir (Reports distributed as Assembly)
10. New Business
11. Adjournment / Closing Prayer
To be legally binding, a quorum must be present before any meeting of the Parish
Council or the Parish Assembly.
A majority of the Parish Council shall constitute a quorum. The minimum affirmative
vote to pass a motion in a meeting of the Parish Council shall be a majority of a quorum.
For a Parish Assembly, at least twenty-five percent (25%) of current members in good
standing shall constitute a quorum, except in matters pertaining to the purchase, sale or
encumbering of Parish Property, which require a quorum of the current members in
good standing per Part One, Article VI, Section 5 of the UPR. The minimum
affirmative vote to pass a motion in a Parish Assembly shall be two-thirds (2/3) of a
Parish membership is in accordance with the Part One, Article V of the UPR. An
eligible Orthodox Christian may become a member in good standing of this parish by:
1) Submitting a signed yearly Stewardship Pledge card reflecting a contribution that is
sacrificial in nature, and;
2) Meeting one’s financial obligation in a timely fashion, including an initial remittance
at the time of initial yearly pledging.
To maintain member in good standing status for the purposes of the two annual Parish
Assemblies, a parishioner should fulfill at least 25% of their annual Stewardship Pledge
prior to the first annual Parish Assembly and at least 75% of their pledge before the
second annual Parish Assembly.
To maintain member in good status for any Special Parish Assemblies or ecclesiastical
services (such as weddings and baptisms), a parishioner will need to have their pledge
current as of the annual quarter in which the Assembly or service takes place.
Philanthropic Opportunities
Are you already Kroger shopper?
Your current shopping could be benefitting the Assumption!
Kroger Community Rewards® makes fund-raising easy...all you have
to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card!
 Go to and register your Kroger Plus
Card (if you are already registered, click “Sign In” instead of
“Create an Account.”)
 Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code,
clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating
a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions
 You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on
the link within the body of the email.
 Click on My Account and use your email address and password to
proceed to the next step.
 Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input
your Kroger Plus card number. If you use your phone number at
the register instead of a card, call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get
your Kroger Plus card number.
 Update or confirm your information.
 Enter “Assumption” or our NPO number of 10779 and select us
from the list and click on confirm.
 If enrollment is complete, you will see Assumption’s name on the
right side of your information page.
 That’s it!!! Use your registered Kroger Plus card or phone number at
the register and our parish benefits!!!
By registering online, coupons can be electronically attached to your
Plus Card. Not only do you help the Church, but you save money.
Talk to everyone you know about registering to benefit our parish!!!
Philanthropic Opportunities
Backpack Buddies
Because Hunger Doesn’t Take the Weekend Off
Help feed 10 elementary age kids over the weekend! Make it a habit to
bring in an item each week for those children who without help may go
hungry. Offerings collected in a container in the back of the church!
Please bring foods that are:
Non-perishable  Shelf-stable  Single-serving  Nutritious
Online Calendar
Did you know that the
Parish Calendar is
available online?
Did you know that you
could sync it to your
Smart Phone?
Check it out today - click
Calendar at our website:
Take a few minutes and
check out what else is
available at our site!!!
Death as a “Gatway”
Taken from “The Prologue from Ochrid” (April 30th)
A devout elder lay on his death bed. His friends gathered
around him and mourned him. With that, the elder laughed
three times. The monks asked him: "What are you laughing at?"
The elder replied: "I laughed the first time, because all of you are
afraid of death; the second time, for none of you are prepared for
death; the third time, because I am going from labor to rest."
Behold, how a righteous man dies! He is not afraid of death. He
is prepared for death. He sees, that through death, he passes
from the difficult life to eternal rest. When the nature of man
imagines itself in its original state in Paradise then, death is
unnatural, the same way that sin is unnatural. Death emanated
from sin. Repented and cleansed from sin, man does not
consider death annihilation, but the gate to life eternal. If, at
times, the righteous prayed to God to prolong their earthly life,
that was not because of love for this life nor because of the fear of
death but solely that they would gain more time for repentance
and cleansing from sin in order that they may present
themselves before God, more sinless and more pure. Even if they
showed fear before death, that was not out of fear of death but
the fear of God's judgment. What kind of fear then must the
unrepentant sinner have before death?
The Prologue from Ochrid contains short accounts of the lives of major saints
for each day, as well as homily, something "for consideration", and points to
ponder from Old Testament readings. It is a most valuable addition to any
Orthodox library. The contents of these volumes are online at http:// or can be purchased in hardback
from any good Orthodox bookseller.
Icon of the Extreme Humility
The icon of the Extreme Humility depicts
Christ in the tomb with His head lowered and
His eyes shut as though He is merely asleep,
even though He has commended His spirit to
His Father in Heaven. The icon is entitled
“Extreme Humility” because Christ took the
form of and lived as one of the creatures that
was formed by His hands. He was placed on
death row and was executed by His own
creation. Although we know that this was all
done for our salvation, His “Extreme Humility”
truly shows the extent of His love for us.
Sponsors of THE BEACON
Masterson’s Catering
1231 Lexington Rd.
Louisville, KY
Captain’s Quarters
5700 Captains Quarters Rd
Prospect, KY
(502) 228-1651
1.25” x 1.5” Blocks
4 Blocks $250
Your ad could be here!
2 Blocks $150
1 Block $100
Ecclesiastical Year
Sept. 1 to Aug. 31
Please contact the
Church Office if
you are interested
in placing an ad
and supporting
The Beacon